Socially Speaking – May 2021
Socially Speaking for June 2021
The Weekender ran well, with 30 Adults and 1 child attending. Huge thanks to Lisa and Dean for running Friday for us, as we had to attend a funeral. I believe the day went well, and the visits to the Sea Squadron, Pt Pirie RSL and PADARC went well. Saturday, we went to Jamestown and visited Jack Flower and his amazing engines, which he made – wow to have the ability to do this, was a place to remember! Sunday, we had billy tea and damper for morning tea, and then onto the Olive Bus for Lunch. Thanks everyone for a great weekend.
June is a Visit to Virginia Nursery for Brunch, and July is going to be a mid year Christmas and Presentation of Trophies, so watch this space for details!
Bill and Margie
Tuesday June 15th General Meeting – Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Hyde Park 8.00pm
Sunday June 20th Brunch run to Virginia Nursery . . . see below
Sunday 18th Mid-Year Christmas and Presentation of Trophies from All Triumph Day info TBA
Tuesday 20th General Meeting – Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Hyde Park 8.00pm
Doncho’s Café Restaurant for Brunch at
Virginia Nursery on June 20th 2021
Meet 8.20am at Burnside council car park.
For a 8.30am start
We will have a zig zag run to the Café for Brunch arriving approximately 9.30am.
If you would like to meet at the café please
let Peg know phone: 040 90 90 369
May 25th, 2021 at 9:44 pm
For me, it felt that the Olive Bus lunch was a little rushed on the weekender, but I was the only one to experience this! Great weekend, and thanks to the country kindness, and a new relay, our Stag made it to lunch before the kitchen closed and home again smoothly. Well done again Bill & Margie and on behalf of many, we warmly invite you to plan a 2022 event!