Social Report October 2008

The Qld Nationals was a great week of activities and camaraderie and I hope all who participated enjoyed themselves.

The Bay to Birdwood Breakfast saw 38 people enjoy a hearty cooked breakfast whilst watching the passing parade of motor vehicles.

The mid week run on 1st October saw 13 people partake of a blustery run through the Adelaide Hills to the German Township of Hahndorf, where we had lunch at the German Arms Hotel.  Some club members went directly to the Hotel for lunch.

Next ladies lunch at Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham is on Tuesday 11th November at 12.00noon.  This will be the final one for the year.

The Tony Esau Memorial Trophy observation run is on 16th November, bring clipboard, pen, chairs, table and drinks.  The club will put on a BBQ at the destination.

The Christmas Dinner is fast approaching and final payment is required no later than the November meeting please.  The venue is the Royal Adelaide Golf Club  which has plenty of off street parking.

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