Not a lot has happened this month in terms of Club activities. I have overseen the cancellation of another Club meeting (bugger!) and sadly our annual Observation Run. Despite all this I hope you have been able to jump in your Triumph and forget your Covid worries for a time.
We have had 2 zoom meetings. One with the Club Committee to discuss next year’s program, the format of Club meetings and our Day of Triumph display and the other our regular Nationals Committee meeting. Both meetings went well. I am hoping that we can hold our Day of Triumph earlier next year, either in late March or early April. Ian Rigby is working towards achieving that.
As I mentioned in my last report, All British Day (ABD), as we know it, has been cancelled. Following a suggestion made at our last meeting I wrote to the Chair of the Committee expressing TSOA’s appreciation of the effort they had gone to prior to deciding to cancel. I have heard that there are further developments to be announced soon concerning the 2021 ABD. This is unconfirmed at this stage but. keep your ears close to the ground. Maybe we should have a Club Run, “In place of the ABD”, on the proposed day, 14 February 2021 (Valentine’s Day).
On 9 November Duane Kaak, Roger Lange and I attended MSCA SA’s AGM at the MG Car Club Clubrooms. Despite Covid they have been able to successfully run their 5/6 scheduled race days for the year and achieve a small surplus. I was impressed by their strong volunteering spirit. Roger Lange, who was re-elected Treasurer for the 19th year in a row, exemplifies this. Well done Roger!
On a sad note Graham Jones, husband of Gwyn and proud owner of a magnificent yellow GT6, passed away recently. Our thoughts go out to Gwyn and her family. Graham joined the Club in 1970, never lost his love of Wales, was truly knowledgeable about Triumphs and had a quietly engaging personality. He will be sorely missed. I remember how meticulously he always presented his car and the photos below, taken at Milang in 2013, clearly show this.
And well done to Neil Martin, Duane Kaak and Bryan Young, the Legends of the Lake. All did PB’s and sounds like they had a ball!!
Details of the remaining social calendar for the year are included elsewhere in FastTRak. Let’s hope we can do some extra catching up over Christmas and the New Year to make up for all the opportunities we missed in 2020.
In the meantime, I wish all members a safe and enjoyable Christmas and especially those who might be travelling interstate or being visited from interstate to see their families once again.
See you again soon.
Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)
December 16th, 2020 at 9:29 pm
i loved Graham for his enthusiasm and friendship and for the love he had for not only Gwyn but the GT6 that he had owned for so many years. The TSOA community will miss him . . .