President’s Report – March 2019
President Report March 2019
Happy March everyone.
I mentioned at this month’s meeting that we are currently working on several things for the year and the major one being in search of different venues for the end of year dinner and all of the committee are hopeful that we can encourage many of you to attend. More to come, along with initial pricing so you can plan it in.
With the club in a good financial position Alex laid out the budget for next year and we have reduced the membership down to $65 but you can save a further $5 and only pay $60 if you pay by the 30th June. Social membership stays the same at $25
The AGM this year will see all positions open once again and volunteers are sought. Fresh ideas and people are always welcome and supported, so think of something you would like to give a go and put your name forward. I’m sure that committee members currently running would be more than willing to discuss in the background before you nominate. Names can be given prior to or on the night.
With this in mind, Kevin Foster has advised that he will no longer continue in his position as Administrator of the Club Registration Scheme.
I would like to express on mine and the clubs behalf, our thanks to him for his dedication over the years. He has helped a lot of us with the historical component of owning a vintage vehicle. Kevin has indicated that he will still support us in the background and it would be good if someone Northern would like to take up the position. At the moment, we currently have the other areas covered with Kevin, Colin White and Stuart Ghent. The new electronic membership registration along with the revised code has seen the pressure off in this area too.
Kevin has given a detailed list of what the new Administrator is to manage and forms part of this month’s Trak.
Socially speaking:
We had a good turn out to this month’s run to Ashbourne for St Patrick’s Day with lots of green and lots of Triumphs with several new members joining us. The weather turned out to be great for those that went topless and Geoff Ellis and wife did a great run sheet for us. I hinted at a prize on my last report but it was all level on the day until John Tuohy waltzed in dressed in a brightly coloured jacket and hat. Hope to see it at the next club meeting for those that missed it:
Sunday April 14th is a club run, BYO picnic to McLaren Vale see the advert on the web calendar. (Meet at the McLaren Vale visitor centre at 10am)
Sunday 28th is an invite to display the Triumphs in North Adelaide for the North Adelaide Car Display. It will be a great way to show the Triumph Marque. The proceeds will go to “Little Hero’s Charity” Via a $10 entry fee.
The upcoming May 25th & 26th Weekender looks to be a great way to spend a weekend. See the advert for more details or contact Bill and Margie Berlemon.
Duane has sent details for the Track day at the Bend on June 16th and we are planning this as the June run. See the Advert for this with more details to come. Let’s support our Triumph racers at the Track. We also need to support the event by providing Flaggies.
I’m always in contact with others who are either on the lookout for a specific Triumph or wanting to sell one or parts. I recently had a look over a nice red TR6 that will soon come on the market so if you’re looking to buy a very nice TR6 fuel injected give me a call and I’ll put you onto the owner. It’s not ready yet but no harm in looking it over.
Best regards,
Ian Rigby, President