President’s Report Jan / Feb 2016
Happy New Year for 2016.
We are looking forward to another exciting year of events, particularly with the Nationals being held here in
SA in October (refer to advert in this edition). The event program is shaping up well, thanks to the
dedicated committee who have already put in many hours arranging the event and will continue to do so in
the coming months. There have been many trips to the Clare region arranging activities and run routes. If
you would like more details on the Nationals, information and registration forms are on the TSOASA
The Christmas Dinner was again a great evening with those attending enjoying a delicious meal and great
company. Congratulations to all those who received trophies this year. Well done to Ian Rigby for receiving
the Clubman’s Award.
Thanks to Robin George for displaying his car on stage and telling us the interesting story behind it during
the January meeting.
The committee is currently finalising updates to the TSOA constitution to bring it in line with current legal
requirements and club practices. We anticipate it will be available for member feedback in the next couple
of months prior to voting on it.
All the best for 2016.
Mike Temby