Minutes of General Meeting 16/10/18


 Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     


    • Apologies: Neil Martin, Dean & Marg Bogisch, David Stephens, Roger Lange, Fay Esau, Peter & Julie Davidge, Andy Hill.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Mark Newman (Spitfire MK1)
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed accepted without alteration by John Wood, seconded by Peggy Argent.

 2.Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

2.1 Last month was busier than usual with phone calls and contact, mostly due to upcoming Day Of Triumph.

2.2 Website has some new content, a blog of owning and restoring a Saloon by member Russell Ayers, along with Roger Lange’s Dolomite restoration progress.

2.3 No new volunteer as yet for Trak Magazine editor.

2.4 Only a low number of people have RSVP for Christmas Dinner, please register tonight even if need to pay later.

  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

3.1 Invitation received to join Sprite Club for an evening cruise on Saturday October 20th.

3.2 Richmond’s Car Sales have also invited our club for a tour of their facilities and cars on show after hours. Duane to arrange due to good level of interest.

3.3 Stag Owners Club has been invited to display their cars at Day of Triumph to help us reach a goal of 100 Triumphs.

3.4 Some other club magazines received and available to take home and borrow.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

4.1 Just over $50,900 in bank.

4.2 Income received for advertising and Christmas Dinner payments.

4.3 Main expenses out were Meeting Costs, Administration costs and Observation Run costs.

  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent

5.1 Reminder of Christmas Dinner on December 1st.

5.2 Congratulations expressed to Alex Smithson as the winner of the Observation Run.

5.3 Day of Triumph this Saturday, arrive from 8:30am.

5.4 TSOA National Meeting is on 5 – 11 November.

5.5 Sunday 18th November is an early morning run leaving 939 Marion Road (Officeworks Carpark) and ending for Brunch and or Coffee near Blackwood.

5.6 Volunteers needed for runs next year. 

  1. Competition Report – Duane Kaak

6.1 This coming weekend Neil Martin & Andy Ansell will be competing in a Hillclimb at Mt Tarrengower, near Bendigo in Victoria.

6.2 October 28th is the final MSCA Supersprint of the year, Duane will be competing. Spectators welcome.

6.3 Neil and Andy will also be competing at Legends of the Lake in Mt Gambier in November.

  1. Library ReportGreg Page

7.1 Nothing new added – open for business 

  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 Sue will have Regalia for Sale at the Day of Triumph this weekend, buy tonight to avoid disappointment.

8.2 Some new items have been ordered and due to be at next month’s meeting for sale.

8.3 Beanies sold quickly and there are only 3 remaining.

  1. Magazine Editor’s Report Vacant

9.1 Ian advised that the Club will continue to distribute communication via email, through the previous editors. Any suggestions on what you want to receive via email are welcome to be passed to Ian.

  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

No Report

  Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

11.1 Overall fairly quiet a few new cars have been added, but also a few have been sold.

 General Business

12.1 Geoff Ellis advised All British Day (ABD) entries are now open, all previous entrants should have received an invite – contact ABD if you didn’t receive yours. Entries close early to mid November, or if capacity is reached earlier. Oval 2 has had new irrigation installed and will be just as green as oval 1 this year. Theme is British Racing Heritage and some Triumph Competition cars will be on display in the spirit of the theme.

12.2 Day of Triumph – any TSOA members who are also a part of the TR Register Nationals are still eligible to enter their cars into the TSOA Concours and Pride of Ownership competition. 65 TR Register cars will be on display and our aim is for 100 Triumphs in total. Any member with a Drone was sought to take an aerial shot.

 Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 TSOA Member Russell Ayers whose blog is on our Website, is seeking a red front seat for a saloon.

  1. Raffle – Waterless Car Wash kit won by Bill Berlemon

 Cars on Stage – Nil

  1. Supper – Thanks to Sue Gibson & Peggy Argent

17    Meeting Closed: 8:50pm                       

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