Minutes for General Meeting 17/9/19
Meeting Opened at 8:00
- Welcome:
- Apologies: Andy Hill, Brian Argent, John Wood, Colin White, Greg Page, Kate Tuohy & Shane Dix.
- Guests/Visitors/New Members: Nathan – MK3 Spitfire
- Previous Minutes: Proposed be accepted as accurate by Dean Berlemon, seconded by Bob Cini.
- Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
2.1 The Executive Committee is largely unchanged from last year except for Dean Berlemon stepping in.
2.2 A Nationals 2021 Committee has been formed and will get ready to present in 2020. SA Location being discussed.
2.3 Historic Registration processes are being mastered, spreadsheets updated and some new cars such as the Stag on display tonight have recently been added.
3.0 Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
3.1 Correspondence sent out to FHMC updating them of this years’ office bearers. No official correspondence in as yet (mail box not checked tonight due to work commitments)
3.2 John Wood has advised he is borrowing a 2500S for the WA Nationals and has a spare seat or two if anyone wants to accompany him.
4.0 Treasurer’s Report –Alex Smithson
4.1 $52,198 funds in bank, being $677 down on last month.
4.2 Regalia income was received and some Presentation Dinner income also received.
4.3 Expenses out included AGM expenses and new key fobs for new members.
5.0 Social Report – Peggy Argent
5.1 The Annual All Triumph Rally is on this Sunday (Observation Run). 8:45am start from Crafers Hotel. Prize for best Spring themed dress.
5.2 No run scheduled in October due to WA Nationals being on.
5.3 Civic Park is the venue for the Day of Triumph in November, cars need to be in place by 10am for judging.
5.4 Members encouraged to book in now for the Presentation Dinner on November 30th.
6.0 Competition Report – Neil Martin
6.1 Fairly quiet in Motorsport, Neil was only competitor at the recent Modern Regularity.
6.2 Next event is the MSCA SuperSprint on 29th Sept. Flag Marshalls needed, Ian Rigby, Duane Kaak and Dean Berlemon have volunteered.
6.3 Duane Kaak, Neil Martin and Roger Lange are entering the WA Nationals Competition events.
6.4 Andy Ansell is modifying his fuel tank, Duane has modified his rear drum brakes but still seeking a new gearbox.
7.0 Library Report – Greg Page (absent)
No report but open for business
8.0 Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
8.1 T-Shirts with TR6 or TR7 images have been popular and on display. A Stag print shirt is now also available for $30 in black or grey.
8.2 Black Short sleeved polos are on special at $34 tonight only.
8.3 Sue and the regalia won’t be at the next general meeting.
9.0 Fastrak Editor’s Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch
9.1 Please feel welcome to send in any stories.
10.0 Website Report – Roger Lange
10.1 Roger invited any questions from the floor but there were none.
11.0 Conditional Registration Report – Ian Rigby
11.1 All reports are in, only 1 logbook un-financial member notified to DPTI.
12.0 General Business
12.1 Rimmer Bros (UK) are having a 15% off Triumph parts sale. See Ian Rigby for the link to the sale price list if needed.
12.2 The committee will discuss this year the recognition of long term membership that is continuous.
12.3 The TR7 is 45 years old this year.
13.0 Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
13.1 Peter Davidge is seeking a TR8 Bonnet stay in good condition.
13.2 Bill Galler has a set of 13 inch minilite wheels with nuts (new) for sale and other Spitfire related parts.
14.0 Raffle
14.1 Won by Alex Smithson meat tray.
15.0 Cars on Stage
15.1 Roger Lange displayed his newly acquired Inca Yellow 1976 Stag – potential for improvement but a promising starting point.
15.2 Stephen Wade displayed a 1964 Jaguar and spoke of the difference in models and changes throughout the SS and Jaguar evolution. The Jaguar has original books from the UK and has been improved with parts from Stephen’s previous Jaguars. A very nice motor!
16.0 Supper.
Thanks to Fay Esau and Sue Smithson
17 Meeting Closed: 8:45pm