Girl Torque October 2016

It was fantastic to be able to visit the nationals for the show and shine event at Auburn.  Wow there are really lovely Triumph’s out there, and I trust everyone had a great week.  Congratulations to Sue Gibson who did a fantastic job of the rally guide…wow so much information…no one should have been lost or needed anything as it was all in the book!

In regards to supper at the monthly meetings – firstly it has been noted this year that not everyone pays their $2.00 entry…even if there are two of you coming you should both pay $2.00 (after all everyone eats supper, and we haven’t put the cost up since we started having supper!) so funds can get quite tight paying everyone for their expenses!

Secondly we have also noted that the sweet food is not being eaten, so we ae wondering if we need it all?  Please advise me so we can adjust the requirements for 2017….if you want to have a say let me know…we will make the decision following the November meeting!

Don’t forget to book into the Christmas Dinner – it is always a great night.

Margie Berlemon AM

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