Girl Torque

The next Ladies ‘Technical’ Lunch is on Tuesday 13th August at Burnside at 12.00noon.  Our new venue is working out well…parking can be an issue, but most people seem to find a park eventually…I think the morning programs finish at 12.00 noon so the car park seems to get a little easier then!

Should anyone still want Girl Guide Biscuits, I have some for sale…Plain, Chocolate topped or Mini biscuits are all $3.00 packet…. Just let me know and I can bring them along for you.

I will be travelling to the Riverland Field Days in September  to run the Girl Guide display (Sue Gibson has kindly offered to come with me) so should anyone want an order from Backyard Breads,, please advise and we can organise your products.

Looking at the supper Roster we have a few holes following the August Meeting.  Several members have done the Supper more than once, so if you can help out, please advise either Sue or myself…we appreciate your help…remember many hands make light work!

Special get well wishes to Megan Temby who is not travelling that well at present…hope you are on the mend soon

The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance.
Owen Feltham

Regards to all

Margie Berlemon.

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