When Richard Sellers purchased the blue TR8 from me Carolyn’s first words to me “we now only have one car”. So what was I to do! Look for an affordable Triumph to fill the empty spot in the garage of course! The quest began, unfortunately it was the beginning of the Covid pandemic and affordable Triumphs had disappeared . . . those that were available were well out of my price range.
In desperation I bought an MG Midget, a Spriget, I could join the Sprite club and catch up with Gordon, one of the three Amigos of Croydon TAFE.
Well the Midget wasn’t a Triumph and in time Carolyn said I should buy a Triumph, I’m in the Triumph Sports Owner’s Club and I should have a Triumph. I had a mission to buy a Triumph, a TR7 V8, (and a budget).
Neil a TSOA club member and a good man had a TR7 V8 for sale. A car Neil had purchased for the 4.6 V8 that he had now fitted to his TR7V8. I asked if I could have a look at the car then, with a view to purchase.
FIRST VIEWING 20th April – Hayden and I drove out to Neil’s place for a look at the car. There it was looking splendid, although there was no engine and gearbox or bonnet but no it looked pretty good. A TR7 V8 coupe yes.
Hayden assisting with the inspection.

Triumph TR7 V8 registration number RTROO8, odometer reading 37425Km

Neil delivered the TR7 V8 on 2nd May 2024, with spares, the Engine and Gearbox were to come later. I wanted to repaint the Engine Bay before installing the engine so arranged for the car without the engine fitted. OK now for the project to begin.
Plan for Monday 6May 2024
Prepare Engine bay for painting.
Pull wiring loom into cabin
Sanding Engine bay 120g disc, wire wheel, hand rub 180-240 dry rub
Mask up where necessary.
Wheels off, for a close look at the underside.

Lets get on with it. Is there a plan? The engine bay is the priority, repaint anything that is not red.
Pull the Dash out to remover the Heater and pull the engine bay wiring back into the cabin.
Remove wiper motor, Coil, Coolant overflow tank, Air horns, Brakes master, pipes and proportioning valve, bonnet and lock.

Tuesday 7 MAY 2024
Primer etch and high build. Seem seal, panel joins and over laps the primer.
Starting to strip out the interior, for access.

Stripping back the carpet.
Not surprised that the strip down was straight forward – parts labelled and grouped to assist with assembly in a few weeks or months, the project will have some interruptions and has no set date for completion.
Right hand side

Left hand side

Ready for masking.

Masked ready to paint, base coat, RED Wednesday 8 may 2024
Mask and spray Base colour coat followed by 2 coats or Clear (from spray can 2Pack)
Painted then masking removed.

Removing the windscreen base trim, revealed surface rust with some pitting of the lower windscreen surround panel. For safety and further investigation, the windscreen needs to be removed

Interior stripped out; Brake pedal box removed.

After windscreen removed, Lower windscreen surround panel, wire brushed to remove paint and rust. No serious damage, apply rust converter, etch primer, primer and topcoat.

Decision to paint Black the rust effected surrounding areas.
Look out for the second installment coming soon!
Richard Sutherland