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Calling all Triumph lovers!

Thursday, March 13th, 2025

Our Club website needs your help!

There is little to no input from our members to make the site interesting.

Surely one or some of you have something to share.

If you need help with posting an item, contact me and I will happily assist.

Otherwise, it will die a natural death . . .

Roger Lange

TSOA SA Website Manager



Quick Calendar

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Mar 16th Sunday – MSCA Super Sprint – Round 1 at Mallala

Mar 18th Tuesday – Meeting at the Sporting Car Clubrooms 51 King William Rd. Unley

April 6th Sunday – Run to Stockwell at the Stockwell Hotel 23 Duck Ponds Rd, Stockwell Meet at Crafers Hotel Car Park at 9.30 am for 10am departure

April 10th Thursday – Mid-week run to the Greenman Inn, 1351 Bull Creek Rd, Ashbourne – meet for lunch at 12.30

April 15th Tuesday – Meeting at the Sporting Car Clubrooms 51 King William Rd. Unley

May 4th Sunday – MSCA 6-Hour Regularity Relay at Mallala . . . Team helpers needed – contact Neil Martin, Duane Kaak or Roger Lange

May – “ Mystery Surprise “ Weekender

May 20th Tuesday – Meeting at the Sporting Car Clubrooms 51 King William Rd. Unley

June 15th Sunday – Run to Middleton TBA See Roger

June 17th Tuesday – Meeting at the Sporting Car Clubrooms 51 King William Rd. Unley

June 22nd Sunday – MSCA Super Sprint at Mallala

TR7 V8 Resto / Rebuild

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

Check out Richard Sutherland’s post on his new project – see below or click on Member’s Cars tab

Social Report – January 2025

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and ready to start the new year with enthusiasm for the social side of our
club. We have some exciting runs for you to participate in this year and enjoy yourselves with other members as well
as blowing the cobwebs out of your cars by taking them for a run.
By the time you read this in the magazine we have already had our annual Ice cream run. This year because Noonies
was sold, we went to Fasta Pasta. An enjoyable run with 30 people attending, going through Outer Harbour to Port
Adelaide. As well as an ice cream you could have a meal which I did, and It was very tasty. Australia Day will be
celebrated at Dino and Lisa Vettese’s place at Northgate with so far 24 members wishing to attend.
Wednesday February 5th will be our first “Mid-Week” Run for 2025. This will be at the Aldgate Pump Hotel at 1
Strathalbyn Rd., Aldgate. At 12.30 pm. See you there, ring or text Lawrie or Kaye Placing if you wish to attend.
Sunday February 23rd will be a MSCA Picnic/Presentation Day at the Virgara Winery 143 Heaslip Road, Angle Vale
from 11 am.
As Easter is on the 3rd Sunday of April we have organised a run on the Sunday 6th April instead. I will let you know
more details TBA.
It is shaping up to be a very impressive social calendar so far, and we have the 60th Anniversary this year as well.
More on that later.
Hope you can participate with the social side of the club as it is your club, and we would love to see you there.
Natalie Farrell
Social Secretary
0455 250 990

TR7 V8 Resto / Rebuild

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

When Richard Sellers purchased the blue TR8 from me Carolyn’s first words to me “we now only have one car”.  So what was I to do!  Look for an affordable Triumph to fill the empty spot in the garage of course!  The quest began, unfortunately it was the beginning of the Covid pandemic and affordable Triumphs had disappeared . . . those that were available were well out of my price range.

In desperation I bought an MG Midget, a Spriget, I could join the Sprite club and catch up with Gordon, one of the three Amigos of Croydon TAFE.

Well the Midget wasn’t a Triumph and in time Carolyn said I should buy a Triumph, I’m in the Triumph Sports Owner’s Club and I should have a Triumph.  I had a mission to buy a Triumph, a TR7 V8, (and a budget).

Neil a TSOA club member and a good man had a TR7 V8 for sale.  A car Neil had purchased for the 4.6 V8 that he had now fitted to his TR7V8.  I asked if I could have a look at the car then, with a view to purchase.

FIRST VIEWING 20th April – Hayden and I drove out to Neil’s place for a look at the car.  There it was looking splendid, although there was no engine and gearbox or bonnet but no it looked pretty good.  A TR7 V8 coupe yes.

Hayden assisting with the inspection.

Triumph TR7 V8 registration number RTROO8, odometer reading 37425Km

Neil delivered the TR7 V8 on 2nd May 2024, with spares, the Engine and Gearbox were to come later.  I wanted to repaint the Engine Bay before installing the engine so arranged for the car without the engine fitted. OK now for the project to begin.

Plan for Monday 6May 2024

Prepare Engine bay for painting.

Pull wiring loom into cabin

Sanding Engine bay 120g disc, wire wheel, hand rub 180-240 dry rub

Mask up where necessary.

Wheels off, for a close look at the underside.

Lets get on with it.  Is there a plan?  The engine bay is the priority, repaint anything that is not red.

Pull the Dash out to remover the Heater and pull the engine bay wiring back into the cabin.

Remove wiper motor, Coil, Coolant overflow tank, Air horns, Brakes master, pipes and proportioning valve, bonnet and lock.

Tuesday 7 MAY 2024

Primer etch and high build. Seem seal, panel joins and over laps the primer.

Starting to strip out the interior, for access.

Stripping back the carpet.

Not surprised that the strip down was straight forward – parts labelled and grouped to assist with assembly in a few weeks or months, the project will have some  interruptions and has no set date for completion.

Right hand side

Left hand side

Ready for masking.

Masked ready to paint, base coat, RED Wednesday 8 may 2024

Mask and spray Base colour coat followed by 2 coats or Clear (from spray can 2Pack)

Painted then masking removed.

Removing the windscreen base trim, revealed surface rust with some pitting of the lower windscreen surround panel.  For safety and further investigation, the windscreen needs to be removed

Interior stripped out; Brake pedal box removed.

After windscreen removed, Lower windscreen surround panel, wire brushed to remove paint and rust.  No serious damage, apply rust converter, etch primer, primer and topcoat.

Decision to paint Black the rust effected surrounding areas.

Look out for the second installment coming soon!

Richard Sutherland

“Apres” Run

Saturday, January 4th, 2025

The After Christmas / Before New Year  “Apres” Run on Monday 30th January was enjoyed by a diverse group of TSOA members who travelled an interesting route through the beautiful Adelaide Hills and surrounds ending up at the One Tree Hill Hotel for lunch.

It was nice to see Noel Schmidt out and about after enduring some serious health issues over recent times, and also a few members that we don’t see too often.

Our group of Triumphs was equally diverse with almost all body shapes represented – TR3A, TR4, TR6, TR7, Stag, Saloon, Herald, Spitfire . . .

The Hotel is a gem – beautifully presented with an Irish theme and excellent meals. All enjoyed our time there. Give it a visit if you are out and about.

Thanks to Bill and Margie for organising the run and lunch at the hotel – another quality TSOA event!

Social Speaking – November / December 2024

Thursday, November 28th, 2024

Here we are again another year nearly gone. We had a wonderful time at the End of Year Dinner and the Trophy
Presentations went well. The food was good the venue excellent again. I would like to thank everyone concerned for
helping and making 2024 an enjoyable time for all of us. I call this club “My Happy Club” because it is. Everyone
helps everyone else.
Now the next thing is Christmas! I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy new
year. Enjoy the break with family and friends and we will see you in 2025.
The “After Christmas Run” will be held on the Monday the 30th December. Meet at Modbury Civic Park, at 10.30 am
for a run to the One Tree Hill Hotel.
We have the Ice-cream Run again this year but not ending at Noonies but Fasta Pasta at Port Adelaide where you
can have ice-creams as well as tea and coffee or you can have a meal if you like.
26th of January 2025, Dino and Lisa Vettese are hosting a BBQ lunch at their place 20 Vickers Vimy Parade,
Northgate. They are kindly putting on this BBQ, no need to bring anything just yourselves and have a great time. You
can bring your bathers if you so desire. There is plenty of room and shelter. Please RSVP with a text to Dino on 0412
444 052.
Hope to see you all at our Triumph events. Keep these dates in your Calendar.
Natalie Farrell
Social Secretary
0455 250 990

Coolest Spitfire Ever

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

Built and maintained by an enthusiast in Sweden, this has to be the the coolest Spitty EVER!

Social Report – September 2024

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024

The midweek run to the Uraidla Hotel. Was a great success. 20 people enjoyed the meal which was rather large and
a beautiful day and drive to Uraidla. A big thank you to Kaye and Lawrie.

September 22nd was the “Day of Triumph” at the Tea Tree Gully Civic Park. It was a successful day albeit the weather
wasn’t kind to us in the morning but cleared up in the afternoon. A big thank you to Dino & Lisa Vettese for their kind
offer of $10 breakfast voucher at Café Primo, which was very acceptable on this cold morning.

Don’t forget November 3rd is the Observation Run. I know you love this event, but you will have to be in your Triumph
to win. The winner will win a trophy and the honour of setting the run and obscure questions the following year. After
the run will be a Club sponsored BBQ. Just bring your dinks and chairs to the Tea Tree Hotel by 9.30am.

The end of year Dinner and Day of Triumph trophy presentation will be on the 23rd of November. Please could you
ring me to let me know if you will be attending and if you have any dietary needs. The Royal Adelaide Golf club have
available selections for Vegetarian, Vegan along with Gluten Free and Dairy free meals but you will have to let me
know a week before the event. Payment to be paid by the RSVP 12th November. Preferably on line BSB 065 006 No.
00902024. Or at the October meeting.

I was asked for the menu to be included in my report.

3 course dinner – choice of two entrees, choice of two mains, and a set dessert
1. Grilled king prawns and jamon serrano, creamed avocado, potato rosti and petite herb salad (GF, DF)
2. Cider braised pork belly, sweetcorn puree, beetroot and radish remoulade, white wine jus (GF)
1. Grilled free-range chicken breast. Parmesan potato gratin, sauteed baby broccoli and blistered cherry
tomatoes, fresh dill and brown chicken jus (GF)
2. Grilled Coonawarra 180g beef tenderloin, chunky steak chips, wilted rocket, charred roots and pepper jus gras
(GF. DF)
Cherry and amaretto trifle, almond sponge, amaretti, vanilla mascarpone, shaved chocolate.

For people who cannot eat the trifle, there will be fruit salad available with ice-cream or cream or fruit salad alone.

More on the after Christmas Run next month.

See you there on the runs.
Natalie Farrell
Social Secretary


Thursday, September 26th, 2024

DOT Report 2024

Our Day of Triumph was held at Civic Park on Sunday 22 September 2024. While the weather wasn’t especially kind in the morning it turned into a lovely spring day.  Thanks to all those who bought your cars out for the day. We had 18 entrants and an extra  8 cars on display.

Winners on the day were remarkably similar to last year:

Overall:                                                              Trevor Hawkins (TR4A)

Second Overall:                                                  Roger Lange (TR8)

Third Overall:                                                     Lisa Vettese (Stag)

Michelotti Trophy (TR4,4A & 5):                   Trevor Hawkins

Harris Mann Trophy (TR7/8):                        Roger Lange


TR4/4A/5/250:                                                  Trevor Hawkins (TR4A)

TR7/8:                                                                  Roger Lange

Stag:                                                                      Lisa Vettese

Saloon:                                                                 Roger Lange

Spitfire/GT6                                                       Tim Wechtel (GT6)

Pride of Ownership

TR4/4A/5/250:                                                 Katherine Bradley (TR4)

TR6:                                                                     Ivan Powell

TR7/8:                                                                 Steve Ferguson

Spitfire/GT6:                                                     Nathan Parkes (Spitfire)

Stag:                                                                    Chris Marshall

Saloon:                                                                Rob Hanna


Big thanks to our judges and helpers on the day Alex Smithson, Duane Kaak, Lawrie Placing, Richard Sellers, Katherine Bradley, Garry Buckton, Nathan Parkes , Rob Hanna and Trevor Hawkins. Thanks again to Ian Rigby for his help and support (I might have progressed from my L plates to my P plates now) and Lisa and Margie for their help scoring. Thanks again to Dino and Lisa Vettese who provided a subsidised breakfast for members at Café Primo – all the reports indicated breakfast was delicious.

Dean Berlemon

2024 DOT Organiser