President’s thoughts for November 2012.
I realise that you will not get this report until after the DAY OF TRIUMPH but I would take this opportunity to thank all members who participated on the day. The weather forecast looks good and I hope that all have enjoyed the picnic atmosphere and fellowship, as well as a great display of club cars.
During the finalising of the Historic Registration scheme documents we found that there are many cars out there that we really or never see. A count of TR6 cars in the club indicated that we have approximately 60 TR6’s on our register, and we decided to send out a personal invitation via email, to all TR6 owners to come along and show off their pride and joy. Only time will tell if the invitation works and we end up with a record number or TR6 cars on display.
If this proves to be successful, we will focus on a different model (or group of models) each year and send out a personal invitation thus making a feature display each year with the intent of catching up with members and their cars, who would not normally participate.
The All British Day next year will be held on the usual second Sunday in February (10th) but the 2013 event will be held at the Echunga oval and not the Uraidla oval as has been the case in past years.
Entry forms have been posted out to members who have participated in the last three years, the club will be sent a few blank entry forms for new members, and entry forms will also be available on the ABD web site, and is available via the TSOA web site under links/member added links / All British Day.
Please note that entries will close on the 30th November and NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted, the ABD committee encourages all people interested in the event to submit their entries by the 1st of November which will make them eligible for 3 prizes (free entry refund) to be drawn on the day.
Just a friendly reminder for those members who are thinking of coming to the club’s Christmas dinner and Presentation night on Saturday December 8th , we are looking to have numbers (and monies) finalised by the November 20TH meeting, so if you are thinking about attending or have just received an award at the DAY OF TRIUMPH then get your entry in quickly.
Till we meet again
John Sampson