President’s Report – June 2016
July 22nd, 2016. Submitted by admin.Now that the federal elections are out of the way, it’s time to turn our attention to the TSOA elections coming up in August. As usual, all committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and nominations will be called for. If you are thinking about how you might be able to become more involved in the TSOA, I would like to encourage you to talk to one of the committee members and think about a position that might suit you. It’s always great to have more people involved in the running of the club.
We are now finalising the constitution based on feedback received from members, and will be publishing an update before the August AGM where we will be voting on it. Please mark the date (Tuesday August 16) in your calendar now, as we would like to see as many members attend the meeting as possible to ensure we have a quorum for the voting process.
There are now some opportunities for TSOA SA members to come along to some of the Nationals events over the weekend. This is for members who want to join in the Nationals but aren’t able to make it to the full event. If you would like to register your interest for this option, please contact either Alex Smithson or myself so that we can get an idea of numbers for accommodation.
I would like to thank Ian Rigby for stepping in and taking the Minutes at the June meeting while Dwayne was away.
Mike Temby