October 19th, 2016. Submitted by admin.ALL BRITISH DAY EVENT 2017 – REGISTRATION
I expect by now, those who have previously been involved in the All British Day event will have received communication from the President of the event, either by email or post, providing an update with regard to registration for the February, 2017 event.
Unfortunately our best attempts to make registration available electronically were thwarted by various issues. Consequently it will be necessary for each entrant to lodge their Entry Form manually.
To lodge your Entry, whether you are a repeat attendee or new attendee, download the Entry Form from the website, complete and return it to the postal address shown on the Form. There are several alternatives for payment of fees for your entry but please ensure you clearly provide the requested information, particularly if you are paying electronically.
This year there is a strict close off date for Entries as printed on the Entry Form. Please ensure you get your entry and payment in before 15th November, 2016 otherwise you could miss out!
This event like many similar events relies heavily on volunteers not only on the day of the event but also on the Saturday prior to the event to assist with setting up the grounds and immediately after the event on Sunday to assist with clearing the site. If you can help in any way for any period of time your services would be most welcome.
Should you have any questions or are unable to download the Entry Form please contact me.
Geoff Ellis
All British Day Committee Member
0408 829 195