Club Registration
Code of Practice
A 90 day conditional registration scheme
For Historic, Left Hand Drive and
Street Rod vehicles
Effective 1 July 2017
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, the State of South Australia, its agencies, instrumentalities, employees and contractors disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect to anything or the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document.
© Government of South Australia. Published 2017. All rights reserved.
Since 1992 the Registrar of Motor Vehicles has operated a conditional registration scheme (the Scheme) to support our community’s appreciation for historic and left hand drive vehicles. In 2012 we welcomed the category of street rods to the Scheme.
The Scheme provides reduced price registration fees for participating vehicle enthusiasts in exchange for limited road access for their vehicles each year. I acknowledge the important work undertaken by our motoring community in preserving, maintaining and lovingly restoring these classic vehicles. The Scheme plays a crucial role in ensuring that South Australia is a great place for vehicle enthusiasts and we are indebted to Scheme participants for all that they do in keeping these vehicles alive.
The Code of Practice provides objective guidance to clubs and vehicle owners on the requirements of the Scheme and should be read alongside the Motor Vehicles Act 1959, the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 (as amended) and the Road Traffic Act 1961 and associated regulations.
This revised Code marks some important changes to the Scheme that are operative from 1 July 2017. These changes make vehicle eligibility requirements easier to administer for clubs and vehicle owners alike and aim to make the Scheme available to a wider range of vehicle enthusiasts. It is anticipated that the changes will ensure that the Scheme continues to operate to provide enjoyment to our motoring community into the coming years.
I wish to thank the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs and Australian Street Rod Federation (SA branch) for their support in assisting the Department in the administration of the scheme.
Tim Harker
June 2017
Foreword ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Transitional Provisions ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Part One………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Scheme Vehicles………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Historic Vehicles …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Left Hand Drive Vehicles ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Street Rod Vehicles………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Dispute resolution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Part Two …………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Recognised Motor Vehicle Clubs ……………………………………………………………………………. 8
Summary of Club Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Process for Club Recognition…………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Registrar’s Conditions – Gazette Notice ………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Authorised persons……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Revoking Club’s Authorised Persons …………………………………………………………………………………………….10
Keeping of MR334 Scheme application forms ………………………………………………………………………………..11
Club’s Issuing and Maintaining of Log Books………………………………………………………………………………….11
Clubs’ Reporting to the Registrar and club’s ceasing operation ………………………………………………………..12
Club Records, Retention and Department Audits ……………………………………………………………………………12
Part Three……………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Getting Registered – Procedure for Scheme Entry …………………………………………………… 12
Conditions of Use of Scheme Vehicles – Duties of Vehicle Owners …………………………… 13
Vehicle Owners’ Log Book Requirements, Maintaining Club Membership & Other Conditions ……………………………………………………………………………………. 14
Penalties for Failing to Comply with a Condition of Registration ………………………………… 14
Part Four……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Miscellaneous…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Use of Conditionally Registered Vehicles outside South Australia …………………………………………………….15
Renewal of Registration, No Transfer ……………………………………………………………………………………………15
Vehicle Identity Inspections by the Department ………………………………………………………………………………16
Contact Details…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Appendix – Dictionary……………………………………………………………………. 18
In South Australia, further to section 25 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (the Act) and regulations 15 and 16 of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 (the Regulations), a registration scheme, now known as Club Registration – a 90 day conditional registration scheme for Historic, Left Hand Drive and Street Rod vehicles (the Scheme), operates for the following categories of vehicles – historic, left hand drive and street rod vehicles.
This is ‘conditional registration’ and applies to a range of motor vehicles which, according to their use or construction, require only limited access to the road network. These vehicles are not for everyday use. In recognition of their limited use, being 90 days per annum, reduced fees are payable.
Accessing Scheme registration involves meeting the following fundamental elements:
• the vehicle must meet the eligibility criteria for the Scheme;
• the vehicle owner must be a financial member of a motor vehicle club recognised by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (Registrar) for the Scheme; and
• the vehicle may only be operated on our roads in accordance with the Scheme’s conditions for use of the vehicle.
Part one of the Code of Practice (the Code) details the vehicle criteria for eligibility for Scheme registration. Part two details the obligations for recognised motor vehicle clubs, and provides guidance for clubs in the processes for applying for Scheme recognition and other operational matters. Part three of the Code outlines the procedure to be followed in making an application for Scheme registration and details the obligations for vehicle owners. Part 4 provides various information to guide participants in relation to the Scheme.
This Code should be read in conjunction with the Act, the Regulations, the Road Traffic Act 1961, all regulations made under that Act and the Australian Design Rules. Copies of the South Australian legislation can be viewed on the Parliament of South Australia web site at
From 1 July 2017, changes to the Regulations became effective. These remove restrictions on historic and left hand vehicles being modified from their original design to any significant extent. This means that ‘modified’ historic and left hand drive vehicles can access the Scheme. ‘Modifying’ can range from minor cosmetic changes to a vehicle, such as body colour and accessories, to very significant changes, such as replacing a vehicle’s engine with an engine that is greater in capacity.
If a vehicle’s modifications are extensive, the vehicle may potentially become non-compliant with vehicle standards legislation. The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (the Department) performs vehicle inspections when required and provides exemption certification, where applicable, to enable such modified vehicles to be registered for use on our roads. These requirements apply to all vehicles on our roads, not just Scheme vehicles, and these legislative requirements operate outside of this Code. Likewise, all vehicles operated on our roads, not just Scheme vehicles, must be in a roadworthy condition at all times. The vehicle’s registered owner, and not the person’s recognised motor club, is primarily responsible for ensuring that any vehicle modifications are lawful and that their vehicle is roadworthy at all times. Penalties apply if vehicles are driven without required exemption certification and/or are in an unroadworthy condition.
For information not addressed in this Code regarding the need for vehicles to comply with the Road Traffic Act 1961 and its regulations (particularly the Road Traffic (Light Vehicle Standards) Rules 2013) when managing vehicle modifications and other matters please contact the Department’s Vehicle Standards division. More information on allowable vehicle modifications is available here. More information specific to left hand drive vehicles and registration generally is available here. Alternatively you can locate this information on
Transitional Provisions
This Code replaces previous versions of the ‘Code of Practice for the Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic Vehicles, Prescribed Left Hand Drive Vehicles and Street Rods under the Conditional Registration Scheme’. The terms of the Code are operative from 1 July 2017 for all participants (both clubs and vehicle owners) participating in the Scheme after that date.
Motor vehicle clubs and their authorised persons recognised by the Registrar under previous versions of this Code retain their recognition status and must operate in accordance with the legislation and Code in force as at 1 July 2017.
Part One
Scheme Vehicles
1.1 The Scheme is open to all historic, left hand drive and street rod vehicles meeting the criteria as detailed in the Regulations and which have been built or modified in accordance with requirements or specifications accepted by the Registrar which are detailed in this part of the Code.
Historic Vehicles
1.2 A motor vehicle is a historic vehicle, if 30 years or more have elapsed since 1 January of the year in which the vehicle was manufactured.
1.3 Any vehicle fitting this definition is eligible for the Scheme provided it can legally be driven on public roads in its current configuration. Legally driven includes that, if so required, there is in force an exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards prescribed under that Act (including its regulations) for the vehicle. An exemption may be obtained from the Department’s Vehicle Standards division. Eligible vehicles are motor vehicles with steering not to the left of the centre of its longitudinal axis. Eligible vehicles can also include motorcycles and trailers.
Left Hand Drive Vehicles
1.4 A motor vehicle is a left hand drive vehicle, if 30 years or more have elapsed since 1 January of the year in which the vehicle was manufactured, and that vehicle has its steering wheel on the left of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
1.5 In addition, a left hand drive vehicle must have a Left Hand Drive Exemption in the form of a Certificate of Exemption (or other form of exemption) pursuant to section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards prescribed under that Act (including its regulations) for the vehicle. Additionally, where applicable, the exemption must include any 6
vehicle modifications outside of those permitted in the Road Traffic Act 1961 (including its regulations). An exemption may be obtained from the Department’s Vehicle Standards division.
Street Rod Vehicles
1.6 Street Rods differ significantly from historic and left hand drive vehicles in that they can be constructed of a combination of vehicle parts and can also be made from the ground up of reproduction (new) parts to replicate a pre-1949 vehicle. Street rods rely upon modifications to produce highly individual creations of showmanship and craftsmanship. The vehicle must be right hand drive.
1.7 A motor vehicle is a street rod vehicle if it is a motor vehicle that has been modified for safe use on roads and—
(a) has a body and frame that were built before 1949; or
(b) is a replica of a vehicle the body and frame of which were built before 1949.
1.8 The street rod vehicle must also have in force an exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards prescribed under that Act (including its regulations). An exemption may be obtained from the Department’s Vehicle Standards division.
1.9 If not already designated as a street rod in the Department’s exemption documentation, to be categorised as a street rod, the vehicle must be built or modified in accordance with any of the following requirements and specifications accepted by the Registrar:
• The vehicle was issued with a statement of requirements first obtained in relation to the vehicle on or after September 2007 and the vehicle was built or modified within the ‘National Guidelines for the Construction and Modification of Street Rods in Australia’ (‘National Guidelines’); OR
• A statement of requirements for the vehicle was first obtained in relation to the vehicle between January 1982 and 1 September 2007, Department exemption documentation was provided after January 1982 and the vehicle was built or modified within the ‘South Australian Technical Advisory Committee Manual for Street Rods published by the Australian Street Rod Federation’; OR
• A statement of requirements and certificate of exemption (or any other form of exemption documentation) has not been obtained for the vehicle and the vehicle was built or modified as a street rod and registered prior to January 1982. To be categorised as a street rod vehicle for the Scheme, the vehicle must be issued with a certificate of compliance from the Australian Street Rod Federation, South Australian Technical Advisory Committee confirming that the vehicle is constructed as per the period. The vehicle owner must then attend the Department’s Vehicle Standards division for a vehicle inspection and provision of exemption documentation, if so applicable, as per current departmental procedures.
Dispute resolution
1.10 In cases where a vehicle’s manufacture date is unclear or if there is a dispute as to the correct categorisation of a vehicle and any of these uncertainties affect the vehicle’s eligibility for the Scheme, the Registrar will be responsible for providing the final determination on the vehicle.
Part Two
Recognised Motor Vehicle Clubs
Summary of Club Responsibilities
2.1 The Scheme requires all participants to be a financial member of a motor vehicle club recognised by the Registrar for the purposes of the Scheme. Recognised motor vehicle clubs must abide by the following conditions and exercise the following responsibilities in order to receive and maintain their recognition status for the purposes of the Scheme. Full explanation of the conditions are detailed in the following pages:
• maintain a constitution approved by the Registrar;
• ensure a club member who owns a conditionally registered historic, left hand drive or street rod vehicle is a financial member of the club;
• ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that club members with conditionally registered vehicles abide by the conditions detailed in this Code;
• notify the Registrar of vehicles that do not comply with this Code;
• nominate persons from the club to be authorised by the Registrar, to be the club’s ‘authorised persons’;
• ensure that clubs’ authorised persons abide by the Code;
• maintain records of all MR334 Scheme application forms issued by the club and all financial members and their conditionally registered Scheme vehicles;
• notify the Registrar in writing if an authorised person ceases to be a member of a club or resigns as the club’s authorised person;
• notify the Registrar and the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs within 14 days if a club ceases to operate and return relevant Scheme administration documents as required;
• within two months of the end of the club’s financial year, provide an annual report to the Registrar detailing members, with Scheme registered vehicles, who are no longer financial members of the club;
• inspect members’ vehicles when requested to do so by the Registrar;
• take all appropriate measures in the issue, management and record keeping requirements for Scheme log books;
• ensure that club members have access to copies of the Code;
• assist with the successful operation of the Scheme.
Process for Club Recognition
2.2 An application for recognition of a motor vehicle club for the Scheme must be submitted to the Registrar in writing.
2.3 The application, may be completed by the club president or club secretary, and must be accompanied by:
• a copy of the club’s constitution; and
• if the club is incorporated, a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Government of South Australia, Consumer and Business Services, in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act (SA) 1985; OR if the club is not incorporated, the names and addresses of all office bearers; and
• Other information related to the club’s operation as requested by the Registrar, including but not limited to copies of club minutes for the previous 12 months, upcoming calendar of events, membership fee schedule, number of members, types and number of vehicles, etc.
2.4 In the application for club recognition, the club president or secretary must nominate the member/s of the club who, subject to recognition, will be the club’s authorised person(s).
2.5 Once a club is approved by the Registrar as a recognised motor vehicle club, a notice is published in the Government Gazette. Financial members of the club will be eligible to apply for conditional registration upon publication of the Scheme recognition Gazette notice.
Registrar’s Conditions – Gazette Notice
2.6 The Registrar can impose conditions on the recognition of a motor vehicle club for the Scheme and detail these conditions in the Scheme recognition gazette notice. These include the requirement to comply with the conditions set out in part two of this Code and any other conditions detailed in the notice. The Registrar may withdraw a motor vehicle club’s Scheme recognition if the conditions set out in the Gazette notice are breached or if there is other good cause to do so. The Registrar’s withdrawal of a motor vehicle club’s recognition for the Scheme is effective from a date specified (being not less than 28 days from the date of publication) in a notice published in the Government Gazette.
Authorised persons
2.7 A club’s application to the Registrar for Scheme recognition must include an application to the Registrar to appoint the club’s ‘authorised person(s)’. The club’s authorised persons are responsible for approving applicants and motor vehicles for registration under the Scheme by completing the MR334 Scheme application form. This includes confirming that Scheme applicants are financial members of a club. Each club ordinarily has at least two authorised persons.
2.8 A club’s application for the appointment of authorised person(s) must be submitted to the Registrar in writing and include the following details:
• full name of club;
• full name, address and client/licence number of the nominated person;
• name and position in club of person making the nomination (an authorised person nomination must be made by an elected official of the club).
2.9 Upon approval by the Registrar, the club’s authorised person(s) will be issued with a certificate of authorisation. The authorised person’s client/licence number must be recorded when completing an MR334 Scheme application form.
2.10 A club’s authorised person is not permitted to certify their own financial membership status or approve their nominated vehicle.
2.11 The authorised person’s appointment by the Registrar for a particular club is only valid while they remain a member of that club. A person may be nominated, and appointed by the Registrar, to be an authorised person for more than one club.
2.12 The Registrar must be notified in writing, by an elected official of the club, within 14 days if an authorised person ceases to be a member of the club, or resigns from the position of authorised person in the club.
2.13 In these circumstances, the club must provide written notification and return the Certificate of Authorisation and any remaining unused MR334 Scheme application form booklets within 14 days to the Registrar.
2.14 If a club is already recognised by the Registrar for the Scheme, in requesting the Registrar appoint any additional authorised persons, the club must follow the same procedure as that set out in 2.8.
2.15 The Registrar has the authority to revoke a person’s appointment as a club’s authorised person at any time.
Revoking Club’s Authorised Persons
2.16 A recognised motor vehicle club’s authorised person ceases to hold the appointment if they cease to be a member of the club or resign from the position.
2.17 If a club’s authorised person does not voluntarily relinquish the position upon the club’s request, elected officials of the club must apply in writing to the Registrar to revoke the person’s appointment as an authorised person for the club.
2.18 Prior to the Registrar revoking any appointment as an authorised person or refusing a person’s application to be appointed as a club’s authorised person, the Registrar will give the person written notice of the proposed refusal or revocation and will provide a statement of the reasons. The applicant will then be given 14 days, to submit evidence and make submissions to the Registrar in support of their application or against the impending revocation.
2.19 The Registrar will make a determination and advise the applicant in writing.
2.20 Grounds for refusal or revocation of an authorisation are:
• applicant/authorised person is no longer a member of a club;
• contravention of the Code, or for providing a false or misleading statement;
• if the Registrar considers that the person is not fit and proper in character.
2.21 The Registrar may retain records of the names and details of all individuals whose authorisations have been revoked or applications refused and make reference to such records when determining any future applications by clubs for the appointment of an authorised person.
Keeping of MR334 Scheme application forms
2.22 A recognised motor vehicle club’s authorised person is responsible for keeping the club’s MR334 Scheme application forms as issued by the Registrar in a booklet format; maintain records of the stock received and monitor use of the forms. Each form contained in the MR334 Scheme application form booklets is sequentially numbered for audit purposes. The original must be handed to the Scheme applicant and the duplicate copy is to remain in the book.
2.23 All MR334 Scheme application form booklets remain the property of the Registrar and must be securely stored at all times. The Registrar must be notified if an authorised person ceases to be a member of a club, resigns or is replaced as the club’s authorised person. The departing authorised person must surrender all used and unused MR334 Scheme application form booklets to an elected official of their club.
2.24 The Registrar must be notified in writing by an elected official of the club or authorised person if an MR334 Scheme application form is lost, destroyed or incorrectly completed. The following details must be provided:
• sequence number of the MR334 Scheme application form;
• reason why the MR334 Scheme application form was not used;
• the notification must be signed by an authorised person.
Club’s Issuing and Maintaining of Log Books
2.25 When issuing a Scheme log book in a format approved by the Registrar, the club must ensure that the person applying for a log book is a financial member of the club and is the owner of a historic, left hand drive or street rod vehicle eligible for conditional registration.
2.26 A log book, once issued, is sufficient to record the vehicle’s journeys for up to three years. At the end of the third year of issue (from the initial issue of the log book), the vehicle owner must apply to the club for the issue of a new log book.
2.27 The club must ensure that when a club member resigns their log book is cancelled, and if the club member has transferred to another club, a change of membership is entered in the log book. The log book can then be returned to the owner to retain as part of the history of the vehicle (but not for use at the new club).
2.28 The club must ensure that if a club member reports their log book as being lost or destroyed, a statutory declaration is completed by the club member detailing the log book’s loss or destruction.
2.29 The club must ensure, as far as practicable, that a vehicle owner is not issued with a log book if they are already in possession of a log book issued by another club for the same vehicle, unless that log book has been cancelled by another club through which the vehicle has been registered previously.
2.30 The club must forward copies of log book annual return sheets to the issuing body each calendar year.
Clubs’ Reporting to the Registrar and club’s ceasing operation
2.31 Within two months of the end of a recognised motor vehicle club’s financial year, it must provide a report to the Registrar detailing members, with Scheme registered vehicles, who are no longer financial members of the club.
2.32 Recognised motor vehicle clubs are required to notify the Registrar, in writing, within 14 days if a club ceases to operate.
2.33 Upon a club ceasing to operate or having its motor vehicle club Scheme recognition withdrawn by the Registrar pursuant to the Regulations, all unused log books and other associated administrative documents must be returned to the issuing body. Certificates of Authorisation, books of MR334 Scheme application form booklets and the details of vehicles conditionally registered through the club are to be provided to the Registrar within 14 days of the club ceasing operation.
2.34 Where a club is no longer recognised by the Registrar, members with vehicles registered in the Scheme will need to arrange to join another club and be issued with a new MR334 Scheme application form by the new club or apply to remove their vehicle(s) from the Scheme.
Club Records, Retention and Department Audits
2.35 Recognised motor vehicle clubs are required to maintain records of the following documents for five years from the date of the document:
• all vehicles for which an MR334 Scheme application form has been issued;
• duplicate copies of all MR334 Scheme application forms issued;
• all log books issued by the club to financial members;
• any other documents related to the club’s administration of the Scheme including but not limited to membership records, minutes of meetings etc.
2.36 The Department may perform audits of recognised clubs’ records periodically to ensure that the clubs’ record keeping requirements are met. Clubs must also provide copies of such records to the Department upon reasonable request. Failure to keep adequate records may result in the Registrar withdrawing recognition of a club for the purposes of the Scheme.
Part Three
Getting Registered – Procedure for Scheme Entry
3.1 To seek entry to the Scheme, the designated registration forms (being an MR1 form and the MR334 Scheme application form) for the nominated vehicle must be completed by the vehicle’s owner and the authorised person of the motor vehicle club of which the applicant is a financial member. This Code does not stipulate a physical inspection of the nominated vehicle by a club for initial Scheme registration. However, individual clubs are still free to retain a requirement for inspection in their constitution. In accordance with the Regulations, the Registrar may direct that a vehicle be inspected by the Registrar or club at any time.
3.2 The nominated vehicle must also be categorised on the MR334 Scheme application form into one of the three Scheme categories – historic, left hand drive or street rod vehicle.
3.3 Once the MR334 Scheme application form is completed and the vehicle owner has also completed an ‘Application for Registration and Third Party Insurance Form’ (MR1), the vehicle owner can attend any Service SA customer service centre for the application to be processed. Owners must also lodge a copy of their exemption documentation (if any), provided pursuant to section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 with respect to their vehicle, with the application. The original exemption documentation must be presented for sighting and copying at the Service SA customer service centre.
3.4 If an MR334 Scheme application form is refused due to incorrect information being recorded, only the authorised person may alter any information.
Conditions of Use of Scheme Vehicles – Duties of Vehicle Owners
3.5 In accordance with the Regulations and this Code, the owners of vehicles must abide by the following conditions when operating Scheme registered vehicles. They must:
• maintain a financial membership of a recognised motor vehicle club at all times;
• not drive their conditionally registered vehicle on a road or road related area more than 90 days in each period of 12 months registration;
• not drive their conditionally registered vehicle on a road or road related area unless they have completed the nominated journey in the log book (the log book must be in the format approved by the Registrar for the Scheme) prior to commencement of the journey;
• carry the conditionally registered vehicle’s log book in the vehicle while driving on a road or road related area and produce the log book for inspection on request made by a police officer or authorised officer under the Act;
• not drive, or allow anyone else to drive, the conditionally registered vehicle on the road for fee, hire or reward;
• not drive the conditionally registered vehicle on a road or road related area if it does not comply with this Code;
• not have more than one current log book for any vehicle;
• while driving on the road or road related area, carry the appropriate vehicle exemption documentation that permits the registration and use of a historic (where applicable), left hand drive or street rod vehicle on roadways;
• present their vehicle/s for an inspection upon the request of the club or the Registrar;
• cancel the conditional registration of the vehicle when a change of ownership of a conditionally registered vehicle occurs or when they are no longer a financial member of a club. The log book issued for the vehicles must be returned to the issuing club for cancellation.
Vehicle Owners’ Log Book Requirements, Maintaining Club Membership & Other Conditions
3.6 Vehicle owners must ensure records for each journey undertaken in a conditionally registered vehicle are listed in the log book issued by the recognised motor vehicle club. The date of the journey and a brief description of the journey must be recorded before each journey commences. The driver must also sign the book (next to the particulars of use) before each journey commences.
3.7 A journey for the purposes of log book recording may consist of one or more separate trips. However a journey that commences at 10.00pm on a particular day and finishes at 2:00am the next day constitutes two calendar days, as each day commences at midnight. Consequently, two separate days use must be recorded in the log book.
3.8 A ‘journey’ for the purposes of the Scheme does not include driving the vehicle for short distances (within 500 metres) for the purpose of relocating the vehicle from one part of a property to another, or enabling another vehicle to gain access to a road or property. This is provided that the Registrar endorsed an extension condition on the vehicle’s certificate of registration.
3.9 Vehicle owners who change membership from one recognised motor vehicle club to another, must return the log book issued in respect of the vehicle to the issuing club. A new MR334 Scheme application form must be issued by the new club’s authorised person before a new log book can be issued by the new club.
3.10 If a vehicle owner ceases to be a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club at any time during which the vehicle is registered, the vehicle owner must not drive the vehicle or allow any other person to drive the vehicle until such time that the vehicle owner is again a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club or has taken out standard registration.
Penalties for Failing to Comply with a Condition of Registration
3.11 There are penalties for vehicle owners failing to comply with the conditions of use of the vehicles as set out in regulations 15 and 16 of the Regulations for this type of registration. Pursuant to section 41(2a) of the Act:
‘A person must not contravene or fail to comply with a condition of registration of a motor vehicle under section 25.’
A maximum penalty of $750 applies for this offence.
3.12 In addition, pursuant to section 41(3) of the Act, if a person has been convicted of an offence under the section, the Court may order that the person pay the Registrar the monetary difference between the restricted registration fees paid and the registration fee that ought to have been payable if restricted registration did not apply.
Part Four
4.1 Supplies of the MR334 Scheme application form booklets may only be obtained by recognised motor vehicle clubs from the Registrar.
4.2 Applications for the supply of these forms must be made in writing. They can be posted to the club, or forwarded to a Service SA customer service centre for collection.
4.3 Recognised motor vehicle clubs may obtain log books that are in a form approved by the Registrar for the Scheme by applying to the issuing body.
Note: a fee is charged for printing and posting.
4.4 Motor vehicle clubs are responsible for the custody and issue of log books and must ensure that supplies of unissued log books are stored in a secure place at all times. Any loss of unissued log books must be immediately reported to the issuing body.
Use of Conditionally Registered Vehicles outside South Australia
4.5 A conditionally registered historic, left hand drive or street rod vehicle may be driven in another State or Territory, provided:
• the vehicle is garaged in South Australia;
• the vehicle is in the other State or Territory for the purpose of temporary use;
• all Scheme conditions are adhered to.
4.6 It is the driver’s responsibility to check the requirements of the interstate jurisdiction in which they will be travelling prior to undertaking the journey.
Renewal of Registration, No Transfer
4.7 An invitation to renew the registration of a conditionally registered vehicle will generally be forwarded to the registered owner, ordinarily five to six weeks prior to the registration expiry date.
4.8 An application to renew the registration will not require further approval from the recognised motor vehicle club. However, the applicant/owner must continue to be a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club and, once the renewal is paid, ensure that the current period of registration is entered in the log book.
4.9 The conditional registration of a historic, LHD or Street Rod vehicle may be renewed for 1, 2 or 3 years, at the option of the applicant.
4.10 The registration of a conditionally registered vehicle cannot be transferred to another owner, even if the new owner is also eligible for conditional registration. Where a change of ownership occurs, the registration will be cancelled. The log book issued in respect of the vehicle must be cancelled by the issuing club.
4.11 The registered owner of a conditionally registered vehicle may apply to cancel the registration at any time. The log book issued in respect of the vehicle must be cancelled by the issuing club.
Vehicle Identity Inspections by the Department
4.12 If it cannot be established that a particular vehicle has been previously registered in South Australia, the vehicle must undergo an identity inspection. This will be undertaken by the Department if the vehicle is garaged in the metropolitan area or by South Australia Police if the vehicle is garaged in a country region. A ‘Vehicle identity inspection report’ (MR29) will be issued.
4.13 All vehicles imported from overseas will require an inspection by the Department prior to the vehicle being registered in South Australia.
4.14 Where an inspection for an imported or modified vehicle is required, contact the Department’s Vehicle Standards division (1300 882 248) to ascertain the requirements for the vehicle prior to booking an inspection. An application may need to be submitted and approval given prior to the inspection. This should be done as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary delays.
Note: A fee is payable for the inspections.
4.15 The Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA Inc is responsible for the following functions in relation to the Scheme:
• assisting the Registrar in the administration of the Scheme and any other duties as directed;
• liaising with the Registrar and clubs with a view to continually monitoring the performance of the conditional registration Scheme and, where necessary, make recommendations to the Registrar for assisting with the successful operation of the Scheme;
• providing clubs with copies of this Code;
• advising the Registrar of vehicles that are registered through this Scheme and clubs that are not complying with this Code.
4.16 The Australian Street Rod Federation Inc is responsible for the following functions in relation to the Scheme:
• having a competent South Australian Technical Advisory Committee to assist in the assessment of street rods built prior to January 1982;
• supporting street rod clubs in determining eligibility of street rods for conditional registration;
• advising the Registrar of vehicles that are registered through this Scheme and clubs that are not complying with this Code.
Contact Details
Contact details for the entities referred to in this Code:
The Australian Street Rod Federation
South Australian Technical Advisory Committee
PO Box 180
Happy Valley SA 5159
Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA Inc
PO Box 703
Street Machine Association of SA (SMASA)
PO Box 853
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Plate Administration
GPO Box 1533
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Vehicle Standards
GPO Box 1533
Phone: 1300 882 248
Registrar of Motor Vehicles
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
GPO Box 1533
Appendix – Dictionary
The following are terms commonly used in this Code of Practice:
Approval for Registration of Vehicle on the Club Registration Scheme (MR334) – MR334 Scheme application form. The registration form to be completed by a vehicle owner and by a recognised motor vehicle club’s authorised person certifying that the applicant is a financial member of the club and nominating the particulars of the vehicle for registration. This form is lodged in support of an application for conditional registration.
Authorised Person – a person who is authorised, in writing by the Registrar, to approve applicants and motor vehicles for registration under the Scheme by completing the MR334 Scheme application forms. This includes confirming that Scheme applicants are financial members of a club.
Certificate of Exemption – a vehicle that has been modified and has been issued with a Certificate of Exemption (or other form of exemption documentation) by the Department’s Vehicle Standards division pursuant to section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961. This documentation exempts the vehicle from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards prescribed under that Act (including its regulations) and it enables the vehicle to be registered for use on roadways.
Club – a recognised motor vehicle club that has been approved and recognised by the Registrar, by means of a notice published in the Government Gazette, in accordance with regulation 16(3), of the Regulations.
The Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs Inc– the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA Incorporated.
Elected Official – the President or Secretary who has been elected to that position by a vote of the financial members of the club.
Issuing Body – A body or bodies authorised by the Registrar to issue approved documentation for the Scheme.
Log Book – means a log book to record all vehicle journeys that is in a form approved by the Registrar for the Scheme.
National Guidelines – the “National Guidelines for the Construction and Modification of Street Rods in Australia” dated 1 December 2003, as amended, and as adopted by the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Working Party (available at
Scheme – Club Registration – a 90 day conditional registration scheme for Historic, Left Hand Drive and Street Rod Vehicles.
Street Rod Federation – the Australian Street Rod Federation Incorporated (SA Branch).
Technical Advisory Committee – the Technical Advisory Committee of South Australia which has the responsibility of liaising between the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs and the Australian Street Rod Federation Incorporated.
Technical Advisory Committee Manual – the South Australian Technical Advisory Committee Manual for Street Rods published by the Australian Street Rod Federation.
Vehicle – a motor car, truck, tractor, bus, motor bike, trailer and their derivatives.