The Prince of Darkness is giving me nightmares . . .

August 1st, 2018. Submitted by admin.

Minutes of General Meeting 17/7/18

July 19th, 2018. Submitted by admin.




Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     


  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: Andy Hill, Tom Long, Peter & Julie Davidge, Sue & Rory Gibson, Geoff Ellis, John Wood, Neil Martin, Bob & Lorraine Cini, Greg Page, Mike Bonning, Trevor Lindsay, Bill Galer, Gary “Spitfire” Button.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: None
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed by accepted by Dean Bogisch, Seconded by David Stephens


  1. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
    • A thank you pizza dinner was held tonight to thank all the committee, appointees and volunteers. Support for next year was also discussed, helpers are needed for some important roles.
    • A 6 month review report was published in the latest Trak.
    • Great run held on the weekend just gone.
    • The TR6 as advertised on our website and discussed at last meeting, has now gone to Far North Queensland, Ian assisted the new owner with transfers, parts, help and advice for which both parties were very thankful.
    • Reminder that next month is the AGM.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • Magazines received are available to members. No official correspondence in or out.
    • Duane advised will be away overseas next month so is an apology for the AGM, but is willing to nominate again for Secretary role.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
    • Balance at bank is $50,241 being $3,645 more than last month.
    • Allowance for next SA National Meeting is now at $9,592.
    • Subscriptions totalling $14,450 received, equal to 85% of the Budget. 23 members to renew with 11 cars on the Club Registration scheme.
    • Alex will be an apology for the AGM but is willing to renominate for Treasurer position.


  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent
    • Peggy highlighted that all the upcoming Social events are detailed in the last printed Trak.
    • Supper roster vacancy exists for the September meeting, Peggy encouraged members to nominate to assist with Supper at the meeting.


  1. Competition Report – Duane Kaak
    • Duane advised Neil Martin is away for next 3 – 4 months, but Neil will be participating in an event at Winton VIC on July 28th.
    • The TSOA is required to supply Flag Marshalls for the MSCA Supersprint on August 19th . See Duane or Roger Lange if able to assist.


  1. Library Report – Greg Page
    • No report.


  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
    • Sue advised due to her upcoming holiday tonight was the last chance to purchase Regalia until September.
    • A special offer of free ladies cap with purchase of mens cap was offered to members.
    • A Free windscreen shade was offered to any member present who could get the item back into the original packaging.
    • Only 2 beanies remain in stock from recent order.


  1. Magazine Editor’s Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch
    • Thanks expressed for all the contributions. This month will be a fast Trak. Next month is the AGM and the position will be vacant and Dean & Marg will not be renominating.
    • Dean & Marg are happy to train a new incumbent.


  1. Website Report – Roger Lange
    • Roger again brought a laptop computer to the meeting to train members on how to use the TSOA website.
    • Roger will publish items sent through to him.


  1. Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster
    • Kevin reported there are 209 cars in total participating in the Club Registration scheme.
    • As a new financial year had begun, there are 55 cars that need log books updated.
    • Members reminded to report sale of vehicles and to return the logbook.
    • It was noted that the last 2 months have not had many new cars join the scheme.


  1. General Business

12.1 Display Day – Day of Triumph. David Stephens advised we are joining the TR Register National meeting display on Saturday October 20th at Glenelg. Approx. 50 Sidescreen TR’s will be on display, hoping to have 100 cars in total.


  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
    • A white 1975 Stag has been offered for sale by the daughter of the owner, unknown details of Stag, mobile telephone number was provided for follow up.
    • Roger Lange was contacted by someone seeking a GT6, any year, any condition.


  1. Raffle

Won by Kevin McEnroe (Meat Tray)


  1. Cars on Stage
    • Duane Kaak displayed his TR7 V8 and spoke of recent engine change and other work undertaken.


  1. Thanks expressed to Supper Roster volunteers, Fay Esau and Peggy Argent.


Meeting Closed: 8:47pm

Guess who’s got a new project?

July 4th, 2018. Submitted by admin.


May 9th, 2018. Submitted by admin.

Sands of time are fast flowing.

There are only 2 more opportunities left at the club meetings to be up to date.

Please help us help you!

Our inspectors will be swamped if you wait for the last meeting with 2 away in June the level of effort on Colin will be substantial and he may not have time to complete everyone that turn up hoping to get signed off and payments made.

There are around 100 members that have yet to pay and have details updated. If you make other arrangements with the team over the next few months then that may also help.

Kind regards

Ian Rigby

Duane’s Stag looks like a great find! Nice yellow too . . .creamy! And check out the new Club acquisitions. It all looks great!

April 29th, 2018. Submitted by admin.


March 22nd, 2018. Submitted by admin.

TSOA Weekender 2018


Friday May 18th – Sunday May 20TH, 2018

Weekender Includes . . .

Visit to the Watsacowie Brewery at Minlaton

Visit the Red Baron plane at Minlaton

Visit the Chocolate place at Minlaton

Accommodation at Stansbury Motel

Play a game of lawn Bowls at Stansbury

Visit the Tidal pool at Edithburgh

Visit the Wattle Point Wind Farm at Edithburgh

Visit the Alpaca Farm

Visit to the Military Museum at Bublacowie

Visit to the Barley Stack Winery

Meals at Stansbury Bowling Club, Pt Clinton Community Club

Meet Friday 18th May

OTR Bolivar (859 Pt Wakefield Road Bolivar)

8.45am for a 9.00am Departure

Cost:  $200.00 pp twin share

Individual and Children’s Rates –by negotiation.

Bookings essential: Margie 0438836837or email

Payment by the April meeting, or EFT to Treasurer.

All British day 2018

February 14th, 2018. Submitted by admin.

Great event this year and thankfully the temperature dropped to a manageable level. This year we had our new display cover and flags raised. WE had 38 Triumphs on display this year so a good turn out for us. We had a great selection of cars on display but More in Trak on that as this is just a quick note to present some of the pictures. Note Bill’s Photo Bomb in the background of the display pic. Big thank you to our club ABD Rep. Geoff Ellis Great work and also to Kate Berlemon My Flag Marshal assistant.

Ian Rigby

Welcome 2018 TSOA

January 10th, 2018. Submitted by admin.

Happy new year to all our TSOA members. Welcome to 2018 and hopefully a safe year for all. 2018 starts off with the first club meeting for the year Tuesday 16th and is a general informal meeting. Each year we do something a little different so this year I would like to suggest we have a “Something of Interest Night” Nothing too far out there but if you are coming and think you have something of interest to share then bring it along for all to have a look and enjoy. Bill Berlemon has a special guest and I have a new club addition to share. Hope to see you all there but if not then maybe on the first run for the year.January 27th is our usual Ice Cream run. Meet at K-Mart car park Anzac Highway Kurralta Park at 7.45 (pm). Best regards to all. Ian Rigby


December 4th, 2017. Submitted by admin.

The organising committee for the 2018 All British Day event at Echunga Oval on the 11th February 2018 is pleased to announce it has received 847 registrations to display vehicles on the day.   This compares very favorably to 745 for the 2017 event.

It was pleasing to receive 65% (553) of registrations electronically via the new ABD website and the balance 35% (294) by paper/postal registration.  Hopefully as entrants become more familiar with the new ABD website the percentage of electronic registrations will increase, resulting in cost and time savings in the administration of the event thus allowing the organising committee to apply funds to further improve the event.

For 2018 the event has attracted new sponsors as well as the continued support from its long term valued sponsors.  I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes on the day to walk around the ovals to check out the sponsors/trade exhibitors and support them where you can.

History has shown that when entrant vehicle registrations are on the rise so is public support and attendance for the event.  Consequently we are anticipating strong public support to help create a successful event for 2018.

For those in the TRiumph Sports Owners club that have registered or are otherwise supporting the event, on behalf of the organising committee, we look forward to seeing you on the day and thank you for your support of the event.

Geoff Ellis

Christmas Dinner and Trophy Presentation Night – 9th December 2017

November 13th, 2017. Submitted by admin.

Club sponsored pre-dinner drinks from 6.30 pm

Dinner from 7.00 pm

Royal Adelaide Golf Club, Tapleys Hill Road, Seaton.

This is a great venue for our end of year celebration and the catering is first class – just ask anyone who has been to one of the Christmas dinners at this venue . . . excellent menu, reasonably priced drinks, beautifully decorated and safe parking on site. What more could you want?!

Cost is $50 for members and $60 for non-Members.

Further info can be had from Sue Gibson on 8449 7814

Bookings with full payment by the November General Meeting – 21st November