Minutes of General Meeting 20/8/19

August 25th, 2019. Submitted by admin.



Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     

  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: Tom Long, Kevin McEnroe, Andy Hill, Colin White, Kevin Foster, John Wood, Bill Galer, Geoff Ellis, M & D Bogisch.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Chris Marshall – Stag, Al & Ben Hutson – TR7, Stag & Spitfire
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed by Dean Berlemon to be accepted, seconded by Peter Davidge


  1. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

2.1 Run on the weekend had 4 Triumphs, 2 with roof off/down, Ian drove his TR6 with roof on.

2.2 At tonight’s AGM all committee positions are vacant, Bill Berlemon will officiate the AGM.

2.3 Committee have recently discussed Christmas/Presentation dinner, Display Day inviting other Triumph Clubs.

2.4 National Meeting in WA is coming up soon and we are seeking a SA National Meeting Sub Committee to help with our 2021 event.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • Usual small amount of Club Magazines in and Shannons upcoming auction catalogue.
    • Card of thanks to TSOA SA from Helen Carter in response to our condolences to her.
    • FHMC letter received requesting update of office bearers following on from tonight’s AGM.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
    • $41,500 of funds available for Club use, $11,331 is reserved for 2021 National Meeting.
    • Expenses out included Thank You dinner for committee and appointees, volunteers from within the club, also sponsorship of last Sunday’s run.
    • With renewal of Subscriptions now at end of 2 month grace period, we have 253 members, down 26 members on last year and $950 short of budget.


  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent
    • Sunday’s run to Paech Farm was attended by 29 people and was a great event despite cold, wet weather.
    • Annual Observation Run is on Sunday 22nd September, meet 8:30am at Crafers Hotel. Spring theme competition for best decorated car and costumes.
    • No events planned for October due to National Meeting in WA.
    • November 17th is the Annual Day of Triumph at Civic Park.
    • Presentation Dinner on November 30th at The Ed. Hotel in Mitcham.
    • After Christmas Run on Dec 28 or 29 will be arranged by Dean Berlemon.


  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin
    • Duane, Roger & Neil attended the last MSCA SuperSprint, Duane did a good time but now needs a new gearbox. Events were delayed due to several vehicle incidents on the track including oil spill, roll over and car fire.
    • Neil attended the All Triumph Challenge in Winton with Andy Ansell. Andy had fuel issues with his TR7 and didn’t complete all laps, however placed higher at end of day than Neil due to championship calculation method. Event was won by Glen Coultinho from NSW.
    • Some interstate teams are keen to attend the SA MSCA 6 Hour regularity next year.
    • Flag Marshal Volunteers are needed for the MSCA event on Sunday 29th


  1. Library ReportGreg Page
  • Plenty of books & DVD’s in the library, cannot fit anymore so please borrow some.


  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 TR6 shirts were popular, now will be taking orders for a TR7 T-shirt , $30 per shirt.

8.2 National Meeting attendees will be wearing a red shirt with additional WA National Embroidery.

8.3 Black Polo Shirts on sale tonight, $34.

8.4 EFTPOS is available at meetings if required.


  1. FastTrak Editor’s Report – No report


  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

10.1 Adverts do work well


  1. Conditional Registration Report – Ian Rigby

11.1 Only 2 members with cars on Club Registration scheme are yet to renew. Lots of effort has been made to contact and remind these members but they will be reported to DPTI in line with the Scheme rules if not renewed by August 30th.

11.2 Ian now has stamps, books etc and can assist with all Club Registration needs.


  1. General Business

12.1 Phil Bagust was directed to a home in Magill with 10 Triumphs in the yard including a GT6, 2 Sprints, 3 Saloons, 2 TR7s, a Herald and many other British cars, Rover, Mini, Jaguar. No members knew of the owner.

12.2 Happy 80th Birthday to Brian Argent.


  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 Duane Kaak is seeking an LT77 5 speed Gearbox with suffix D or higher in good working order.

13.2 Roger Lange was contacted by someone seeking a TR3 or TR3A. See Website for their details.


  1. Raffle

14.1 Prizes won by Peter Davidge, Chris Marshall and David Stephens.


  1. Cars on Stage

Duane Kaak TR7 V8.


  1. Supper.

Thanks to Margie Berlemon and Sue Gibson


  1. Meeting Closed: 8:45pm

Minutes of General Meeting held 16/7/19

July 24th, 2019. Submitted by admin.


 Meeting Opened at 8: 04    


    • Apologies: B & M Berlemon, Andy Hill, S & R Gibson, Gary Buckton, P & J Davidge, Kate Tuohy, Shane Dix. Geoff Ellis advised he will be an apology for August and September.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Peter McIntyre – TR8, Mark Russell – TR8
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed by Bill Galer to be accepted, seconded by Dean Bogisch

 Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

2.1 Notice of AGM to be held after the next monthly meeting.

2.2 Ian is now an authorised Club Registration officer and is learning the administration role from Kevin Foster.

2.3 Volunteers and ideas are needed for planning a successful National Meeting in SA in 2021.If you can help, suggest sponsors or join a sub committee please see Ian.

2.4 The Club is required to write to DPTI of any non financial members within 2 months from June 30, currently 35 still to renew but only a small number of these have cars on the scheme.

  • Ian will talk to Roger to discuss a Website clean up of old classifieds and other old material.
  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

3.1 Official correspondence sent to DPTI to request Ian Rigby be made an authorised Club Registration officer. DPTI has actioned this already.

3.2 Some usual magazines are in and Shannons catalogue for an auction held yesterday.

 Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

4.1 Alex thanked Duane for undertaking the role in his absence.

4.2 Funds in bank of approx. $53K in total. Due to funds held for subsidy for 2021 National Meeting, around $41,700 is available for general club use.

4.3 Weekender expenses came in under budget, balance at hand has increased due to subscription renewals.

4.4 So far we have received 95% of the budget of renewals.

  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent

5.1 Breakfast Run this Sunday leaving Burnside Town Hall at 8:30am.

5.2 MSCA Supersprint at Mallala on 28th July.

5.3 August 18th is a club subsidised event at Paech Farm. Meet Top of Taps at 9am.

5.4 Sunday 22nd September is the Observation Run being arranged by Alex & Sue Smithson.

5.5 WA National Meeting is on in October so no club run is arranged.

5.6 Day of Triumph is to be held November 17th at Civic Park.

5.7 Presentation Dinner (Christmas) is to be held November at Edinburgh Hotel – Mitcham.

  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin

6.1 Duane and Neil are entered for the MSCA Supersprint on July 28th. No members are entered for Regularity on 21st July.

6.2 Not much competition action since last meeting, Neil participated in a Regularity event but didn’t perform too well.

6.3 Andy Ansell completed 2 laps at Winton in his accident repaired TR7 before the clutch broke.

  1. Library ReportGreg Page – No Report

 Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 Red Polo shirts with special National Meeting identification are being arranged for TSOA SA members attending the WA Nationals.

8.2 Beanies are available at $20, along with a TR6 T-Shirt at $30.

8.3 Indigo shirts are on special tonight only saving $5.

8.4 EFTPOS is available at club meetings for regalia purchases.

9.0 Fastrack Report Marg & Dean Bogisch – No Report

  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

10.1 A clean up of old classifieds is planned.

10.2 Frequent infiltrated posts are received and deleted as soon as spotted, usually from members usernames and passwords being hacked.

 11.0 Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

11.1 Kevin advised this will be his last official report, thanked everyone for their support over past 9 years.

11.2 Reminder that Logbook needs to be updated before driving your car, even if members have paid their subscriptions.

11.3 Please inform a Club Registration officer if your car is sold and return logbook to them for recording.

 12.0 General Business

12.1 Ian was contacted by a lady looking for a TR4 or TR6, he assisted her with a TR6 for sale in QLD, she is now a TSOA SA member.

12.2 Geoff Ellis advised the All British Day will be held on 9th February 2020, with a feature club on both ovals. The ABD committee is considering limiting number of entrants and encouraging entrants to pass on their entry if unable to make the event at last minute to ensure the ovals are full. Jeremy Cordeaux has been appointed as Patron of ABD.

  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 Colin White is updating his TR6 parts list, has sold majority of the parts.

  1. Raffle

Chocolates won by John Bell

  1. Cars on Stage


  1. Supper.

Thanks to Ian Rigby 

17    Meeting Closed: 8:55pm            

President’s Report July 2019

July 24th, 2019. Submitted by admin.

President’s Report July 2019

Sometimes we get messages through from interstate that are sad in content and this month we were told of NSW member Warren Carter’s passing. Our thoughts go out to his family and certainly all who knew Warren from close friendship and National meetings where Warren played a part in keeping a morning team of enthusiastic walkers active, he will be missed. We also had some sad news for a few members in our club having their own family loss. Out of respect I will hold off noting their names in this report but like to pass on our thoughts to them also.

With the AGM creeping up on us I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped in any capacity over the past year. Their continued support helps to keep the club electronically up to date, financial, on track historically speaking, fed and entertained at the meetings as well as supported on and off the race track.

It’s a timely reminder that the next club meeting could have new leaders and helpers so just in case I wish the incoming team all the best for the next year. Looking forward to seeing a good turnout for the nights event and voting.

The time has passed for all members to be financial if they are on Club Registration and the team responsible for keeping this data up to date have certainly been busy stuck in spread sheets, on the phone and chasing those that we hoped to protect from failing the log book test. I now have my Rubber stamp so happy to help where and when needed.

The club breakfast run this month had a healthy turn out with 31 people joining in and enjoying a breakfast while catching up with some new faces and interstate guests. Great to see them enjoy the run with us. B Social was a great statement for a venue and we were.

We have gained several new members this year bringing even more Triumphs to the stable so a big welcome to them and thank you for joining us. Unfortunately we also say goodbye to some long time members who have moved on due to selling their cars or for other reasons, so wishing them well and maybe we will see them if they see us parked one day.

The next few months will see some significant events both around the state, Country and on the track . . .

Paech farm for next month’s run should be a good day and with a Club subsidised lunch.

The All Triumph Observation run in September (Club Sponsored BBQ) is always a good event and we would like to see lots of Triumphs on the day. Even if you choose not to go for gold (and the coveted Trophy) its always a great day to blow the cobwebs of the car.

The following weekend TSOA is at Mallala for MSCA Super sprint and the battle of the V8s continues!

We have a good team of Triumphs heading over to The WA Nationals and we wish them a safe journey.

The annual display day will be the follow up the next month out at Modbury leading into the end of year presentation dinner end of November. (New event location this year)

Kind Regards
Ian Rigby

President’s Report – June 2019

July 2nd, 2019. Submitted by admin.

Thank you to those who helped support the club during my leave of absence in May. It’s generally going pretty good but I would like to remind everyone again that the date for club membership is almost over and you need to get your log books updated and Membership paid as this is required to keep your car on the historic register. Fees must be paid and Logbooks updated for the 2019-2020 Club Year by 30 June 2019. If this is not done and the owner is detected driving the vehicle after 1 July 2019, the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured. Prosecution is the likely outcome as the conditions of having a vehicle on the “Concessional Club Registration Scheme” have not been met. We are still looking for someone to take on Kevin’s role. If you are interested we are happy to have names put forward and I’m sure Kevin, Colin or Stuart will assist settling in. Have a chat when you are getting the paper work signed this year. As noted at this month’s meeting I will be caretaker for now to ensure we comply with government requirements. Socially Speaking: The Bend run this month turned out to be a great event.

The weather wasn’t too cold for us stuck out in the background waving flags and I believe that we had a good turnout of those that did the run so thankyou to them for supporting the day and sorry I didn’t get time to catch up. Both Duane and Neil had a great run with good results.

I had a quick chat with Bill and Margie at this month’s meeting and thanked them for the May Weekender and was informed that it went very well. I didn’t expect anything different as they always put a great run together.

Take a look at the club page for upcoming events. Just as an FYI here is the next run. Winter Breakfast Run Meet 8.30am Burnside Town Hall Sunday 21st July Breakfast at B. Social 246 Fosters Road Oakden at 9.30am Come and enjoy a short run through a couple of new suburbs before Breakfast or join us at B. Social. Details: Margie / Bill 0438836837

This year’s AGM to be held on the 20th August with all positions open so have a think about getting involved and support the club.

Best regards for now

Ian Rigby


Dolomite Sprint Restoration Project Update . . .

June 28th, 2019. Submitted by admin.

Doors mounted, door hardware and windows installed, new door trims, seals, felts etc all done!

Club / Historic Registration Scheme

June 28th, 2019. Submitted by admin.


Fees must be paid and Logbooks updated for the 2019-2020 Club Year by 30 June 2019. If this is not done and the owner is detected driving the vehicle after 1 July 2019, the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured. Prosecution is the likely outcome as the conditions of having a vehicle on the “Concessional Club Registration Scheme” have not been met.

Kevin Foster

Minutes of General Meeting 18/6/19

June 23rd, 2019. Submitted by admin.


Meeting Opened at 8:00pm     


  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: Andy Hill, John Wood, Alex & Sue Smithson, John Tuohy, Peter & Julie Davidge, Marg Bogisch, Fay Esau, Tom Long, Kevin McEnroe.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Guest – New TR6 owner
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed be accepted by Neil Martin, Seconded by Bill Galler.


  1. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
    • Ian apologised for being away last meeting but thanked all those that helped keep the club running in his overseas absence.
    • Lots of events planned for the rest of the calendar year.
    • Reminder that as at the upcoming AGM all positions are declared vacant.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • Received in some other club magazines, FHMC minutes.
    • Duane also received information that the Bay to Birdwood this year is running the old roads and the club could again view from Dequetteville Tce if desired.
    • The Melbourne Cup parade in November is seeking 30 well presented Stags. See Duane if interested to register.
    • Personal thanks expressed to TSOA members who helped and came on the run on Sunday to show their support of the Triumph marque on the race track.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • Bank balance is healthy at $49,153.88
    • Approx 180 members have renewed before tonight with a further 120 due still to pay subscriptions for next year. Lots have paid via Direct Deposit to Club bank account.


  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent
    • Mid week run had 13 people attend.
    • Only 11 members attended the run to The Bend on Sunday.
    • Sunday 21st July is a breakfast run departing Burnside Town Hall at 8:30am for Oakden.
    • August 18th is a run to Paech Farm at Wistow, tour of sheds and lunch. Cost $15per person, subsidised by club, members need to order and pay in advance
    • Christmas Dinner is booked for 30th
    • Volunteers are needed for October and November Supper roster.


  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin
    • The 1986 Targa Adelaide poster of a Rally TR7 at last meeting was further identified as the Rally TR7 built by Colin Bond from the 2 wrecked TR7 Pro cars from the series event. Duane found a further picture of the same rally car severely damaged, likely its demise.
    • Thanks expressed to the Flaggies and officials that assisted at The Bend event. Flag marshals were Ian Rigby, Bryan Young and Arrand Ellery. Keith & Clare Williamson and Roger Lange also assisted in morning documentation activities for the MSCA.
    • At The Bend Neil and Duane both obtained new personal best times approx. 1.5 seconds below their last event at the same track.
    • A Regularity event is on this coming Sunday, Neil is the only Triumph driver entering.
    • An MSCA Supersprint at Mallala is at end of July.
    • Andy Ansell’s car is nearly repaired and he will likely attend a Jaguar Club race day in a couple of weeks.


  1. Library Report – Greg Page
    • Open for business.


  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
    • No Report


  1. Website Report – Roger Lange
    • Roger reported that the white Spitfire for sale has been sold for a good price.
    • Due to the length of the list, TR6 parts for sale by Colin White is on the members page.
    • See Roger if you need any help in loading pictures or articles.


  1. Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster
    • Kevin reminded all that logbooks need to be updated by June 30 but acknowledged the members present had mostly completed this task.
    • The administrator position will be vacated by Kevin as at 1st July 2019. Ian Rigby as President advised he will undertake the role to ensure it is completed until a new incumbent is found.


  1. General Business
  • Bill Berlemon presented Duane Kaak with a “Triumph of Jokes for over 50s” book in attempt to improve Duanes jokes at each meeting.


  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
    • Roger has some Hyundai 15 x 5.5 inch steel rims to suit a Triumph Saloon to give away.
    • Colin White provided a printed listed of his TR6 parts for those without a computer to access website.


  1. Raffle

Won by Dean Berlemon (Cordless drill)


  1. Cars on Stage
    • Nil cars on display.
    • Dean Berlemon advised he has recently bought a 2500S.
    • Trevor Lindsay mentioned he helped a friend bring a 1988 Argo, Lemans race car from Melbourne as a project. Fitted with a Formula 1 style engine.


  1. Thanks expressed to Supper Roster volunteers Natalie and Peggy.


Meeting Closed: 8:47pm         

Dolomite Sprint Project Update

June 22nd, 2019. Submitted by admin.

Windscreen and back window installed . . . now for some doors!

Triumph TR6 parts for sale

June 15th, 2019. Submitted by admin.

UPDATE 3/8/2019

All parts now sold or otherwise disposed of.



Club / Historic Registration Scheme – Update

June 5th, 2019. Submitted by admin.


Fees must be paid and Logbooks updated for the 2019-2020 Club Year by 30 June 2019. If this is not done and the owner is detected driving the vehicle after 1 July 2019, the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured. Prosecution is the likely outcome as the conditions of having a vehicle on the “Concessional Club Registration Scheme” have not been met.

Kevin Foster

Club (Concessional) Registration Logbook Usage Tips

Below are a few pointers on completing and keeping your Club Vehicle Logbook up to date, as it is a Legal Document and subject to audit by SA Police and the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).

1. Driver must date, sign the Logbook before Journey commences with a brief description of the travel (e.g. City, Suburbs or Barossa Valley) and carry the Logbook in the vehicle for that journey.

2. If the logbook is not signed for that day of use and the driver is stopped by a Police Officer then the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured as the conditions of Club Registration have not been met. The driver may be prosecuted.

3. The same applies if the vehicle is involved in an accident, meaning as it is unregistered and Insurance Companies will most likely refuse coverage. Could be very expensive.

4. If a change of driver occurs, then each driver is to make an entry and sign the logbook for that day of use, same details but next line in the logbook. Note: This includes any person taking the Club Registered vehicle for a test run when in for service or repairs.

5. One entry required for each calendar day. (Midnight to Midnight represents a day).

6. Do not miss any lines, all entries in the Logbook to be consecutive.

7. Sign Logbook only in ink, NO pencil entries allowed.

8. Vehicle can be driven for 90 days a year only, and it does not matter how many drivers sign the logbook.

9. The owner does not need to be with the vehicle at the time of use. Remember the driver must sign Logbook.

10. If the Logbook is lost TSOA must be notified as a replacement can be arranged.

11. Should you change your Registration Number TSOA must be notified so records can amended.

12. It is the owner’s responsibility to enter and update the Registration commencement and expiry details.

13. If owner fails to renew their Club membership the vehicle must not be driven as it is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured, as the conditions of Club Registration have not been met. TSOA is required to notify DPTI. The Logbook cannot be updated.

14. To maintain compliance with the Club Registration Scheme, the Logbook must be updated by the 1st July as this is the commencement of the Club financial year (details on how to carry out this update will be published in the TSOA Track Magazine). If not updated, the vehicle must not be driven as it is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured and TSOA is required to notify DPTI.

15. If the Club Registered Vehicle is sold. The owner must cancel the Club Registration immediately, as the Club Registration is non transferable. The Logbook must be returned to the Club of Issue for cancellation. Once cancelled, the Logbook will be returned to the owner and they are required to keep this Logbook for up to 2 months after cancellation in case it is required to be inspected by a Police Officer.

16. If the owner of the Club Registered Vehicle resigns from TSOA, cancels the Registration or reverts to full Registration, the Logbook must also be returned to the TSOA for cancellation.

17. Should the sole owner of the Club Vehicle become deceased, the vehicle must not be driven as once that person has died, the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured, by DPTI.

18. Should the Vehicle be in Joint names and one owner dies, then a person is recorded as deceased and this will prevent the registration being renewed again. There is a process in place which does an automatic transfer from joint to single names where deceased is recorded but this doesn’t work for conditionally registered vehicles.

19. Should the vehicle owner change Club Registration to a different Authorised Club, the Logbook must be returned to the issuing club for cancellation, before the new club can issue a Logbook. Club Concessional Registration and Logbook issue is specific to a Club.

Kevin Foster – TSOA Club Registrar