Meeting Opened at 8:02pm by Dean Berlemon (Vice President)
- Welcome:
- Apologies: Andy Hill, Chuck & Dianne Falzon, Peter & Julie Davidge, Natalie & Bob Farrell, Arrand Ellery (Sue Gibson reported he suffered a major heart attack on Sunday 16/02), Kevin Foster, Bill Galler, Ian Rigby, John Woods.
- Guests/Visitors/New Members: Tim Price (TR4A), Glyn Rippin (Stag), Steven Wheeler (TR6)
- Previous Minutes: Proposed by Bob Cini to be accepted, seconded by John Tuohy
- Presidents Report – Dean Berlemon
2.1 Ian Rigby supplied his Presidents report which will be published in next edition of Fastrak.
- Ian supplied numbers of votes for future Day of Triumph consideration venues
- Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
3.1 A small selection of Club Magazines received, minutes from FHMC meeting, reminders of Bay to Birdwood entries for 2020.
3.2 TR Register has invited TSOA to join them at McLaren Vale Classic & Vintage event on April 5th. Entries close March 9th.
3.3 Correspondence due to be sent to DPTI to appoint Graham Dean as an Authorised Club Registration officer.
- Treasurer’s Report –Alex Smithson
4.1 Balance at bank is $47,316.99. This is $4,756 less than last report in November 2019, largely due to presentation dinner expenses and deposit on upcoming weekender.
4.2 Funds received included $279 bank fee refund, refund of deposit for Day of Triumph ground hire, FHMC sponsorship for Day of Triumph.
4.3 Club has now achieved budget for Subscriptions with a further $505 received since last report.
- Social Report – Peggy Argent
5.1 Peggy sought show of hands for those that enjoyed the Presentation dinner overall.
5.2 All British Day was very well attended by members and cars, as was the annual ice cream run.
5.3 A Chicken & Salad club subsidised event is being considered.
5.4 This years calendar has been amended to accommodate the MSCA events.
5.5 Next event is mid week run, March 18th, with a green theme being St Patricks day.
5.6 Visit to Birdwood Museum is planned for March 29th and includes Club Sponsored Sausage sizzle.
5.7 Run to Mt Compass tavern that was planned for post Christmas will now be held in April.
5.8 May’s mid week run is being arranged by Stephen Wade.
5.9 Volunteers are needed to arrange a Winery/Pizza run and also for supper roster at meetings.
- Competition Report – Neil Martin
6.1 Over Christmas Neil had fitted new suspension parts and wheel alignment. Recently a cold air induction box.
6.2 Recent overheating issue of the TR7 V8 thankfully turned out to just be an Electric Water Pump failure.
6.3 At the recent Regularity event, Neil achieved 3rd placings in first few rounds but the TR7 V8 had to be towed off the track later in the day for the first time in its motorsport career. Fault was a broken wire.
6.4 MSCA has their annual Display Day on Sunday March 1st at Mt Barker football oval.
6.5 Andy Ansell & Neil competing at Easter historic event at Mallala.
6.6 Volunteers, Cars & Drivers needed for MSCA 6 hour event on 3rd May.
6.7 Neil is attending the Phillip Island Classic event in a couple of weekend’s time.
- Library Report – Greg Page
Plenty to borrow.
- Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
8.1 Regalia will not be available at the next meeting.
8.2 Keyrings are available, as are T-Shirts with images of TR7, TR6 and Stag.
8.3 Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve shirts in red or navy are available for $43.
8.4 Caps on sale tonight for $17 (usually $20), Softshell jackets from previous WA National Rally available for $70 if interested.
8.5 EFTPOS is available at meetings if members do not have cash.
- Fastrak Editor’s Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch
Please contribute any articles
- Website Report – Roger Lange
The Club Website is up to date, have a look.
- Conditional Registration Report – Colin White
11.1 Colin reported he had only recently updated 1 log book.
- General Business
12.1 Alex Smithson advised the Nationals Sub Committee of 10 members has agreed on Barossa as the Venue. The Weintal has been booked and the program of events is being finalised.
12.2 All British Day – Geoff Ellis reported 15% of entrant spaces were empty on the day. Spectator numbers were also down 15% on previous year. Committee debriefing is still to occur and Geoff will provide a further update next meeting.
12.3 Weekender – Bill Berlemon discussed the itinerary, around the Port Pirie area. Event to be held 22 – 24 May. Cost $200per person, club has subsidised the total cost by $50 per person. 15 rooms available at John Pirie Motor Inn.
- Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
13.1 Duane was notified of a TR4 Steering wheel for sale. $80. Contact Andy 0433 738 633 or 0434 907 003.
13.2 Roger visited a TR4 in great original condition, white with black interior, soon to be for sale.
- Raffle
Meat Tray won by Neil Martin
- Cars on Stage
Jim Scott displayed his TR6 in Saffron with clear over base. Imported into Australia in 1986 from America. Jim purchased in March 2019, had stripped to bare metal and no rust was discovered.
- Supper.
Thanks to Lisa McLeod & Dean Berlemon for arranging.
17 Meeting Closed: 9:17pm