Quick Calendar

January 10th, 2022. Submitted by Roger.

Quick Calendar

January 2022

Tuesday 18th     18th Informal Club Meeting  ***CANCELLED DUE TO COVID***

Saturday 22nd     Ice Cream Run – meet Super Cheap, 69 Port Road, Thebarton at 7.00pm (we hope to have a new run, depending on time, and will finish at Noonies at Semaphore)   ***CANCELLED DUE TO COVID***

February 2022

Sunday 13th      All Britsh Day, Echunga


President’s Report – August 2021

August 28th, 2021. Submitted by admin.


Welcome to a new TSOA Club year!  South Australia is still doing well with reasonably few Covid restrictions and so together with the rising rate of vaccinations I am hoping we have a better year than we did in 2020/2021.

The AGM last month went smoothly with most members of the Committee including me as President, being renominated and elected unopposed.  Whilst this is an excellent result, most current members have been on the Committee for more than 10 years.  It is imperative for the future success of the Club to draft new members on to the Committee.   To this end I will be asking all Committee members, where possible during the year, to seek new nominees to the Committee for the 2022 AGM.

In the meantime as a matter of urgency the Vice President, Ian Rigby, would be very pleased to hear from anyone able to assist with various membership duties or to take over organization of the Day of Triumph which is planned for late March/early April 2022.  Give him a call now, his number is 0417 085 083.

As July’s meeting was cancelled due to a Covid lockdown, we held our annual pizza thank you to contributing club members, prior to the AGM. There was a good turn up and well deserved thanks were given!

Recently I have been in touch with members Bob Farrell (hip), Kevin Foster (heart) Tom Long (limited sight) and Roger Lange (hip), who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the Club.  Each is in good spirits and very much appreciated best wishes from the Club.  Frankie Merrett, ex social secretary of the Club about 8/10 years ago and resident of Boyanup WA, rang me from Perth last weekend.  She has been in hospital for the last 4 weeks following an ankle operation and, despite not losing her sense of humour, has the rehab blues.  If you know her, I’m sure she would appreciate a call from SA.

Check out the Club website while you’re at it!   I just sold a group of items leftover from my TR6 restoration and on the classified ads since December 2018.  Just proves the value of the website and patience!

And don’t forget to browse our social calendar later in this FASTRAK and also on the Club Website.  Some great events are coming up and it is pleasing to see the support that Bill and Margie are getting on a regular basis.  Unfortunately as we live at Victor Harbor and often have a commitment on Sunday mornings it is not always possible for Julie and me to get to organized Club runs.  Despite that we will do our best.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Club meeting.

Kind Regards, Peter Davidge, President

Socially Speaking – September 2021

August 28th, 2021. Submitted by admin.

Socially Speaking for September 2021

August 15th was a morning tea run through the hills to Balhannah for morning tea.  A great run was had by 17 members and 4 joined at Balhannah for Coffee.  Thanks to Sue and Rory for organising the run.

September 12th is The Mt Barker to Strath train trip on the Highlander.  Meet at Mt Barker at 9.30am for a 10.00am departure, and then have a couple of hours to wander in Strath and have a bite to eat, with the return train departing Strath at 1.30pm arriving at 2.30pm in Mt Barker. Cost is $29 Adult and $15 Child.  Bookings are essential, with payment to Alex by 30th August.

Sunday 17th October – Club run to National Motor Museum, Birdwood. Meet The Feathers Hotel, Burnside 10.00am. Club Sponsored BBQ Lunch.

November 27th is the Christmas Dinner at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club.  Details in this edition of Fast Trak.  Bookings and monies to be paid by the October meeting.

Stay safe everyone.

Bill and Margie

Christmas Dinner

August 28th, 2021. Submitted by admin.






Club Sponsored Pre-Dinner drinks 6.30p.m.

Dinner – 7.00pm

Cost – $50.00 members

$70.00 non-members


DETAILS – SUE 0428 735 960

Mallala 60th Anniversary

August 22nd, 2021. Submitted by admin.

Looking to enjoy some car time this weekend? Neil & I will be at Mallala both Saturday & Sunday as part of the Weekend full of events, competing in a Supersprint. There will be lots of different cars on the track and on static display. $10 spectator entry.

Hopefully with some new stiffer front suspension now fitted, I will set a new Personal Best time in my Tr7. Stay tuned!



President’s Report – July 2021

July 28th, 2021. Submitted by admin.


Hi everyone.

Not much fun in July!  Travel plans disrupted continuously, a State Government lockdown and the Committee had to cancel the Club’s July meeting.   I hope you are doing as well as you can within the rules of the lockdown and hopefully, we will be out of it early this week.

Since my last report, I have had the opportunity to reconsider my position as President.   I have decided to toss my hat in the ring again and nominate for 2021/22.  That doesn’t preclude anyone else from nominating or, alternatively, considering joining the Committee.  If I am re-elected, I will retire the following year.

New members are required on the Committee.  That will be the challenge over the next 12 months!   Almost all current committee members have each spent more than 10 years serving the Club and they are happy to continue.   However, it is about time other members

  • check out the Committee/Club Representative positions as listed on the TSOA SA website
  • talk to Committee members about their roles. I am happy to speak to anyone who needs a little encouragement to get more involved.  Or why not ask Ian Rigby about organising the Day of Triumph and taking that over with his help. He has decided to relinquish the role.
  • nominate for a position (contact Duane Kaak our Secretary) and
  • join us at the AGM on Tuesday 17 August 2021, the next normal Club meeting

Well, that’s enough spruiking, but it would be nice to think that members are sufficiently enthused by and interested in the Club to maintain its ongoing success.

National Meeting Memories – 1981, 40 years ago


The above pictures were provided to me by Tony Case (co-founder of the Club).  The 1981 Adelaide Nationals were the first conducted over a week and set the framework for organising all future National Meetings both here and interstate.  That is something the Club can be proud of, as the same format exists today.  We still have race days, entertaining social events, observation runs, display days, an emphasis on touring and who knows whether we drink as much or drive as fast.

The group photo of delegates at the “Unofficial Party” looks more like a Wild West family gathering.  But believe it or not it isn’t!  Disguised in 1980 outfits are various members at the time including Tony Case, Bob and Margaret Anderson, Chris Barnes, Geoff Bills, Bill McGuiness, and Tom Hutchinson.  See if you can find them!

And finally, check out the social calendar for our upcoming program and commentary on the recent Christmas in July Run to the Yankalilla Hotel.  Well done to the organisers Sue and Alex Smithson!   This may become a regular annual event.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.  John Tuohy, if I recall, is next up to set the Club Quiz,


Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

Quick Calendar

July 23rd, 2021. Submitted by admin.


Sun 17th           Club Run to Birdwood Motor Museum – Free Entry plus Club Sponsored BBQ

Tues 19th         General Meeting – Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Hyde Park 8.00pm

Sun 31st           MSCA Super Sprint – East Circuit, The Bend



Tues 16th         General Meeting – Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Hyde Park 8.00pm

Sat 27th            MSCA Super Sprint – Mallala (TSOA is required to provide Flag Marshalls at this event – let Roger Lange know if you can                                     help out)

Sat 27th            Christmas Dinner –Royal Adelaide Golf Club 

Socially Speaking – July / August 2021

July 23rd, 2021. Submitted by admin.

Socially Speaking for August 2021

July 18th was the Christmas in July Run with Trophy Presentations for the All-Triumph Day. A fabulous run set by Alex and Sue Smithson, with a great lunch at the Yankalilla Hotel.  We had 33 people on the run, with cars and members dressed in Christmas attire.  Many thanks Sue and Alex it was a great day – just before lockdown!

August 15th is a morning tea run – meet Office works Marion for a 9.15am start.  Details below.

September is The Mt Barker to Strath train trip on the Highlander.  Meet at Mt Barker for a 10.00am departure, and then have a couple of hours to wander in Strath and have a bite to eat, with the return train departing Strath at 1.30pm arriving at 2.30pm in Mt Barker. Cost is $29 Adult and $15 Child.  Bookings are essential, with payment to Alex by 30th August.

November 27th is the Christmas Dinner at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club.  Details to follow.

Stay safe everyone with the lockdown, and lets hope SA will return to normal soon.

Bill and Margie


General Meeting 20th July CANCELLED

July 19th, 2021. Submitted by admin.

Due to Covid restrictions introduced from midnight 19th July, our General Meeting scheduled for 20th July has had to be cancelled.

The A.G.M. in August is still expected to go ahead, so plan on being there!



President’s Report June 2021

June 27th, 2021. Submitted by admin.


 Hi everyone, I hope you have paid your subs for 2021/22 and updated your logbooks to ensure you are historically registered for next year.  There is still some time before we have to close off to honour our obligations under the Historic Registration Scheme and report all unfinancial TSOA members/drivers to DPTI.  If you haven’t already done so, make a resolution to do it this week by contacting a Club Representative listed on our website.

Last meeting was again well attended as members continued the logbook endorsement process.  It is a smooth process and certainly encourages members to come to our June and July meetings.   The Committee met before the meeting to review upcoming events and confirm

  • a club subsidy for the Christmas in July Run on Sunday 18 July
  • a return to the Royal Adelaide Golf Club for our Christmas dinner on Saturday 27 November and.
  • a club sponsored prize for our monthly quiz

John Tuohy surprised everyone and won Geoff Ellis’s quiz and it was pleasing to hear that Roger Lange had successfully sold Bob Farrell’s lovely TR8, shown below.  A beautiful car owned by a beautiful bloke!  Well done, Bob, Natalie and Roger!


The committee also confirmed Tuesday 17 August 2021, a normal Club meeting, as the date of our next AGM.  With great regret I advised the Committee and subsequently members at the Club meeting that I had decided not to continue as President in 2021/2022.  And so, you all have an opportunity to consider nominating for the position of President and serving the Club at the highest level.  It is an honour, a privilege and a vital role in ensuring the ongoing viability of the Club.  I never imagined or sought the role, but I have enjoyed it greatly.  I can honestly say that with the support given by a quality Committee who have all indicated their willingness to continue, anyone with the right interest and wishing to serve could do the job.  The Club needs someone to step up.  Why not you!  I am more than happy to have a chat about the Presidency, as are all members of the Committee about their respective roles.

Think seriously about nominating at the AGM.  I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)