Archive for the ‘President’s Say’ Category

President’s Report January 2019

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

President’s Report – January 2019

I’m hoping that this finds every one well, rested and ready for another busy year. Seems we are now moving to Easter according to the retail Giants.  Who folded and bought Easter buns the day after Xmas???

Now that the mad month is over and things start to settle down again, I thought that I would open the year with a short report on what has been and gone and what is planned over the next few months / year.

For those that attended this month’s meeting I think you would agree that it was an interesting start. Richmond’s is certainly every car enthusiasts dream.  Thanks to Duane Kaak for arranging the event with a very healthy turn out despite the temperature on the day.

On the weekend several of us got together to enjoy a slightly cooler day and catch up on adventures since the close last year. We talked about several things and covered events that are planned with the club and interstate.

The Ice cream run for this year is always a good start and was well represented by our club and this year we had the stag club joined in and it seemed that the colour of choice this year was yellow.


The upcoming “All British Day” is well under way and communication has been great from Geoff Ellis our club representative on the committee. I will be one of the marshals but have been designated a specific area so for those that will be coming please look out for Aaron Ellery and possibly Kate Berlemon who will be placing you in our designated space. We have a good number of cars and as long as we adhere to the required spacing, all will get a position.

The Perth Nationals are well advanced and several members from interstate have already planned the trip. I hope that all received the message from Duane regards this just in case you are planning to go and drive to the event and possibly join in their convoy.

This year’s display day is locked in and I will be advertising this during the year once the council sends final confirmation to us with the submission of documents.

The new club reporting tool seems to be working well and by now you should have received several messages via this new method. It would be interesting to get some feedback from members on how they are feeling about messages and the current method of communicating so we can manage this in the future. We are still in the trial period so now would be a good time to ask.

The committee is also seeking feedback on the Xmas dinner. There have been talks about the future of this event regards location, timing and content and thanks to those that have taken the time to send me their thoughts on this. I will certainly be discussing this with the committee.

As the sun goes down on this month thanks again to those that have started the year off for the club and hope to see all out in the Triumphs soon. Really looking forward to seeing the new members and their cars that have joined recently.

Best regards

 Ian Rigby


President’s Report including 2018 Qld Nationals

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

President report November 2018

A big Thankyou this month must go to Alex Smithson.

Alex has been working heavily on getting our club to a position with reporting and logging of club information on a new electronic system. This was discussed some months back and the main reason that subs increased this year to cover this move. We are now into a 2 month free trial but initial view is that it looks very promising.

As the year comes to a close we will have our end of year dinner and Trophy presentations.

This looks to be at risk next year as the numbers have been getting less and less. We need a reasonable number to secure this event. I will be having a conversation with the rest of the committee in the new year to work out a solution for us but if you have an idea that would help promote this please contact any of the committee or our ever pleasant social ladies who would be more than happy to listen.


My Nationals story:

Most may know that I have recently been motoring around in Queensland on what was a fantastic Nationals week, amongst other TSOA members. The Queensland team did an outstanding job keeping everyone entertained, fed, looked after and made to feel very welcome. Knowing the difficulties that a Nationals can present I think it went off very smoothly especially knowing that the team had never been involved in organizing this kind of event before.

Hats off to Queensland for a job well done.


I left Adelaide for the Queensland Nationals on the 2nd November and I’m happy that I took the journey.

I spent the first 3 days travelling across the bottom end of SA, Victoria and into NSW up to Coolangatta to meet up with wife Raelene. She had taken the easy option to fly and spend time with our daughter and grandchildren before I arrived.

Day 1

After spending Sunday night with them we left for Peppers resort at Salt, Kingscliff for the first day and welcome dinner. We were met in the main lobby by the Nationals team, who handed us our information for the week a Nationals gift of Cooler bag, bottle of wine regalia scarfs and sponsorship info.

We had a few initial sorting out details with the room before we met the rest for the first of many well-presented meals and missed the first Iron Man on the beach, but another state kindly represented us in that event. The dinner was a casual beach theme.

There was no shortage of food or drink on any day and the resort also knew how to throw on a great breakfast.

Day 2

This was the show and shine event held on the lawns next to the resort and in walking distance for the days function in support of the Melbourne Cup. We had 40 Triumphs on display and mostly covered all styles. There was a Concours event with a handful of cars presented for this but the black TR5 took out the honors. (Front left in the picture)

I was fortunate enough to win a challenge that ran during the course of the dinner and up to the main horse race. After an intense ending that had 3 of us remaining from a field of 50, 2 of us were left standing after much banter on who would win.  The final prize was shared and we both walked away a little richer. (Just for interest:  turns out my number was the last but we agreed to go 50/50 before the final draw)

Day 3

This for some was Race day at Norwell and an alternate event to Byron Bay by Bus (or car) for the other group. I can’t report too much on the race event but listening to those that ventured that way had a day of fun racing around the track.

Raelene and I chose to take the car on the alternate run and after arriving at Byron Bay we took a tour around the back streets and found a few places of interest to us. Interesting that each time I pulled up someone approached me to either talk about the Triumph or tell me of their own. A really nice couple approached me while Raelene was in a baby shop and he invited me back to his place to have a look at his TR5. Unfortunately, time didn’t allow for this, but I have his card and will call past one day in the future I hope. We then went to meet the rest at the light house for morning tea but with the difficulty finding a park we ventured back down the hill and did a bit of a walk around the main streets. I was told that the morning tea put on was fantastic with again more food that no one could finish. We caught up with everyone at the next stop in Bungalow and spent a few hours for lunch and also tramping through the boutique shops.

 Day 4

After another big breakfast the groups were divided into 2. Team one went in one direction and Team 2 driving in the opposite direction. Some roads were, at times, bumpy but the scenery and meeting places made it well worth the drive. I quickly worked out that the little TR4 I was following was not standard as it kept disappearing around the bends. However, the driver and owner Graeme Spender, one of the Nationals committee, did well by always waiting for the rest of the field and we mostly travelled in a line of Triumphs that were welcomed in all the little towns as we drove through. This level of effort to keep the group together worked really well and made for maximum impact throughout the day.

The evening was an Ironman barefoot bowls event with a well-organized BBQ at Kingscliff bowls club.


Day 5

Today was a relaxed drive / Observation run to Murwillumbah and some took in the planned movie while others looked around the town. The evening meal was a really special one held close by at the Margaret Olley Gallery where we were met with platters of food (on top of the planned meal) while we enjoyed the happy hour and amazing sunset looking out over the hill view.

Day 6

This was the second day run and alternated across the groups through another well thought out drive across a great variety of roads that eventually took us to a little pub in a place called Uki (for our group) then back to the resort for the final dinner and presentations for the racing and also for others that were caught out for different reasons but winning them a bottle of wine. There were several auctions also held during the evening for items supplied with the main event for a dinner and accommodation that was given to the group from the owner of the restaurant at Margaret Olley. Proceeds went to Charity.

WA then made their pitch for next year at Margaret River and pretty much straight away Raelene nominated that we would be going.

The info can be found on their web page with all the current details

Note: Next year is the 40th anniversary of the Nationals and the 50th anniversary of the TR6. Not one to be missed I think.


Day 7

This was our final Nationals morning. After another great breakfast and catching up with the groups for the final time Raelene and I headed back to our daughter’s place to spend some more time with them before I hit the road home. Looking at what my little TR needed to fit in it for the drive my boot rack had its first ever use.

Yes it all did fit!

The road home

I left Queensland on Thursday 22nd late afternoon having spent some time with the granddaughter at her school. It was only a short drive the first day as I didn’t want to challenge the Roos at night.

The next day I called into the Parks Observatory then onto Forbes motor museum. I was fortunate to spend a bit of time with the owner again looking over several newly placed cars amongst the older ones he has.

My final day on the road was a long one and I arrived home after covering 5,436 Kilometers in total and burning 508 liters of fuel with a final average around 30Mpg. 800 Kilometers of the trip was done during the week of the Nationals so a fair bit of ground covered with them and no hint of any trouble with the TR6.


 The Next experience.

This last weekend Duane, my son Adrian and I helped out a lady named Georgia with her wedding. She contacted me after talking with Power tune and asked if we had cars that she could have for her wedding. After an initial contact with her she was going to speak with me at the display day but had dental surgery so could not make it.

                       So, what have you been doing with your Triumph? Tell us your story.

On another note.

You never kow when a classic is going to turn up or where. I have seen stories of old bikes being removed from between walls when renovations being done have exposed it. Or a classic Ferrari being uncovered from an underground grave but never one 200 feet below the surface in a lake.

This 1927 Chev coupe was found on the shipwreck Mansoo that went down in 1928, Found 200 feet down in Lake Huron Georgian bay.

They won’t raise the ship but are considering bringing up the car.


Regards Ian Rigby


President’s Report – October 2018

Friday, November 2nd, 2018


President’s report October 2018

What a month!

After watching the weather do whatever it wanted on the lead up to the Annual All Triumph Display day, we thankfully bagged a good one.

Firstly I would like to thank all those that helped in the days prior to and on the day. It is certainly one of the events that need’s that kind of support to make everything run to plan.

My support crew (judging and scoring) did a great job and we, the club and I, appreciate the time that you took from the day to glance over our cars.

I was amazed at the number of TR5s that we had, along with all of the other designs that turned up, especially seeing that we move the day to Saturday and not the usual Sunday.

I also enjoyed seeing the range of TR6’s, Stags and also Carolyn Byrne’s  little Triumph Herald Coupe.

This year, like most know, we combined the day with the TR Register who were running their National event and I think all would agree with those cars added to ours and a scattering of several others it made quite a display.

105 cars turned up on the day and significantly took over Wigley Reserve.

Special thanks also go to Richmond’s, who brought one a red TR3 along to the show.

The TR Register put on a great show with I think 65 cars on display. Some of these included the Swallow Doretti, a low volume special that is comprised of mainly Triumph mechanicals. Not something that I have seen before and there were seven on display. Just fantastic!

At the end of a very long day, for some of us, I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Register dinner that night.

It was one of those days that I seemed to have several new experiences. I actually caught the train and the tram to the event. VERY educational indeed.

It was also here that I found that some in the Triumph community keep their after dark secrets hidden. I found these 2 cruising around the place. Pity they didn’t dress up like the rest did. Great job Noel and Cindy. 

I also found out that some of our members have unique talents. Harmonica sound mixed in with the very talented band on the evening. The person blowing all the wind was our very own David Stephens. (Or should I say Uncle Fester)

I think that on the day there were a few enquiries to join the club and several people who were very interested in talking more about taking part with the club runs.

Not sure what our club made on the day with clothing sales but the TR register had a great response to their sale of club apparel and took in a substantial amount on the day. Thanks to Sue Smithson for supporting us on her busy day.

I have also had several people ring and message me with parts for sale for Triumph and Vanguard  parts and a full TR6 (Left hand drive) that would make a good project I think.

Both will be up on the net in our parts for sale or wanted very soon.

I’ll be away for the next 2 weeks leaving on the 2nd to the Queensland Nationals.

After sorting the saloon out ready for the display day and doing the usual checks and service I finally got around to getting the TR 6 ready for the run.

I should be back for the next meeting where I can report on that event and hopefully catch up with our social ladies who will be super excited with the numbers that are coming to the dinner and trophy presentations.

So that all being said now to the results from the day.

Outright winner on the day: Noel & Cindy Schmidt

2nd outright: David Stephens

3rd Outright: Robert Schaefer.                       The margins between these 3 were VERY close!


Tr2/3/3A3B:              Noel & Cindy Schmidt             TR3A

TR4/4A/5 : 3 place getters.

  • 1st             Robert Schaefer  TR5
  • 2nd             Ian Burman     TR5
  • 3rd:             John Tuohy      TR5

TR6 : 3 place getters

  • 1St             Dino Vettese
  • 2nd             Robert Schaefer
  • 3rd             Ian Burnett

TR 7/8:                        Richard Sutherland     TR8

Saloon:                      John Tuohy      3 years in a row now progressed to Master Class.

Dolomite:                   Steve McCready

Herald Vitesse:           Carolyn Byrne             Herald Coupe

Michelotti Trophy :    Robert Schaefer

TR Register Trophy :  Noel & Cindy Schmidt

Harris Mann Trophy : Richard Sutherland


Pride of Ownership.

Tr2/3/3A3B:               Robert Powell             TR2

TR4/4A/5:                   Keith Williams             TR5

TR6:                             Alex Smithson

TR 7/8:                        Dean Bogisch              TR7

Spitfire / GT6:             Graham Jones             GT6

Stag:                            Duane Kaak

Saloon:                       Bill Berlemon

So now what:

With the Xmas dinner almost on us and the trophies are all sorted how about take the time to send in the form and make payment that way we all get to congratulate the winners when the trophies are handed over.

Next year get inspired and you have 12 months to polish everything shiny, clean under the hood, tidy up the inside and come out to challenge the winners from this year.

It’s a great day to be involved AND have a great time mixing with fellow club members.

On closing I put out a special thankyou to both David Stephens and Ivan Powell who were both fantastic to deal with in getting the display day up and running with both of our clubs and I think we should do more of this in the future.

Best regards and see you all again soon.

Ian Rigby

TSOA President.

President’s Report – September 2018

Monday, October 15th, 2018

President’s Report – September 2018

At this month’s General meeting I discussed a few tidy up issues and what we will do in the short term regarding club communication. For those who attend the meeting we normally formally accept the minutes reported in the hard copy magazine. My question to everyone was do we now do the same for electronic. In this instance, after a short what for, we did.

An extract from the Constitution supports the question and statement so will therefore be the norm from now on.

The TRak Magazine will continue to be electronically distributed for now, until we have someone willing to take on the Editor position, if at all, the hard copy ceases to exist.

The timing of messages will be subject to importance and TRak will be when we have enough detail for the membership to have a read. I suggested that if we do have someone willing to help that we look into doing 2 big editions rather than bi-monthly. Electronic will fill the gaps. We were also contacted from other states asking if we were happy to swap stories for inclusion and this is being looked into.

I was contacted by Graeme White TSOA Victoria who has given permission to present his supplied story to me after seeing a picture on our page that he wanted to use. The monthly minutes will be posted each month as we are required to do.

This month, one of the members put their case forward that we don’t need the TRak and also stated that in their opinion we don’t need the Nationals. I’m a little bit more optimistic and hope that we will continue to do both. Not everyone can make the meetings or like to read sitting at the computer. Interstate also like to receive news from us. I will be at the Queensland Nationals this year and will report on that when I return. It’s one event where all states can get together to have a good time and hopefully showcase their club and areas.

With the year slowly coming to a close we are getting ready for the last few big events. The last run held on the 23rd of this month was an event that we never know how many will turn up for. This year we eliminated the need for the winner to develop the next year’s run. Not sure if this had the effect but it was great to see several cars that don’t normally enjoy these days and it was a great turn out. Thanks to Rory and Sue for holding the event.

I didn’t do the full run as I needed to bring items that not even I can fit in a TR6. I’m sure that the rest who did venture deeper into the hills had a great run.
The end of run BBQ went off well and thanks again to Sue and Peggy for helping with the food prep prior to everyone turning up.

Congratulations to the winners

• 1st Place: Alex Smithson      • Second Place: Roger and Cherri Lange      • Third place: Noel and Cindy Schmidt

Now it’s time to get ready for this year’s Triumph Display day. As previously reported, this year we will be additional to the TR Register Nationals. We would love to see as many TSOA members out on October the 20th at Wigley Reserve Glenelg from 8.30 and join in with the 63 side screen cars that will be on display. Entry to the field is at the bottom end of Anzac Highway, go around the roundabout and enter the area on the left. It will be manned and signed.

I will also be needing help with our judging as we will be running our event as normal alongside their display. So please put it on your calendar and let’s make the display another one to remember.

The trophies will again be presented at the annual Christmas dinner that will be held on Saturday the 1st December. We have sent out the flyer but if you missed it, please contact Sue or Peggy (or me) and we will make sure you get the right details. The night commences with a Happy Hour, 3 course meal – $45 Members. Famous quote “Now that’s a bargain” $60 non Members.

See you all next time on the road or at the club.

Kind regards
Ian Rigby

President’s Report – August 2018

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018


President’s Report – August 2018

This report is on top of the final meeting for the year and the AGM information presented. I would also like to present a short discussion on the way forward for our ability to communicate to all members.

We do have a large membership and naturally there are numbers of silent members who are happy just to be involved from a distance and get information Via Electronic TRak or the Bi-monthly hard copy TRak magazine. That’s fine too, the more members the better. However we need to communicate with everyone the best way we can.

As the outgoing President at this year’s AGM (my first in this position) it was interesting again to see who would nominate to help with the running.  We all discussed the possibilities at the prior month’s Executive meeting and all agreed to still nominate, but would happy to step aside if someone else wanted a go. As you will see from the report, we now have NO Hard copy Editorial TRak. Communication to all members for the foreseeable future will be electronic via the website or possibly Electronic TRak for a few months.

Our outgoing editors have agreed, after the meeting, to sit in the background and support the electronic TRak for now. I sat with them last night and we talked about the effort that is needed to produce both Electronic and hard copy.

Interestingly they were contacted by interstate editors who are experiencing similar issues with the hard copy version with trying to get content to include. They have suggested that we share common interests and possibly support each other to get a worthwhile editorial out to the members and also share Magazines. There was discussion between the groups previously about trying this, with little support but no take up. Not sure what the issues were back then but all it really takes is for the states to have people willing to put in the effort.

I raised the question: Would it be possible to only produce two major TRak magazines each year that cover up to, and including 1) The annual weekender (This always has a good turn out and things to share.) 2) around Xmas with the TSOA display day and yearly Nationals to edit and report on. We think that if someone is willing, this would eliminate the pressure every second month and for those other times, just have Electronic. We would also consider Mail outs or block e-mail direct where more communication is needed. This function is simple.

I sat through a bit of an education on what it takes to generate a magazine and it does take time. For that reason, I understand that it would be the dedicated few willing to take time form our busy lives to do the work and also a bit of knowledge with Microsoft Publisher. The clubs Lap top is set up for this.

I do see it, that if there is enough support from the membership and/ or interstate and the draft document is there, it’s easier to compile but still needs an understanding of the way it’s built. More about the cars and interclub relationships with less loose content may be more desirable to most. Content could be added as we go and at the right time not just because we need to, “send it to publish.”  and add content just to have a TRak. This seems to be the constant struggle.

We also have a need to support the small sponsorship we have in the way of advertising and should the Mag completely fall over we are not sure if these companies would still be happy to support us if we were purely electronic.

SO THERE WE HAVE IT! – We are, for now, a club that will communicate by an electronic system so please have a think and let me know if you would like to sit and discuss taking on this important role for the club.

We did have a good result with the other unknown. As reported, Natalie has done a great job with looking after all of our membership details and providing anyone, with a need, the right information. This also supports our club Registration inspectors as these both go hand in hand and assists us all with the historic component legally. As stated in the minutes Graham Dean has kindly stepped in and will take over this important role for us. Please support Graham during his time learning the business.

I will also be suggesting that The Club Membership Secretary and Registration Inspector positions be elevated to Executive Committee level as they are 2 positions that form one of the main bases to the club’s running. To have those people present at the committee meeting would be an asset to discussion as they form a major part of the budget also.

Kind regards

Ian Rigby



PS: Don’t overlook the Christmas dinner this year it’s our 10th year at the Golf Club and they have always put on a great dinner!  

All British day 2018

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Great event this year and thankfully the temperature dropped to a manageable level. This year we had our new display cover and flags raised. WE had 38 Triumphs on display this year so a good turn out for us. We had a great selection of cars on display but More in Trak on that as this is just a quick note to present some of the pictures. Note Bill’s Photo Bomb in the background of the display pic. Big thank you to our club ABD Rep. Geoff Ellis Great work and also to Kate Berlemon My Flag Marshal assistant.

Ian Rigby

Welcome 2018 TSOA

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Happy new year to all our TSOA members. Welcome to 2018 and hopefully a safe year for all. 2018 starts off with the first club meeting for the year Tuesday 16th and is a general informal meeting. Each year we do something a little different so this year I would like to suggest we have a “Something of Interest Night” Nothing too far out there but if you are coming and think you have something of interest to share then bring it along for all to have a look and enjoy. Bill Berlemon has a special guest and I have a new club addition to share. Hope to see you all there but if not then maybe on the first run for the year.January 27th is our usual Ice Cream run. Meet at K-Mart car park Anzac Highway Kurralta Park at 7.45 (pm). Best regards to all. Ian Rigby

The next year

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

With the annual AGM over for another year and the next year’s committee members in place I take this opportunity to provide a bit of feedback to those that missed the night and to thank the only outgoing member.
Bill Berlemon, who supported in this roll yet again, has now handed the baton over to me.
The usual general business was discussed with 2 new members bringing their TR6s to the fold. Welcome to them.
After the initial meeting took place and that part of the evening closed, the bar opened up for drinks and all Executive positions were declared open. Surprisingly there was an involved uptake this year and positions were voted in reasonably quickly.
No inspirational speech from me, but, I was inspired leading up to the night with several members speaking with me directly and encouraging me to raise my hand. Please don’t let my Rego number on the six get you worried. Who would have though TRUMP would be elected when I bought the plate several years ago. I promise that I will not tweet late at night and upset other clubs or our neighbouring states with its content. But I will keep everyone up to date where I can with the club activities and anything that needs to be highlighted and raise awareness.
I know that the ongoing support from those in the group will continue and I thank those that have once again stepped up and taken on their existing rolls for another year to help.
Our Vice president remains unchanged and I’m looking forward to working with David Stephens.
Alex Smithson, as our Secretary, has kept everyone informed of our funds over the year and I’m sure that his tight grip will continue. Both Peggy Argent and with a bit of coaxing, Sue Gibson will continue with our Social calendar. Duane Kaak will maintain his Secretary roll while Neil Martin continuing with the competition secretary roll. All of the year’s events will be posted in Trak again by Marg and Dean Bogisch.
I also thank the following for their continued support.
There were no open positions or votes taken but the remainder of the Committee members stay the same. The club Registration team of Kevin Foster, Colin White and Stuart Ghent have a slightly changed involvement looking after the amended government scheme that will naturally be reported on in Trak and the Web.
Sue Smithson: Clothing, Tom Long: Mag distribution, Greg Page: Library, Arrand Ellery: Media and Advertising, John Tuohy: Club Historian, Meeting displays and Technical Meetings, Natalie Farrell: Memberships, Roger Lange: Website manager. And I will also continue with Concours and Pride of ownership (for now)
At the end of the proceedings I took a small amount of time fixing something that our club had overlooked last year. It was brought to my attention that 2 special presentations did not take place at the end of year dinner. Unknowing how that occurred apologies went to them both and we set about to fix the issue. I was grateful to be able to present both Bill and Margie Berlemon with their recognition trophies for their elevation to “Life members”. I was also able to present them and Tom Long with a small token key chain with the wording “TSOA SA Life Members” so they have that with them day to day.
I thought it fitting that we also take this time to recognise our other past life members and will issue the same token chains to them shortly, or posted if I can’t get to see them at the next club meeting they attend.
Thank you to those that assisted me in the selection and wording.
Well that’s it for now.
I hope that I can continue in the supporting role that has been presented to me in the same fashion that others in the past have done and look forward to more monthly runs with lots of Triumphs.
Kind regards

Ian Rigby.

President’s Report – July 2017

Monday, June 26th, 2017

Sunday 18th June David Stephens organised a run to Tanunda and we were joined by some TR Register members.  Following Lunch David had organised a visit to a private Jaguar museum – 30 cars on display, 6 in progress and lots in storage . . . wow! what a great experience and a huge thanks to David for organising such a brilliant event.

After another successful weekender, I put to the members at the meeting whether they would like three day, two night weekender in 2018, or revert to two day, one night . . . most people at the meeting suggested a three day, two night, but if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Kevin Foster has given the Editors an update on the Historic Registration to be included in this edition of Trak . . . some discussion was had at the meeting.

The Coorong Mechanical Restoration Club emailed us the info regarding the 4 Clubs tour, which has also been included in the Trak.

’til we meet again

Bill Berlemon


President’s Report – May 2017

Monday, May 29th, 2017

From our front door we covered 698km over our three day, two night weekender to the Coorong. With several of our regulars away doing other things we still had 28 Adults and 1 young James Lipsham on tour. One day of rain and two day’s fine provided the perfect opportunity to explore the Coorong which was our aim for the weekend. As usual, the members who attended were a great social lot and good to see some new faces.

As in the past, we try to use local community clubs wherever we can and we supported the Meningie Sailing Club, Lions Club, Golf Club, Automotive Restorers Club, Kingston Bowling Club, and the RFDS. Accommodation at the Lake Albert Motel was good as was their coffee on arrival. AS the Motel was full my family opted for a B&B owned by a friend of Margie’s and in fact was a cost saving.

The TSOA boosted the local economy by around $6,500 and an estimated $1,500 by members plus fuel!

A discussion needs to be had for next year whether we regularly have a 2 night, 3 day weekender or 1 night, 2 day event and the occasional 2 nighter….Decisions….decisions…..decisions…..

‘til we meet again

Bill Berlemon