Archive for the ‘President’s Say’ Category

President’s Report – March 2021

Sunday, March 28th, 2021


 Well, another month is behind us and in that time, we had an excellent March meeting and a great turnout for the Day of Triumph at Civic Park, Ti Tree Gully.

Attendance at the last meeting was as good as it has been all year.  Members were treated to a hot supper and 2 cars on stage, a 1964Van Den Plas ‘Princess’ and a 2004 Clubman (Mazda MX5 essentials) presented respectively by Stephen Wade and Chez Hobbs. Thanks to the presenters and to Duane for organising the cars on stage.   No Triumphs but both cars were of interest.

Other highlights of the night included

  • a quiz by Roger Lange, on Spitfires, won by Duane. This looks like being a regular monthly feature
  • a regalia fashion parade and auction and
  • display of a magnificent quilt made by Natalie Farrell from National Rally regalia and insignias

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Day of Triumph as I had another commitment at Victor Harbor.  Given the short notice, I was quite concerned that we might be well down on numbers.  However, Ian Rigby, informs me that the day was highly successful, with 40 cars displayed, including those of a number of reasonably new members.  He had great support from all who attended and very much appreciated the Primo breakfast/lunch vouchers supplied by Dino and Lisa Vitesse.

Margie and Bill have a full quota for the Weekender in May.  That is great news and don’t forget the Observation Run coming up shortly on Sunday 18 April.  Details are supplied elsewhere.

And to the left is why I like green.

If you are travelling over Easter, I hope the weather is fine and the roads are safe.  I look forward to seeing you again in April.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – February 2021

Friday, February 26th, 2021


This will be a relatively short report as I am still in Melbourne with my family.  Now that SA is opening the border to Greater Melbourne, we will be returning home on 7 or 8 March, hopefully, after 2 more family gatherings.

Well, apart from what we must do to remain Covid Safe, it feels like we are close to being back to normal activities.  Monthly meetings are occurring, supper and cars on stage have resumed, our social calendar is well in hand and a healthy racing program is in evidence.  The National Meeting Committee has also been busy and has a fully subscribed list of delegates who can’t wait to get to the Barossa Valley in late October 2021.  Details should be reported elsewhere in this edition of FastTRak.

My thanks to Vice President Ian Rigby for running the February meeting in my absence.  In addition to supper, members were treated to a

  • a quiz by Kaye Placing (thanks a million!) and
  • a presentation of Matthew Taylor’s TR7 with Sprint Engine.

An upcoming and exciting innovation is the transfer of our Day of Triumph (Concours and Show and Shine) to Sunday, 21 March 2021 from its normally later date in the year.  As Council approvals have only just come through, we have been unable to give club members greater notice.  Further details are provided in this FastTRak and members will be reminded again before the event.  So start polishing and let’s see if we can significantly boost the numbers the Club has had on display in recent years.  This is a great opportunity to compare your car with others and get some pointers as to what improvements you might make to your beloved Triumph.  Summer is rapidly running out (if we ever had one this year!), so use it as an excuse to get another day out with your Triumph.

And don’t forget the Observation Run and of course our traditional Weekender which are not far away. Details and dates are included in the Social Calendar.

In early January I sent an email, entitled “Your Club”, to a number of members seeking to personally encourage greater involvement in club activities, rather than just enjoying the benefits of historic registration.  In addition to the initial responses received, a further response elicited a rather nice TR8 that I thought was worthy of including here.


I look forward to seeing you again in March.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)


Monday, December 14th, 2020


Not a lot has happened this month in terms of Club activities.  I have overseen the cancellation of another Club meeting (bugger!) and sadly our annual Observation Run.  Despite all this I hope you have been able to jump in your Triumph and forget your Covid worries for a time.

We have had 2 zoom meetings.   One with the Club Committee to discuss next year’s program, the format of Club meetings and our Day of Triumph display and the other our regular Nationals Committee meeting.  Both meetings went well.  I am hoping that we can hold our Day of Triumph earlier next year, either in late March or early April.  Ian Rigby is working towards achieving that.

As I mentioned in my last report, All British Day (ABD), as we know it, has been cancelled.  Following a suggestion made at our last meeting I wrote to the Chair of the Committee expressing TSOA’s appreciation of the effort they had gone to prior to deciding to cancel.  I have heard that there are further developments to be announced soon concerning the 2021 ABD.  This is unconfirmed at this stage but.  keep your ears close to the ground.  Maybe we should have a Club Run, “In place of the ABD”, on the proposed day, 14 February 2021 (Valentine’s Day).

On 9 November Duane Kaak, Roger Lange and I attended MSCA SA’s AGM at the MG Car Club Clubrooms.  Despite Covid they have been able to successfully run their 5/6 scheduled race days for the year and achieve a small surplus.  I was impressed by their strong volunteering spirit.  Roger Lange, who was re-elected Treasurer for the 19th year in a row, exemplifies this.  Well done Roger!

On a sad note Graham Jones, husband of Gwyn and proud owner of a magnificent yellow GT6, passed away recently.  Our thoughts go out to Gwyn and her family.  Graham joined the Club in 1970, never lost his love of Wales, was truly knowledgeable about Triumphs and had a quietly engaging personality.  He will be sorely missed.  I remember how meticulously he always presented his car and the photos below, taken at Milang in 2013, clearly show this.


And well done to Neil Martin, Duane Kaak and Bryan Young, the Legends of the Lake.  All did PB’s and sounds like they had a ball!!

Details of the remaining social calendar for the year are included elsewhere in FastTRak.  Let’s hope we can do some extra catching up over Christmas and the New Year to make up for all the opportunities we missed in 2020.

In the meantime, I wish all members a safe and enjoyable Christmas and especially those who might be travelling interstate or being visited from interstate to see their families once again.

See you again soon.

Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – October 2020

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Behind us is another month under Covid 19 restrictions that still allow us to enjoy a reasonable
lifestyle compared with most of the eastern States. We are largely free to visit friends, socialize,
travel and meet together. What a blessing!

On the Sunday before the last meeting, Ian Rigby’s run to the Tanunda Chocolate factory was well
attended and a good number of Triumph’s graced the carpark.

The countryside was in superb condition, the roads were good and the weather, although
threatening, never dampened our spirits. The Chocolate factory is a real showpiece (multimillion $
investment) with separate display, viewing, dining and winetasting areas. Well worth a visit! It will
be showcased as part of our 2021 National Rally program.

The visit to the Barossa also gave members of the Rally Committee a chance
to review a couple of locations that are being considered. One member paid
particular attention to the comfort of seating likely to be offered.

Attendance at the last meeting was considerably below normal numbers of 35-
50. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we are unable to have on-stage car displays
and provide supper, so we are looking at other ways we can make our monthly
meetings of more interest to members. Please pass on any suggestions you
may have to the Committee.

If you are unaware, All British Day for 2021(14 February) has been cancelled.
In view of the myriad of requirements imposed in relation to contact tracing,
marshalling, signage, social distancing, hygiene and cleaning, the ABD Committee decided to
postpone their next event until 2022. Disappointing but clearly understandable.

The MSCA Sprint event at the Bend on Sunday 4 October was an exciting day by all accounts and
continued the enormous competition between Neil Martin and Duane Kaak. Our flag marshal quota
was filled successfully, and I thank all who volunteered, braving the rather bracing conditions on the

The MSCA SA has invited any interested members to their AGM on Monday 9 November at 8pm at
the MG Car Club clubrooms, 93 Chief St., Brompton.

Details of the remaining social calendar for the year are included elsewhere in FastTRak. Don’t
forget the informal end of year function on Saturday 5 December at B.Social, Oakden. It is a Club
subsidized event and if you haven’t been to a meeting for a while or are a newer member, join us
for some Christmas spirit!

And by the way, as I’ve had no contact or comment about the Suppliers Register as yet, the writeup has been included again in this FastTRak.

See you again soon.

Kind regards,
Peter Davidge

President’s Report September 2020

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Well as nerve-wracking as it might have been, I’m through my first meeting and the Club is off to a great start for the 20/21 year.

Bill and Margie’s social calendar (put it in your diary!) is more or less set for the first 3 to 4 months of the year.

They started with a memorable run to Strathalbyn where we visited Collectable Classics and Gilberts Motor Museum. Both locations were well worth a visit and absolutely captured everyone’s interest. Gilbert’s was much bigger and more comprehensive than I had imagined. Brilliant! Check out what Glen Dix (our Grand Prix flag-waver) has loaned to their library! And if you haven’t been there, make sure you pay them a visit. It is an exceptional regional attraction and a credit to the volunteers who have put it together.

An A-Model Ford (1927-31) rolled up in original and full working condition while we were there. Owned by a local family it is likely to be displayed in the museum soon. Despite the possibility of showers there was a great turn up of people, as well as Triumphs and an E-type Jag. Bill and Margie arranged a surprise fete adjacent to the museum and local hostelries entertained us for lunch.

The balance of the current social calendar is detailed elsewhere. However, the good news is that we will be having an informal end of year function on Saturday 5 December. Several Awards will be presented on the night. If you haven’t been to a meeting for a while or are a newer member, join us for some Christmas spirit! Further really good news is that the Club will be subsidising the event!

Before signing off, I would also like to encourage members to get more involved in the Club. We are strong at the moment, but we can always be stronger. Getting more involved doesn’t need to be onerous. I guarantee you will get support and have some fun. Join us at a social event, bring your car out on a run, talk to one of the Committee about what is involved in their portfolio attend 1 or 2 more meetings or write an article for FastTRak. The rewards far outweigh any extra effort.

See you again soon. Kind regards,

Peter Davidge


Friday, September 25th, 2020

Welcome to a new TSOA Club year!  Let’s hope that we can transition out of our current Covid restrictions and back to a normal year as soon as possible.

The AGM last month went smoothly and there was an excellent turn up.  Almost all positions were filled and somehow, I became President.  It was completely unexpected and is indeed a real honour, given the history and strength of the Club.  I’d like to thank Ian Rigby for his significant contribution as President and the amazing additional efforts he makes on behalf of the Club.  Thanks as well to the previous Committee most of whom have renominated.

We have one position, Membership Secretary, for which we would welcome additional assistance.  At present our VP, Ian Rigby, is covering the position. It is not particularly onerous but is important in terms of introducing new members into the Club.  In addition, for wanting to contribute to the Club, it is a great way to get a better idea of how the Club operates.  Step up and find out more from me, Ian Rigby or Duane Kaak.

TSOA SA is one of the best clubs in Australia for Triumph enthusiasts and this has been verified time and again by attending National Rallies in other States.  In 2021 it is our turn again and the Rally will be held in the Barossa Valley in late October.  I can strongly recommend the event for its entertainment value and the lasting interstate friendships that you form.  Check out the website, talk to members of the Rally Committee and take the plunge!

I look forward to the year ahead, to working with the new Committee and to encouraging as many members as possible to attend Club meetings, activities, and events.

Kind Regards,

Peter Davidge, President

President’s Report – July 2020

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

President’s report July 2020

I both pleased and relieved to say, we are finally finished with registrations and log books for this year.

It was a great effort not only from the assisting registrars, Alex for the collection and processing of Payments, Duane’s help with the process in Alex’s absence but you the Triumph membership for your patience and support during the past few months.

Unfortunately we did have a few members not make payment and therefore are no longer on Historic with the club. My final legal requirement for the year will be the reporting of those members and cars to the DPTI.

Naturally if they chose to re-join we would be more than happy to issue new log books once membership and joining fees are paid.

We held the first cautious club meeting this month and as promised, also had Zoom available for those wanting to see what was presented and I think around 6 people took up that offer. An early start with the executive committee was held so that we could discuss the clubs future months in accordance with the current safety concerns. Big thanks to Duane for setting up and running the Zoom meeting. We presented the usual format but without the normal snacks after.  Sanitizers, distancing and log book registrations of those attending was followed. There was a surprising support with a good turnout. We were unsure how this one would go and it was very pleasing to catch up with the membership once again.

In support of our constitution, the announcement of our August AGM and notice given that all positions would become vacant. There are several positions that will not be taken up by the current supporting members so please consider coming and hopefully we fill all positions for the coming year. It’s an important one for the club as we will be presenting the 2021 Nationals later in the year. A sound committee is integral not only to the running of the club but supporting that event and showcasing this great state.

I never know what contact I will get with members having both positions of president and club Registrar. This month Alex and I discussed all of the documentation I’m holding in regards to the history of the club. There is a significant amount in well-presented folders and it was that attention to detail that allowed me to go back in time and find racing and hill climb times that were recorded during the 2001 Nationals. I have not had time to fully absorb all of the details but it was pleasing that we were able to hand over that information as it was important for the person requesting it.

That gave me an idea now that I have an endless supply of stories and history that I might continue to present to the editors for adding to what now is the electronic TRak. The front covers changed a lot over the years and next month I will do a compilation of those to give a bit of nostalgia to the monthly read. It’s sort of like when you find something wrapped in old newspaper that you have squirreled away long ago and upon opening it finding all the old advertisements for soap or radios and TVs and different styles of clothing etc.

First one found was this from 1966 . . . on this day they dropped the $2 joining fee and membership was $4 if you lived outside of 50 miles then you only paid $2

The Committee back then . . .

President was John Fergusson

Vice president Milton Collins

Secretary: Graham Stiff

Treasurer: Don Corey

Competition Secretary: Chris Tucker

Social Secretary: Rob Dansie:

He also had a hard time socially as there was a colourful quote attached to his report. And Quote of the day: Nothing to report as socially not a bloody thing happened.

It then went on to cover what we all experience during Duane’s report with several jokes that I refuse to add he. A story regarding the real cost of buying a sports car / mostly how the car is not the real cost but pleasing and maintaining the wife and the car for different reasons after the purchase.

With over 50 years of history I have an endless supply of trivia and I hope to highlight more of yesteryear over the coming months.

On closing I would like to ask that members think of supporting the AGM and open positions next month. The meeting will be managed and monitored over the coming weeks due to the current outbreaks interstate and hopefully our numbers stay the way they have been. Naturally if there is any major concern and change in government directive we will act accordingly.

Kind regards

Ian Rigby,


President’s Report – June 2020

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

This month we will see the close of logbook renewals for the next financial year. For those who have not renewed membership by the 30th June and still have cars on Conditional Registration you can no longer drive the car. If you make a late membership payment the book can then be stamped. (No backdating though) We can only sign older books as we receive them and cannot backdate. We will do the reporting checks soon after June 30th and will do a final reminder to those in question before I send in the DPTI our report.

  • The reporting to the Registrar needs to be within a prescribed time and no extension given or books signed after the fact.
  • If you have lost or destroyed your book, you will need to send us a statutory declaration advising us as soon as possible.
  • A new logbook can be done once reported.
  • If the car has been sold, we need to cancel the logbook.
  • If you are no longer staying with the club and have a car listed we need to have the logbook so it can be cancelled. It will be returned if you wish to have the record.

It happens that some members have chosen not to continue with the club. We wish them all well with their plans and thank them for their membership over the years. Maybe one day they will miss their Triumph so much they find a new one and re-join us.

If you need to review responsibilities regarding the scheme log onto where you will see the link to the code of practice.

Code of Practice for Club Registration (177.4 KB PDF)

Information can also be found on our web page under “News and Information” Club Registration.

I thank everyone once again for the understanding, patience and support with the postage this year. I would also like to send a well-earned call out of gratitude to the other club Registrars, Kevin, Colin, Stuart and Graham for their continued help with updating this year. We have had a very large number of replacement books done and it takes time to update and log these.

Time to welcome all of our new members that joined over the past few months and their Triumphs; we hope you enjoy the benefits and support of the club. Let’s hope we can get back to monthly runs soon and we can finally meet and check out your cars in person. It was a bit of an effort for them to get their registrations done due to the need to mail out, but we worked through it together and it was successful for everyone with no issues stopping the process. Thank you for your patience in this awkward time. We will also be welcoming Lawrie and Kaye Placing who are moving to SA soon from their home in NSW. Another fine Stag coming with them.

I am sure we are all looking forward to club runs, etc. It still seems clear that the country has a few issues with restrictions and what we can or can’t do. Some states are still having problems with continued infections and this signifies the continued need to be cautious.

That being said we have been discussing the weekender planned earlier in the year and again for July but unfortunately, we have made the decision to postpone this event once more. It would have been a great way to open the club up again now, but the decision made was on how the restrictions would effect a smooth and open run where social distancing would not have effected how we interacted at the planned locations. The forward weather forecast looked bad also.

The good news is that Bill Berlemon and Margie Berlemon AM have once again done a great job in setting the run, working closely with the hotel and events and it is now planned for the 18th to 20th September. To all those that had initially put forward your interest, can you please advise Bill and Margie if you are still interested on 0438836837. Also, for those that would like to get involved please consider and get in early, as there are limited spaces. All the details are on the Web in the social folder and Trak.

The 2021 SA Nationals is still ongoing with another Zoom meeting held this month. Some have upgraded computers, bought cameras and become Zoom savvy. The group are quietly going about the business of fine-tuning the event, thinking out of the box and working through the week’s schedule.

Interestingly NSW are continuing to plan their event this year. Big question will be, can the planned event hold up for them with restrictions predicted to continue for some time to come? Or worse, that some business have not survived the extended shut downs. All we can do is wish them well as it did look to be another great event. Our presentation for the following year will be handed up at the time but if there is a need for them to cancel at the last minute then the presentation will be promoted electronically to all states.

Although the Government restrictions after 19th June allowed more people in an area for meetings, we have been waiting on an update from the Sporting Car Club where groups were restricted to 20.

I can finally advise that, with caution and some level of control we WILL BE conducting the club meeting July 21st. naturally, if you are unwell please do not attend.

The July meeting will be a little different and will be as follows.

  • Hand Sanitiser will be at the door for all to use on entry.
  • There will be No Supper OR Raffle.
  • The Bar will be open.
  • Government advised social distancing rule apply.
  • Any other sporting car club rules will also apply.
  • There will be no cars on display
  • There will possibly be a Zoom code set up for those wanting to stay at home but still be informed. This is subject to the means to do this.
  • I will have log book signing for those that need it where possible during the night.
  • At the close of the meeting, the club will remain open for a short time only for people to catch up.

I believe we have a car offered up for display at the next meeting and suggest that it will be there for the August meeting as this will be the AGM. All positions will be called “Vacant” and if you think, you might like to take up a position on the committee then please send in your nomination to either Duane or myself. (Contact details on the web.) There will be a new calendar set on the web to give the latest in club events for the remainder of the year.

Thanks to those that took the time to put up info on the web. Have a look at Neil Martins story and pictures. I think everyone one that knows Neil would agree he is doing a great job consistently flying the Triumph flag across the state and racing circuits. There is some talk of racing cautiously starting up again so let us hope they can work out the fine details and make it happen. A thoroughbred likes to run.

The club will slowly open its eyes over the next few weeks and Months so I hope to see all again soon.


Ian Rigby – President


President’s Report – May 2020

Friday, May 29th, 2020

President’s Report May 2020

No real deep reflection again this month other than continued log book renewals. This seems to be moving along OK but there is a large number yet to go.

As the sun sets on restrictions and they ease off with businesses, pubs and restaurants slowly opening up, we may be in a good position to hold the AGM. Naturally if people wish to hold on a bit longer and watch from a distance we fully understand. However it’s looking promising and as we progress over the next few months we watch the road in anticipation. There was a zoom request and we may give that a go but with the event being for Club positions and voting not sure how that would go.

Doing a quick check of the records (this could change as the report gets out) we are at roughly 50% to go for membership renewal so at a guess similar for books. Unfortunately for everyone left we won’t be out of restrictions in time to catch these at any upcoming meeting (There are none currently) and a timely reminder that there is one month to go. After the 30th June no one can drive their cars (legally or insured) unless we have up stamped or issued new books for out of date ones. Naturally we do expect a final influx but the turnaround time will be lengthy. With restrictions easing it would be a shame to have them locked away any longer.

I’m hopeful that they continue to trickle in over the next few weeks, that way it helps us to get through them and returned back to you so you can continue to enjoy your drives to wherever you choose once returned.

The process this year has helped to sort out one or 2 little issues captured while we have had time to look over them and cross check our records. There is always room for improvement.

NSW are still hopeful to run their Nationals this year. It may differ from the initial plan but with the conversations about “what if” during the lock downs they concluded that the show must go on. We too have been planning in the background, all be it slowly, as we were waiting on their final decision and to find out what implications we would have should the cancellation take place. It does appear that if theirs is cancelled then ours would proceed as planned next year.

We held our first ZOOM Nationals meeting this month and after the usual initial start-up tweaks we were up and running. A good meeting with plenty of discussion based on all the usual things needed to hold a good event and encourage those in other states to cross over and enjoy our company.

Just in case you noticed Alex is dominant on screen and no he doesn’t have a twin.  He was the convener and had 2 screens running to help show everyone other content for discussion. We really have come a long way since the start of the current crisis.

It’s certainly made a lot of people think of other ways and options to run our life and I guess even after the Virus issue is set aside, lessons and changes made during the past few months may re shape the way we all function from now on.  Different ways to shop and alternate methods to communicate.



The one thing that can’t be changed is the enjoyment of turning a key, listening to the slight rumble of an exhaust and the pleasure we get while driving our Triumphs.

With the lock down we thought that the web would have been inundated with stories and shared info. I have been too busy with work and log books and 5 minutes in the shed working on the Saloon so have not had time myself, but I can say that there is a very patient web page manager just a click away. Give it a go.

In closing wishing everyone a safe return to normal.


Ian Rigby


President’s Report – April 2020

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

President report                                                      April 2020

Not an interesting report this month with no meetings, no runs, or general outings that we can share.

The highlight this month apart from starting the log book renew process was to do a drive by at Sue and Rory’s place to congratulate Sue on a birthday milestone. No telling the age but certainly Skyhooks had a great song based on it. Bit of trivia to look up while you’re at home googling.

Social distancing at its best. Best wishes to Sue and anyone else that shared their birthday or special milestone with limited people.

We also received several interstate Trak type mail outs for us to share from Duane and the ones we received were certainly full of stories and pictures. I’m guessing that this will diminish next month seeing they had a more restrictive hold put on them than we have.

Alex has been very busy behind the scenes setting up and entering club documents to our Drop Box. This is another great way for us to communicate rather than e-mails and phone messages.

We have had a good take up to the reduced membership fees and log book renew process this year. It certainly has been interesting for me. Welcome to our new members and thanks for bringing along more Triumphs to the stable.

If you have not checked out our Web have a look. Roger has been busy in the shed and has put up a glimpse of his newly completed project. There are a few stories and comments and another post about repairs. Parts for sale and wanted is there and I have posted up some general items for sale with a collection of books and model cars for a member who wants to clean them out of her shed (not all pictures are up of the collection so give Valarie a call her number is on the add). I hope to have a story up for next month (just to spread it out a bit) on the Saloon. Not like some that have been forced into time out of work, I can’t get a home stay with what I do daily. The parts are on order finally so just waiting patiently for a plane from the UK.

Up to now no planning has been done for our normal display day later in the year or other major events. The normal booking process through whatever council can’t be done currently so if the state opens up late it may not be possible this year. Should things work out for the better and we still wish to run this event it may need to have a bit of out the box thinking due to timing. Knowing that we have limited numbers over the past few years and with people still being cautious I’m thinking it would be more impacted with a poor turn out so reluctantly it may be a year of rest but too early to tell at this stage.

I would like to present the following to help further with postage since we started this process there is a need to tweak it a little more. In general it’s worked ok but still postage is an issue with returning more than one book. So to help visually please follow this general rule. If you’re lucky enough to have a need for more than 4 books then you would need to do a combination of the below or see the post office for your best option. That’s the fortune and privilege of owning a stable full. One book only to a standard envelope.  (Both ways)

Oh and I have just been reminded that if you are filling documents in for your car log books they need to be referring your home address not a post office box or business please.










So unfortunately that’s it for this month.

Think we all hope the global issue is resolved enough to get us out a little bit more so for now stay safe.


Ian Rigby
