Archive for the ‘President’s Say’ Category

President’s Report April 2022

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

What a great day the Day of Triumph was in early April.  Apart from the brilliant weather and fantastic display of cars, we signed up 2 new members (Graham Parrish and Richard Ankers welcome) and had a steady stream of onlookers admiring our cars.  Well done to all who displayed, to the trophy winners, to Ian Rigby who directed the event, to Bill and Margie Berlemon who arranged the Club marquees, to the judges, and to Dean and Marg Bogisch who tallied up the judging sheets.  An especial thankyou  to Caffé Primo sponsors Dino and Lisa Vettese.   This is not only our principal display event for the year but rates highly as an outstanding social event.  Don’t miss it next year!

Following a review of next year’s Budget prior to the last Club meeting , the Committee decided that members subscriptions will remain at $50 pa for 2022/23.  The Treasurer, Alex Smithson, almost received a standing ovation when he announced the news.  He has already sent out renewal notices which will give members adequate time to pay before the 30 June deadline.

In addition to the Budget, the Committee discussed Marque Representatives and considered that the following broadly describes their role:

“The role of marque representatives is to act as conduits for anyone enquiring or seeking advice about any aspect of the category of Triumphs they represent.  They are not experts but rather voluntary facilitators in the timely resolution of all enquiries made by members of the Club and the public.  Being available at Club events and meetings enhances their effectiveness.”

The Committee would welcome any comment on the above description, as it intends to initiate its annual review of nominated marque representatives soon.

Last meeting 4 members gave brief presentations (max. of 2 minutes) on an item of personal memorabilia related to motoring or the Triumph marque.  It was intended that each item should be smallish and could be anything of interest ranging from a stainless-steel bolt to a speeding fine from SA Police.   I would like to repeat this from 3 members at our next meeting and I am seeking the following members to volunteer – Ian Rigby, Garry Buckton, Kevin Foster and Duane Kaak.  Let me know if you can’t do it.

And finally, I am organising a mid-week run to Hahndorf on Wednesday 18 May (the day after our next Club meeting).  Details are as follows:

  • Meet at 10.00am for 10.15am start in the Edinburgh Hotel car park, Mitcham
  • Travel through the autumnal Adelaide Hills for lunch in Hahndorf at 12 noon
  • the Haus Restaurant, is offering a 4-choice main menu for $18pp (yet to be finally confirmed). If this falls through another venue will be arranged.

Please let me know (0438 765 358) if you are planning to come.

Check out the social calendar and I look forward to seeing you in May.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report March 2022

Sunday, March 27th, 2022


It was such a relief to resume meetings again in March following our last meeting in November 2021.  Despite some rustiness the meeting went relatively smoothly and our new barman Jordan, replacing Stan, slipped into his new role with great fluidity.  I was particularly pleased to see a few members indicate an interest in taking on a couple of roles crucial to the ongoing running of the Club.

Prior to our main meeting the Committee met to discuss running the Day of Triumph (DOT) and the range of trophies on offer.  The Committee agreed that the DOT should be our biggest show day of the year and provide an opportunity to

  • recognise and encourage the quality of owned and restored Triumph cars
  • proudly display members’ cars and market membership of TSOA to the public
  • allow Club members to observe and discuss a broad range of quality restorations across the marque

Concours and Pride of Ownership categories allow this to happen, but there is a big effort in putting it on, so we want as many members as possible to participate on Sunday 3 April.  Come along, get involved, show us your car, talk to other members about their cars and ENJOY.  You won’t regret it!  And as a bonus, I believe Dino and Lisa Vitesse, once again, are offering Primo meal vouchers to attendees.

Bill and Margie have a busy social calendar planned for April and are in the final stages of arranging for our annual Weekender in late May.  Check all that out in their report but make sure you register ASAP for the Weekender as bookings are going crazy!  A mid-week run (on a Wednesday) is being considered for May/June and details will be provided at the next meeting.

As an aside, Julie and I went to the opening of the new Information Centre at Monarto Safari Park earlier this week.  What a world class park we have on our doorstep just south of Murray Bridge.  Some members enjoyed a subsidised visit to Monarto in early November 2021 and a day’s visit is planned for the Nationals in October 2022.

Alex Smithson has got action for the 2022 Nationals underway again with great support from interstate.  The Committee is optimistic (but cautious) that the event will go ahead this year and has established a wait list to ensure that accommodation spaces are fully utilized.  Members who have not already booked but wish to be considered should contact Alex for details and ask to be placed on the wait list.

And for those members who volunteered at the last meeting, please bring along your item of memorabilia to April’s meeting prepared to talk about it for a maximum of 2 minutes.

To all members and your families, stay safe.  I look forward to seeing you in April.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – February 2022

Saturday, February 26th, 2022

Finally, some better news as Covid restrictions are easing across the board and we will be resuming normal meetings from March onwards.  Come along and share what you’ve been doing with your Triumph (s) since we last met in November 2021 more than 3 months ago.

Following the cancellation of January and February meetings, the decision to include some additional outdoor events in the program seems to have been welcomed with a very successful run to Gumeracha on Sunday 13 February.  Our next outdoor run is to Bethany in the Barossa for a club sponsored lunch on Sunday 13 March.  Check the social calendar for details including news of our planned Weekender in May.  If you are a newer member the weekender is a great way to get to know fellow members.

Ian Rigby has confirmed the date and venue of the Day of Triumph (DOT).  Unfortunately, due to Festival events we were unable to get Elder Park but Civic Park, Tea Tree Gully on Sunday 3 April, is an excellent alternative.  Everyone has a full month to be on the marque and up to speed on the presentation of their car.  And remember that Ian is looking for some assistance with the event, so volunteers are welcome.

Vale Peter Boxall

Peter passed away in Hervey Bay on Saturday 12 February.  Peter was a longstanding member of over 25 years, moving to Queensland with his wife in the early 2000’s but still retaining his TSOA SA membership and close friendships with a number of members in the Club.  He won the Club’s Concours in 2000 with a beautifully restored TR8.  Julie and I are proud to be the current owners of that car.  Pete was larger than life, a man of action and a lovable rogue with a great sense of humour.  He will be greatly missed by his family, current partner Lita, and friends.  RIP mate!

To all members and your families, stay safe.  I look forward to seeing you in March.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – January 2022

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

Welcome to 2022, which prior to Omicron, promised to be much better than 2021.  Well, that is in doubt at the moment but your Committee is working to provide the best outcomes for members given what South Australia is currently facing.

Broadly, with some concern about indoor events, we have decided to cancel our next club meeting in February, hoping to resume normal meetings in March.  To compensate, the forward program now includes some additional outdoor events (refer Socially Speaking & the Social Calendar,) with the first occurring on Sunday 13 February now that All British Day has been cancelled.

With significant uncertainties surrounding the Day of Triumph, Ian Rigby is working towards securing a suitable venue in late March or early April.  DOT 2021 was very successful, and I can see no reason why a similar if not better result can be achieved in 2022.  Ian is stepping down from DOT responsibility after 2022 and so this is an opportunity for a club member to come forward and learn from the master before he retires from the role.

Since November we have had 2 official Club functions, the Christmas Social and the after-Christmas Run, and unfortunately have had to cancel two.  Both functions held were very successful and once again the Golf Club demonstrated what a quality show, they can put on for us for Christmas.

Roger Lange tells me that our website is now back in business after serious disruption from international hackers.  Well done to Roger and his team and I’m sure all members and others who visit our website welcome the news.

And with 6 months before our Club elections, may I remind you of what JFK said in his inauguration speech of 1961 (the first year of TR4 production) – “Ask not what your country (Club) can do for you – ask what you can do for your country (Club)”.  I am serious about this and will continue to urge members who have an interest in the future wellbeing of the Club to consider a position on the Committee.  It’s a great Club and should continue to be so!

I trust that you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and wish you all the very best as we embark on another year of Covid filled uncertainties.  Enjoy your February and see you again in March.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report November / December 2021

Monday, January 10th, 2022

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – November / December 2021

Well what a month November has been!  And it’s not over yet!  We’ve tried a couple of different things and they seem to have worked so we are finishing off the year on a high and celebrating with our Back to the Fairway, Christmas Dinner at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club.

I’m pleased to report after many anxious moments on my part, that the Run to Monarto Safari Park on Saturday 13 November went well.  Members who attended were treated to a club subsidy and group discount that may not be available again soon.  The 25 attendees enjoyed the food, gift shop, information provided by the volunteers, the animals and fortunately the weather.  The Park is a major conservation area, and we were blown away by the Lion Cage, impressed by the feeding of the Giraffes and fortunate to see 15 month old white rhino, Esche, before she unexpectedly died about 10 days later.

At the last meeting, Club co-founder Tony Case and long-time member Vin Anderson provided some observations on what it was like to be a member in the very early days of TSOA(SA).  This not only encouraged members who we hadn’t seen for many meetings (Bob Anderson, Geoff Bills, Helmut Liepe, Bill McGuiness, Geoff Mount from Tasmania) but entertained the usual attendees with tales of enthusiasm, fast driving, roll overs and other antics that were possible back in the mid 1960’s/early 1970’s.  It was of course noted that traffic was much lighter then and there were no RBT stations or speed cameras to spoil one’s driving pleasure.  Most of us remembered!  And of course on stage were Vin;s white TR3A which he has owned for 50 years and Margaret Anderson’s immaculately original green Stag which Bob steadfastly refused to sell.  It took me a few days to recover from the buzz of it all!

I now look forward to our Christmas dinner at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club on Saturday 26 November.  It should be all over by the time you receive this FastTrak and 60 attendees will have had an enjoyable and memorable time.  Thanks go to Sue Gibson for her negotiations with the caterers, her menu development, cranking up the numbers, the table allocations and successfully getting us Back to the Fairway.

Thanks also to the Committee for your efforts so far this year and for all those members who have assisted with proceedings or attended meetings and other activities over the past 6 months.  We rely on all members to continue the momentum of the Club into its 57th year.

And finally have an enjoyable Christmas with friends and relatives.  Stay away from anyone from NSW, Victoria and the ACT and return safely to Club meetings and activities in 2022.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge, President

President’s Report – August 2021

Saturday, August 28th, 2021


Welcome to a new TSOA Club year!  South Australia is still doing well with reasonably few Covid restrictions and so together with the rising rate of vaccinations I am hoping we have a better year than we did in 2020/2021.

The AGM last month went smoothly with most members of the Committee including me as President, being renominated and elected unopposed.  Whilst this is an excellent result, most current members have been on the Committee for more than 10 years.  It is imperative for the future success of the Club to draft new members on to the Committee.   To this end I will be asking all Committee members, where possible during the year, to seek new nominees to the Committee for the 2022 AGM.

In the meantime as a matter of urgency the Vice President, Ian Rigby, would be very pleased to hear from anyone able to assist with various membership duties or to take over organization of the Day of Triumph which is planned for late March/early April 2022.  Give him a call now, his number is 0417 085 083.

As July’s meeting was cancelled due to a Covid lockdown, we held our annual pizza thank you to contributing club members, prior to the AGM. There was a good turn up and well deserved thanks were given!

Recently I have been in touch with members Bob Farrell (hip), Kevin Foster (heart) Tom Long (limited sight) and Roger Lange (hip), who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the Club.  Each is in good spirits and very much appreciated best wishes from the Club.  Frankie Merrett, ex social secretary of the Club about 8/10 years ago and resident of Boyanup WA, rang me from Perth last weekend.  She has been in hospital for the last 4 weeks following an ankle operation and, despite not losing her sense of humour, has the rehab blues.  If you know her, I’m sure she would appreciate a call from SA.

Check out the Club website while you’re at it!   I just sold a group of items leftover from my TR6 restoration and on the classified ads since December 2018.  Just proves the value of the website and patience!

And don’t forget to browse our social calendar later in this FASTRAK and also on the Club Website.  Some great events are coming up and it is pleasing to see the support that Bill and Margie are getting on a regular basis.  Unfortunately as we live at Victor Harbor and often have a commitment on Sunday mornings it is not always possible for Julie and me to get to organized Club runs.  Despite that we will do our best.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Club meeting.

Kind Regards, Peter Davidge, President

President’s Report – July 2021

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021


Hi everyone.

Not much fun in July!  Travel plans disrupted continuously, a State Government lockdown and the Committee had to cancel the Club’s July meeting.   I hope you are doing as well as you can within the rules of the lockdown and hopefully, we will be out of it early this week.

Since my last report, I have had the opportunity to reconsider my position as President.   I have decided to toss my hat in the ring again and nominate for 2021/22.  That doesn’t preclude anyone else from nominating or, alternatively, considering joining the Committee.  If I am re-elected, I will retire the following year.

New members are required on the Committee.  That will be the challenge over the next 12 months!   Almost all current committee members have each spent more than 10 years serving the Club and they are happy to continue.   However, it is about time other members

  • check out the Committee/Club Representative positions as listed on the TSOA SA website
  • talk to Committee members about their roles. I am happy to speak to anyone who needs a little encouragement to get more involved.  Or why not ask Ian Rigby about organising the Day of Triumph and taking that over with his help. He has decided to relinquish the role.
  • nominate for a position (contact Duane Kaak our Secretary) and
  • join us at the AGM on Tuesday 17 August 2021, the next normal Club meeting

Well, that’s enough spruiking, but it would be nice to think that members are sufficiently enthused by and interested in the Club to maintain its ongoing success.

National Meeting Memories – 1981, 40 years ago


The above pictures were provided to me by Tony Case (co-founder of the Club).  The 1981 Adelaide Nationals were the first conducted over a week and set the framework for organising all future National Meetings both here and interstate.  That is something the Club can be proud of, as the same format exists today.  We still have race days, entertaining social events, observation runs, display days, an emphasis on touring and who knows whether we drink as much or drive as fast.

The group photo of delegates at the “Unofficial Party” looks more like a Wild West family gathering.  But believe it or not it isn’t!  Disguised in 1980 outfits are various members at the time including Tony Case, Bob and Margaret Anderson, Chris Barnes, Geoff Bills, Bill McGuiness, and Tom Hutchinson.  See if you can find them!

And finally, check out the social calendar for our upcoming program and commentary on the recent Christmas in July Run to the Yankalilla Hotel.  Well done to the organisers Sue and Alex Smithson!   This may become a regular annual event.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.  John Tuohy, if I recall, is next up to set the Club Quiz,


Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report June 2021

Sunday, June 27th, 2021


 Hi everyone, I hope you have paid your subs for 2021/22 and updated your logbooks to ensure you are historically registered for next year.  There is still some time before we have to close off to honour our obligations under the Historic Registration Scheme and report all unfinancial TSOA members/drivers to DPTI.  If you haven’t already done so, make a resolution to do it this week by contacting a Club Representative listed on our website.

Last meeting was again well attended as members continued the logbook endorsement process.  It is a smooth process and certainly encourages members to come to our June and July meetings.   The Committee met before the meeting to review upcoming events and confirm

  • a club subsidy for the Christmas in July Run on Sunday 18 July
  • a return to the Royal Adelaide Golf Club for our Christmas dinner on Saturday 27 November and.
  • a club sponsored prize for our monthly quiz

John Tuohy surprised everyone and won Geoff Ellis’s quiz and it was pleasing to hear that Roger Lange had successfully sold Bob Farrell’s lovely TR8, shown below.  A beautiful car owned by a beautiful bloke!  Well done, Bob, Natalie and Roger!


The committee also confirmed Tuesday 17 August 2021, a normal Club meeting, as the date of our next AGM.  With great regret I advised the Committee and subsequently members at the Club meeting that I had decided not to continue as President in 2021/2022.  And so, you all have an opportunity to consider nominating for the position of President and serving the Club at the highest level.  It is an honour, a privilege and a vital role in ensuring the ongoing viability of the Club.  I never imagined or sought the role, but I have enjoyed it greatly.  I can honestly say that with the support given by a quality Committee who have all indicated their willingness to continue, anyone with the right interest and wishing to serve could do the job.  The Club needs someone to step up.  Why not you!  I am more than happy to have a chat about the Presidency, as are all members of the Committee about their respective roles.

Think seriously about nominating at the AGM.  I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – May 2021

Thursday, May 27th, 2021


Well who would have thought that we could go away on a Weekender at this time of year and not catch a drop of rain!   We even missed the dust storm that enveloped the mid North late last weekend.  Apart from everything else, Bill and Margie Berlemon organised some sensational weather for us, although the well prepared and seeded paddocks could have done with a good drenching.

Highlights and surprises for me from the Weekender were as follows:

  • Before leaving Adelaide, the Vice President’s wife missed a freeway turn on the way to Bolivar. Guided by an expert navigator she took all the right turns from then on & made it safely (?) through the weekend.  Well done, Raelene!
  • On the drive to Pt Wakefield 2 Stags were wedged between 2 Wedges
  • My first finger bun for 3-5 years at the Pt Wakefield bakery. Heavenly!!
  • The growth and community pride in the townships of Kadina, Wallaroo and Pt Broughton since I was last there 10-15 years ago
  • At Wallaroo we were privileged to be briefed on the vital volunteer activities of the Sea Rescue Squadroneers. 50 years ago, they used tinnies for rescue and tin cans for communication.  Now you should see their equipment!  Top class vehicles for towing, the latest in communication equipment and 7.5m rescue vessels that are navy class!

  • Duane learnt a new joke at the BBQ tea provided by PADARC (Pirie & Districts Automotive Restorers Club). So, book in early for our next meeting when Duane might just retell it.

To the left was the spectacular sunset on our first night in Pt Pirie

  • The RSL Military Museum at Pt Pirie featuring memorabilia from all conflicts Aussies have been engaged in since the Boer War and a fully restored troop-carrying chopper used in Vietnam Opened in 2009 and a brilliant display!
  • A delicious pasty at the Jamestown bakery. I should have had another one!
  • A visit to Jack’s shed at Jamestown where he displays, with great joy, an incredible collection of minitiarised and motorised tractors, tanks, ferris wheels and belt driven apparatus as well as an impressive array of scaled outback dunnies with authentic redback spiders. All built and operated expertly by Jack himself.  And unlike many Triumphs all exhibits started first go!!
  • Apart from our visit to the Gaol in Gladstone, the Smithson’s discovered a classy family restoration of the Booyoolee Hotel. Check it out for tea coffee, food, arts and craft, a relax or tour if you are anywhere near Gladstone.  This was the first time we’d been into the main township and it was well worth the visit.
  • Damper and billy tea at Gulnare (do you know where that is?), prepared by Sandy and Harry Osborn of central Australian tourism fame. The Kaak family were stranded here momentarily but, with the help of the only local mechanic, were soon on their way to pizzas at the Olive Bus in Clare.

Well, that wraps up an excellent Weekender.  Credit to Bill and Margie who continue to amaze with what they uncover in regional South Australia. Enjoyed by all!

Jack’s Shed 


Booyooloo Hotel    

Numbers at our last meeting were swelled by members anxious to get their logbooks endorsed.  A smooth operation was conducted by Ian Rigby and Colin White aided by latest subscription information from Treasurer. Alex.  Thanks Ian, Colin, and Alex and Kevin Foster at home, on behalf of the Club, for guiding the process so beneficial to members.  The rest of the meeting was quite lively, with Stephen Wade facing some spirited interventions during his quiz and Tony Rutter talking about his rare black TR7 Spider.  Geoff Ellis won the quiz after he got carried away, expertly answering 2 Rover questions without realising this would qualify him to run the next quiz.  Well done, Geoff!

In the immediate future subs are due, logbooks need endorsing and check the social calendar as outlined below.   Beyond that, the AGM will be coming up in August and I would encourage members to think seriously about nominating for a Committee position.  Each position is well established, current incumbents are well versed in their roles and are more than willing to assist you in anyway if you are interested.  Think about it!  The ongoing strength of the Club relies heavily on members continuing to volunteer their support.

See you at the next meeting.  Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

President’s Report – April 2021

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021


We are now in the depths of Autumn and approaching that time of year when we put our Triumph in the garage, hang up our gardening gloves and start searching Google for quality mulled-wine recipes.  But don’t despair; you can work on your Triumph in the garage and enjoy the various Club activities scheduled over the next few months.

On Sunday 18 April, a number of club members attended the Vintage and Classic Car Parade at McLaren Vale and 24 members wracked their brains on the Observation Run.  The Run took us through the Adelaide Hills and the upper reaches of the Fleurieu Peninsula arriving for a Club BBQ lunch at Mt Compass in perfect weather.  Two highly competitive couples won prizes at each event –


Noel and Cindy Schmidt – Best Dressed at McLaren Vale












Roger and Cherri Lange  – Best Answers at Mt Compass

At our last meeting attendance was down slightly but, nevertheless, the level of conversation/discussion was quite lively.  Duane rounded the meeting off with an interesting quiz focussed on Dolomites.  This was particularly relevant given that 2021 is their 50th anniversary year.  Despite a large groan for getting one of the questions correct, Stephen Wade agreed to continue the quiz at our May meeting.

And while on anniversaries, TSOA Victoria celebrated their 60th anniversary recently with a drive to Ballarat and a book launch on the Anzac Day weekend.  Hopefully, Greg Page our librarian can get a copy of the book to add to the library.  I believe it has more than 300 pages so it should be an interesting read.

Subscriptions for 2021/22 will increase to $50pa from $40pa this year.  Despite this, a deficit is predicted for the year and our overall cash balance will reduce in line with our aims to promote additional member benefits and maintain a lower level of cash reserves.   The $50 compares more than favourably with subscriptions of other car clubs and is still significantly lower than the level that existed before Covid restrictions were imposed.   Notifications will be sent out in the next few weeks.

In previous Reports I have signalled why I chose my TR6 (because I liked the colour green!) and indicated that I would provide further details later.  Well, that time has arrived.   What follows is an abbreviated version of my ownership of TRSIX6 for just under 20 years and my subsequent purchase of TR8080 4 years ago.

My TR6 &TR8

My first involvement with motorized transport was at Uni when I thrashed around in my mother’s Ford Prefect.  I then purchased a Vespa 150 GS when I was about 19/20 years old.  This was followed by a Toyota Corona when I was 23 and after that I had a random set of vehicles rarely tinkering with any of them or even looking under the bonnet to see what was there.  In my 50’s I thought I might like to restore an old sports car and at an All British Day at Uraidla in the 1990’s I fell in love with a midnight blue TR6, on display with TSOA.

In 2016, much to the amazement of fellow TSOA friends and myself I sold our beloved TR6.  We purchased the car in pieces from a deceased estate in 1996 and I must thank Ron Corso for assisting with the sale.  Somehow, I got the silent vehicle home and into our garage.  It had been converted to RH drive, was mostly complete, rust free and came with a few boxes of miscellaneous spares.

A builder friend lent me some scaffolding which enabled me (and him) to remove the body and suspend it close to the garage ceiling and above the chassis.  This was pretty scary stuff, as I soon realized how much the body flexed when it was not attached to the chassis.  The car was now ready to work on.

At this stage I could put my lack of automotive skills to good use.  Over a period, I was able to remove the wiring loom, engine, differential, gear box, fuel tank, starter motor and other major/minor items from the chassis and their housings, as well as refurbish items such as nuts and bolts and make up a new veneer dash.  In between, I hand rubbed down to bare metal the body, doors, bonnet, and boot (ably assisted by Dave Wilson), removing 2 layers of blue paintwork and having the car resprayed in the original emerald-green.   The interior trim was also beautifully jazzed up by Alan Smith on Regency Road. Some tears on the chassis (where the diff. is fixed) required welding and the chassis was then sent off for respraying.

The engine and diff. were thoroughly reconditioned by Bob and Vin Anderson respectively (thanks guys).  Somehow, I had arrived at a point where I could attempt to reassemble all my gleaming components.  I was convinced it could look like a TR6 again, but this required a range of skills that I was well short of.  So the pieces sat in the garage for a further 2 years.

The hero in this story is another TSOA member Rory Gibson, who was a power station engineer, a good friend and a TR6 owner who had a lot of experience in the intricacies of what went where and why things worked.  Rory joined me at home every Wednesday for about 2 years and finally in 2002 a brilliant emerald-green TR6 was cleared by the Regency Park Vehicle Inspectors.  Subsequently I won 9 National and 6 State awards with the car.  And then I sold it (it is now in chilly Norway), replacing it with a genuinely nice TR8 (green again) which we still have.








I tell this abbreviated story to inspire others as I started with no intricate knowledge of cars and no specific knowledge of TR6’s but an overriding confidence in the support I could get from being a member of TSOA.  Dreams can come true but not necessarily on time and on budget!

Well I hope you enjoyed this story.  FasTRak is a great avenue for members to tell their own individual stories and for us all to get to know each other a little better.  I’m sure there are plenty of interesting stories out there and so I will be calling for volunteers in the near future.

PS Congratulations to Kaye and Laurie Placing on getting SA plates for their Stag.


Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)