Archive for the ‘President’s Say’ Category

President’s Report – April 2012

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

Again during the last month we had three great runs the first being a small contingent of members attending the annual MSCA picnic and presentation day at McLaren Vale where we were placed third in the club display on the day. The MG car club had a significant milestone with their marque this year, and created a big display to mark the event, this display took out first place. Thanks to all who attended and represented our club, it is understood that a good day was had by all at this new venue.

The second was a mid week run from Crafers through the Southern vales ending up at Pt Noarlunga for lunch overlooking the jetty and surrounding beach, again a good drive, good company and a good meal was had by all.

The third was a run to the “Hindmarsh Island International Airport” organised by Rod Dent, again a great run from Burnside through Sterling, Strathalbyn and Goolwa, with many members taking the opportunity to have joy flights in one of the three Tiger Moths, that were available on the day, and from the smiles on the faces after the flights it was obvious that this was a very successful event.

Many thanks to those who organised these events, full reports and photos will be presented later in the magazine.

This year is the 31st running of the Mallala National Historic Race meeting over EASTER will be held and we have been invited by the Sporting Car Club of SA to attend this great annual event. Details of all events can be obtained by looking at the SCCSA web site, or contact Rick Staehr.

This year’s weekender is planned to be a 3 day weekend in the Riverland starting from Friday 18th May.

At the March meeting we were advised that there are only 2 or 3 vacancies, so be quick as it promises to be a great weekend. There will be some flexibility in attending for two days if you have difficulty in attending the full 3 day weekend. Full details later in the magazine.

Just a reminder that the TSOA Nationals will be held in the Victorian Goldfield area in early November 2012 and it is still not too late to enrol. There is a proposal to continue on after the Nationals for an extra week exploring Tasmania in our Triumphs. Preliminary details are being worked on with our Tasmanian club organiser Tarni Reynolds and details should be available soon. If you are interested and have not indicated so, then please contact Natalie Farrell.

Historic Registration Scheme update,

It is my understanding that approximately 26 clubs made submissions for consideration to the revised code and these are being worked through, hence the delay in the proposed original implementation date of March this year, until advised otherwise it will be business as usual.

In the mean time we have proposed dates in June, July and August for the proposed mandatory inspection of Historic cars should it be introduced and implemented soon. These indicative days will start to be shown in the club calendar on the last page of the magazine soon, but they are not firm at this stage just an indication.

Till we meet again

John Sampson

President’s Thoughts – January 2012

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

We are all set for another great TSOA club year, and I would take this opportunity to wish all members a happy and prosperous New Year. But before I advise you of some great coming events the committee has planned, I was wondering if you have broken any new year’s resolutions yet? Maybe it’s not too late to consider putting in place one or two more, and then come out and meet and enjoy this year’s events that have been planned with your fellow club members.

Do you have a Triumph off the road with and with little effort you can repair it and get it back on the road ?

Do you have a project car languishing in the garage looking to be completed? Well I encourage you to set a new year’s resolution in place and be inspired to finish the project this year.

Do you have a Triumph that is road worthy but never gets used? Well now is the time to brush of the cob webs and come out on our club runs.

We look forward to seeing current and new members joining in our club runs and competition events over the next year.Here are some of the events your committee has planned for the first quarter of 2012 and many more are to follow:

(1) The 19th annual Ice Cream run to be held on this weekend – Sat 28th Jan. at 7.00pm. We have planned a revised extended run along the Adelaide foreshore and hopefully we will have a great sunset as we cruise to Noonie’s via Outer Harbour.

(2) The All British Day held on Sun. 12th February at the Uraidla oval. Unfortunately it is too late to enter your car but you are welcome to attend on the day and view the 800+ British car and bikes on display.

(3) The MSCA picnic and presentation day held on Sun. 26th of February and this year will be held at Sefafino’s (McClaren on the Lake) at McClaren Vale. A great picnic day is promised at this new venue.

(4) The Hindmarsh Island run with the option of a Tiger moth flight for the adventurist to be held on Sun. 28TH March – please note the full payment is required to Rod Dent by the February 21st general meeting.

For full details please refer to the event notices either within the calendar on this website or in the last issue of your TRak magazine.

Now for a quick update on the Historic Registration scheme (CHVRS)

Details of the scheme revision remain unchanged from our previously published comments with the exception of a request to clubs to recommend changes to the general wording of the “Code” in an effort to simplify the interpretation. We as a club have made a submission to the Federation and DPTI and we await the outcome of any revisions that may be accepted from all clubs who responded.

The CHVRS is before State Cabinet for approval and was expected to be approved by March this year, it is not known if the last minute request for comments will further delay the implementation.In the mean time, until we receive and further advice we will be operating the scheme as we have in recent years, and the only changes we are currently aware of awaiting Parliamentary approval are :

(1)   Effective date for eligibility will be reset to vehicles manufactured prior to 1st January 1979.  If you own a vehicle manufactured between 1979 and 1982 and has been approved for the scheme then these vehicles will remain in the scheme. Refer to previous reports on the subject.

(2)   A mandatory yearly inspection of the approved vehicles is proposed, and your committee is working on establishing dates and times for this new requirement. Watch for details in future magazines.

(3)   Approved LHD vehicles effectively date will be standardised from the current 1974 date to 1st January 1979 as with RHD vehicles.

Due to a recent medical condition our club scheme controller Tom long has lost most of his sight and has advised me as a result he will not be able to continue running the scheme. In the short term Kevin Foster will take over the running of the scheme until the committee confirm the new appointment at the February committee meeting.

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on my sincere thanks to Tom for his efforts and involvement in the scheme over the last ten years, and wish him well for the future as he adjusts to this unfortunate circumstance.

Look forward to catching up in the near future,

John Sampson

President’s Thoughts – December 2011

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

The all Triumph rally for the TONY ESAU MEMORIAL TROPHY was held on the 20th of November with 50 plus people attending for a drive through the Adelaide hills on a pleasant sunny day, driving carefully and attentively answering 40+ questions.  The lucky winner for the second time in 3 years was Ian and Raelene RIGBY, with a near perfect score, congratulations to them both and as per normal they will have the pleasure of running next years rally.

Many thanks to Peter and Dean Berlemon for cooking the club sponsored BBQ.

As normal the January general meeting will be held at the Sporting Car Club rooms on Tuesday the 17th and will be the usual informal nature with the ladies going down King William Road for coffee and Gelato.

The normal room may be having some maintenance work done, and if this work is incomplete we have made arrangements to use one of the other rooms in the main building, so when you arrive you may need to keep a look out for an alternative entrance.

During the last meeting we made a presentation of a model Spitfire to Dwayne kaak as a thank you for the work he did as M.C. during the national rally. We have managed to get a list of models currently held by the outlet at Little Hampton where the model was purchased and this list and contact details will be found later in the magazine just in case you would like to purchase one as a gift for Christmas.

In mid November we received a request from the DTEI and the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs to urgently review the wording in the conditional registration scheme Code of practice, a small team has reviewed and we are currently working on the our recommendations as requested.

At this point the committee felt that we need to review and understand the new code wording before we can advise members of any revisions or changes that may be made. It is our current understanding that the aim is to clarify and ambiguities and poor wording in the existing document, in an effort to simplify the code and make it more user friendly, hopefully they can achieve this goal. We will keep the membership informed as we understand more.

With the festive season nearly upon us I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody the compliments of the season, and remind all to celebrate wisely and above all drive safely over the coming holiday period.

I look forward to catching up with as many members as possible over the holiday season at the various club organised events and invite members who would not normally come to our club runs to take this opportunity to come along make yourself known and meet and mix with your fellow Triumph club members.

Till we meet again
John Sampson

President’s Thoughts for November 2011

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

We have just returned from the 2011 TSOA Nationals and what a superb event it was, 4 nights at Mt Gambier and 3 nights at Victor Harbor, with a 3 day add on in K.I. for those wanting to do more.

The event was well balanced with something for everybody with Pride of ownership, observation run, crayfish lunch, motorkhana, Naracoorte caves, steam train ride, and a great hill climb with a bit of moisture added from the sky to make more interesting.

I am sure these events will be reported in detail later in this copy of Trak or in next month’s Magazine, so I won’t double up here.

At this point I must congratulate the team who planned this event over the last 2 and half years, they presented a tremendous and interesting event that was so good you would believe it was put together by a team of professional event organizers.

We done and thankyou to the organising committee, Natalie and Bob Farrell, Sue and Rory Gibson, Peter and Julie Davidge, Roger and Cherri Lange, Alex and Sue Smithson and Peggie Argent, for their efforts with special thanks to Duane Kaak for acting as M.C. for the full event.

Now for some important upcoming events that should be in your diary, full details in this copy of Trak.
All Triumph Day for the Tony Esau Trophy                             Sun 20th November
This is our Premier observation run for 2011, be there in your Triumph.

Christmas Dinner and Trophy Presentations                        Sat 10th December
A must for all members and trophy winners – bookings and full payment by post or in person by November 15th General Mtg.

All British Day on the Uraidla Oval                                             Sun 12th February 2012
A great picnic day for all members, entries close on 30th November

Entry forms are available on the ABD web site at  or you can access them from our own web site under links – member added links.

Till we meet again

John Sampson

President’s thoughts for October 2011

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Wow what a month of diverse activities for our club members last month, sometimes I wonder how some people find time to fit it all in, certainly it was “Adelaide Alive”  for Triumph motoring enthusiasts in September.

We started with a mid week club run on September the 7th from windy point to Meadows for afternoon tea, and for the competition members a chance to attend the S.A. Hillclimb event on the 10th and 11th of September assuming they were not involved in our premier club display “The Day of Triumph “ held opposite the TTP on Sunday 11th.

The weather was not as good to us as the Sunday before, or the couple of Sundays after, but 45 of the clubs finest cars and approx 80 club members who attended put on a creditable display and promotion of the Triumph marque.The overall winner on the day was the very well prepared and presented newly restored red TR6 of Geoff Mockford, with Noel and Cindy Schmidt in their red TR3A coming in a creditable second on the day, all other results will be reported on later in the Mag.

Continuing on – the “Classic Targa Adelaide” held on public roads of the Adelaide hills and surrounds from the 13th to the 18th for all motoring enthusiasts, with Round 4 of the sprints at Mallala on the 18th for our competition guys again.

Our Tuesday 20th general meeting had a near record attendance when we had a display of over $500K worth of “Triumphant Italians” (you may know them as Ferrari’s) on stage with the owners giving us a short talk on their Italian Love affairs.

And today (25th September) we held our club yearly breakfast get together on Dequetteville Terrace to watch the wonderful world class event “The Bay to Birdwood Rally” with 1800 classic cars on display, a display that took over two and a half Hours to pass any one spot on the approx 70Km of roads the entrants travelled. ……………Hot off the presses!!, …….I understand Noel and Cindy Schmidt were selected in the final 10 in the concour’s in their beautiful red TR3A, well done!!Who would want to live in any other city ?

I am sure reports and photographs on most of the above events will be reported later in the magazine.

Now to October, approximately 35-40 club members are waiting in anticipation to participating in the S.A run National rally to Mount Gambier and Victor Harbor with a side trip to K.I. for some. This is a unique opportunity to meet with old interstate friends for some, and make new friends for others, along with inspecting the variety of interstate Triumph vehicles present on the rally.

Thanks to all those who helped organise the above events, and to all members who participated in these continuing to help make the club the success it is.


Till we meet again

John Sampson

President’s Thoughts for September 2011

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

The new club year begins, and in reflection I would once again thank all those club and committee members who helped make the last year so successful.

Thanks goes to Rick Staehr for accepting the committee position of Competition Secretary and also filling in and assisting in publishing our TRAK magazine for the next couple of months while Richard is away on holidays, it is good to welcome a new enthusiastic member to our committee. Congratulations Rick.

While on the subject I would thank the retiring committee member Trevor Lindsay for his efforts as competition secretary over the last two years.

While the AGM is over and the new Committee has been established, if you have any skills or aspirations as club Treasurer or Social secretary there could be an opportunity next year, but in the mean time you could gain a year’s experience working with the current incumbent, a great opportunity – think about it and if you are interested or speak to Peter, Sue or myself.

Three important dates for your diaries for September :

1. The Day of Triumph Sunday September the 11th – Not only is this a great picnic day for all members to attend and mingle with fellow Triumph owners, but it is a tremendous opportunity to promote our marque at this fantastic venue, so polish your car and come and enjoy the day.

2. The General meeting Tuesday September 20th we will have 3 special “Triumphant Italians” on stage, prancing horses ranging from 1965 to 2005 models, so come along and enjoy the noise.

3. The Bay to Birdwood breakfast Sunday the 20th on Dequetteville Tce  @ 9.00am – BBQ provided but BYO food.

For full details refer further in the magazine.

Our AGM was also a special event celebrating the 50th birthday of the TRIUMPH TR4, August 1961. The stage and tables were suitably decorated by Rick and Maree Staehr and there were three highly polished great looking examples of the TR4 for the full house to admire.

Thanks to Richard Bingham, Bill Jones and Steve Hutchinson for bringing their cars in for the night and joining in the celebrations.

Till we meet again

John Sampson

President’s Thoughts for August 2011

Monday, August 1st, 2011

We have reached the end of another club year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee members for helping me work through the last year as President. There were many  things to learn throughout the year that weren’t too obvious at the beginning, in order to make the club run seamlessly and smoothly. The committee are a dedicated group of people who carry out their responsibilities in the running of the club very effectively and it has been my pleasure working with them.

I would also thank all the various members who work tirelessly and proactively behind the scenes in many ways carrying out small tasks that generally go unnoticed because they just get done when needed.

This year’s August meeting is significant not only because it is our AGM but it is also the 50th anniversary of the TR4 and it is proposed to have a celebration to mark this event at our meeting, so I would invite all to attend on the night and join the festivities on this occasion.

As is the usual practice at the AGM all positions are declared vacant and I would ask all members to consider if it is your turn to do something for the club. No position is too onerous and everybody helps out, so if you think you would like a new challenge or can help out then let me know either before the meeting or on the night, I am sure it will be a rewarding experience.

Several of our recent club runs have been dampened by the weather, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the members who attended, again I must thank those who organised these events,

Our July meeting was well attended as it provided a one stop shop for membership renewal and log book sign off for those on concessional registration. The registration scheme requires members to be a financial member of the club to participate in the scheme and there will be another opportunity at the August meeting to finalise these matters so you can legally drive your pride and joy.

Last year we held a very successful Day of Triumph and we are hoping that again this year we can equal or better the 70 or so cars we had on display at TTG Civic Park opposite the TTP shopping centre. Not only is this a great picnic day for all members to attend and mingle with fellow Triumph owners, but it is a tremendous opportunity to promote our marque at this fantastic venue.

Details of the Day of Triumph are shown later in the magazine and I urge to take this opportunity to clean and polish your car and participate in this event, this will also mean that your car is well prepared for the coming summer months of club runs.

For those who may not have caught up the fact, I am pleased to report that Brian Argent is home and recuperating well after his major operation of a couple weeks ago and we wish both Brian and Peggy all the best, and look forward to seeing them again soon at club functions.

Till we meet again

John Sampson

President’s Thoughts for July 2011

Friday, July 1st, 2011

The weather was perfect for the club sponsored sausage sizzle held on Sunday 19th June at Thorndon Park. The Sunday morning run was well attended by about 48 members who met at “The Place Next Door” at Burnside for coffee and then enjoyed a drive to the pleasant park surroundings at Thorndon Park, Adelaide’s first reservoir.

Although I was away for the weekend and could not attend, I understand an enjoyable lunch of Gourmet sausages was provided on the day. Once again my thanks go out to Margie and Bill for organising the day.

For those members who have their cars on Historic Concessional Registration and do not have internet access, we have included later in the magazine, an extract from the “Code of Practice” detailing the eligibility criteria as documented in the code.

Just a reminder that the August meeting is our AGM and all official positions will become available for re-election, so if you are looking for challenge or feel the need to participate in the running of the club in some small way in the coming year then let your thoughts be known.

Many of the current committee and appointed club positions have been held for several years by a same willing people, and some may be interested in having a break, so speak up as one of these positions may be just what you are looking for.

Till we meet again,

John Sampson

President’s Thought for June 2011

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

What a TRiumphant weekender 40 plus members enjoyed on the 21st and 22nd of May in the Clare valley, lower Flinders rangers, Pt Pirie and Bute. There will be a report later in the magazine so I will not go into any details here, but it would be remiss of me not to give a huge vote of thanks to Margie and Bill for planning a pleasant scenic drive, interesting stops and a great evening on Saturday night, not to mention a BUTE day on Sunday. (sorry, I resisted but in the end I could not stop myself from saying it)

Some members went back to the motel early on Saturday night and missed an exciting new range of talent that was exposed to the population of Pt Pirie at the karaoke night held at the Broken Hill Club, I have had it on good authority that the talent scouts have been alerted and are waiting in the wings for next year’s weekender so they can see them and sign them up.

On a more serious note our club along with all other clubs associated with the Federation of Historic Motor Clubs have received advice from the Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (DTEI) of impending proposed changes to the concessional Historic Registration scheme, which may impact on those vehicles registered under the scheme.

The proposed changes will be reported in more detail later in this magazine, and over the next couple of months we will pass on more details of the current scheme and include a copy of the “Code of Practice“ applicable to the scheme.

Briefly the proposed changes involve the deletion of the rolling 30 year date for historic vehicles and a retrospective final effective date of the 1st January 1979 introduced, as advised at our last general meeting.

We have sent a letter to DTEI and the Federation of Historic Motor Clubs expressing our concerns in relation to the introduction of the proposed retrospective date, and the significance of the 1981 date to the Triumph marque.
In a conversation I had with a representative of DTEI, I understand that any vehicles of 1979, 1980 and 1981 vintage that are currently registered on the scheme will be able to be on sold and the historic eligibility carried over to the new owner with the appropriate sign off and paperwork as would normally apply.

The second proposal is for a yearly sign off of each concession registered vehicle to ensure the integrity of the historic vehicles, and the alignment of the LHD concessional vehicles from the current date of 1974 to the 1979 proposed date.

It is my understanding that a range of concerns have been registered by various clubs and these will need to be worked through before the legislation is approved, and therefore it won’t be finalised until next year.

This time frame will allow us to discuss internally, plan what we have to do and how we implement the proposed revisions, but it looks as though we will have a couple of days set aside next year to conduct the yearly inspection.

We will keep you informed as the proposed revisions to the scheme are finalised.

At the last General meeting it was decided that the general meeting planned for October will be cancelled as it clashes with the National Rally.

I would like to remind members who have registered for the National rally in October that the next instalment of your entry fee is required by the end of May.

While we are on the subject of dates here are two important club events to put in your diary and plan to attend before other commitments in your activities are locked in.

The 2011 DAY OF TRIUMPH, Pride of Ownership and Concours Day at the TTG Civic park opposite the TTP to be held on Sunday the 11th of September.

The Annual club Christmas dinner and trophy presentation night at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club Seaton to be held on Saturday the 10th of December.

Look forward to catching up soon,

‘Til we meet again
John Sampson

President’s Thoughts for May 2011

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Just prior to the last general meeting the committee held a short meeting to sanction a few changes we have been working on over the last couple of months, and I thought the general membership should be advised even though it will not affect the day to day running of the club.

First of all Peter Davidge has been reviewing the clubs finances and how the funds are managed, and we have approved his recommendations to continue forward with three accounts that will gain an improved return on our funds and allow the treasurer greater flexibility in running our accounts. We will progressively move to electronic fund transfer and rely less on our old cheque account.

At the same meeting Peter presented, and the committee approved the budget for next year and we are please to advise that the club membership subscriptions will be held at the same level as the last couple of years, while maintaining the level of activities we have come to expect.

The weather has been kind to us on our last couple of runs and the breakfast run to Clarendon and beyond was enjoyed by all who attended, and my thanks go to Lyle and Sue for again organising this event.

The technical meeting held in early April with a practical session on spray painting was well attended with approximately 25 participants and thanks goes to John Tuohy and Richard Sutherland for planning and organising this event.

On Easter Saturday I ventured out to Mallala to watch the National Historic race meeting and again the weather was great and I had an enjoyable day watching the older cars compete in their historic events as well as several club members participating in the modern regularity events, due to another commitment I had to leave before the day was over and I am sure any results achieved on the day will be reported later in this magazine.

On the day it was pleasing to see a TR2, TR3A, TR4, TR4A, 4 x TR6’s, a 2500 estate and a Daimler Dart on display in the designated area, and while 2 of these cars did not belong to our club members the marque was again well represented amongst the 50 or so vehicles on display.

Three of the Triumph display cars took advantage of the lunch time parade and did five or six laps around the circuit under the control of a pace car, and while it was not race conditions it was a bit of a buzz to get a feel of the circuit.

Look forward to catching up soon,
‘Til we meet again

John Sampson