“Around the Cones” and “Up the Hill”
The 2011 TSOA Nationals included two competition events – a Motorkhana conducted near Mt Gambier, and a Hillclimb at Mt Alma, near Victor Harbor. Both events were extremely enjoyable for those who participated, and also for the spectators who chose to watch the action.
The Motorkhana was conducted for us by the South East Auto Club under the management and guidance of Bob Byham – SEAC are very experienced with these types of events, so needless to say, the Motorkhana ran like clockwork. The Nationals participants were given a series of “tests” with a route marked out by traffic cones and a map to memorise before embarking out on to the course. Each “test” became a little tougher and a little faster – five “tests” in all, with two runs at each course.
For most, all that was required was first gear and quick turns of the steering wheel. The braver drivers included a bit of wheel spin and some sideways action, but nothing near what the locals showed us was the quickest way around the set course. Just point the nose of the car at a cone, a quick touch of the handbrake and rapid turn of the wheel spins the car sideways around the cone, accelerating on to the next point. All very Ken Block!
At the conclusion of the event, the times for each completed “test” are aggregated and the lowest overall score wins. Penalties are added for knocking over cones or not completing the set course.
The Nationals Motorkhana participants were rewarded as follows :
4 cylinder Unmodified – Daryl Tonkin (Qld) TR7
4 cylinder Modified – Greg Morsillo (NSW) TR7 Sprint
6 cylinder Unmodified – Brian Falloon (Qld) TR5
6 cylinder Modified – Bryan Young (SA) 2.5 lt Vitesse
8 cylinder Slightly Modified – Roger Lange (SA) TR8
Outright placings were awarded to
1st Place Overall (331 Points) – Greg Morsillo (NSW) in the TR7 Sprint
2nd Place Overall (339 Points) – Roger Lange (SA) in the TR8
3rd Place Overall (367 Points) – Laurie Bromley (NSW) in a TR7V8
From Mount Gambier we travelled to Victor Harbor and on the Thursday of the Nationals, were treated to a Hillclimb event at Mt Alma, off the Victor to Yankalilla Road. The weather was not kind to us, with a light rain persisting during the afternoon. The Southern Districts Car Club conduct an annual event at Mt Alma called the ‘Mt Alma Mile” – the course is a little used public road that winds its way up quite steeply over a measured mile. The first section of approx 400 metres is straight and quite fast, followed by several corners and a chicane marked out by tall traffic cones. A testing course, and quite fast for those who wanted speed, and with a steep incline to test horsepower and torque.
Once again, our day was organised by the outfit most suited to do this – the Southern Districts Car Club and it’s offshoot, “Ultimate Motorsports”. Under the guidance of Michael Clements, the team from SDCC run very professional events, and we were most fortunate to be able to have them organise and run the hillclimb as a part of our Nationals.
The wet surface provided a surprising amount of grip, probably due to the limited amount of traffic that regularly uses the road. I was told that the really quick cars complete the one mile climb in around 45 seconds on a dry track. Ian Wilson and Craig Haysman both put their TR7V8’s up the course for a bit of fun and to show what horsepower and a properly set up car can do. Ian put in a best time of just 52.5 seconds and Craig 53.6 seconds – quite remarkable given the conditions and a providing us all with a very impressive sight and sound display.
Winners of the Nationals Class and Outright trophies were :
4 cylinder Unmodified (1:10.95) – Greg Bird (Qld) in Daryl Tonkin’s TR7
4 cylinder Modified (1:01.58) – Roger Lange (SA) Dolomite Sprint
6 cylinder Unmodified (1:17.76) – Bill Berlemon (SA) Mk II 2.5 PI
6 cylinder Modified (1:08.96) – Bryan Young (SA) 2.5 lt Vitesse
8 Cylinder Slightly Modified (1:04.38) – Robert Hanton (Qld) TR7V8
Outright 1st Place Overall (1:01.58) – Roger Lange (SA) Dolomite Sprint
Outright 2nd Place Overall (1:02.02) – Brian Falloon (Qld) in Roger’s Dolomite Sprint
Outright 3rd Place Overall (1:04.25) – Greg Morsillo (NSW) TR7 Sprint
The Competition Cup is awarded at each Nationals to the State with the best outcome from the competition events conducted , and with calculations to include those States who may not have a large number of competitors to contribute. This year’s competition came down to a three way contest between Qld, NSW and SA, with the best three individual performances at each event counting towards each State’s overall score.
In third place, with a score of 202.58 was NSW, in second place was Queensland with a score of 197.35, and first place and this year’s Nationals Competition Cup Winners was South Australia with a score of 196.24. Congratulations to Roger Lange and Bryan Young who contributed to the SA score at both competition events, and to Neil Martin and Bill Berlemon who contributed at the Hillclimb and Motorkhana respectively.
The TSOA (SA) National’s Committee and all those who enjoyed these events owe a debt of gratitude to Bob Byham and the team from the South East Auto Club, and Michael Clements and his team from ltimate Motorsports / Southern Districts Car Club. Superbly run events that were thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Roger Lange, 2011 Nationals Competition Events Coordinator