Archive for the ‘Competition News’ Category

Sporting Triumphs – June 2012

Friday, May 25th, 2012

The annual MSCA 6 hour regularity event is the only competitive motor sport event that allows all club members, who wish to volunteer, to be involved in a true team activity. This year’s event was supported by an enthusiastic team of volunteers, Bill and Dean Berlemon, Arrand Ellery, Peter Davidge, Rod Carey, Tom Bills, Maree Staehr, Roger and Cherri Lange. Cherri provided morning tea and lunch to all competitors and the pit crew whilst Maree assisted with lap scoring in the control tower.

Roger, who was the appointed team manager, gave a team briefing to everyone on their responsibilities for the day and said that the objective of the day was to have fun. As the day unfolded each competitor performed admirably and their cars proved reliable adding to a pleasurable day. It was a pity the weather turned sour later in the day with light rain and drizzle falling.

The change in weather altered the tactics of a lot of teams including Team Triumph. Our 2 rookies Bruce Astbury and Duane Kaak found the conditions rather trying.  Mr. Consistency, Neil Martin didn’t seem to be deterred by the increment conditions and continued to set consistent lap times. Paul Williams entered his TR9.44 otherwise known as a Porsche 944 and Andy Ansell travelled from Victoria with his Triumph TR7.

Robin George was entered for the event and burned the midnight oil repairing his engine only to find late on Saturday that it wouldn’t start. The problem was traced to the starter motor solenoid. Finding another solenoid wasn’t a problem but fitting it was, when Robin discovered that the engine had to be removed from the car. As there was no time to remove and refit the engine he had to inform the team that he was a scratching for the day. Fortunately Duane Kaak arrived at the track complete with car, licence, helmet and everything required to race. All that was needed now was for Roger to sweet talk the race secretary, Sue to allowing Duane to race as a late entry. Lucky for our team Roger’s sweet talking worked and Duane was allowed to race.

Our team finished a creditable 10th on the day but more importantly we achieved our objective of having Fun!

Cheers   Rick Staehr

Coming Events for June

June 2nd      Round 2 State Road racing Championship Mallala

June 17th     Round 2 MSCA Supersprint Series Mallala

June 24th     Modern Regularity Mallala

July 7th        HQ Enduro Mallala

July8th     Round 3 MSCA Supersprint Series Mallala

Sporting Triumphs April 2012

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Sporting Triumphs The MSCA picnic and presentation day was held at Serafino Winery at McLaren Vale on the 26th of February.8 hardy and brave members, Noel & Cindy Schmidt TR3, John FrickeTR4, Bryan Young Spitfire, Cherri and Roger TR8 and Maree & Rick Staehr TR4 turned up in less than ideal weather conditions. Hot and humid weather with the threat of rain possibly kept others away. Despite our small numbers we still managed to pull off 3rd place in the best display competition. The MG car club won best display with over 25 cars in attendance.

Trevor Lindsay attended the Historic Race meeting at Phillip Island on the long weekend. 12 Triumphs were entered for this event.Trevor is also in the process of collecting parts for a motor to put in his TR6 and will hopefully have it back on the track soon. Rod Carey as reported last month is planning to race his Spitfire in the Historic meeting at Winton in May.

The 1st round of the MSCA sprint series at Mallala was held on Sunday 25th of March. A full report will be in next month’s TRak.

I’ve had an expression of interest from 3 local competitors, Neil Martin, Geoff Bills, and Roger Lange, plus 3 Victorians for the 6 hour regularity event on the 6th of May. This will qualify the TSOA for 1 team in this event. Entry forms opened for competitors on the 25th of March for this event. Private practice is available on Saturday 5th of May. We need a pit crew for this event to support our drivers. So far the pit crew consists of just two; Duane and myself with Maree helping out in the control tower. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us as a pit crew member.

The club or individual club members are invited to display their cars on the lawn on Saturday of Easter Weekend at the National Historic meeting, Mallala. You would need to phone the Sporting Car Club to see if you could still enter as entries closed on the 26th of March. Cost is $25 per car, including all occupants.

Also on the 6th of May is the British Classics Tour hosted by the Historic Motor Vehicles Club. Entry is $10 per car. The entry form and more details on the event can be found elsewhere in this edition of TRak. Please note this is not a competition event.

Cheers Rick Staehr

Coming Events

April 7-8 -National Historic Race meeting Mallala

April 9 – Hillclimb Historic Collingrove

April 13-15 Shannons Nationals Mallala

April 21  Hillclimb Come & Try day Collingrove

April 22 Hillclimb 1st Round Winter Cup Collingrove

May 6th  Modern Regularity Mallala

Sporting Triumph Report March 2012

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

The 1st Round of the State Road Racing Championship was held at Mallala on Saturday the 18th of February. Trevor Lindsay entered his white GT6 in what was supposed to be the event for MG’s and invited British Sports Cars. This event turned out to be one invited British Sports Car, Trevor’s GT6 and a group of only slightly modified MGF’s and a group of Hyundai Excels. Trevor started his first event on pole and led the race from start to finish. He didn’t enjoy the same success in the second event breaking a rocker in the second lap ending his weekend of racing.

Neil Martin had a great day in the first round of modern regularity at Mallala on the 12th of February. Neil finished the day in overall first place. Well done Neil!

We’ve had an invitation from the Sporting Car Club to display our cars, along with other clubs, on the lawns at the Easter National Historic race meeting at Mallala, Saturday 7th of April. A group of club members displayed their cars last year and enjoyed a great picnic race day. Entry is $25 per car, including occupants and parade laps around the circuit in the lunch break. If you are not going away over Easter I look forward to seeing you at Mallala. Please refer to the advertisement in this month’s edition of TRak for further details.

I’m looking for volunteers to form a pit crew for the 6 Hour Modern Regularity Teams event to be held on the 6th of May at Mallala. Last year we had a great day and finished the event in 3rd place. If you are interested in volunteering for a spot on the pit crew please contact me by phone, email or see me at a club meeting/event. My details are inside the front cover of TRak.

This year is the 50th Anniversary of the Triumph Spitfire and will be the featured display at the Annual Winton Historic Race meeting on the weekend of 26th & 27th of May. The organisers are seeking entries for their Spitfire display. So if you have a Spitfire and you’re looking for a great weekend away please refer to the web site address for further details.

Until next month.

Rick Staehr

Coming Events for March

March 11th-12th         Phillip Island Historics

March 15th-18th         Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix

March 18th              Clare Swap Meet

March 25th             MSCA Supersprint Round 1 Mallala

Sporting Triumphs – Jan/Feb 2012 Report

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

Happy New Year. I trust everyone had a safe festive season and enjoyed some motoring in your Triumph(s).This time of year is a very quiet time on the motor racing circuit scene. Most competitors use this time of year to do major overhauls, carry out maintenance jobs or perform planned major improvements to their machines.I know that Neil Martin was planning to do some major maintenance on the brakes and other components of his TR7 V8 in preparation for the upcoming 2012 racing season.

The 1st event on the “Sporting Triumph” calendar is the Annual Marque Sports Car Associations picnic and presentation day on the 26th of February at Serafinos Winery, (formerly McLaren’s on the Lake) Mc Laren Vale.

Each car club is required to put on a display of their Marque on the day. As we are the current champions I am keen to once again win the prize for best display.I’m hoping to see you there on the day with your Triumph to join our display and have a relaxed picnic day under the trees. Please see the advertisement for this event in the January edition of Trak for further details.

Another date to put in your calendar is the 6th of May for the 6 hour regularity relay team event. Last year the TSOA finished on the podium in 3rd place against some strong competition. This year we will once again be looking for competitors to form a team and club members to form a pit crew for this event. There are numerous duties to be performed on the day. If we get enough volunteers these duties can be shared and provide breaks for each person on the day. I’m sure last year’s crew would agree with me, that this was a fun day.

Until next month . . . . Cheers,

Rick Staehr

Coming Events

February 18th –S.A. State Motor Racing Championship Round 1 Mallala

February 25th – MSCA Picnic and Presentation Day Serafino Winery (formerly McLaren’s on the Lake) McLaren Vale

February 25th – Modern Regularity -Mallala

March 1-4 – Clipsal 500 Adelaide

March 4th – Campbelltown Swap Meet Campbelltown Oval TBC

March 4th – Mt. Barker Swap Meet

March 9th-11th – Historic Motor Racing Phillip Island

March 15th -18th- Australian Formula One Grand Prix Albert Park Melbourne

March 25th – MSCA State Super Sprint Series Round 1 Mallala

Competition Report – December 2011

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

As Christmas draws near the motorsport calendar winds down for another year. The 5th and final round of the MSCA sprint series was held on the 23rd of October. The round consisted of two competition runs followed by a driver training, driver /car swap and take a passenger for a ride day. Three Triumphs were entered for the Day. Roger Lange in his Dolomite did a best time of 1:31:13. Bruce Pollock (TR4) and Robert Hanton (TR7) both here for the Nationals, took advantage of staying in town a bit longer to have a run around Mallala. Bruce had a best time of 1:35:68 while Robert’s best time was 1:34:56.

Neil Martin competed in modern regularity held at Mallala on the 6th of November. Neil placed 10th overall for the event and had his best run in round 4, finishing 2nd.

Trevor Lindsay, along with some keen supporters, made the trek to Melbourne’s Sandown Park Raceway on the same weekend to compete in an Historic Race Meeting. After qualifying well in an event for MG’s and invited British cars Trevor suffered a mechanical fault. This meant scratching from the 1st race and starting rear of grid for the next. I understand that Trevor took a leaf out of Norm Beechey’s book as he became the ‘Stormin’ Norman’ for the event finishing a well deserved 3rd place. A full review of this event can be found elsewhere in this edition of TRak.

The weekend of the 4th- 6th of November was a busy weekend for motorsport which also included the 27th Climb to the Eagle. This is a non competitive event to commemorate the running of the Australian Grand Prix on the streets of Adelaide. More on this event can also be found in the edition of TRak.

2011 has seen some good motorsport achievements for the club. The year started with the winning of the ‘Best Club display’ at the MSCA Picnic and Presentation day. In May the club entered a team of 6 drivers in the MSCA 6 hour. This event is a real club effort with club members supporting the drivers by helping out as pit crew, time keepers and any other job that comes along. Team Triumph finished on the podium with a creditable 3rd place. The club was also asked to supply flag marshals at the July round of the MSCA sprint series. Club members supported the event and presented a full complement of marshals for the day. To round off a good year the club took out the team’s trophy at the recent Nationals.

I’d like to thank everyone who gave up their time to volunteer in support of our motorsport events throughout the year and look forward to continued support from club members again next year.

Our first event which the club would like your support, is the MSCA Picnic and Presentation Day on the 26th of February, venue TBA. Hopefully we can win back to back ‘Best Club Display Trophies’.

I trust everyone has a safe and happy festive season and look forward to a successful 2012.

Rick Staehr

Competition Events at the 2011 Nationals

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

“Around the Cones” and “Up the Hill”

The 2011 TSOA Nationals included two competition events – a Motorkhana conducted near Mt Gambier, and a Hillclimb at Mt Alma, near Victor Harbor. Both events were extremely enjoyable for those who participated, and also for the spectators who chose to watch the action.

The Motorkhana was conducted for us by the South East Auto Club under the management and guidance of Bob Byham – SEAC are very experienced with these types of events, so needless to say, the Motorkhana ran like clockwork. The Nationals participants were given a series of “tests” with a route marked out by traffic cones and a map to memorise before embarking out on to the course. Each “test” became a little tougher and a little faster – five “tests” in all, with two runs at each course.

For most, all that was required was first gear and quick turns of the steering wheel. The braver drivers included a bit of wheel spin and some sideways action, but nothing near what the locals showed us was the quickest way around the set course. Just point the nose of the car at a cone, a quick touch of the handbrake and rapid turn of the wheel spins the car sideways around the cone, accelerating on to the next point. All very Ken Block!

At the conclusion of the event, the times for each completed “test” are aggregated and the lowest overall score wins. Penalties are added for knocking over cones or not completing the set course.

The Nationals Motorkhana participants were rewarded as follows :

4 cylinder Unmodified                       –           Daryl Tonkin (Qld) TR7

4 cylinder Modified                            –           Greg Morsillo (NSW) TR7 Sprint

6 cylinder Unmodified                        –           Brian Falloon (Qld) TR5

6 cylinder Modified                             –           Bryan Young (SA) 2.5 lt Vitesse

8 cylinder Slightly Modified                 –           Roger Lange (SA) TR8

Outright placings were awarded to

1st  Place Overall (331 Points)             –           Greg Morsillo (NSW) in the TR7 Sprint

2nd Place Overall (339 Points)             –           Roger Lange (SA) in the TR8

3rd Place Overall (367 Points)              –           Laurie Bromley (NSW) in a TR7V8

From Mount Gambier we travelled to Victor Harbor and on the Thursday of the Nationals, were treated to a Hillclimb event at Mt Alma, off the Victor to Yankalilla Road. The weather was not kind to us, with a light rain persisting during the afternoon. The Southern Districts Car Club conduct an annual event at Mt Alma called the ‘Mt Alma Mile” – the course is a little used public road that winds its way up quite steeply over a measured mile. The first section of approx 400 metres is straight and quite fast, followed by several corners and a chicane marked out by tall traffic cones. A testing course, and quite fast for those who wanted speed, and with a steep incline to test horsepower and torque.

Once again, our day was organised by the outfit most suited to do this – the Southern Districts Car Club and it’s offshoot, “Ultimate Motorsports”. Under the guidance of Michael Clements, the team from SDCC run very professional events, and we were most fortunate to be able to have them organise and run the hillclimb as a part of our Nationals.

The wet surface provided a surprising amount of grip, probably due to the limited amount of traffic that regularly uses the road. I was told that the really quick cars complete the one mile climb in around 45 seconds on a dry track. Ian Wilson and Craig Haysman both put their TR7V8’s up the course for a bit of fun and to show what horsepower and a properly set up car can do. Ian put in a best time of just 52.5 seconds and Craig 53.6 seconds – quite remarkable given the conditions and a providing us all with a very impressive sight and sound display.

Winners of the Nationals Class and Outright trophies were :

4 cylinder Unmodified (1:10.95)        –           Greg Bird (Qld) in Daryl Tonkin’s TR7

4 cylinder Modified (1:01.58)             –           Roger Lange (SA) Dolomite Sprint

6 cylinder Unmodified (1:17.76)         –           Bill Berlemon (SA) Mk II 2.5 PI

6 cylinder Modified (1:08.96)              –           Bryan Young (SA) 2.5 lt Vitesse

8 Cylinder Slightly Modified (1:04.38)  –           Robert Hanton (Qld) TR7V8

Outright 1st Place Overall (1:01.58)     –           Roger Lange (SA) Dolomite Sprint

Outright 2nd Place Overall (1:02.02)    –           Brian Falloon (Qld) in Roger’s Dolomite Sprint

Outright 3rd Place Overall (1:04.25)     –           Greg Morsillo (NSW) TR7 Sprint

The Competition Cup is awarded at each Nationals to the State with the best outcome from the competition events conducted  , and with calculations to include those States who may not have a large number of competitors to contribute. This year’s competition came down to a three way contest between Qld, NSW and SA, with the best three individual performances at each event counting towards each State’s overall score.

In third place, with a score of 202.58 was NSW, in second place was Queensland with a score of 197.35, and first place and this year’s Nationals Competition Cup Winners was South Australia with a score of 196.24. Congratulations to Roger Lange and Bryan Young who contributed to the SA score at both competition events, and to Neil Martin and Bill Berlemon who contributed at the Hillclimb and Motorkhana respectively.

The TSOA (SA) National’s Committee and all those who enjoyed these events owe a debt of gratitude to Bob Byham and the team from the South East Auto Club, and Michael Clements and his team from ltimate Motorsports / Southern Districts Car Club. Superbly run events that were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Roger Lange, 2011 Nationals Competition Events Coordinator

Competition Report – September 2011

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

HillclimbThe Collingrove Challenge was held on the 11th of September. Bryan Young entered his Triump Vitesse and placed 12th against some strong late model competition in Road Registered Saloons over 2001cc. Bryan’s best time for the day of 43.66 seconds. The next Hillclimb event is state Championships on the 15th&16th of October. Byran has entered for this event. There is also a Hillclimb event at Mt Alma as part of the TSOA Nationals 15thth-22nd of October.

Targa Classic Adelaide September 13th -18thTwo Triumph TR7 8Vs were entered for the new Targa Classic Adelaide Tarmac Rally. A Red TR& V8 entered for Haysman/Branum and a yellow and blue entry under the names of Fisher/Ainsworth. The entry of Haysman/Branum running consistently in the top 10 outright until the end of the Montague stage on Saturday morning. A mechanical problem meant they were not able to register a time in the next 4 stages. The last 3 timed stages saw them post an 11th, 10th& 9th outright respectfully. They were to finish the event 43rd overall.The Fisher/Ainworth car performed consistently over the event finishing 29th overall and 24th in Classic outright.

Round 4 of the MSCA Supersprint series was held Sunday 18th SeptemberNeil Martin TR7 V8, Roger Lange GT6 and Trevor Lindsay entered the event. Trevor had a great time giving some of the quick clubman cars a hurry up eventually finishing the weekend in 5th position with a best time of 1.18.98. A mere 2.81 seconds behind the quickest car of the day. Neil Martin continues to improve his times in his road registered TR7 V8 with a best time of 1.29.66 for the day. Roger Lange “lunched” his engine on his last run (the meaning of “lunched”; an engine that has had a severe internal haemorrhage). Roger was planning to do a road trip to Sandown Raceway with Trevor in November but this plan has now been cancelled. Trevor will now be Triumph SA’s only representative against a large field of MG’s.

Neil Martin would have competed in the Regularity event at Mallala on the 25th of September. A full report of Neil’s performance will be feature in the November column.

Coming Events for October

Oct. 1-2 Hillclimb-Vintage Collingrove

Oct. 6-9 Super Cheap Bathurst 1000 Bathurst

Oct.7-9 Japanese F1 GP Suzuka

Oct. 15-16 State Hillclimb Championships Collingrove

Oct 14-16 Korean F1 GP Yeongam

Oct 23 MSCA Super Sprint Rd 5 Mallala

Oct 21-23 Armor All Gold Coast 600

Oct 28 -30 India F1 GP New Delhi

Nov 4-6 Sandown Historics Melbourne

Rick Staehr

Sporting Triumphs – July 2011

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011


25 – 26 June Wakefield Park

Six cars left for Wakefield Park on Thursday 23rd June comprising our entire TSOA(SA) racing contingent for the annual All Triumph Race and Sprint. The trip over and back is split into two parts with an overnight stop at Hay. We rolled into Hay around 4:30pm and registered at the motel then met up at the hotel for refreshments and a game of pool before meandering into the restaurant for an enjoyable evening meal. This was followed by viewing of racing videos at the motel.

Up early Friday morning, we sauntered across to the bakery for breakfast around 7am and departed for Goulburn around 8am. Lunch was at the Tucker Box near Gundagai and we arrived at the track about 3pm to off load the cars and equipment in locked garages fronting pit straight. After pre dinner drinks and more videos, we all met up for a meal in town, then back to the motel for more drinks and videos.

Saturday morning was down to business after clearing the ice off our transporters. The track is approximately 15 minutes out of town and started out foggy The sprint was postponed until 11am due to poor visibility. It was also cold – very cold. This gave the opportunity for a group walk around the track for many. There were 104 entries comprising of Sports Sedans, Lotus, Mazda, Jaguar Healey and many Triumphs amongst others. Track conditions improved once the sun came out and dried the wet patches. The SA contingent (which included the sons of Rod Carey and Bryan Young) placed as follows:-

3rd Trevor Lindsay – GT6

15th Roger Lange – GT6

60th Rod Carey – Spitfire

66th Neil Martin – TR7V8

74th Michael Carey – Spitfire

93rd Robin George – TR7V8

94th Daniel Young – Vitesse

104th Bryan Young – Vitesse

Most of us attended a group dinner that evening at the Old Brewery. More drinks and videos followed after at the motel.
Sunday morning was clear and cold. After once again clearing ice of the windscreens, we headed back to the track for the All British Race Meeting. Bryan, Robin and Neil competed in the Regularity events as they didn’t have roll bars for the racing events. Out of four runs, Bryans best placing was 14th and Robin and Neil both gained a  2nd placing.

Out of 22 cars, Roger ended up with 4th position after conclusion of the All Triumph Race with Rod in 16th and myself in 1st. Rogers other two races were spoilt by suspected faulty distributor rotors ending in DNF’s. Rod scored a 7th and 16th in the other events and I scored two 2nd placings.

We all had some minor gremlins to overcome apart from Neil. I had a fuel leak that was found and fixed before racing commenced Saturday and found a way to make my tyres work better. My Dorian timing unit also packed up.

Roger had his rotor button issue (we think?), Rod had to replace a fuel pump, and Bryan lost his fanbelt causing overheating. Robin developed some oil pressure issues and an oil leak.

Sunday night we had a good feed up within walking distance of the motel and celebrated what was 2 days of great fun (plus more videos and refreshments afterwards).

Pressure off, we had a sleep in and relaxing start to Monday morning. After a lunch stop at Narrandera, we met up again at Hay around 4pm and showed those not yet acquainted with it – the old Hay Jail and Museum. After dinner, you guessed it, more of the usual. Roger left early Tuesday morning (Bryan never stopped), Rod and Neil paired up to return via the Riverland and Robin and myself kept each other company returning via Pinnaroo and the freeway. I was home by 4pm.

Another great weekend that brought smiles to everyones faces at one time or another. Bring on 2012.
3 July MSCA Sprint Mallala

Rick Staehr, Peter Davidge, Arrand Ellery, Peter Berlemon, Rod Carey, John Sampson, Andrew McNeil and myself did our duty for the TSOA on what was a windy but fine day at Mallala. I personally enjoy this activity and know many others also do, though it is a time eater. Perhaps next time we can draw a raffle at the preceding GM and the six prize winners get to wave flags and eat out at the track. Just a suggestion.

Neil Martin was the sole representative of the Triumph marque on track and was well observed by all the TSOA flaggies around the circuit. I was impressed at how well the TR7V8 pulls up under brakes.

Well done to our volunteers. The TSOA, MSCA and myself appreciate your efforts even if the majority of our membership is apathetic to the cause.


16 July Come and Try Day Collingrove Hillclimb

17 July Winter Cup Rd 2 Collingrove Hillclimb

7 August Winter Cup Rd 3 Collingrove Hillclimb

14 August MSCA Sprint Rd 3 Mallala


22 July Sporting Car Clubrooms

The SCCSA is holding a Competition Night commencing at 7pm in their clubrooms to discuss the latest in motorsport including Tailem Bend, rule changes, scrutineering etc as well as an interview with Trevor Pound and trade displays. All interested parties are welcome


Trevor Lindsay

Sporting Triumphs June 2011

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011


May 1 MSCA 6HR  Mallala

Sunday 1st May started out wet and cool for the 2011 running of the MSCA 6 Hour Regularity Relay at Mallala, though conditions were apparently better than in Adelaide. This years “Team Triumph” consisted of 6 drivers and cars. Unfortunately, this number was reduced to 5 when Roger Mannett from Victoria in his Spitfire dropped a cam follower in Saturdays open practice session. It is somewhere in the sump after the neck broke away from the base. Perhaps lightened a little too much.

Saturday saw a wet morning practice and Team Manager Rog (Roger Lange) decided to guess at some nominated times for the drivers based on a dry track. This proved to be the correct call – well done Rog.

‘And then there were 4’

Our first casualty was Geoff Bills in his TR3A. After putting in some good laps, Geoff’s motor decided to tighten up. Upon entering the pits, All attempts to restart the hardy four came to nought. A post race examination has revealed a spun con rod bearing and some very blue heat stressed rods. Another engine is waiting to be installed.

‘And then there were 3’

Our second casualty was the TR7V8 of Robin George whose temperature dial went of the clock. A split heater hose ended up being the culprit. Once fixed, Robin eventually rejoined the effort, though we were potentially down to 2 cars at one stage.

‘And then there were 2?’

The next to develop an issue was Andy Ansell from Victoria in a borrowed TR7V8. Andy blew a head gasket in his TR7 during the preceding historic Easter event at Mallala. Andy’s new problem was suspected warped front discs that produced severe shudder under braking and progressively worsened as the temperature increased. Andy persevered with the wounded TR in true team spirit and with Robin George rejoining the fold, we were back to 4 runners.

‘Back to 4’

Ian Cowie’s GT6 performed faultlessly, as did Ian.

And what can we say about Neil Martin. Neil and the TR7V8 were, as usual, totally reliable and dependable, as we all knew would be the case.

The pit crew, timers, runners and mechanics all did a great and well appreciated job and looked like they enjoyed the day as much as the drivers. They consisted of (in no particular order)  Rod Carey, Rick and Maree Staehr, Phil Bagust, Arrand Ellery, Peter Davidge, Bryan Young, Tom Bills, Cherri Lange (lunch girl) Rog and myself. Life and founding member Tony Case also made an appearance and buzzed around offering encouragement.

Great job guys and a great result of 3rd outright. The first 3 teams were extremely close – incredibly close.  2012 watch out.

May 29 Collingrove Hillclimb

Bryan Young competed up the hill in his Vitesse at this event and the times are falling – now 45.15. Bryan is our sole climber and is thoroughly enjoying the challenge.
June 5 & 6 Mallala

Rod Carey and myself entered Round 2 of the SA State Racing Series. Both of us had new tyres to scrub in on our GT6’s before the All British Wakefield Park event later in June. Unfortunately, Rods head improvements and new tyres didn’t seem to result in any lap time improvements.  Rod also lost oil pressure in race 3 due to a broken oil pump pickup and the engine now needs a total rebuild. Due to time restrictions, the Spitfire will be pulled out for Wakefield Park and will get a shakedown at Mallala in private practice on 11 June.

My weekend was mixed. I was not at all happy with the new tyres and handling early Saturday. However as the event progressed I fine tuned settings to get the car to a point where it is more predictable and closer to previous performance, though still 3 seconds off my best times. Race 3 was the only one I didn’t have a problem in, starting 12th and finishing 5th. Race 4 on Sunday resulted in the loss of 1 – 4 and reverse gears around lap 6 of 10. I was able to limp home in 5th.

Both Rod and myself have some work to do before Wakefield Park.


June 25 & 26 All Triumph Race & Sprint Wakefield Park

Bryan Young with his Vitesse and Robin George (TR7V8) are joining Neil Martin (TR7V8) this year in the sprints and regularity at Wakefield Park. Rod Carey, Roger Lange and myself  will also be competing in the All Triumph Races. We will be leaving Thursday 23rd and returning Tuesday 28th. If you want to know more about this event or wish to tag along, give me a call.

July 3 MSCA Supersprint Rd2 at Mallala

Our Club has been rostered to assist with flag duties at this round. Please let me know if you will be able to assist. This is a great opportunity to get up close to the racing. Lunch and refreshments are supplied. We need a minimum of 4 and preferably 6 volunteers to be paired into groups of 2.


Tom Hutchinson has joined Ian Wilson  in ditching TR’s for TVR’s. That extra letter makes all the difference. Looks like the competition Trophy may end up in someone else’s home this year?

Trevor Lindsay


Tuesday, May 10th, 2011


A computer glitch has been found to have messed with some of the team results for this year’s 6-Hour event held on 1st May.

This included the teams placed first and second which have now been relegated down the line, which has meant that this year’s winners were in fact the Scuderia Alfa Black Team from SA with 54.68%. Second place went to a mixed Team from Victoria (53.41%, and THIRD PLACE HAS NOW BEEN AWARDED TO TEAM TRIUMPH with 52.86%.

Once again, thanks to all the drivers and volunteer helpers on the day . . .  a great result for TSOA SA and our invited guests from Victoria. Well done all!!

Roger Lange, Team Manager