Archive for the ‘Competition News’ Category

MSCA 6-Hour Regularity Relay : Team Triumph

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Jon Williams has put together a very nice visual summary of the 2015 Team Triumph entry in the 6-Hour event that was conducted on the 3rd May.

In Jon’s words –

“6 Cars, 6 Hours, as many laps as possible in nominated times with penalties for breaking the time – sounds really easy . . . but it isn’t.
Despite having a fantastic Team of Supporters with great communications and brilliant experience, Team Triumph still had to work through everything from clutch failures, power steering problems, rear hub issues and lap time breakouts to finish the day 9th out of 22 teams entered.
Rule number 1 was “Have Fun!” and we did. Thanks to all involved.”

That pretty much says it all – have a look via this link :



Winton Historics 2015

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Hi everyone

My yearly trip to Winton went great. My liver agrees too but that’s another story. Lots of Triumphs on display and in the carparks, although no GT6s this year at all. Also there were less Trumpies actually competing – not sure what that suggests. Lots of superb TRs but you’d expect that. My picks were the beautifully restored Vitesse and the sharp Vanguard.

The weather was cold but the rain stayed away until, I kid you not, 10 seconds after the final race ended – then the heavens opened.

My Pi behaved admirably on the trip, although I did pop a leak in a rainstorm at highway speed. Anyway, here are the pix. Just the Triumphs.

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Phil Bagust

Triumphs on Track

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

There were four Triumphs competing in the Regularity event at Mallala on 12th April – Neil Martin and our own el Presidente Duane Kaak in their TR7V8’s along with Geoff Burdon in his TR7 and Dennis McDeed (non-member) in a Mk II Saloon (fitted with a Leyland V8 engine).

All had fun, and the Triumph “wedges” looked and sounded great!



Neil Martin hits the Front Page

Monday, March 30th, 2015



If you would like to star on the front page of the TSOA website, load up your photo and put in a story . . . it is not that hard.


Jon Williams’ Triumphs

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Jon added several photos into the website that you may enjoy . . . for more photos, have a look at the Media tab in the Dashboard selection after you have logged in – you will find this at the top left hand of the screen.


"Nigel" - Mk1 2500 PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012. Aldgate Valley Road, Mylor. Driver - Jon Williams. Navigator - Ken Bryant.

“Nigel” – Mk1 2500 PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012. Aldgate Valley Road, Mylor.
Driver – Jon Williams. Navigator – Ken Bryant.

"Nigel" - Mk1 2500PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012 - The Basket Range Stage on Day 4. Driver - Jon Williams.  Navigator - Ken Bryant.

“Nigel” – Mk1 2500PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012 – The Basket Range Stage on Day 4.
Driver – Jon Williams. Navigator – Ken Bryant.

Jon Williams' TR6 rises over Wickams Hill in Classic Adelaide 2003. 5 Minutes after this image was shot - the rally was over.........

Jon Williams’ TR6 rises over Wickams Hill in Classic Adelaide 2003. 5 Minutes after this image was shot – the rally was over………

Classic Adelaide 2003 - TR6

Classic Adelaide 2003 – TR6

David Coulthard

David Coulthard


TAFESA – Vehicle Track Day Preparation Course

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Dear Motorsport Enthusiast,
The TAFESA Automotive Program at Regency Campus is please to present a course for people who wish to attend their first track day or sprint and would like a better understanding of vehicle set-up and preparation for the event.
The Basic Vehicle Track Day Preparation Course will provide students with a basic knowledge of:


  • Both Vehicle and competitor preparation
  • Required licenses for events
  • Driver etiquette
  • Basic track flag meaning
  • Basic vehicle mechanical checks
  • Safety equipment, clothing and fire equipment
  • Tyre types, using pyrometers to read tyres
  • Basic wheel alignment set up
  • Basic corner weighting
  • Brakes and brake fluid
  • Basic suspension understanding and set up
  • Basic dyno checks of air fuel ratio

This course will be presented with both Theory and Practical Sessions using the new TAFESA Automotive facilities at Regency Park

The course is six weeks in duration and will run in the evening between 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

The course will commence in early March.

For more information please refer to the attached Flyer or refer to the TAFESA Website:
TAFESA Website

For enrolment information contact:

Leigh White 08 83484422

For course information contact:

Jamie Campbell 08 8348 3912


TSOA Members Compete

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Neil Martin and Bryan Young both took the opportunity to compete at last year’s Nationals held in WA. A Super Sprint was conducted at Barbagello Raceway and a hill climb event at a place called the Zig Zag. Both had fun!



***NEWS FLASH*** Podium Finish for Triumph in 6-Hour

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

The MSCA 6-Hour event was held at Mallala on Sunday 4th May enjoying surprisingly fine weather for the whole day.

25 Teams of a minimum of 4 cars / maximum of 6 cars competed for bragging rights at the conclusion of 6 hours track competition – the biggest field of entries since the event started many years ago.

TSOA SA fielded a team of 6 car / driver combinations – Andy Ansell (TR7) Rod Carey (AMI Spitfire) Duane Kaak (TR7V8) Roger Lange (GT6) David Lindsay (GT6) and Neil Martin (TR7V8).

The on track team were well supported by an experienced pit crew, updated communications, and ever reliable catering. The prime aim of Team Triumph was to compete as best we can, but mostly to have fun. Objectives achieved!

At the end of competition, Team Triumph gained a podium finish with Third Place trophies – great effort everyone!

Thanks to all who supported the TSOA entry . . .

Roger Lange

Easter Historics – Mallala

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Three club members competed at Mallalla at the Easter Historics meeting.

Rod Carey –AMI Spitfire in Group S

Andy Ansell –TR7

Neil Martin TR7 V8 Both in Regularity.


Everyone had practice in the morning and two events in the afternoon. Rod’s first race resulted in a very noisy diff and decided that he would fit a replacement. So he raced home to collect all the bits needed to do the job while Andy and I did our Regularity events. Andy placed 4th and 3rd while I managed 13th and 1st. this left Andy on 2nd overall for the day and me 3rd. Rod turned up with his diff so we all helped fit it during the afternoon with the car mobile again by dark.


Three events were on the programme for the day. Rod completed his first race without problem and with a lap time two tenths outside his old lap record. During his second race, he bettered his record so was very pleased with himself and the car with its new diff. Andy struggled with the traffic in his first event to get eleventh. His second result was 5th but Chocwedge was overheating due to a faulty radiator fan so missed the last event. I had more luck with the track traffic and my car had got rid of the gremlins from last year so went well. I placed 3rd, 2nd and 3rd resulting in 1st place for the weekend!

The weekend was a success and I enjoyed the competition and the company.

Neil Martin

Competition Report – November 2013

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

This is my first report as competition secretary. I’d just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped me.

Over the past few months we have had three events to report on.

First off there was round four of the MSCA super sprint held on the 25th August.

We had four cars on track.

Rodger in his rebuilt GT6 who decided to trailer his car after engine problems and didn’t want to take any chances with the new motor.

Robin George in his TR7 who had no brake lights during scrutineering. He managed to get them fixed but unfortunately engine problems put an end to his day too.

Neil Martin in his TR7 v8 had a good run all day and managed a personal best time of 127.693in round two.

Duane Kaak in his TR7 v8 also had a good run during the day and achieved a personal best time of 130.038 in round three.

Congratulations to Neil and Duane.

14th & 15th September was the Modern Regularity Nationals at Mallala. First time ever a whole weekend competition.

3 Triumphs Competed. Robin George, Neil Martin & Duane Kaak all in TR7s Neil had a fuel starvation problem at top speed and in corners. When it wasn’t an issue, Neil was his usual “Peter Perfect” for the first few laps in each event and could have taken home the gold…..

Robin did well on day 1, but retired after an unusual tappet noise persisted before the beginning of Day 2.

Duane was doing well on day one but at the start of Day 2 he suffered a snapped throttle cable and needed a tow back to the pits. His car was repaired and back on track in no time to finish off a good weekend for him.

At the time of printing there were no results for round 5 of the MSCA Super Sprint held on the 20th October.

Enjoy your racing.

Dean Berlemon.