President’s Report – September 2019
Monday, September 23rd, 2019President’s Report – September 2019
Another year starts for the new (but not much has changed . . . ) TSOA SA Management team.
We have started off this month in review of the upcoming end of year dinner and the formation of the Nationals Committee for 2021.
Alex, as always, has started off well regarding the Nationals, and we have a few options being checked with discussions currently based around cost, content and timing. The better part of next year will be fine tuning so that we have something to present at the NSW Nationals next year. The preceding months will then be finishing off all requirements of the event and registering what we hope will be a good take up from the other States.
A letter received from The Federation of Historic Motoring regards working on our cars ourselves and issued a warning of caution. The ACCC had noted that 126 people had died while conducting DIY car maintenance. The main point covered was being crushed while working under the vehicle. Thought it may be a safety moment for the club members to always second check supports or “Makeshift” stands / structures that we use while doing work. They also mentioned at times when the handbrake needs to be released to perform specific tasks and to make sure the Jacks / supports and remaining wheels are chocked to prevent movement.
The letter also discussed an issue regarding “older vehicles” (and their owners) with dwindling numbers of cars seen on runs. They mentioned that there is work in the background by some clubs to network specially organised days to cater for the older cars so these people and car would be part of a greater all included group. Noting that better communication between clubs would help in the arrangement and organisation of these events and they suggested each club is informed. I would be interested in discussing the proposal and will follow up at their next meeting.
The Annual “All Triumph Rally” on the weekend looked to be a wash out, but thankfully the rain held off. We had around 34 attend and 10 Triumphs taking up the challenge. Alex and Sue fought through illness and presented a great run with lots of challenging questions and an end location in Macclesfield. The BBQ cooked up by a range of helpers so big thanks to everyone involved with the prep and cook.
Dean Berlemon & Lisa Macleod were the final Trophy winners and next year’s run challengers. Second place went to Peter and Michele Thornton with 3rd place taken out by Roger and Cherri Lange. The theme for the day was spring. Not quite sure that we had that but there was a short time there when the sun came out.
Our racing team is once again at Mallala on Sunday 29th September and the more support we can give them the better. We have a small team assisting with Flags and encouragement as they fly past. So maybe come and watch as it’s always a good day.
We also wish our SA Team well during the week of the WA Nationals and a safe trip both ways. I’m looking forward to the report and stories on the event when they return.
Now to the Day of Triumph on the 17th November and then the End of Year Presentation Dinner on Saturday 30th November.
The plan to have Triumphs from the TR Register and the Stag Club also on display should hopefully increase the numbers for the public to view. This sometimes encourages new memberships and we have certainly had this in the past. Let’s hope for good weather and a great display of the Triumph marque!
The End of Year Dinner is a must for all TSOA members – great location this year at the Edinburgh Hotel, and value subsidised by your club to encourage your participation. Make it a date! BE THERE!
Keep a look out for updates on our future events on the web.
Best regards
Ian Rigby