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President’s Report – September 2019

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

President’s Report – September 2019

Another year starts for the new (but not much has changed . . . ) TSOA SA Management team.

We have started off this month in review of the upcoming end of year dinner and the formation of the Nationals Committee for 2021.

Alex, as always, has started off well regarding the Nationals, and we have a few options being checked with discussions currently based around cost, content and timing. The better part of next year will be fine tuning so that we have something to present at the NSW Nationals next year. The preceding months will then be finishing off all requirements of the event and registering what we hope will be a good take up from the other States.

A letter received from The Federation of Historic Motoring regards working on our cars ourselves and issued a warning of caution. The ACCC had noted that 126 people had died while conducting DIY car maintenance. The main point covered was being crushed while working under the vehicle. Thought it may be a safety moment for the club members to always second check supports or “Makeshift” stands / structures that we use while doing work.  They also mentioned at times when the handbrake needs to be released to perform specific tasks and to make sure the Jacks / supports and remaining wheels are chocked to prevent movement.

The letter also discussed an issue regarding “older vehicles” (and their owners) with dwindling numbers of cars seen on runs. They mentioned that there is work in the background by some clubs to network specially organised days to cater for the older cars so these people and car would be part of a greater all included group. Noting that better communication between clubs would help in the arrangement and organisation of these events and they suggested each club is informed. I would be interested in discussing the proposal and will follow up at their next meeting.

The Annual “All Triumph Rally” on the weekend looked to be a wash out, but thankfully the rain held off.  We had around 34 attend and 10 Triumphs taking up the challenge. Alex and Sue fought through illness and presented a great run with lots of challenging questions and an end location in Macclesfield. The BBQ cooked up by a range of helpers so big thanks to everyone involved with the prep and cook.

Dean Berlemon & Lisa Macleod were the final Trophy winners and next year’s run challengers. Second place went to Peter and Michele Thornton with 3rd place taken out by Roger and Cherri Lange. The theme for the day was spring. Not quite sure that we had that but there was a short time there when the sun came out.

Our racing team is once again at Mallala on Sunday 29th September and the more support we can give them the better. We have a small team assisting with Flags and encouragement as they fly past. So maybe come and watch as it’s always a good day.

We also wish our SA Team well during the week of the WA Nationals and a safe trip both ways. I’m looking forward to the report and stories on the event when they return.

Now to the Day of Triumph on the 17th November and then the End of Year Presentation Dinner on Saturday 30th November.

The plan to have Triumphs from the TR Register and the Stag Club also on display should hopefully increase the numbers for the public to view. This sometimes encourages new memberships and we have certainly had this in the past. Let’s hope for good weather and a great display of the Triumph marque!

The End of Year Dinner is a must for all TSOA members – great location this year at the Edinburgh Hotel, and value subsidised by your club to encourage your participation. Make it a date! BE THERE!

Keep a look out for updates on our future events on the web.

Best regards

Ian Rigby


Day of TRiumph 2019

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Civic Park will be Open for our display from 8.00am . . . All Cars to be in position by 10am.

We will be joined by the TR Register and The Stag Club on the day.

YOU need to be there to make sure that TSOA has the most number of Triumphs on display!

Information regarding the rules and regulations for the Concours dÉlegance and the Pride of Ownership competitions is available within the “Concours” tab . . . just click on that tab in the right hand column, and all the details are there for you to behold!

2500S Project Blog Update

Friday, September 13th, 2019

I’ve added a very belated update to my 2500S project blog for anyone that’s interested 🙂

Dolomite Sprint Resto Project Update

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

Rebuilt engine, gearbox and overdrive now complete and ready for installation . . .

All Triumph Rally 2019

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019




Please join us for the premier TSOA Run event for 2019, the All Triumph Rally observation run. There will be a fabulous array of prizes for winners. Bring a clipboard for writing answers to questions.

Date:          SUNDAY 22nd September 2019.

Where:       Meet at Crafers Hotel Car Park.

When:         8.30am start.

Lunch:        Club barbeque at a picturesque Adelaide Hills destination. Please bring your own chairs, tables, drinks etc. All food, plates, cutlery etc will be supplied by TSOA.

Theme:       SPRING SPRING SPRING.  Please consider decorating yourselves and/or your cars in a spring theme. A special prize will be awarded for the most imaginative outfit or decoration. Everybody welcome, with or without a Triumph

Enquiries:   Alex Smithson 0412 823 789.  Sue Smithson 0409 675 343

Presentation Dinner

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

TSOA Presentation Dinner

Saturday 30th November

Club sponsored pre-dinner drinks from 6.30pm

Dinner 7.00pm

The Edinburgh Hotel, Victorian Room, 7 High Street Mitcham

Cost – $50.00 Members / $65.00 Non Members

For further information please contact: Sue 8449 7814 or Peg 8294 0044

Bookings with full payment no later than 19th November please

All Triumph Challenge 2019 – Winton

Sunday, August 25th, 2019

See some of the action from this year’s All Triumph Challenge held at Winton in August . . . Neil Martin’s in-car camera –

President’s Report August 2019

Sunday, August 25th, 2019

President Report                                                                                            August 2019

I can’t really say that’s another year over yet but for the club and the 2018 / 2019 Executive committee it is. The past few meetings we discussed the AGM and now that it has passed its time to let those that were not there know the results.

I thanked the past executive committee and the supporting Committee members for all of their support during the year and also presented a joint President / Vice president nomination for this year.

It was with great pleasure that we named both Alex Smithson and Duane Kaak for this years award noting the exhaustive efforts both of them put in, above and beyond their designated positions.  It should also be mentioned that the club had a very committed group at all levels taking care of business and I also pass on my thanks to them.

The Executive committee stands the same at all levels with only one change to the Vice President role with Dean Berlemon taking on that roll. We thank the outgoing Vice president David Stephens for his support during the difficult year he had.

It’s also been a bit of a challenge taking up the position of Club Registration Scheme taking over from Kevin Foster who has earned a rest and noting the difficulty the group endures each year trying to get the books and reporting in order. I would like to note to all members that the cut off will be end of June and all log book issues need to be resolved prior to the start of July.

I think the transition from August back to the financial year may have been confusing for some but the 2 month “Grace period” is for our reporting not membership payments. We have held off this year right to the end of this cycle but it puts pressure on the officers to get everything sorted and the report to DPTI. Leaving it to the last week is a risk to the club and embarrassment if the report goes in and a late entry misses the report. Retracting the information after the fact is work that can be avoided with a bit of early planning and support from the members.

It was also noted, in General business, that we should consider the money the club is holding and a few suggestions were presented. We all agree that as a not for profit organisation, every effort to run the club efficiently but with stability is paramount. We are holding a good level of funds but without careful planning from our dedicated treasurer those funds could easily be reduced. We are always discussing ways to give back and I mentioned extra funding to the weekender, more funds to the racing group and subsidised runs were part of the past years planning. Anyone joining in gets the benefit of those planned events. If we end up with funds not used in that year that can only be testament to good financial planning. (remembering the budget is set 12 months in the past)

Tony Case also raised a good point that we should consider those in the club who have dedicated their membership over many years and suggested rewarding that group. I agree that we should consider what best way to thank them for their continued support. Anyone who has had uninterrupted membership for a significant amount of time should be thanked and we will be discussing this during the next year.

Onto Socially enjoying the club:

The Presentation dinner is fast approaching which means that the annual display day is not far off. I only have 2 weeks between each event to sort the trophies so I would appreciate anyone holding onto the Perpetual trophies to return them soon so that they can be engraved with the next years winners. I hope to be making contact with these people soon.

This year as mentioned in past reports we are back at Modbury and have extended an invitation to both the Stag and Tr Register to join us on the day. Maybe we can encourage one or two of them to help in the Judging to give our usual team a bit of a rest so they too can enjoy the day in its entirety.

The last club run to the Paech farm turned out to be a great event. It was well planned and executed. The predicted hail and rain on the day scared a few Triumphs into the corner of the shed but 4 represented on the day, two even running without the roof.

There was plenty to look at in and around the sheds but we were also allowed to look through the main house which had a great history and lots of collectibles.

We found a Triumph in the main Man cave and lots of historical farm tooling and machines.

In closing:

Thanks again to the dedicated team. Welcome to all of our new members and I hope to see lots of Triumphs out on the display day.

Don’t forget the TSOA Observation run September 22 departing Crafers Hotel shortly after 8.30am Club Sponsored BBQ. This year’s  Run is organised by Alex and Sue Smithson. Both are looking forward to presenting the new Trophy winner on the day. Bring your thinking hat . . . Alex can be a bit sneaky.

Best regards.

Ian Rigby

President (Once again)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting 20/8/19

Sunday, August 25th, 2019

TSOA  AGM          20th AUGUST 2019

Declared Open by Bill Berlemon at 8:57PM

  1. Welcome. Apologies: Tom Long, Kevin McEnroe, Andy Hill, Colin White, Kevin Foster, John Wood, Bill Galer, Geoff Ellis, M & D Bogisch.
  2. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

It’s been a very interesting year, huge thanks to all those that have helped in the Club. Display Day was a highlight joint with TR register, compared to other car clubs we are functioning very well. This year was tricky getting us into more electronic methods with newsletter and database. A huge thank you to Kevin Foster for his administration of the Club Registration Scheme. The President and Vice President award this year goes to Duane Kaak & Alex Smithson for all their tremendous work during the year.

  1. TREASURERS REPORT – Alex Smithson

The Club Annual Financial statements were distributed on all tables at the meeting for members to peruse. A surplus was realised as we did not spend funds on printing a magazine as budgeted and the Online Database system Our Car Club has been cheaper than budgeted.

Members queried the Christmas Dinner Sponsorship and it was noted that the Sponsorship is the same $ figure for happy hour, regardless of numbers. Less people equates to more drinks per person.

It was questioned what should the club do with our healthy bank balance and any suggestions are welcome to be forwarded to the committee for consideration.


Although not an official appointment, Roger Lange has been our Club Representative at MSCA meetings and all event, over many years.

Members not renewing inside the 2 month grace period should be charged a re-joining fee.

It was suggested to recognise the tenure of members with significant anniversaries. In attendance tonight was Peter Williamson who joined in 1966 and Steve Moule who had been a member for 42 years. Dave Wilson was also believed to have been a member for 42 years.  The Committee will look into this.

All Positions were declared vacant.

Nominations for President. Ian Rigby as sole nominee was elected unopposed.

Nominations for Vice President. Dean Berlemon as sole nominee was elected unopposed.

Nominations for Secretary. Duane Kaak as sole nominee was elected unopposed

Nominations for Treasurer. Alex Smithson as sole nominee was elected unopposed.

Nominations for Competition Secretary. Neil Martin as sole nominee was elected unopposed.

Nominations for Social Secretary – Peggy Argent/Sue Gibson as joint as sole nominees were elected unopposed.

Nominations for Editor. Marg & Dean Bogisch as joint nominees were elected unopposed.

AGM Closed at 9:30pm

Minutes of General Meeting 20/8/19

Sunday, August 25th, 2019



Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     

  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: Tom Long, Kevin McEnroe, Andy Hill, Colin White, Kevin Foster, John Wood, Bill Galer, Geoff Ellis, M & D Bogisch.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Chris Marshall – Stag, Al & Ben Hutson – TR7, Stag & Spitfire
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed by Dean Berlemon to be accepted, seconded by Peter Davidge


  1. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

2.1 Run on the weekend had 4 Triumphs, 2 with roof off/down, Ian drove his TR6 with roof on.

2.2 At tonight’s AGM all committee positions are vacant, Bill Berlemon will officiate the AGM.

2.3 Committee have recently discussed Christmas/Presentation dinner, Display Day inviting other Triumph Clubs.

2.4 National Meeting in WA is coming up soon and we are seeking a SA National Meeting Sub Committee to help with our 2021 event.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • Usual small amount of Club Magazines in and Shannons upcoming auction catalogue.
    • Card of thanks to TSOA SA from Helen Carter in response to our condolences to her.
    • FHMC letter received requesting update of office bearers following on from tonight’s AGM.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
    • $41,500 of funds available for Club use, $11,331 is reserved for 2021 National Meeting.
    • Expenses out included Thank You dinner for committee and appointees, volunteers from within the club, also sponsorship of last Sunday’s run.
    • With renewal of Subscriptions now at end of 2 month grace period, we have 253 members, down 26 members on last year and $950 short of budget.


  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent
    • Sunday’s run to Paech Farm was attended by 29 people and was a great event despite cold, wet weather.
    • Annual Observation Run is on Sunday 22nd September, meet 8:30am at Crafers Hotel. Spring theme competition for best decorated car and costumes.
    • No events planned for October due to National Meeting in WA.
    • November 17th is the Annual Day of Triumph at Civic Park.
    • Presentation Dinner on November 30th at The Ed. Hotel in Mitcham.
    • After Christmas Run on Dec 28 or 29 will be arranged by Dean Berlemon.


  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin
    • Duane, Roger & Neil attended the last MSCA SuperSprint, Duane did a good time but now needs a new gearbox. Events were delayed due to several vehicle incidents on the track including oil spill, roll over and car fire.
    • Neil attended the All Triumph Challenge in Winton with Andy Ansell. Andy had fuel issues with his TR7 and didn’t complete all laps, however placed higher at end of day than Neil due to championship calculation method. Event was won by Glen Coultinho from NSW.
    • Some interstate teams are keen to attend the SA MSCA 6 Hour regularity next year.
    • Flag Marshal Volunteers are needed for the MSCA event on Sunday 29th


  1. Library ReportGreg Page
  • Plenty of books & DVD’s in the library, cannot fit anymore so please borrow some.


  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 TR6 shirts were popular, now will be taking orders for a TR7 T-shirt , $30 per shirt.

8.2 National Meeting attendees will be wearing a red shirt with additional WA National Embroidery.

8.3 Black Polo Shirts on sale tonight, $34.

8.4 EFTPOS is available at meetings if required.


  1. FastTrak Editor’s Report – No report


  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

10.1 Adverts do work well


  1. Conditional Registration Report – Ian Rigby

11.1 Only 2 members with cars on Club Registration scheme are yet to renew. Lots of effort has been made to contact and remind these members but they will be reported to DPTI in line with the Scheme rules if not renewed by August 30th.

11.2 Ian now has stamps, books etc and can assist with all Club Registration needs.


  1. General Business

12.1 Phil Bagust was directed to a home in Magill with 10 Triumphs in the yard including a GT6, 2 Sprints, 3 Saloons, 2 TR7s, a Herald and many other British cars, Rover, Mini, Jaguar. No members knew of the owner.

12.2 Happy 80th Birthday to Brian Argent.


  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 Duane Kaak is seeking an LT77 5 speed Gearbox with suffix D or higher in good working order.

13.2 Roger Lange was contacted by someone seeking a TR3 or TR3A. See Website for their details.


  1. Raffle

14.1 Prizes won by Peter Davidge, Chris Marshall and David Stephens.


  1. Cars on Stage

Duane Kaak TR7 V8.


  1. Supper.

Thanks to Margie Berlemon and Sue Gibson


  1. Meeting Closed: 8:45pm