Triumph 2500S project blog update
Monday, January 13th, 2020Another engine-related update to the 2500S blog:
Another engine-related update to the 2500S blog:
President’s Report – December 2019
At the close of formal TR runs this year we had 43 cars on display at our “Triumph Display Day” held at Civic park Modbury. A big thank you to everyone involved and special thanks must go to Dino and Lisa for providing discounted prices for us at their restaurant.
We were also helped this year by several from the Stag Club: Bob Gaston, Romeo Macolino, Steve Arthur, Shane Coates and Ricky Corben who gave judging assistance. Several of our own members also helped on the day. Thanks to Duane Kaak, Neil Martin, Noel Schmidt and Andy Hill who recently sailed back in.
I finally had one “Master Class” entry seen here from John Tuohy.
A second car is now in this class also having won 3 years in a row. Dino Vettese with his TR6.
The end results:
Outright winners for the day: Dino Vettese: TR6. Second Outright: David Stephens TR2 Third outright: Lisa Vettese STAG
Pride of Ownership
• Wayne Byrne: TR2 Graham Jones : GT6 • Geoff Ellis: TR6 Duane Kaak: Stag • Bob Farrell: TR8 Bryan Young: Estate • Bob Cini: Dolomite Ivan Powell: MODIFIED TR3 • Neil Martin: COMPETITION TR8
Concours d’elegance
➢ Dino Vettese: TR6 Richard Sutherland: TR8 ➢ John Tuohy: TR5 Lisa Vettese: STAG ➢ Carolyn Byrne: Herald Coupe Bob Cini: Saloon ➢ David Stephens: TR2
Master Class:
John Tuohy: Saloon
Other trophies that will be handed out this year for events held either during club runs or for Racing:
Under the racing categories:
Drivers Trophy: TBA at the dinner. Competition Trophy: TBA at the dinner.
General Club: Clubman award: 2019 TBA at the dinner. TSOA Observation Run: Dean Berlemon and Lisa MacLeod
President / Vice President Awards. Equally placed were Alex Smithson and Duane Kaak. Their support this year, not for the positions they hold but for the extra work and effort that they both consistently did during the year for TSOA made it very easy to make these awards as a combined effort.
Next year we start off as usual with an informal meeting in January and we hope to post up the next year’s calendar soon. I would be grateful if people had ideas to discuss with me for next year’s display day. Especially early on for a location or back to somewhere they enjoyed the most.
Our Nationals committee had its first formal meeting and we are well on the way to developing this event for 2021
Rather than re type the next bit of info sent, the following was received and discussed at last month’s meeting. Worth considering
“Dear Fellow Triumph Owner,
It’s time to make plans for Drive Your Triumph Day, February 10, 2020.
My name is Rye Livingston and I’m with the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club in Northern California. In 2015 I encouraged members of our club to drive their Triumphs on February 10th, to celebrate Sir John Black’s Birthday, the man who organized Standard’s purchase of Triumph after the war, and went on to make the cars we enjoy driving today. This celebratory drive has been building momentum every year. For 2019 I received close to 350 photos from all over the world: UK, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Uruguay, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Finland, Canada, Holland, Czech Republic, and of course all over the USA.
This year is going to be a bit more of a challenge as February 10thfalls on Monday. As tempting as it may be to plan a drive for the weekend, we’re going to keep true to the day, and please submit photos only taken on Monday, February 10th, 2020.
The concept is straightforward. On February 10th, go for a drive in your Triumph. Take a scenic drive on a country road or out to lunch, to the market, to work, wherever. Go for a drive alone or in a big group from your local Triumph Club. Take your spouse, buddy, child, grandchild or your dog; then take a photo. The photo is mainly of the car and the owner if possible, ideally in front a cool spot, landmark, scenic view, in front of the hardware store or in your driveway. If it’s the middle of the winter where you live and your car is in hibernation, or in the middle of a restoration, take a photo of it anyway in the garage. Some winter photos I’ve received have the garage door open with the car tucked under a cover, and snow outside. Have fun with it and participate.
Next step is to email a high-resolution photo to, along with some basic information: owner’s name, year and model of car, and place photo was taken (city, state, country). The photos will then be published not only in our club newsletter, but also in USA’s national magazine: Vintage Triumph Registry, and on the Drive Your Triumph Day website:
Sir John Black was a very interesting character who brought the car industry at that time through some difficulty with his leadership and inspirational quality. Starting out from insolvency and thirtyfour cars a week in 1929 with a deficit he drove the company to a healthy £47,000,000 turnover and an output of over 135,000 cars and tractors in I95I. He was placed into the hall of fame in 2017 along with others tied heavily with the car industry racing and Triumph.”
So that’s it for this year I guess. If I don’t see you hope you all have a great Christmas and safe new year.
Best Regards
Ian Rigby President
Meeting Opened at 8:00
2.1 Welcome Back to those members who attended WA Nationals. Alex Smithson has submitted a great report in last Fastrack and the Team SA Red Polo Shirts certainly looked great.
2.2 Received an email encouraging all Triumph owners to drive their Triumph on Monday Feb 10th 2020, in memory of John Black. Take a photo and share it on email, social media.
2.3 Sunday’s Day Of Triumph was a great event. Sincere thanks to Aarrand Ellery who was first to arrive and last to leave. Trophies are being engraved ready for the Presentation Dinner on November 30th. FHMC supported the event with grounds hire, thanks also to Dino & Lisa for discount at Caffe Primo.
2.4 Bill Berlemon thanked Ian Rigby on behalf of all TSOA Members for all his efforts in preparation and also on the Day of Triumph to help make it a successful event.
3.1 Thanks to Stag Owners Club for assisting with Judging. Duane will attend their next meeting to thank them formally.
3.2 Usual Club Magazines and Shannon’s Auction catalogue received. Received Cheque from FHMC also for DOT Grounds hire fee.
3.3 Birdwood Motor Museum are offering all registered car club members and their passenger’s free entry to the venue from January 1st, 2020. Suggested Club event be arranged.
3.4 Duane did not take his Stag over to Victoria to participate in the Melbourne Cup parade as Triumphs were cancelled last minute by Lexus.
3.5 Expressions of interest are sought for TR7/8 convertible owners to drive their cars in a Formula 1 Parade next year.
4.1 Over $52,000 in all bank accounts, $50 less than last month. Although money has been banked for Presentation Dinner, the annual insurance cost has been paid.
4.2 Have achieved Budget for Subscriptions for this financial year already.
5.1 Presentation Dinner, must pay and register tonight, currently 64 people attending. Starts 6:30pm for pre dinner subsidised drinks
5.2 Dean Berlemon has arranged the after Christmas Run to Mt Compass Hotel on Dec 29th. Meet Victoria Hotel, “Top o Taps” at 10am.
5.3 January’s usual Fish & Chip/Icecream run is likely to be different this year, event to be held on Sat 18th Jan, 2020. Bill Berlemon volunteered to arrange the typical run to Noonies if there was no success with the new planned event.
5.4 Looking for a Volunteer to arrange a run in March, ideally 15th and Birdwood Museum was suggested as a destination.
6.1 WA Nationals had 3 participants, Duane Kaak in 2000 Saloon, and Neil & Roger Lange double entered Neils TR7 V8. Neil was fastest outright Triumph in both events. No National Competitions Trophy was awarded.
6.2 MSCA Vic is hosting an event at The Bend on June 7th 2020. Will be 56 places open to SA members and it will be held on the International Circuit (Same as Supercars) TSOA will be asked to assist with Marshalls for the event. MSCA SA also due to hold an event at The Bend on the East Circuit later in 2020.
6.3 Neil has entered the Modern Regularity event this weekend, Duane is still repairing his car.
7.1 Thanks to Bill Berlemon for caretaking the library in his absence
7.2 Lots in the library and would like to loan some out.
8.1 The Team SA Red Polo shirt looked excellent at the Nationals, plan is to add NSW 2020 to the sleeve for those attending that event.
8.2 Apologies for September meeting price quote of $25 for Triumph Model T-Shirts, cost is $30 each. Have TR6, TR7 and Stag.
8.3 Tonight’s special is Black S/S polo shirts for $34, usually $38.
8.4 Still have sunshades available for only $5.
9.1 Ian Rigby will ask Editors to produce one more edition this year.
9.2 Alex Smithson stated he is aware some members are receiving multiple copies and has a solution to avoid it next time.
10.1 The Website is the Clubs websites, not Rogers, so the onus is on the members to supply articles and photos etc.
11.1 Attended the FHMC meeting recently.
11.2 Still have a trickle of books being received that requiring stamping/updating.
12.1 Entries are now closed with 840 entrants. Some TSOA members missed the deadline so it was asked for anyone unable to attend to offer their gate pass to another TSOA member.
12.2 ABD are meeting at the oval on Thursday to map out which clubs will park where.
12.3 British High Commissioner is due to attend. SA Governor General has declined due to another commitment.
12.4 Jeremy Cordeaux as Parton of the event will promote it through his media contacts.
12.5 Stag Owners Club will park with TSOA and their vehicles are due to be listed against their club in the magazine, not the TSOA like last year.
13.1 Garry Blucher advised the Stag Owners Club and Triumph Car Club of Victoria are planning an event in the June 2020 Long weekend, based at Hahndorf. TSOA members are also welcome to attend. They will reconsider the itinerary now to look into visiting The Bend.
13.2 Garry spoke of how he had a request for Engineering for the 3.9L Rover Engine in his Stag. After supplying evidence of Warranty replacement of 4.4L Leyland Engines and other technical data, Service SA agreed to Roadworthy inspection only. A copy of this correspondence is available through Duane Kaak if anyone requires it.
13.3 Dean Hosking presented a photo slide show of his recent trip to Goodwood Revival Meeting and discussed the large variety of cars and other related activities for all to enjoy.
14.1 Box of Chocolates won each by Lisa Macleod and Mark Russell.
15.1 Ian Rigby is travelling to QLD this weekend to collect a large number of 2500S parts from a 130,000km car.
15.2 Roger Lange donated a large number of Car Magazines for members to take home.
Thanks to Peggy Argent and Duane Kaak
17 Meeting Closed: 9:10pm
President report October 2019
A Big welcome back sent to our SA team who recently attended the WA Nationals. For those that missed out have a read of Alex Smithson’s report and stories on the event. Great shot of Neil’s car flying the SA flag on the display day there.
Our next major event is the “TSOA display day” on the 17th November to be held at Civic Park Modbury. The follow up dinner will be on Saturday the 30th at the Edinburgh Hotel in the Victorian room, 7 High Street Mitcham. Pre-dinner drinks at 6.30pm all welcome.
We a have been lucky enough to be sponsored for this event.
The Federation of Motoring clubs SA have donated funds for the day in support to our costs.
Dino and Lisa Vettese have also been very generous and offered “50% off “meals to those that attend the event on the day at their Café Primo restaurant in the new Modbury lower dining area.
The plan to have added Triumphs on the day should hopefully increase the numbers for the public to view. An invitation was extended to the TR Register the Stag club and any Triumph belonging to members of the federation to join us on the day. This sometimes encourages new memberships and we have certainly had this in the past. Let’s hope for good weather.
I hope to have some from the Stag and TR Register clubs assist in judging this year.
Over the past month I attended the Federation Historic club meeting and an interesting number came out during a conversation regards the number of cars currently using the conditional registration scheme. Hot rod (738), L/H drive cars (1365) and those on Historic came out at an eye brow raising 56,000. We currently have just over 300 members but when the number of Historic was mentioned it’s easy to understand why they/we harp on about the importance of keeping on top of the reporting for this. Big question is where are the rest of them? I’m sure there are some owners out there with a cattle yard full.
I also tagged along on a random TR Register run to Clare. It was an “interesting day” with a very small amount on the road.
This could have been due to their Nationals being held
At the end of that week and understandably they were probably getting their cars ready. In most respects it was a great run (cold in Clare)
On the return journey home I was lucky enough to come across the VERY expensive “Variety cars” sitting proudly outside of Seven Hill Hotel.
And with a short break over the Xmas period coming up it will be a time to gather our thoughts on what to do over the following months to entertain everyone. If you have something that you feel would be of interest please let our social ladies in on it and we will do our best to get something up and running.
Keep a look out for updates on our future events on the web.
Something already for us to consider:
This year the Federation had a run for all clubs to Wirrina and will be holding the event again next year. Apparently the event went off really well with multiple clubs joining in. The event is planned again next year on the 13th September 2020
This may be an opportunity to join in for that months run and showcase our club also.
Next year’s Nationals in NSW are to be held at the Anchorage 5-star beachfront resort at Port Stephens from 30th October to 6th November 2020.
Best regards
Ian Rigby
Meeting Opened at 8:00
2.1 Contact was made to FHMC to sponsor the upcoming Day of Triumph. They will also promote to all other car clubs affiliated. Their sponsorship will cover the grounds hire. TR Register & Stag Owners Clubs have accepted invitations to judge on the day.
2.2 FHMC has also recently discussed proposed networking to assist veteran and classic car owners to get their cars on the road on runs etc. to keep more members cars active.
2.3 An invitation to the MSCA AGM has been replied to and Ian will attend.
2.4 List of continuous memberships has been produced and will be reviewed for accuracy in consideration of acknowledging members tenure of TSOA SA.
2.5 Best wishes expressed to those members heading over to the TSOA National Meeting in WA.
3.1 Stag Owners Club have accepted invitation to judge at Day of Triumph, likely 5 – 6 members and their cars. Caffe Primo have also agreed to generously discount their meal items by 50% for all participants on the day.
3.2 All British Day entries are now open, will be closed before next meeting. Stag Owners Club will again park next to us, approx. 15 Stags already registered from their club.
3.3 Bay to Birdwood are celebrating their 40th Anniversary in 2020 and are splitting entries to Classic and Veteran cars of approx. 750 cars each.
3.4 Duane is taking his Stag over to Victoria to participate in the Melbourne Cup parade on November 4th.
4.1 Over $52,000 in all bank accounts, majority of funds received were for Christmas Dinner and Regalia sales.
4.2 Expenses out included Regalia & Meeting Expenses.
5.1 Display Day, Day of Triumph is on Sunday November 17th, the Trophies are ready to be engraved.
5.2 Observation Run – All Triumph Rally was well attended, great run and BBQ lunch despite cool weather. The event was won by Lisa McLeod and Dean Berlemon in their Saloon.
5.3 Noel Schmidt has passed on an invitation to members to join a run on Saturday 19th October with the TR Register travelling to Clare. Meet 9am at Caltex Bolivar.
6.1 Thanks to Duane Kaak & Ian Rigby for assisting as Flag Marshalls at the recent MSCA event.
6.2 Neil Martin participated in the MSCA Supersprint, trialling an old thin rear sway bar, experiencing a spin, then after fitting a larger diameter sway bar achieving a time close to his PB.
No report but open for business.
No report.
Due to National Meeting this will be delayed.
No Report.
11.1 Ian has been helping however possible to get cars onto the system.
12.1 Tony Case brought along some era 1965 photos and letters and told of his first ride in a TR2. Tony also mentioned that the first association was called Triumph Sports CARS Owners Association.
13.1 Peggy Argent sent through a picture of a TR6 for sale in the US at an Army Base.
13.2 Dino Vettese advised he had a gearbox that might suit Duane’s need of a 5spd LT77.
14.1 Meat Tray won by Lisa Vettese.
15.1 Dean Berlemon displayed a 1977 2500S Saloon, auto with power steer and integrated air conditioning. Purchased from Barossa Valley with local history. Has Electronic Ignition fitted and brakes have been overhauled.
Thanks to Natalie Farrell.
17 Meeting Closed: 8:50pm
The Nationals for 2019 are over and all who attended considered it a resounding success. There were 107 registered participants (40 from WA) with SA being the third largest contingent with 17. A small convoy of 3 Triumphs being driven, (Roger and Cherri Lange, Alex and Sue Smithson and Stephen Wade) together with a further Triumph being trailered (Trevor and Steph Lindsay) set off on Tuesday 15th October for a drive of some 3,000km to Margret River W.A. We met up with Neil Martin (also trailering his TR7) on the way, finally arriving at Stay @ Margaret River resort on Saturday 19th October. We completely booked out this magnificent resort which provided first-class accommodation.
The highlights of our trip across were a visit to the “Head of the Bight” tourist centre near the Nullabor Roadhouse, where we saw two whales with calves at close range, and the fact that unlike the 2014 WA Nationals, all our delegates and cars got there in one piece. We all breathed a sigh of relief when Stephen Wade successfully negotiated the intersection with Port Germain turnoff, the location of his serious car accident en-route to WA in 2014.
The Margaret River region of south west WA is one of the most beautiful parts of Australia with TSOAWA putting on a fantastic week which was thoroughly enjoyed by all those attending.
Our first event was the welcome dinner at the resort on Saturday which was a great night, and which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the TR6 with a 60’s/70’s theme, bringing out the best of the creativity of the rally delegates.
On Sunday we all washed and polished our cars and headed down the road for a show and shine in the Community Centre car park. Although there were many great Triumphs on display, the winner was our own Trevor Lindsay with his immaculate Mk 1 2500PI Estate.
Monday was competition day at Busselton. Councils in WA seem to be much more amenable to motor sport than in other parts of Australia, and a section of road on the Busselton foreshore was closed to allow a timed sprint competition for our delegates and others visiting for the day. The format was a “there and back” with very tight “U” turn at the end of the track, and various weaving through barriers. There were a lot of quick cars, however a certain red TR7 V8 driven by our own Neil Martin was consistently the quickest vehicle. Roger Lange also drove Neil’s car and although not quite matching Neil’s times, was nevertheless, highly competitive. An altercation with a kerb may have adversely affected Roger’s latter runs, however it was nothing that a wheel alignment would not fix.
Duane Kaak had a borrowed a Mk 2, 2000 saloon for the week and pushed this vehicle to its very limits (with the owner’s consent, I must add). Duane managed to be second fastest to Neil on most of his runs, a phenomenal performance in a borrowed car which on paper did not look like it would have been a serious contender.
We had a sandwich lunch at the Barnard Park Recreation Centre, next to the track, and a chance to look at the Busselton area and northern part of the region, including Cape Naturaliste and the famous and very long Busselton Jetty and aquarium.
Tuesday was the observation run to Augusta and Cape Leeuwin. We had a couple of stops on the way to answer questions, with lunch divided between two venues, due to the large size of our group. Again, SA did very well, with Sue and me winning the event.
We had a free day on Wednesday although there were two “Ironman” events in the morning. For the uninitiated, all Nationals have a competition of three novelty events between states for a highly sought-after national trophy.
The Stay @ Margaret River resort has a Bocce rink and a 9-hole mini golf course within its facility, and both were used for the events. Peter Davidge was our Bocce rep and looked like he had the event won, only to have a rouge Victorian do a “Trevor Chappell” with the last ball and knock the white ball away from Peter’s, until then, winning ball. Dean Bogisch was our golfer, and did very well, but not quite as well as a couple of other states. Nearly all the Nationals attendees were in the gallery (Dean may have choked a bit as a result), and we believe that this was the largest gallery ever to watch a tournament at the Stay @ Margaret River mini golf course. Team South Australia really stood out in our club-subsidised red polo shirts, and at least made a real fashion statement.
Thursday morning saw the second motor sport event, the “Nannup Sprint”. We all decamped to the picturesque town of Nannup, some 75 km west of Margaret River. Similarly, to Busselton, public roads were closed for a timed “point to point” sprint which was higher speed than at Busselton. Again, Neil Martin, after getting a wheel alignment on the free day, was significantly fastest in all his runs, and did not have the same problems in stopping outside the garage which he had in Busselton. The higher speed course also suited Roger better and his time were also amongst the most competitive. Duane also performed very well, however the 2000cc motor in the saloon he was driving lacked the power of many of the cars on the track, and there were a small number of competitors with times between his and Neil’s times.
The third Ironman event was held on Thursday night before we had dinner at the White Elephant Beach Café at Gnarabup. This was a precision driving event where the driver had to estimate where to stop with wheels on the start line, estimate two full wheel revolutions, and then decide the height to be set of a “limbo” bar at the other end of the car park, and drive under that bar. This last task was made more complicated due to the slope of the car park which prevented the driver seeing the ground level of the limbo bar, so it was a complete guess at what height the bar should be set. Roger Lange represented SA, and in hindsight, was a bit optimistic about how low a 2.5PI saloon can go.
We had a “Dice Run” (described as a navigation run with an element of chance) on Friday, where each driver threw a pair of dice at the start, finish and at two interim stops, finishing with lunch at Cheeky Monkey Brewery. SA did not win this event, however it was purely a game of chance, so we were not overly disappointed at missing this one. There were, however two additional prizes give for the most imaginative “selfie” with the cow statues at the small village of Cowaramup, and the most inventive Triumph-related name for a chocolate, after a visit to a local chocolate factory. Rory and Sue Gibson were the winners of this naming competition with “Gloria’s Renown Chocolates”.
Our final day was a brunch at “The Common” bar and bistro near the beach at Gnarabup, and later our presentation dinner. There was no National Competition trophy awarded this year, as the organisers considered that both events were timed only, however by my calculations, SA would have been the clear winner. We also brought home the Pride of Ownership trophy, courtesy of Trevor Lindsay however we were unfortunately unplaced in the Ironman trophy which was won overall by the team from NSW. The night also had an auction of fabulous TR6 table decorations made by WA committee member Dave Ryder. They are a real work of art, and I am now the proud owner of one of these TR6’s, made of stainless steel on a wooden base.
WA committee member Doug Vanzetti is the drummer in a band that does 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s classics, and although not starting until late, rocked the presentation dinner to the wee small hours, with a packed dance floor.
Breakfasts each day were at the resort (other than the day of the brunch), and we had evening meals most nights either at the resort (two) or at other restaurants/community facilities in the Margaret River area, all of which were of very good quality. On our two free nights, the SA team plus various guests from other states had a BBQ at the resort, with catering courtesy of Dean and Margaret Bogisch.
After the raucous noise the first night, we had people with rooms near the BBQ join us on night two, rather than put up with us a second time.
The week was absolutely fantastic, and whilst the interstate contingent was comprised mainly of people who are regular Nationals attendees, we met or renewed acquaintances with a lot of people from the WA TSOA club, which is growing strongly and has a very high participation rate. The organising committee, particularly Jeff and Kaye van der Plas did a great job of making sure the week ran very smoothly, and everyone in the club really pulled their weight to make it such a great event. The president of WA Club, Justin Stevens was MC for the week, and did an amazing job of humour and efficiency, which really added to the enjoyment of the week.
On the last night, John Stokes from NSW gave a presentation on next year’s Nationals to be held at the Anchorage 5-star beachfront resort at Port Stephens from 30th October to 6th November 2020. This will be a great program in such a fantastic location. We have already put our names down and are looking forward to attending Port Stephens in 2020. Then of course it is our turn in 2021, and we are already making great headway into planning this event. If it is anywhere near as successful as the WA Nationals this year, it will be an event not to be missed.
Alex Smithson
Meeting Opened at 8:00
1. Welcome: 1.1 Apologies: Andy Hill, Brian Argent, John Wood, Colin White, Greg Page, Kate Tuohy & Shane Dix. 1.2 Guests/Visitors/New Members: Nathan – MK3 Spitfire 1.3 Previous Minutes: Proposed be accepted as accurate by Dean Berlemon, seconded by Bob Cini.
2. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby 2.1 The Executive Committee is largely unchanged from last year except for Dean Berlemon stepping in. 2.2 A Nationals 2021 Committee has been formed and will get ready to present in 2020. SA Location being discussed. 2.3 Historic Registration processes are being mastered, spreadsheets updated and some new cars such as the Stag on display tonight have recently been added.
3. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak 3.1 Correspondence sent out to FHMC updating them of this years’ office bearers. No official correspondence in as yet (mail box not checked tonight due to work commitments) 3.2 John Wood has advised he is borrowing a 2500S for the WA Nationals and has a spare seat or two if anyone wants to accompany him.
4. Treasurer’s Report –Alex Smithson 4.1 $52,198 funds in bank, being $677 down on last month. 4.2 Regalia income was received and some Presentation Dinner income also received. 4.3 Expenses out included AGM expenses and new key fobs for new members.
5. Social Report – Peggy Argent 5.1 The Annual All Triumph Rally is on this Sunday (Observation Run). 8:45am start from Crafers Hotel. Prize for best Spring themed dress. 5.2 No run scheduled in October due to WA Nationals being on. 5.3 Civic Park is the venue for the Day of Triumph in November, cars need to be in place by 10am for judging. 5.4 Members encouraged to book in now for the Presentation Dinner on November 30th.
6. Competition Report – Neil Martin 6.1 Fairly quiet in Motorsport, Neil was only competitor at the recent Modern Regularity. 6.2 Next event is the MSCA SuperSprint on 29th Sept. Flag Marshalls needed, Ian Rigby, Duane Kaak and Dean Berlemon have volunteered. 6.3 Duane Kaak, Neil Martin and Roger Lange are entering the WA Nationals Competition events. 6.4 Andy Ansell is modifying his fuel tank, Duane has modified his rear drum brakes but still seeking a new gearbox.
7. Library Report – Greg Page (absent) No report but open for business
8. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson 8.1 T-Shirts with TR6 or TR7 images have been popular and on display. A Stag print shirt is now also available for $30 in black or grey. 8.2 Black Short sleeved polos are on special at $34 tonight only. 8.3 Sue and the regalia won’t be at the next general meeting.
9. Fastrak Editor’s Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch 9.1 Please feel welcome to send in any stories.
10. Website Report – Roger Lange 10.1 Roger invited any questions from the floor but there were none.
11. Conditional Registration Report – Ian Rigby 11.1 All reports are in, only 1 logbook un-financial member notified to DPTI.
12. General Business 12.1 Rimmer Bros (UK) are having a 15% off Triumph parts sale. See Ian Rigby for the link to the sale price list if needed. 12.2 The committee will discuss this year the recognition of long term membership that is continuous. 12.3 The TR7 is 45 years old this year.
13. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted 13.1 Peter Davidge is seeking a TR8 Bonnet stay in good condition. 13.2 Bill Galer has a set of 13inch minilite wheels with nuts (new) for sale and other Spitfire related parts.
14. Raffle 14.1 Won by Alex Smithson meat tray. 15. Cars on Stage 15.1 Roger Lange displayed his newly acquired future restoration project, an Inca Yellow Stag he purchased from NSW. 15.2 Stephen Wade displayed a 1964 Jaguar and spoke of the difference in models and changes throughout the SS and Jaguar evolution. The Jaguar has original books from the UK and has been improved with parts from Stephen’s previous Jaguars.
16. Supper. Thanks to Fay Esau and Sue Smithson
17 Meeting Closed: 8:45pm
Meeting Opened at 8:00
2.1 The Executive Committee is largely unchanged from last year except for Dean Berlemon stepping in.
2.2 A Nationals 2021 Committee has been formed and will get ready to present in 2020. SA Location being discussed.
2.3 Historic Registration processes are being mastered, spreadsheets updated and some new cars such as the Stag on display tonight have recently been added.
3.0 Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
3.1 Correspondence sent out to FHMC updating them of this years’ office bearers. No official correspondence in as yet (mail box not checked tonight due to work commitments)
3.2 John Wood has advised he is borrowing a 2500S for the WA Nationals and has a spare seat or two if anyone wants to accompany him.
4.0 Treasurer’s Report –Alex Smithson
4.1 $52,198 funds in bank, being $677 down on last month.
4.2 Regalia income was received and some Presentation Dinner income also received.
4.3 Expenses out included AGM expenses and new key fobs for new members.
5.0 Social Report – Peggy Argent
5.1 The Annual All Triumph Rally is on this Sunday (Observation Run). 8:45am start from Crafers Hotel. Prize for best Spring themed dress.
5.2 No run scheduled in October due to WA Nationals being on.
5.3 Civic Park is the venue for the Day of Triumph in November, cars need to be in place by 10am for judging.
5.4 Members encouraged to book in now for the Presentation Dinner on November 30th.
6.0 Competition Report – Neil Martin
6.1 Fairly quiet in Motorsport, Neil was only competitor at the recent Modern Regularity.
6.2 Next event is the MSCA SuperSprint on 29th Sept. Flag Marshalls needed, Ian Rigby, Duane Kaak and Dean Berlemon have volunteered.
6.3 Duane Kaak, Neil Martin and Roger Lange are entering the WA Nationals Competition events.
6.4 Andy Ansell is modifying his fuel tank, Duane has modified his rear drum brakes but still seeking a new gearbox.
7.0 Library Report – Greg Page (absent)
No report but open for business
8.0 Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
8.1 T-Shirts with TR6 or TR7 images have been popular and on display. A Stag print shirt is now also available for $30 in black or grey.
8.2 Black Short sleeved polos are on special at $34 tonight only.
8.3 Sue and the regalia won’t be at the next general meeting.
9.0 Fastrak Editor’s Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch
9.1 Please feel welcome to send in any stories.
10.0 Website Report – Roger Lange
10.1 Roger invited any questions from the floor but there were none.
11.0 Conditional Registration Report – Ian Rigby
11.1 All reports are in, only 1 logbook un-financial member notified to DPTI.
12.0 General Business
12.1 Rimmer Bros (UK) are having a 15% off Triumph parts sale. See Ian Rigby for the link to the sale price list if needed.
12.2 The committee will discuss this year the recognition of long term membership that is continuous.
12.3 The TR7 is 45 years old this year.
13.0 Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
13.1 Peter Davidge is seeking a TR8 Bonnet stay in good condition.
13.2 Bill Galler has a set of 13 inch minilite wheels with nuts (new) for sale and other Spitfire related parts.
14.0 Raffle
14.1 Won by Alex Smithson meat tray.
15.0 Cars on Stage
15.1 Roger Lange displayed his newly acquired Inca Yellow 1976 Stag – potential for improvement but a promising starting point.
15.2 Stephen Wade displayed a 1964 Jaguar and spoke of the difference in models and changes throughout the SS and Jaguar evolution. The Jaguar has original books from the UK and has been improved with parts from Stephen’s previous Jaguars. A very nice motor!
16.0 Supper.
Thanks to Fay Esau and Sue Smithson
17 Meeting Closed: 8:45pm
Information regarding Judging for Concours and Pride of Ownership
Concours Section
All cars must be driven onto the judging site (except competition vehicles which may be trailered).
Entrants must score a minimum of 70% of the total points available in presentation section to be eligible for a Class or Outright trophy.
Standard classes will be – TR2/3/3A/3B, TR4/4A/5, TR6, TR7/8, Stag, Saloon, Dolomite, Spitfire/GT6, Herald/Vitesse, Pre 54 and Competition Classes may be split/combined depending on the number of entrants in each Class. This will be determined by DOT Officials on the day.
Judges will award points for each car up to a maximum of 750 possible points in 5 judging sections as follows –
. Exterior (170 points) – if convertible, the soft top must be erected and any tonneau/s displayed
. Engine bay (140 points)
. Underside (100 points)
. Wheels & tyres/boot (170 points) – boot must be left open or at least unlocked, with spare wheel, tools etc available for judging
. Interior (170 points)
Cars will NOT be judged on originality except in the event of a tie when the cars will be marked out of 250 points in accordance with the Concours table.
In the event of a tie “originality” for each model shall be broadly determined as any equipment or manufacturing (i.e. official works modifications) produced by the original car manufacturer or an approved option available for that model.
Masters Class
Cars that win their Class for 3 years running, or win outright for 2 years running, will be placed in a Masters Class and are ineligible to enter the standard Concours Classes for 2 years. Masters Class Awards will be given to all Masters Class cars in attendance.
Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Overall place getters on the day. The Register Trophy (TR2/3/3A and 3B), The Michelotti Trophy (TR4/4A/5) and The Harris Mann Trophy (TR7/8), will be awarded to the highest points achieved in that Class. Where the winner is also the winner of a Concours Class only one personal trophy will be awarded.
Trophies will be awarded to 1st place only if 3 or fewer cars are entered in a Class and 1st and 2nd place if 4 or more cars are entered.
Pride of Ownership Section
Entrants will be scored on presentation only (originality will not be considered)
Judging will follow the processes outlined in the Concours section, except the underside will not be considered. Standard classes will be – TR2/3/3A/3B, TR4/4A/5, TR6, TR7/8, Stag, Saloon, Dolomite, Spitfire/GT6, Herald/Vitesse, Pre-54, and competition.
Restoration projects may be considered depending on what is presented on the day.
Classes may be split/combined depending on the number of entrants in each Class – to be determined by DOT Officials on the day.
Masters Class cars are ineligible to enter POO section until 2 years after their Masters Class qualification.
Trophies will be awarded to Class winners only.