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President’s Report – March 2020

Monday, March 30th, 2020

President’s report                                                                                                 March 2020

Most would be aware of the recent passing of Arrand Ellery but I was made aware that Vic Neave lost his wife during that week also. TSOA wish all families our condolences at this sad time.

It was a difficult time for all, especially those that Arrand has assisted over the time he has been a member of TSOA. For me personally Arrand was always the first to arrive and last to leave on any event that had cars on display helping me set up and break down and never faltered with his support.

For those that could not attend Arrand’s funeral there were many stories from family and friends that highlighted his life and certainly honoured his strengths and kindness to everyone around him. He will be sadly missed. Lorna now has the little yellow car that he lovingly cared for assigned to her. I’m sure that their son Todd will also have lots of time in the car.

I think everyone would agree that it’s been an interesting and difficult time globally and the impact has strengthened over the past few weeks. We as a club will constantly monitor events with the hope that some normality will occur in the not too distant future. After discussions with the committee I’m now informing all members that:

ALL “Club sponsored runs and meeting’s” will be Cancelled now until further notice.

I’m very conscious about the pending renewal of memberships, upcoming AGM and log book updates and will do what we can to help with these mandatory processes. We have until August to hold the AGM so we will advise closer to the date how this will occur or be affected.

The next issue for members is the continuation of Membership/payments and the updating of log books for members on the historic scheme. I would like to advise that membership invoices for the next financial year will be sent out soon, so that these can be done prior to log book renewals. Different payment options will be available. The new costing’s for next year is reflective of the budget proposed by our treasurer and put to the committee this month. After discussion and acceptance the budget will be disclosed in an upcoming Trak, but I’m sure that all members will be happy with the outcome. For those people that paid more than one year subscription last year, Alex will advise an outcome for those affected and suitable arrangements will be done directly with those members. The new costing is for the 2020 / 2021 financial year only and we don’t consider it’s continuation into the following year.

Log book updating will now only be done this year through the postal process. Unfortunately we cannot provide a one on one at the club. Books need to be posted to the clubs PO Box for collection and processing. We will turn these around as soon as possible. There are now 5 of us available to process books and the team welcomes Graham Dean to the table. Graham now looks after all of the club’s memberships and Historical registrations. Thanks for stepping up to the new challenge.

The recent global concern will now test our continued communication and once we have any news to share we will update everyone with those details. The most pressing will be events planned for later in the year. The nationals next year are well underway with good ground covered so far but this too will need constant communication so we have something to present at this year’s Nationals if they proceed. We are unsure at this time how they will be affected. Hopefully the current issue does not extend until then and the event goes ahead for those going but currently this is at risk and communication is ongoing with their committee.

Now I can finally advise everyone of a bit of good news for a change and it links very closely with the situation we are all in currently. This week I was able to recognise and present Roger Lange with a small token gift from the club in recognition of his ongoing support with the Web. This presentation was planned to happen at the dinner last year, but Roger had other commitments on the night. Since then it’s been a hit and miss so there has been no opportunity to present this to him in the environment where other members are present. Sadly the current conditions still prevent this so here we are electronically thanking him for all of his good work. Now more than ever we look to the web for updates. I’m hopeful that Roger and Cherri enjoy the bottles of red. Good timing too seeing they may restrict purchasing that now also. Cheers Roger and thankyou from all of us at TSOA.

We will still send out general comments through our on line OCC logging tool and phone messaging but as Roger continually mentions the web works for many reasons. Sale of parts, or cars / parts wanted, general stories or updates and membership notices. If you have trouble posting parts for sale etc please contact Roger, Duane or me. We are all here to help.

Please send log books via our PO Box after subscriptions are paid and when required.

Triumph Sports Owners Association SA Inc.

PO Box 192 Glenside SA 5065

Having been away for the past few months, I would like to thank the committee members who kept me informed and supported the club and other members during this time. I did keep in contact as best I could but knew things were well taken care of.

Regards for now and stay safe.

Ian Rigby


Minutes of General Meeting 18/2/20

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020



 Meeting Opened at 8:02pm by Dean Berlemon (Vice President)     

  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: Andy Hill, Chuck & Dianne Falzon, Peter & Julie Davidge, Natalie & Bob Farrell, Arrand Ellery (Sue Gibson reported he suffered a major heart attack on Sunday 16/02), Kevin Foster, Bill Galler, Ian Rigby, John Woods.
  • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Tim Price (TR4A), Glyn Rippin (Stag), Steven Wheeler (TR6) 
  • Previous Minutes: Proposed by Bob Cini to be accepted, seconded by John Tuohy 
  1. Presidents Report – Dean Berlemon

2.1 Ian Rigby supplied his Presidents report which will be published in next edition of Fastrak.

  • Ian supplied numbers of votes for future Day of Triumph consideration venues
  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

3.1 A small selection of Club Magazines received, minutes from FHMC meeting, reminders of Bay to Birdwood entries for 2020.

3.2 TR Register has invited TSOA to join them at McLaren Vale Classic & Vintage event on April 5th. Entries close March 9th.

3.3 Correspondence due to be sent to DPTI to appoint Graham Dean as an Authorised Club Registration officer. 

  1. Treasurer’s Report –Alex Smithson

4.1 Balance at bank is $47,316.99. This is $4,756 less than last report in November 2019, largely due to presentation dinner expenses and deposit on upcoming weekender.

4.2 Funds received included $279 bank fee refund, refund of deposit for Day of Triumph ground hire, FHMC sponsorship for Day of Triumph.

4.3 Club has now achieved budget for Subscriptions with a further $505 received since last report.

  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent

5.1 Peggy sought show of hands for those that enjoyed the Presentation dinner overall.

5.2 All British Day was very well attended by members and cars, as was the annual ice cream run.

5.3 A Chicken & Salad club subsidised event is being considered.

5.4 This years calendar has been amended to accommodate the MSCA events.

5.5 Next event is mid week run, March 18th, with a green theme being St Patricks day.

5.6 Visit to Birdwood Museum is planned for March 29th and includes Club Sponsored Sausage sizzle.

5.7 Run to Mt Compass tavern that was planned for post Christmas will now be held in April.

5.8 May’s mid week run is being arranged by Stephen Wade.

5.9 Volunteers are needed to arrange a Winery/Pizza run and also for supper roster at meetings. 

  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin

6.1 Over Christmas Neil had fitted new suspension parts and wheel alignment. Recently a cold air induction box.

6.2 Recent overheating issue of the TR7 V8 thankfully turned out to just be an Electric Water Pump failure.

6.3 At the recent Regularity event, Neil achieved 3rd placings in first few rounds but the TR7 V8 had to be towed off the track later in the day for the first time in its motorsport career. Fault was a broken wire.

6.4 MSCA has their annual Display Day on Sunday March 1st at Mt Barker football oval.

6.5 Andy Ansell & Neil competing at Easter historic event at Mallala.

6.6 Volunteers, Cars & Drivers needed for MSCA 6 hour event on 3rd May.

6.7 Neil is attending the Phillip Island Classic event in a couple of weekend’s time.

  1. Library ReportGreg Page

Plenty to borrow. 

  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 Regalia will not be available at the next meeting.

8.2 Keyrings are available, as are T-Shirts with images of TR7, TR6 and Stag.

8.3 Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve shirts in red or navy are available for $43.

8.4 Caps on sale tonight for $17 (usually $20), Softshell jackets from previous WA National Rally available for $70 if interested.

8.5 EFTPOS is available at meetings if members do not have cash.

  1. Fastrak Editor’s Report Marg & Dean Bogisch

Please contribute any articles

  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

The Club Website is up to date, have a look. 

  1. Conditional Registration Report – Colin White

11.1 Colin reported he had only recently updated 1 log book. 

  1. General Business

12.1 Alex Smithson advised the Nationals Sub Committee of 10 members has agreed on Barossa as the Venue. The Weintal has been booked and the program of events is being finalised.

12.2 All British Day – Geoff Ellis reported 15% of entrant spaces were empty on the day. Spectator numbers were also down 15% on previous year. Committee debriefing is still to occur and Geoff will provide a further update next meeting.

12.3 Weekender – Bill Berlemon discussed the itinerary, around the Port Pirie area. Event to be held 22 – 24 May. Cost $200per person, club has subsidised the total cost by $50 per person. 15 rooms available at John Pirie Motor Inn. 

  1. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 Duane was notified of a TR4 Steering wheel for sale. $80. Contact Andy 0433 738 633 or 0434 907 003.

13.2 Roger visited a TR4 in great original condition, white with black interior, soon to be for sale.

  1. Raffle

Meat Tray won by Neil Martin 

  1. Cars on Stage

Jim Scott displayed his TR6 in Saffron with clear over base. Imported into Australia in 1986 from America. Jim purchased in March 2019, had stripped to bare metal and no rust was discovered.

  1. Supper.

Thanks to Lisa McLeod & Dean Berlemon for arranging. 

17         Meeting Closed:           9:17pm

Stag Sold!

Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

For all of you who may have admired / criticised my Stag, I am pleased / saddened to advise that it has been sold to an enthusiast who could see it for what it is . . . a fine example of the model with all the patina of its 44 years since production, but a solid car underneath and with the benefit of its new interior, soft top, and many other enhancements. So, to those who admired it for what is was, thanks, and for those who poo pooed it . . . well, understood. Will there be another Stag in my garage in the future? We’ll see . . .

Annual Weekender

Monday, February 24th, 2020


MAY 22ND -MAY24TH 2020


Places we are visiting:

Sea Squadron Wallaroo

RSL Military Museum – Pt Pirie

PADARC Car Club – Pt Pirie

Accommodation – John Pirie Motor Inn – Superior Rooms.

Jacks Large model cars and trucks – Jamestown

Charlene’s Quilting Shop – Jamestown

Discovery Centre – Gladstone- history of the area, and tastings.

Gladstone Gaol – maybe closing this year

Ossies Homestead – Gulnare-working farm . . . Damper and billy tea for morning tea

Claymore Wines – Leasingham – curated tasting of the current range with 10% discount on wine purchases.

Meet: Friday 23rd May:

OTR Bolivar (859 Pt Wakefield Road Bolivar)

8.45am for a 9.00am Departure

Cost:  $200.00 pp (with club subsidy of $50 members) twin share

Individual and Children’s Rates –by negotiation.

Contact Margie/Bill 0438836837

President’s Report – March 2020

Thursday, February 13th, 2020

   President report:  March 2020.

As prior reported, I will be away for the February meeting so this is a short report on following from the last few weeks and  All British day.

Once again it was a great turn out and all but one entrant turning up for the display. Alongside and with the Stag clubs 22 registered we had 27 Triumphs, a V12 E Type Jaguar, and one Mini on display.

There were several more across the field joining other clubs but at the end of the day it was our very own Noel and Cindy Schmidt who blitzed the field once again with the TR3 and took out “Best Vehicle” and was awarded the honor by Jeremy Cordeaux, so go Triumph.

As a follow up to displaying our cars I previously mentioned a vote we ran at the presentation dinner last year. The results of this are as follows after asking tthose that attended where it should be in 2020.

Semaophore :    4 votes.

Glenelg:               17 votes

Modbury:            20 votes

Other:                   14 Votes 7 of these were the Birdwood Museum with a few scattered elsewhere

So this decision will now go to the committee and final acceptance before I start this year’s process.

The second part of the voting I asked for 2021 possibly having this at the “All British day” 42 voted Yes and 13 were No.

Seemed like a good idea especially for me as with the Nationals later in the year having the event early with all infrastructures taken care off, the only detail I would have discussed would be subsidizing the entry cost.

After looking over the field this time there were cars that normally go to that display missing so I’m not sure if it would be fair to do this or take the risk and go with it. That being said we got more cars on display at all British than we typically have had over the past few years for the display event. We would certainly have different winners.

This will be another committee decision based on what we have seen from the voting and the day this year.

The other detail up for review is the display day presentation dinner. We have a date set but at this stage we are negotiating a location.

Who ventured out on Monday the 10th for “drive your Triumph Day” I took the mother in law to her appointment in the morning so treat for her in the TR6 her first time in the car. Once dropped off I couldn’t resist a little run in the hills then back to our local park. Even with the car still dusty from the Sunday event I will still post up the picture.,

Best regards for now.

Ian Rigby


TSOA Club Information and News

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

A lot of information has recently been updated on your TSOA website . . . most of this has to do with event and meeting cancellations for the next couple of months.

Check out the March President’s Report for all the latest developments.

And remember . . . if you want to communicate with your fellow TSOA friends, you can do so on line through this medium – just create a post! It’s easy! If in doubt, contact Roger who is always happy to assist.


President’s Report – January 2020

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

President report:  January and February 2020.

I will be away for February and will be supported during this time by the committee and Dean Berlemon our Vice President.

Firstly I would like to wish everyone a happy new year.

So the start of 2020 has kicked in and over the break I’m sure that most, if not all, enjoyed the warm weather and time with Family. We have seen Fire devastation across large areas with friends and family being affected or close to it. Also 40+ degree days making it difficult to do anything outside and the cause of the cancelled planned run that was to be the first for the year. We will look at holding this event again in April so apologies for the cancellation but sometimes we need to be a bit practical. Now for me it is a return to work and back looking at club issues.

Over the break I signed up a few more cars to the registration scheme and will take this opportunity to note that these, along with all currently registered vehicles bikes ect, will need updating again hopefully before the 30th June or VERY shortly after.

We are currently looking at adding refreshed information regarding Historic registrations to our Web Page so anyone can follow up or new members wanting to join have the correct details they need.

Socially this year:

Last year at the presentation dinner I held a voting event to see where this year’s display should be held. I also suggested maybe in 2021 that we hold the event at the all British day and possibly subsidize the event. This would help immensely with judging and also give plenty of time to arrange trophies. Infrastructure is in place, food would be taken care of and other things to look at and not just our club would be on show. Typically most that come for the display turn up at all British and It would also give us more to consider when we hold the dinner. Possibly earlier in the year rather than close to the Xmas break. These are all things that I will be presenting to the committee as there was an interesting mix of suggestions but no clear winner in the vote. The vote was well responded to and the results will be discussed later in the early part of the year.

I also didn’t give out the names of winners in an earlier post to some of the trophies presented as these needed to be announced at the dinner so congratulations to those as follows.

Drivers Trophy:                       Neil Martin

Competition Trophy:               Trevor Lindsay

Clubman award: 2019             Rory Gibson.

 A-Class Trophies were a great support once again this year having everything ready for us in less than 2 weeks given to them from the display to the dinner.

I believe the Ice cream run (our first run for the year) was a great success with around 50 people enjoying a pleasant run and good weather. Unfortunately I missed the event due to other commitments.

All British day 9th Feb. We have a large number registered this year so great response.

Race events over the next 12 months will also see several Triumphs out there representing the marque and suggest support for the guys by heading out and yelling from the side lines maybe a good thing. I’m sure Duane is anxious to get out and test his new gearbox.

MSCA Presentation with car club display will be held at Mount Barker Football Club rooms on the 1st march.

May 6th is the MSCA 6-Hour Regularity event. The guys will need club help (and spectator encouragement) for this event. Contact Neil Martin 0408 700 727 or Roger Lange 0458 621 161 to register your interest as a volunteer Team Member.

This year also marks the 40th anniversary of the bay to Birdwood Sunday 27th September. Maybe we need to have a look at that day for a social morning again as the flyer for this event hints towards more than just the run to celebrate the time.

NSW is hosting the 2020 National Meeting to be held at The Anchorage resort Nelson Bay from Friday 30th October till Friday 6th November and the registration form is now on their web page. Get in early if you would like to be part of the fun this year as it will book out. For us in SA we have had several meetings of our own planned Nationals in 2021. The planning is going well and everyone has had lots to discuss. Several from the group have already spent time crossing the fields in search of places to visit and a great deal of work has been done on the location with a firm location now in place.

After starting the Nationals development and looking into what’s on, along with events and places to go ect, we note that it’s the 60 year anniversary of the TR4. After reading a little on the advent of this body style (Code name “Zest” during development) I had a slight smile noting they made a point of saying it had wind-down windows and the “Advanced feature” adjustable vents. Seems we have come a long way comparing marketing styles these days for new cars and the need to show importance of blue tooth availability, Nav support and heads up display ect.  However they don’t typically turn as many heads as do the old classics.

Over the break I finally had time to get back to the engine re-build on my saloon and note the current Blog on our web page by Russell Sayers. Have a read if you get a chance.

Best regards for now.

Ian Rigby


Club Registration – Transfer from another Club

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Club Registration and Logbooks are specific to the individual Clubs.

  1. Owner of the Club Registered Vehicle must have their old logbook cancelled by the other issuing Club
  2. The Cancelled Logbook must be presented to TSOA as proof of cancellation.
  3. The person must be a current Financial Member of TSOA
  4. TSOA will issue a new MR334 form and a new logbook

The Vehicle current club registration will continue when the MR334 form is presented to DPTI (service SA) and their records will be amended to reflect that the vehicle is now under the administration of TSOA

The registration and expiry date will remain unchanged.

Ian Rigby-TSOA Club Registrar


Club Registration – Log Book Usage Tips

Saturday, February 1st, 2020


The following relates to keeping your Club Vehicle Logbook up to date, as it is a legal document that is subject to audit by SA Police and the Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI)

  1. Driver must date, sign the logbook before the journey commences with a brief description of the travel (eg City, Suburbs or Country areas) and carry the logbook in the vehicle for that journey on that day.
  2. If the logbook is not signed by the driver and the driver is stopped by police then the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured as the conditions of Club Registration have not been met. The driver may be prosecuted.
  3. The same applies if the vehicle is involved in an accident, meaning as it is unregistered and un insured, Companies will most likely refuse any claim or coverage.
  4. If there is a change of driver then each driver is to make an entry and sign the logbook for that days use. Same details but next line in the logbook.

NOTE:  This includes any person taking the Club Registered vehicle for a test run when in for any maintenance or service.

  1. One entry is required for each calendar day. (Midnight to Midnight represents a day)
  2. Do not miss any lines, all entries in the logbook to be consecutive.
  3. Sign Logbook only in Ink NO pencil is allowed.
  4. Vehicle can be driven for 90 days a year and it does not matter how many drivers sign the logbook
  5. The owner does not need to be with the vehicle at the time of use. Remember the DRIVER must sign the logbook.
  6. If the logbook is lost, TSOA must be notified as a replacement can be arranged.
  7. Should you change your Registration Number TSOA must be notified so records can amened.
  8. It is the Owner’s responsibility to enter and update the Registration commencement and expiry details
  9. If the owner fails to renew their club membership the vehicle must not be driven as it is Unregistered and uninsured, as the conditions of Club Registration have not been met. TSOA are required to notify DPTI. The logbook cannot be updated.
  10. To maintain compliance with the Club Registration Scheme, the Logbook must be updated by the 1st July as this is the commencement of the Club financial year. If not updated. Again the vehicle must not be driven as it is unregistered and uninsured TSOA must notify the DPTI.
  11. If the club registered vehicle is sold, the owner must cancel their club registration for that vehicle immediately. Club registration is not transferable. The logbook must be returned to the Club of issue so it can be cancelled. Once cancelled the logbook will be handed / posted back and they are required to keep the document for 2 months in case the police request to see it.
  12. If the owner of the Club Registered vehicle resigns from TSOA, cancels the registration or reverts to full registration, the logbook must be returned to the TSOA for Cancellation.
  13. Should the sole owner of the club Vehicle become deceased, the vehicle must not be driven as once that person dies the vehicle is deemed to be unregistered and uninsured by DPTI.
  14. Should the Vehicle be in joint names and one owner dies, then a person is recorded as deceased and this will prevent the registration being renewed again. There is a process in place which does which does an automatic transfer from joint to single names where deceased is recorded but this does not work for conditionally registered vehicles.
  15. Should the vehicle owner change Club Registration to a different Authorised Club,, the logbook must be returned to the issuing club for Cancellation, before the new club can issue a logbook. Club Concessional Registration and logbook issue is specific to a club.


Ian Rigby- TSOA Club Registrar



Club Registration – Code of Practice

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

Here is the link to the full version of the Code of Practice that applies to all users of the Club Registration Scheme – have a read and understand the implications and obligations that apply to you as a user of the scheme.

Copy and Paste . . .