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Dolomite Sprint Restoration Completed!

Friday, January 8th, 2021


Monday, December 14th, 2020


Not a lot has happened this month in terms of Club activities.  I have overseen the cancellation of another Club meeting (bugger!) and sadly our annual Observation Run.  Despite all this I hope you have been able to jump in your Triumph and forget your Covid worries for a time.

We have had 2 zoom meetings.   One with the Club Committee to discuss next year’s program, the format of Club meetings and our Day of Triumph display and the other our regular Nationals Committee meeting.  Both meetings went well.  I am hoping that we can hold our Day of Triumph earlier next year, either in late March or early April.  Ian Rigby is working towards achieving that.

As I mentioned in my last report, All British Day (ABD), as we know it, has been cancelled.  Following a suggestion made at our last meeting I wrote to the Chair of the Committee expressing TSOA’s appreciation of the effort they had gone to prior to deciding to cancel.  I have heard that there are further developments to be announced soon concerning the 2021 ABD.  This is unconfirmed at this stage but.  keep your ears close to the ground.  Maybe we should have a Club Run, “In place of the ABD”, on the proposed day, 14 February 2021 (Valentine’s Day).

On 9 November Duane Kaak, Roger Lange and I attended MSCA SA’s AGM at the MG Car Club Clubrooms.  Despite Covid they have been able to successfully run their 5/6 scheduled race days for the year and achieve a small surplus.  I was impressed by their strong volunteering spirit.  Roger Lange, who was re-elected Treasurer for the 19th year in a row, exemplifies this.  Well done Roger!

On a sad note Graham Jones, husband of Gwyn and proud owner of a magnificent yellow GT6, passed away recently.  Our thoughts go out to Gwyn and her family.  Graham joined the Club in 1970, never lost his love of Wales, was truly knowledgeable about Triumphs and had a quietly engaging personality.  He will be sorely missed.  I remember how meticulously he always presented his car and the photos below, taken at Milang in 2013, clearly show this.


And well done to Neil Martin, Duane Kaak and Bryan Young, the Legends of the Lake.  All did PB’s and sounds like they had a ball!!

Details of the remaining social calendar for the year are included elsewhere in FastTRak.  Let’s hope we can do some extra catching up over Christmas and the New Year to make up for all the opportunities we missed in 2020.

In the meantime, I wish all members a safe and enjoyable Christmas and especially those who might be travelling interstate or being visited from interstate to see their families once again.

See you again soon.

Kind regards, Peter Davidge (President)

Socially Speaking – December 2020

Thursday, November 26th, 2020

Socially Speaking for December

Due to the Covid restrictions, the Observation Run, was cancelled. This will be rescheduled for 2021.

But the end of year event (at this stage is still going ahead!) so bookings are required, no last-minute arrivals.

Sadly, this month we say goodbye to Graham Jones.  He was a fabulous person, so active, and loved his boating and his yellow GT6 Triumph.  We will miss his enthusiasm to attend the weekender, and his fabulous photos. We wish Gwen all our sympathies, and prayers at this incredibly difficult time.

Bill and I wish everyone a safe, and Happy Christmas, and keep well, and we hope to see you all at the after Christmas Run and Ice Cream run in January.

Upcoming Social Events:

Wed 30th December –After Christmas run

Sat 23rd January 2021 – Ice Cream Run

Stay safe and see you at upcoming events.

Bill and Margie.

TSOA End of Year Social Dinner ***Change of Venue***

Saturday, November 14th, 2020



Social Dinner Saturday 5th December

Venue: Grand North Tavern

              737 Grand Junction Rd, Northfield SA 5085

Car parking available on site.

TIME: 6.00PM

Club Sponsored dinner of $15.00 per member

Good range of specials available and a fantastic ala carte menu to enjoy.

RSVP 25th NOVEMBER The tavern has requested, that due to Covid and Dec bookings, we must supply a definite number of diners, so without a booking you probably won’t get in!!!

To Margie 0438836837 or email

Change of venue due to being notified that a band is playing that night, at B.Social.

President’s Report – October 2020

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Behind us is another month under Covid 19 restrictions that still allow us to enjoy a reasonable
lifestyle compared with most of the eastern States. We are largely free to visit friends, socialize,
travel and meet together. What a blessing!

On the Sunday before the last meeting, Ian Rigby’s run to the Tanunda Chocolate factory was well
attended and a good number of Triumph’s graced the carpark.

The countryside was in superb condition, the roads were good and the weather, although
threatening, never dampened our spirits. The Chocolate factory is a real showpiece (multimillion $
investment) with separate display, viewing, dining and winetasting areas. Well worth a visit! It will
be showcased as part of our 2021 National Rally program.

The visit to the Barossa also gave members of the Rally Committee a chance
to review a couple of locations that are being considered. One member paid
particular attention to the comfort of seating likely to be offered.

Attendance at the last meeting was considerably below normal numbers of 35-
50. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we are unable to have on-stage car displays
and provide supper, so we are looking at other ways we can make our monthly
meetings of more interest to members. Please pass on any suggestions you
may have to the Committee.

If you are unaware, All British Day for 2021(14 February) has been cancelled.
In view of the myriad of requirements imposed in relation to contact tracing,
marshalling, signage, social distancing, hygiene and cleaning, the ABD Committee decided to
postpone their next event until 2022. Disappointing but clearly understandable.

The MSCA Sprint event at the Bend on Sunday 4 October was an exciting day by all accounts and
continued the enormous competition between Neil Martin and Duane Kaak. Our flag marshal quota
was filled successfully, and I thank all who volunteered, braving the rather bracing conditions on the

The MSCA SA has invited any interested members to their AGM on Monday 9 November at 8pm at
the MG Car Club clubrooms, 93 Chief St., Brompton.

Details of the remaining social calendar for the year are included elsewhere in FastTRak. Don’t
forget the informal end of year function on Saturday 5 December at B.Social, Oakden. It is a Club
subsidized event and if you haven’t been to a meeting for a while or are a newer member, join us
for some Christmas spirit!

And by the way, as I’ve had no contact or comment about the Suppliers Register as yet, the writeup has been included again in this FastTRak.

See you again soon.

Kind regards,
Peter Davidge

Legends of the Lake

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Or Legends of Latte’s? Legend of Lunch?

Neil Martin, Bryan Young & myself had a fun & fast 3 day event at Mt Gambier last weekend. Yes, we had time for Coffee & Lunch, we sure mastered that, but we all set new Personal Best times up the hillside around the famous blue lake district.

A video of one of my sessions is on YouTube. Search for “Duane Kaak Legends of the Lake” and you will find it. Not my fastest but the best one that you can make out a bit of the road. A local Stag also competed, bringing the Total Triumphs represented to 4, more than many other marques and models. The cars performed brilliantly with Neil’s TR7 V8 the only car needing a repair that couldn’t be fixed with gaffa tape or a coat hanger. I’m sure you will hear about it at an upcoming event soon.

Social Report – November 2020

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Socially Speaking for November

Sunday’s Tanunda Chocolate Factory event went well with 25 people in attendance.  It was lovely to have new members, Richard Sellars, Bill and Karla Werner and Allan and Lorraine Werner join in the day. Thanks to Ian Rigby for organising the event. Loads of Chocolates were purchased, and the hot chocolate was fabulous.  Members then went onto various places in the Barossa to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

Next month is the Observation Run, so bring along your clip board, pens, chairs, and drinks and enjoy a club sponsored BBQ at the end.

Upcoming Social Events:

Sunday 22nd November –Observation Run

Sat 5th December – End of year – Social dinner

Wed 30th December –After Christmas run

Sat 23rd January 2021 – Ice Cream Run

Stay safe and see you at upcoming events.

Bill and Margie.

The Bend East Circuit

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Thank you to all the Volunteers who assisted with Flag Marshall duties on Sunday. Lunch – what a huge feed! Thanks to Noel for snapping a few pictures of me on the track. Looking forward to sharing the fact that by Round 2 I was faster than Neil 🙂 and RD3 & RD4 he certainly couldn’t catch me as I continued to post better times despite some offs.

President’s Report September 2020

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Well as nerve-wracking as it might have been, I’m through my first meeting and the Club is off to a great start for the 20/21 year.

Bill and Margie’s social calendar (put it in your diary!) is more or less set for the first 3 to 4 months of the year.

They started with a memorable run to Strathalbyn where we visited Collectable Classics and Gilberts Motor Museum. Both locations were well worth a visit and absolutely captured everyone’s interest. Gilbert’s was much bigger and more comprehensive than I had imagined. Brilliant! Check out what Glen Dix (our Grand Prix flag-waver) has loaned to their library! And if you haven’t been there, make sure you pay them a visit. It is an exceptional regional attraction and a credit to the volunteers who have put it together.

An A-Model Ford (1927-31) rolled up in original and full working condition while we were there. Owned by a local family it is likely to be displayed in the museum soon. Despite the possibility of showers there was a great turn up of people, as well as Triumphs and an E-type Jag. Bill and Margie arranged a surprise fete adjacent to the museum and local hostelries entertained us for lunch.

The balance of the current social calendar is detailed elsewhere. However, the good news is that we will be having an informal end of year function on Saturday 5 December. Several Awards will be presented on the night. If you haven’t been to a meeting for a while or are a newer member, join us for some Christmas spirit! Further really good news is that the Club will be subsidising the event!

Before signing off, I would also like to encourage members to get more involved in the Club. We are strong at the moment, but we can always be stronger. Getting more involved doesn’t need to be onerous. I guarantee you will get support and have some fun. Join us at a social event, bring your car out on a run, talk to one of the Committee about what is involved in their portfolio attend 1 or 2 more meetings or write an article for FastTRak. The rewards far outweigh any extra effort.

See you again soon. Kind regards,

Peter Davidge

Log In

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

There has been a change to the location of the Log In tab . . . you will now find it much higher up the right hand menu rather than waaay down the bottom.

Hope you like it as much as these guys like getting their Mk1 Saloon airborne!