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Socially Speaking – March / April 2021

Friday, March 26th, 2021

The Day of Triumph held at Civic Park was well attended, and it was great to see so many cars. Credit to Ian Rigby and team for a fantastic event.  Lots of new cars and missing some of the favourites but a great day was had by all. Thanks also to Dino and Lisa Vitesse for their vouchers for Primo for Breakfast/Lunch.

Thanks to Peggy and Bill for doing Supper last month, and to Kay and Dean for helping with the raffle, due to my broken wrist.

The Weekender is now full, so if I don’t have your details, sorry you will have to wait till next year!

The Observation run is next, followed by a Club sponsored lunch, so bring along your clipboards, pens, chairs, and drinks – and a sense of humour goes a long way!!

Enjoy your Easter festivities, and don’t eat too much chocolate!

Bill and Margie


Friday, March 12th, 2021


MAY 21st to MAY 23rd


Accommodation – John Pirie Motor Inn – Superior Rooms.

Places we are visiting:

Sea Squadron Wallaroo  TBC

RSL Military Museum – Pt Pirie

PADARC Car Club – Pt Pirie

Jacks Large model cars and trucks – Jamestown

Charlene’s Quilting Shop – Jamestown

Discovery Centre – Gladstone- history of the area, and tastings

Gladstone Gaol – maybe closing this year

Ossies Homestead, Gulnare (working farm) Damper & billy tea

Claymore Wines, Leasingham – curated tasting of the current range with 10% discount on wine purchases

Meet: Friday 22nd May:

OTR Bolivar (859 Pt Wakefield Road Bolivar)

8.45am for a 9.00am Departure

Cost:  $200.00 pp (with club subsidy of $50 members) twin share

Individual and Children’s Rates –by negotiation.

Contact Margie/Bill 0438836837


Friday, March 5th, 2021

Polish those spokes, black the wheels and vacuum the carpets

    get ready to be judged or just come for the display.

      It’s FINALLY on again the TSOA annual DAY OF TRIUMPH.

       SUNDAY             21st March

Cars need to be in place early and can’t be removed until the end of the event at 3pm for safety reasons. Gates open around 8.30 am

The rules and scoring are the same as prior years and it will be the point score that wins you the trophy. The car needs to support the class and score ranking it has been entered into.

I will need a lot of help from several people on the day that have an eye for detail. We hopefully have a few in Master Class if they can be rolled out from under the covers.

In the event of a tie, for any category, I will ask several of the more knowledgeable in the group to cast their eye over the cars to come up with the ultimate winner. The decision will be based on an agreed approach that would be around overall presentation and as close to original as possible.

I hope to see a full field across all types of Triumphs so Please join me on the day.

Ian Rigby  0417085083



President’s Report – February 2021

Friday, February 26th, 2021


This will be a relatively short report as I am still in Melbourne with my family.  Now that SA is opening the border to Greater Melbourne, we will be returning home on 7 or 8 March, hopefully, after 2 more family gatherings.

Well, apart from what we must do to remain Covid Safe, it feels like we are close to being back to normal activities.  Monthly meetings are occurring, supper and cars on stage have resumed, our social calendar is well in hand and a healthy racing program is in evidence.  The National Meeting Committee has also been busy and has a fully subscribed list of delegates who can’t wait to get to the Barossa Valley in late October 2021.  Details should be reported elsewhere in this edition of FastTRak.

My thanks to Vice President Ian Rigby for running the February meeting in my absence.  In addition to supper, members were treated to a

  • a quiz by Kaye Placing (thanks a million!) and
  • a presentation of Matthew Taylor’s TR7 with Sprint Engine.

An upcoming and exciting innovation is the transfer of our Day of Triumph (Concours and Show and Shine) to Sunday, 21 March 2021 from its normally later date in the year.  As Council approvals have only just come through, we have been unable to give club members greater notice.  Further details are provided in this FastTRak and members will be reminded again before the event.  So start polishing and let’s see if we can significantly boost the numbers the Club has had on display in recent years.  This is a great opportunity to compare your car with others and get some pointers as to what improvements you might make to your beloved Triumph.  Summer is rapidly running out (if we ever had one this year!), so use it as an excuse to get another day out with your Triumph.

And don’t forget the Observation Run and of course our traditional Weekender which are not far away. Details and dates are included in the Social Calendar.

In early January I sent an email, entitled “Your Club”, to a number of members seeking to personally encourage greater involvement in club activities, rather than just enjoying the benefits of historic registration.  In addition to the initial responses received, a further response elicited a rather nice TR8 that I thought was worthy of including here.


I look forward to seeing you again in March.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

Socially Speaking – March 2021

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Socially Speaking for March 2021

Eleven people attended the Breakfast Run, to Bethany.  It was a lovely day despite the low numbers, and Alex and Sue won the best breakfast, as they had their grandchildren with them, and had extra breakfasts to cook! Congratulations.  It was great to see Tony Rutter join us at Bethany, following his many months of lockdown in Western Australia.  Dean and Lisa joined us at Bethany with their Caravan, after staying at Tanunda.

Thanks to Dean and Lisa who assisted with the Super at the meeting after our  late apologies for the meeting.

We hope to have details of the weekender soon to publish.

The day of Triumph is next month, so I hope we have a great turn out for that.

Bill and Margie

Motor Sport Success!!!

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Hot off the Presentation earlier today at the MSCA “Picnic and 2020 Trophy Presentation Day” held at the Virgara Wines lovely shaded grounds at Angle Vale, is the fantastic news that our intrepid Super Sprint drivers Neil Martin and Duane Kaak both WON their respective Competition Class awards for the 2020 year!

Congratulations you two – you do our TSOA SA Club and the Triumphs we love proud!


President’s Report – Jan / Feb 2021

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021


Julie and I will be away for February visiting our daughters’ families in Melbourne and celebrating 3 birthdays, 1 birth and Chinese New Year.  We are driving over and hope that at the end of February we can get back into SA without having to quarantine.   The Committee will keep the Club running smoothly and Vice President Ian Rigby has kindly consented to chairing the February meeting.

Since November we have had 4 official Club functions, the Christmas Social, the after-Christmas Run, the informal January Club meeting and our traditional Ice-cream Run.   These have all been well attended with no forced cancellations, so things are looking up!!

During the Christmas/New Year break the Committee started planning for a return to more normal activities.   Supper (Covid-Safe) is on again and Bill and Margie have prepared the Club’s event Calendar for 2021 out to the end of May (see this FasTRak).  Several cancelled events from 2020 feature in the program.  So some exciting stuff is coming up including Valentine’s Day, the Breakfast Run, the long-awaited Observation Run and our May Weekender.

And mentioning Club Runs, are the photos below of early 1950’s Club Runs in the UK?  No! – too many people?  – too much sunshine?  Yes, you are right!  They were taken at Le Mans where the Standard Triumph Team was well represented.  A member with Coventry connections supplied the photos.


Condolences were sent to Mike Temby and his family following the passing of his wife Trina, just before Christmas.  Mike and his family were great supporters of the Club, Mike is a past President (2015/16) and was largely responsible for initiating and successfully managing the most recent review of our Constitution.  The family moved to Queensland 3 to 4 years ago

In early January I sent an email, entitled “Your Club”, to a number of members seeking to personally encourage greater involvement in club activities, rather than just enjoying the benefits of historic registration.  This was done with conviction, but some trepidation and I have been encouraged by the responses I have received so far.

It does seem clear that

  • members could benefit by greater communication between each other (this needs to be self-driven) and
  • some members are reluctant to get more involved because they don’t have a driveable Triumph. This is no barrier to attending meetings or coming on Club runs!  Whilst we encourage driving your Triumph, you can come to events in your family car.

And the following comments received are worth repeating:

  • “When I feel confident the car will handle a 1,000 km round trip (from Mt Gambier) with touring in between and not leave me red faced at the side of the road, half-way there, I’ll certainly be coming to some events.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  • “Unfortunately, our Stag is stuck in a container in Singapore (on its way from Yorkshire). We will join you on an event as soon as we are able.”

  • Thanks for the email…and yes, we should all try a bit harder to get more involved…that said, I am sure the efforts of those who do the heavy lifting are appreciated by all!

These are just a fraction of the views that members have but they certainly consolidate my confidence in the continuing value of the Club.

I wish all members a happy New Year.  Enjoy your February and see you again in March.

Kind regards,

Peter Davidge (President)

Quick Calendar – Lots of events coming up!!!

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021


Sunday June 27th MSCA Super Sprint, Mallala


Sunday 18th         Mid-Year Christmas and Presentation of Trophies from All Triumph Day

Tuesday 20th    General Meeting – Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Hyde Park 8.00pm

Socially Speaking Jan / Feb 2021

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

Socially Speaking for January/February 2021

Happy New Year everyone, and I hope 2021 is a better one for everyone.

Our condolences go to Mike Temby who advised that Trina had passed away late last year, from Cancer. Our thoughts are with Mike, Megan, and Dale during this difficult time.

The end of year social dinner went well with 35 participants, and everyone enjoyed the evening.

Thirty-five people attended the after Christmas Run, which saw us have morning coffee at Uraidla and then onto Hahndorf for lunch – Hahndorf was so busy!! It was great to see some new faces, and a few spitfires on the run.

Congratulations to Roger and Cherri Lange on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in late January.

The Ice Cream Run on the 23rd January, although a hot day, it was pleasant driving along the waterfront with the sun setting.  Twelve cars braved the heat, and we meet 4 members at Noonies for Ice Creams.  It was lovely to see Lorna Ellery join us – she is working on Arrand’s car, and just needs to get the lights fixed, and she will  be on Club  runs in the TR6.

Bill and Margie



British At The Bend

Sunday, January 24th, 2021
Sunday 14th February 2021 
On Sunday, 14 February 2021, The Bend Motorsport Park will play host to a collection of the best British cars, motorcycles and working vehicles, across a themed and multidisciplinary celebration of the finest automotive marques, both past and present.British at The Bend will also feature displays of the latest British cars and motorcycles from manufacturers and dealerships, British food and beverage favourites, including high tea, and other side shows and activities.
What’s On?

Show and Shine 
Held on our expansive motor racing circuit paddock and lawns, the show and shine display is open to all British made and branded cars, motorcycles and working vehicles.  All entries will be grouped via era, make and club (club displays are welcome and encouraged).

Cruise Laps
Open to all cars and motorcycles, multiple sessions will take place throughout the day at controlled speeds on The Bend’s 7.77km GT circuit.

A true test of skill and agility – exactly what British sports cars are known for.  This non-competition event will be held on The Bend Motorsport Park’s irrigated skidpan, where the best of British handling and agility is on display for all to appreciate.

Track Sessions
See British performance or track cars drive at speed around our 3.41km West Circuit, in a non-competition format, over three x 20 minute sessions at the world’s best motor racing facility.

– Display cars $20 (includes admission for all occupants)
– Spectators $10, Children under 15 free
– Cruise laps $15
– Motorkhana $50
– Track sessions $100
– Motorkhana and track sessions $130
Gate Opening Times and Schedule
– Display cars in place from 9:00am
– Spectators from 10.00am
– Track sessions from 10:00am (bump in from 8:30am)
– Motorkhana from 1:00pm
– Cruise laps from 2:00pm

If you are intending to enter this event, and would like to be grouped with other TSOA members to create a Club Display, include this information with your entry and kindly let Club Secretary Duane Kaak know of your plans.