Author Archive

2015 Day of Triumph

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

Its our 50th year so lets make it a good one. We have been officially accepted today by the Holdfast Bay council . . . well, at least I put my name on the line and signed off on the document.

This year we will be at Wigley Reserve Glenelg and display set up starts at 8.30 until official close at 3.30. I will be asking around for helpers once again but this year the trophy winners will not be announced until the report goes out that week. It will give us a bit more time and allow the judges to reflect and not be as rushed, we want this year to be as relaxed as possible. I hope to have our club inspectors there also so those that need their cars inspected for historic registration can have that done too. This years event is prior to the Nationals so we should all be polished ready for the trip.

So set the date Sunday the 25th October and have those Triumphs ready for what we expect to be a great day for the club and also a great close to the year with the Classic Adelaide the week before and the Nationals the week after. A bit of rest and then our annual club dinner, where those that were lucky enough will have their trophy presented.

For now happy Easter everyone and see you on the next run.

Best Regards, Ian Rigby

Ian at Bathurst 2013

Neil Martin hits the Front Page

Monday, March 30th, 2015



If you would like to star on the front page of the TSOA website, load up your photo and put in a story . . . it is not that hard.


Jon Williams’ Triumphs

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Jon added several photos into the website that you may enjoy . . . for more photos, have a look at the Media tab in the Dashboard selection after you have logged in – you will find this at the top left hand of the screen.


"Nigel" - Mk1 2500 PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012. Aldgate Valley Road, Mylor. Driver - Jon Williams. Navigator - Ken Bryant.

“Nigel” – Mk1 2500 PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012. Aldgate Valley Road, Mylor.
Driver – Jon Williams. Navigator – Ken Bryant.

"Nigel" - Mk1 2500PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012 - The Basket Range Stage on Day 4. Driver - Jon Williams.  Navigator - Ken Bryant.

“Nigel” – Mk1 2500PI running in Targa Adelaide 2012 – The Basket Range Stage on Day 4.
Driver – Jon Williams. Navigator – Ken Bryant.

Jon Williams' TR6 rises over Wickams Hill in Classic Adelaide 2003. 5 Minutes after this image was shot - the rally was over.........

Jon Williams’ TR6 rises over Wickams Hill in Classic Adelaide 2003. 5 Minutes after this image was shot – the rally was over………

Classic Adelaide 2003 - TR6

Classic Adelaide 2003 – TR6

David Coulthard

David Coulthard


March 15th run

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Meet for March 15th run usual car park at Burnside at 10am run through the hills South and finally ending up at Oxenberry  farm. Being in the mix of one of Adelaide premier wine regions take the time after the break to visit some or take in the main street for a casual walk.

Ian Rigby


TAFESA – Vehicle Track Day Preparation Course

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Dear Motorsport Enthusiast,
The TAFESA Automotive Program at Regency Campus is please to present a course for people who wish to attend their first track day or sprint and would like a better understanding of vehicle set-up and preparation for the event.
The Basic Vehicle Track Day Preparation Course will provide students with a basic knowledge of:


  • Both Vehicle and competitor preparation
  • Required licenses for events
  • Driver etiquette
  • Basic track flag meaning
  • Basic vehicle mechanical checks
  • Safety equipment, clothing and fire equipment
  • Tyre types, using pyrometers to read tyres
  • Basic wheel alignment set up
  • Basic corner weighting
  • Brakes and brake fluid
  • Basic suspension understanding and set up
  • Basic dyno checks of air fuel ratio

This course will be presented with both Theory and Practical Sessions using the new TAFESA Automotive facilities at Regency Park

The course is six weeks in duration and will run in the evening between 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

The course will commence in early March.

For more information please refer to the attached Flyer or refer to the TAFESA Website:
TAFESA Website

For enrolment information contact:

Leigh White 08 83484422

For course information contact:

Jamie Campbell 08 8348 3912


TSOA Members Compete

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Neil Martin and Bryan Young both took the opportunity to compete at last year’s Nationals held in WA. A Super Sprint was conducted at Barbagello Raceway and a hill climb event at a place called the Zig Zag. Both had fun!



Girl Torque – March 2015

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Wow the hot weather is finally here and the weekends have been HOT… hope everyone is keeping cool as best they can.

The first Ladies Lunch went well with 11 people attending including a couple of mere males….which is good and the males are warmly welcomed.

Bill and I have spent several hours and trips to the Barossa to ensure everyone has a good time on the weekender.  Do hope you can all come and enjoy the weekend.  It is the same weekend as last year, just 3 days this time….so come along and participate in the 50th Celebrations!

The Supper Roster is not full, so if you can help out please let me know.  It is not an onerous task, so please help if you can.

Lorraine Cini has taken on the Regalia, so if you have any suggestions for new Regalia let her know.

Take care

Margie Berlemon AM

Socially Speaking – March 2015

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Ice Cream run was well participated with 48 people enjoying Noonie’s Cafe – some for tea, some for coffee, some for ice cream and some for all! This remains a very popular event for the start of our Calender year.

All British Day was again well supported by our Club with nearly 50 entries. The weather was kind to us and we were also on the main oval next to the food and coffee….probably won’t be so luck next year as they do move clubs around.  The ABD Executive has asked us to advertise the positions of representatives to the Committee who are computer literate, so if you are interested please see me.

Margie and I have sat down and put together a proposed Calendar for our 50th Anniversary Celebration of Events. I presented this Calendar at our February committee meeting and am delighted to advise that the Committee has agreed to allocate extra funding ($4,000) to assist with running these events above our normal budget.

March 15th is a Lunch run which Ian Rigby is organising.  Ian always sets excellent runs so don’t miss out on this one!

April 19th is our annual Breakfast Run this year to Birdwood Motor Museum with exceptional club discount on entry of $10.00 per car including Museum entry. See Flyer this issue.

May 3rd is the 6 hour regularity at Mallala so Roger will again be looking for your assistance.

May 15th-17th is our Annual (3 day) Weekender to the Barossa. We have done a lot of work to make this event exciting so book now to secure your place. With extra subsidies from the club we have been able to put together an exceptionally priced package – even better rates can apply if you are prepared to share two bedroom accommodations with family etc.

A full 2015 Calendar is enclosed in the magazine.

Till we meet again


Bill Berlemon

President Report Feb 2015

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

Another year Begins, but this year is a Special one as the Club celebrates its 50th Birthday.

At the February Meeting we heard of the great plans ahead that you can enter on your Social Calendar. The committee has approved some extra funding so it is sure to be great value but also a great chance to catch up with old & new friends in their old and not so new cars. Listen out soon for a special 50th Birthday polo shirt that you can wear proudly in & out of your Triumph.

Personally, I am looking forward to October. The Adelaide Motorsport Festival Returns, along with the Classic Adelaide Rally, many including me will head off to the National Meeting in Bathurst NSW and at that time of year we also have our Day of Triumph and Annual Observation Run.  Meranie’s Dad will be paying his first visit to Australia in October also, and it will be great for him to meet and experience the club that we both chat so much about.

However lots of exciting and fun stuff before then. I spent a few hours polishing the Spitfire before the All British Day, so I am sure you will see me out and about in that soon on a run while I have no need for a baby seat.  Hope to see you in your Triumph at as many events as you can this year.

Duane Kaak now live!

Saturday, February 21st, 2015



Many thanks to our webmaster Andy Dutko for his determined effort in bringing the TSOA SA website on to current technical platforms and putting it all together so that you, the TSOA member, can use it easily and without the scams and virus problems that plagued the old site.

You will find the new site much better to access and navigate, but importantly, to use – i.e. to contribute your thoughts, experiences and photos. Setting up a news item is as simple as typing in the text direct or cut and paste from another document. Loading up a photo is also easy – just copy in from your own album. Be careful with the picture size though – high resolution photos will not be accepted for obvious reasons so if you start out with a 7Mb shot, edit it down to “document” size of around 400Kb.

Placing a Classified Advert is also easier, particularly with loading up photos (beware the size limitations here as well). The new platform asks for some information that seems superfluous to the task though, and we are working to simplify this further over the coming weeks. For the time being though, if you think the information requested to be unnecessary then ignore it and see what happens. If it is a mandatory field, you will find out when you push the “save” button.

So, what do you need to do first? Well, as we have not been able to transport the previous Registered User information from the old site, you will need to register afresh.

To do this, send an email to and I will set up your initial profile with a temporary password. This will enable you to access the site, change your password to one of your choice as well as complete your profile details, and you will then be good to go.

In addition, if you had a Classified advert on the old site, you will need to complete a fresh advert on the new site.

Oh, and just a little tip . . . if you click on the TSOA banner at the top of the page, you will be returned to the Home Page from wherever you are within the site directly.

So Register now and have a play! See what you can find and what happens when you click on stuff. There is plenty of information about all things Triumph and TSOA to explore.

You may also note that there is a capacity to make a comment and attach it to a published item – we included this to try and encourage members to get involved! If you like someone’s article or photo, you can say so. You could also ask for help or information. Pretty cool hey?

Let me know if you have any problems in registering or any other aspect of the new platform. Feedback is encouraged, + or – so don’t be shy.

Thanks again Andy – great job!

Roger Lange

TSOA SA Website Manager