Many thanks to our webmaster Andy Dutko for his determined effort in bringing the TSOA SA website on to current technical platforms and putting it all together so that you, the TSOA member, can use it easily and without the scams and virus problems that plagued the old site.
You will find the new site much better to access and navigate, but importantly, to use – i.e. to contribute your thoughts, experiences and photos. Setting up a news item is as simple as typing in the text direct or cut and paste from another document. Loading up a photo is also easy – just copy in from your own album. Be careful with the picture size though – high resolution photos will not be accepted for obvious reasons so if you start out with a 7Mb shot, edit it down to “document” size of around 400Kb.
Placing a Classified Advert is also easier, particularly with loading up photos (beware the size limitations here as well). The new platform asks for some information that seems superfluous to the task though, and we are working to simplify this further over the coming weeks. For the time being though, if you think the information requested to be unnecessary then ignore it and see what happens. If it is a mandatory field, you will find out when you push the “save” button.
So, what do you need to do first? Well, as we have not been able to transport the previous Registered User information from the old site, you will need to register afresh.
To do this, send an email to and I will set up your initial profile with a temporary password. This will enable you to access the site, change your password to one of your choice as well as complete your profile details, and you will then be good to go.
In addition, if you had a Classified advert on the old site, you will need to complete a fresh advert on the new site.
Oh, and just a little tip . . . if you click on the TSOA banner at the top of the page, you will be returned to the Home Page from wherever you are within the site directly.
So Register now and have a play! See what you can find and what happens when you click on stuff. There is plenty of information about all things Triumph and TSOA to explore.
You may also note that there is a capacity to make a comment and attach it to a published item – we included this to try and encourage members to get involved! If you like someone’s article or photo, you can say so. You could also ask for help or information. Pretty cool hey?
Let me know if you have any problems in registering or any other aspect of the new platform. Feedback is encouraged, + or – so don’t be shy.
Thanks again Andy – great job!
Roger Lange
TSOA SA Website Manager