Author Archive

Girl Torque

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Congratulations to Naomi and Darren and the birth of Zahra on June 12th weighing 3.26kg and 49cm long.  A little sister for Jasmine, Cameron and Lilly to cuddle and enjoy.

The Supper Roster is looking bare….please advise if you can help out….it is not fair that the supper is being provided each month by the same few people….if we are going to continue providing supper at the meetings, then we need more helpers…please let me know if you can assist.

The next Ladies Lunch will be on Tuesday July 14th at Caffe Buongiorno , Belair Road, Mitcham at 12.00pm.  See you there!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Anniversary dinner!

Kind regards

Margie Berlemon AM

MSCA 6-Hour Regularity Relay : Team Triumph

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Jon Williams has put together a very nice visual summary of the 2015 Team Triumph entry in the 6-Hour event that was conducted on the 3rd May.

In Jon’s words –

“6 Cars, 6 Hours, as many laps as possible in nominated times with penalties for breaking the time – sounds really easy . . . but it isn’t.
Despite having a fantastic Team of Supporters with great communications and brilliant experience, Team Triumph still had to work through everything from clutch failures, power steering problems, rear hub issues and lap time breakouts to finish the day 9th out of 22 teams entered.
Rule number 1 was “Have Fun!” and we did. Thanks to all involved.”

That pretty much says it all – have a look via this link :



Winton Historics 2015

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Hi everyone

My yearly trip to Winton went great. My liver agrees too but that’s another story. Lots of Triumphs on display and in the carparks, although no GT6s this year at all. Also there were less Trumpies actually competing – not sure what that suggests. Lots of superb TRs but you’d expect that. My picks were the beautifully restored Vitesse and the sharp Vanguard.

The weather was cold but the rain stayed away until, I kid you not, 10 seconds after the final race ended – then the heavens opened.

My Pi behaved admirably on the trip, although I did pop a leak in a rainstorm at highway speed. Anyway, here are the pix. Just the Triumphs.

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Phil Bagust

2015 TSOA Barossa Weekender

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

2015 TSOA Barossa Weekender

Day one: Friday.

For those that missed this year’s weekender the following is a bit of what you missed, it’s also a refresh for those that were lucky enough to enjoy what was once again a well organised and executed effort by Bill and Marg Berlemon.

We called it a weekender but it was more like a mini Nationals.

The Friday had us up early meeting at “The Feathers hotel” at 9am. With the cars packed and polished for the event the weather wasn’t too bad, a little brisk but any time off work is always good. (That’s for those that do still work.)

There were 44 adults and 4 children driving all cars of all shapes and sizes 11 of them Triumphs and one Sunbeam. It’s always nice to have a little sun.

First port of call was the “Pomegranate Cottage Café” for morning tea. Word of warning, if you do happen to venture out on one of these weekends you need to be very resilient to the amount of food you are about to consume. Back in the cars we headed out through several little towns and ended up at the “Herbig Family Tree” home (literally) to some of our earlier settlers. Back out on the road we travelled through Williamstown and onto Lyndoch where it was time for lunch at the “Monkey Nut Café” at Kies Family Winery.

After a pleasant stop, it was back on the road through Tanunda, Nuriootpa and heading towards Truro we stopped in at “Wolf Blass Wines” for a little tasting session, some of us just happy with the coffee and chocolate treats.

After a short stop we all moved onto “Luhrs Cottage” a little place built from mud and straw with a framework of red gum beams. Nice little place set up with rooms of old items used in the days when it was a lived in home. “You needed to duck no matter how tall you are”

It was now time to head through the hills and country side to the nights stop in Tanunda.

After booking in we all met for the first evening’s meal cooked for us by the operators of the park. With some discussion over a few bottles of wine and our day done most hit the rooms for an early bed. Thank you to everyone from both Chuck and me for the birthday cakes, we won’t go into the numbers only that they are getting up there. Lucky we only had sparklers and not candles especially on chucks   😉

Next morning a few of us were up to cook the morning breakfast. Think I found the slowest BBQ in Adelaide. After feeding it several 20 cent pieces over time and fighting the hot plate (I use that term loosely) we had the hungry crowd gathering. I think it took around 15 minutes to cook four eggs so our standby team in the community room finish them off while Dean and I cooked the Bacon.

Day 2: Saturday.

Out on the road again heading to Bethany and onto the “Farmers Markets” I think everyone had a good time fossicking around all the local tasting plates and talking with the locals. With the morning shop done and the fresh veg in the boot we were off again to Angaston for lunch at “D&Ms Bakery.” We all strolled up and down the street and ended up at the local Blacksmith shop for an exhibition on bashing steel into different shapes. I liked how the old guys had the young kids on the bellows priming the fire. This also allowed the women to catch up outside and have another chat.

The next destination and yet again more food, was at “Gully Gardens” where we had a bit of an informative session on the dried fruit process and a history lesson on their business. After a bit of shopping in the front store room we all headed out and back to the park but not before passing through and a short stop in Bethany being the oldest German Settlement in the Barossa.

Saturday night started with another wine tasting provided by “Whistler Wines” They saved the day after the original winery pulled out at the last minute. Not to be beaten Bill took up the challenge and with a bit of help from the Parks owners he scored a hit. The feast was a full roast dinner provided and cooked by one of the local farmers. Sorry forgot to take down the name but if you do have a function in the area see Bill for the contact you won’t beat it.

We all rolled out of the community room back to our accommodation to get ready for the final day.

Day 3: Sunday.

Another Breakfast of pancakes, cream, Jams, toast and cereal had us filled primed and ready to pack up and head out for the last days events.

Heading out to “Seppeltsfield wines” we arrived a bit early for the openings, so we all had a bit of time to walk the magnificent grounds and also take in the local Knife maker. Once open, several braved the challenge for a bit more wine tasting (bit early for most but never let it be said we don’t support the locals.) Others had time to browse through the Jam Factory looking at the art displays. After another coffee downed we headed out to “Maggie Beers” for a look at the preservatives and yes more wine tasting.

The last part of the day had us out to Greenock to the “Aviation Museum” where the owner had the BBQ done for us before we strolled around the displays.

After one ring in was kindly moved out of shot by Neil (Apparently it’s the other Triumph) we lined the Triumphs up for a final photo shoot against the open backdrop.

Some of us had to end the day early, but the rest had the opportunity to view the tuned down Merlin engine fire up and I’m sure it was appreciated by all.

So much happened over the 3 days that I don’t think I captured all in this short report but I’m sure that there will be a lot of conversation over the next few meetings and gatherings.

Again, a real big thankyou needs to go to Bill and Marg for all of their efforts and planning that went into this weekend. Drawing up the run and getting all of the locals to support the group and cater for us each day is no easy feat, great job and appreciated by all. Value for money you bet.


Ian and Raelene Rigby for the group

TSOA 2015 Weekender

Monday, May 18th, 2015

A big thank you to Bill and Marg for the fantastic effort that went into this years weekender. A great time had by all, that took us through many of the towns in the valley. Birdwood, Springton, Williamstown, to Lyndoch to the Pomegranate Cafe. Then onto Wolf Blass Wines, Luhrs cottage,before heading to Tanunda to stay at the Caravan Park. Angaston farmers market, the cheese factory,Blacksmith workshop at Angaston and onto Gully Gardens where the owner operator put on a great afternoon tea and info session. Wine tastings at several places and one at the park that night by Katelin from Whistler wines arranged at the last minute. cooked breakfasts, full roast dinner and more road trips the next day to Maggie Beers and Seppeltsfield wines. Close out on Sunday was at the aviation museum at Greenock after another arranged BBQ. 11 Triumphs and several daily drivers with 44 adults and 4 kids. Great weekend. Full report in Track in the coming addition. Lots of pictures too.    Ian Rigby

TR6 at Aldinga Aerodrome

Friday, May 15th, 2015


A professional photographer friend of mine recently arranged a photo shoot of a range of classic sports cars at Aldinga Aerodrome. Mine was the only Triumph. The plane in the background id a replica of a Waco biplane. A possible candidate photo for the next calendar?!

Colin White

Colin White's TR6 at Aldinga Aerodrome - 60

Colin White's TR6 at Aldinga Aerodrome - 60

Short Trip to the WA 2014 Nationals

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

I spent 8 years bringing my Stag up to virtual ex-factory specification. This involved the rectifying of the myriad of ‘bodges’ that had accumulated in the 30 years prior to my ownership, and replacement of parts worn out due to age.

Stephens Stag pre resized


I set out for the 2014 rally in Perth on the 16th October having plenty of time to get there. After all, 1000km per day is very achievable in a Grand Tourer such as the Stag.

I had only travelled as far as Port Germain when an idiot crossed my path.

Stephens Crash Scene

I found out later that a requirement for passengers in the rescue helicopter is that you be completely naked and travel in a sort of body bag. The only clothes that are not cut off, and therefore ruined, are shoes.

I woke up in hospital, and as I was not TOO badly damaged, I thought my Stag would be repairable.


Stephens Stag post

The only panel not buckled is the boot lid. Although the rear bumper and rear lights are also undamaged. Six months later and I have still not recovered enough to drive any car.

The idiot who caused the crash was prosecuted by police.  She was charged with aggravated driving without due care and pleaded guilty.  She was sentenced to 10 weeks in custody, but this was suspended upon entering an 18 month good behaviour bond. She was disqualified from driving for 15 months.

Stephen Wade




Monday, April 27th, 2015

Saturday July 4th 2015

Sporting Car Club

King William Road Unley

6.30 pm for 7.00 pm

Cost: $37.50 per member for a 3 course meal.

Meal consists of


Choice of Roast meats –Beef, Pork, Turkey

Roast Vegetables

Desert – Fruit Platter, Apple Crumble or Pecan Pie

Some complimentary wines will be on the tables.


Evening will consist of cars on stage, guest speakers and friends from the past to reminisce about the last 50 years of the TSOA.

Money to be paid by the June meeting which will be the cut off date due to catering confirmation. Money can be EFT to the Club – Account name Triumph Sports Owners Association

BSB: 065 006

Account Number 00902024

Reference 50th and Surname

(We will not be able to offer any refunds after this date.)

Enquiries: Bill 0409849314

Socially Speaking April 2015

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Our Annual Breakfast Run on Sunday 19th April was at Birdwood Motor Museum – although only 13 cars attended, and three couples cooked Breakfast, (my BBQ won as Bob’s needed help to fire up!) and what a great time was had by all.  The Museum offers a fantastic display of cars, trucks, busses, motor bikes etc that is second to none. I am sure we will want to return again.

Our Annual Weekender starting on the 15th May is now well booked – plans are well advanced and I am sure we will all have a wonderful time as we always do.

June offers another Club run on the 21st to be set by Bob and Lorraine Cini followed by the 50th Anniversary Dinner on July 4th. I am sure this will be a tremendous event and look forward to your support. Please contact me with any suggestions of past members whom we should also be inviting. See flyer this Trak for information.

Till we meet again

Bill Berlemon

Triumphs on Track

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

There were four Triumphs competing in the Regularity event at Mallala on 12th April – Neil Martin and our own el Presidente Duane Kaak in their TR7V8’s along with Geoff Burdon in his TR7 and Dennis McDeed (non-member) in a Mk II Saloon (fitted with a Leyland V8 engine).

All had fun, and the Triumph “wedges” looked and sounded great!
