Just a quick report before I head off for the Nationals in Bathurst.
What a day at the Bay for our 50th year. We had a 48 count for the day but with the 2 late arrivals we got 50 cars for 50 years.
After a very early start for Arrand Ellery and myself we had a bit of a worry with the sprinklers still running happily, but thankfully they dropped out and the cars rolled in and we were up and running.
A VERY big thank-you to all the helpers on the day. The Team of Bill and Marg always are a great support for the club and again reliable in bringing the club tents etc. for us.
The ladies Sue, Marg and Natalie took over for me on the gate.
There was lots going on as we laid out the field. Coffee and Cream were in place and he was very happy to be part of the day and it turned out to be worth his time.
He asked if we were planning more events and I told him of the Nationals next year and he has already expressed interest in supporting us on that day also.
(I will put that to the National Committee to discuss.)
A blow on the horn had the judges front for action and with not much persuasion they were into it.
Thank you to Neil, John, Roger, Richard, Alex, Peter, Duane, Chuck, and Dean great work team.
I must say as I turned around and looked at the line-up of cars and a stream of locals with dogs, bikes, kids and strollers it was impressive. I’m very happy with the outcome for the event.
We also had the very supportive inspectors looking over the cars for a number of people catching up on the Historic part of owning and running these cars.
It’s a great help to them to catch as many as we can in one spot and helps keep their records up to date.
I also had an interesting conversation with a lady from South Africa.
She told me that she (and her husband) were members of the triumph fraternity over there and she told me she was sending pictures of the cars back to her husband so he could see what we have here.
I believe we had an Iconic Bathurst driver turn up and was seen looking over the cars with interest. (Name not in print)
I also had several cars enter late and one that looked a great barn find turn up and take up a membership on the day.
I’m sure that there was a lot that I missed out on and there is a lot more I could put here but the day has burnt me out and I needed to get this to our Editors so that they can get it to print before the day ended.
The results were announced on the day and are as follows:
I had a great team supporting me doing the tally ups and score sheet checks.
Again I could not have done this without their help so Thankyou to Rory Gibson and Mike Temby. They kept me on my toes and the judges honest.
1. TR2/3/3A/3B Winner: Chuck and Dianne Falzon (TR3a)
2. TR4/4A/TR5/250 Winner: 1St place: Johnny Fricke (TR4) 2Nd place John Tuohy (TR5)
3. TR6: Winner: Peter Davidge (TR6)
4. TR 7/8 Winner: Roger Lange (Silver TR8)
5. Spitfire/GT6 Winner: Volker Stroeher (Spitfire)
6. Stag Winner: Andy Hill
7. Saloon: Winner: Bob Cini
8. Herald / Vitesse Winner: Carolyn Byrne (Herald)
9. Pre 54 Winner: Chuck Falzon (TR 1949)
Michelotty Trophy: Johnny Fricke
Register Trophy: Chuck Falzon
Harris Mann Trophy: Roger Lange
1st place outright for the day: Johnny Fricke

2nd place for the day: John Tuohy

3rd place for the day: Roger Lange

For Pride Of Ownership:
10. TR2/3/3A/3B Winner: Ivan Powell (TR3)
11. TR4/4A/TR5/250 Winner: Tony Rutter (TR4)
12. TR6: Winner: Ian Burman
13. TR 7/8 Winner: Bob Farrell (TR8)
14. Spitfire/GT6 Winner: John Wood (Gt6)
15. Stag Winner: Mike Temby
16. Saloon: Winner: Trevor Lindsay (Pi Estate)
17. Dolomite: Winner: Bob Cini
18. Competition: Winner: Neil Martin (TR7 V8)
I have a camera full of pictures and on return from Bathurst I will get them to the right people so we can get them in the Mag and also on the web.
Thank you to all those that took the time to fill in the short Questionnaire regarding the event and I have passed on the results to the committee for review and discussion.
Kind Regards and thanks to all for coming out and making the day what it was.
Ian Rigby.