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Calendar (Short form update) Feb / Mar / Apr 2016

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Calendar Feb/March/April 2016

Sun 14th All British Day – Echunga Oval from 10.00am
Tues 16th General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Tues 23rd Ladies Lunch Caffe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon

Tues 15th General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Sun 20th Breakfast Run – meet 8.30-9.00am Cnr Esplanade/Lady Gowrie Drive/Harrold Street
Largs Bay – see advert

Sun 10th Evening Run – see calendar for details
Tues 19th General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm
Tues 26th Ladies Lunch Caffe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon

Social Scene – Jan / Feb 2016

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

TSOA Social Scene – Jan Feb 2016

The year finished in deep sorrow with the passing of our wonderful friend Lorraine Page, our thoughts are
with Greg and his two girls and their partners, as their long journey without Lorraine begins.
Many thanks to all who attended the After Christmas run. We had a very good turn out with 60 in all, along
with 18 Sun-beamers coming along in their modern cars which was somewhat disappointing, Brian and I
were the only ones in a Sunbeam .The Venue was good and the food excellent in my opinion. I would just
like to point out, this is why it is fair to the organizers of a Club Event that you do let that person know if you
are attending or not, as the Venues can get rather toey at times with the numbers fluctuating leading up to
the day and on the day.

We have a reasonably full calendar for 2016 with just a few dates yet to be taken by a willing member to
organize a run. Those dates to be filled in are August 21st and Sep 18th, Sue and I are hoping we have
planned events that are pleasing to you, our members and we have many Triumphs out on the runs. We
would love to have a little more feedback on runs, so we are catering to the needs of members who look
forward to club runs each month.

The ice cream run was very well attended with 50 people enjoying ice cream coffee, donuts etc. at the
beach with a brilliant sunset out over the horizon.

If you were one of the helpful people who bought raffle tickets from Peg for the Orange Tree Quilters group
late last year I am sorry to say you didn’t win, However Peg did sell the winning tickets 1st prize the Blue
and yellow baby quilt went to Kathy Woods in the Sunbeam Club, and the 2nd prize went to Ross Kent from
the Hillman Club, we sold 220 tickets and the proceeds will enable our group to purchase more materials to
complete quilts for “Children in the Community “

Cheers Peg (Sue)

President’s Report Jan / Feb 2016

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Happy New Year for 2016.

We are looking forward to another exciting year of events, particularly with the Nationals being held here in
SA in October (refer to advert in this edition). The event program is shaping up well, thanks to the
dedicated committee who have already put in many hours arranging the event and will continue to do so in
the coming months. There have been many trips to the Clare region arranging activities and run routes. If
you would like more details on the Nationals, information and registration forms are on the TSOASA

The Christmas Dinner was again a great evening with those attending enjoying a delicious meal and great
company. Congratulations to all those who received trophies this year. Well done to Ian Rigby for receiving
the Clubman’s Award.

Thanks to Robin George for displaying his car on stage and telling us the interesting story behind it during
the January meeting.

The committee is currently finalising updates to the TSOA constitution to bring it in line with current legal
requirements and club practices. We anticipate it will be available for member feedback in the next couple
of months prior to voting on it.

All the best for 2016.

Mike Temby

2016 March Breakfast Run

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

This year it’s Brekkie at the beach UPDATE
8.30 to 9am start When 20th March
The plan this year is in reverse.

Bring your food, table,chair and cooking gear.
We meet for Brekkie at Largs Bay @ corner of Esplanade / Lady Gowrie Drive and Harrold Street. Make your own way there.
(Travel North from the Palais Semaphore to the 5th Roundabout.)
Car parking in the Largs Bay Kiosk car park should be free at that time. Or park on the street.

For those that turn up on the brekkie day, the plan is Leisurely Breakfast then a short drive for a tour of AWD Shipbuilding.

For those that are not as mobile as others then it will be a yard and Warf tour.
For those with a little bit more adventure then you will need Long sleeves and closed in shoes. Ladies also please.
Please bring PHOTO Id with you on the day.

We will then hit the road for a drive for coffee and cake (or lunch)
to another destination. Big day out, you can have a sleep in the afternoon.
Bring your Triumph, cooking gear, chair and table and food.
Ian Rigby 82581266 or 0417085083

Ian at Bathurst 2013

Member’s Triumphs (and / or Tribulations?)

Friday, December 18th, 2015

Pearce and Joan Bowman (ex SA now Qld) have this lovely silver grey Stag to accompany their TR5 . . .


SOCIAL SNAPSHOT – December 2015

Monday, November 30th, 2015


Well the NSW Nationals are done and dusted and I am sure a good time was had by all those who attended.   There were a few “minor incidents/mechanical failures” but generally things ran smoothly.   The weather, unfortunately, was not the best with some inclement and cold weather, but this did not stop the action.    South Australia came up TRumps winning the Iron Man TRophy – congratulations to those who participated in the various Ironman events.   Most of the SA delegates left on the Saturday morning heading home via Hay and others had other places to go to and people to see.   Rory & I went to the Blue Mountains and spent 3 nights in Wentworth Falls with friends, but boy was it cold – we had the combustion heater on each night and this is November.

As Peggy mentioned at the last meeting the ladies’/partners lunch was very well attended and it was nice to see Lorraine & Greg out and about.

By the time you this is posted on the website, the annual Observation Run will have taken place and I wonder who this year’s winner is??   Hope they realise they have to set next year’s event and to win they needed to be driving a TRiumph.   The run was set by Peter & Julie Davidge and as I write this I have no idea where they are taking us.

The Christmas Dinner and Trophy Presentation is fast approaching and, again, is at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club at Seaton.   This venue seems very popular hence we have had no change over the past few years – however we are always open to suggestions.

The Annual After Christmas Run is going to Links Lady Bay at Normanville.  Whilst we have been there before the food and service was good, so we have opted to return.   We will do a similar route but as we are meeting later we are not stopping for a coffee on the way.  Hope to see you there.

All upcoming events are listed on the website calendar and are also included in the next issue of TRak.

We wish you all a Safe & Happy Christmas and hope to see you out and about in your TRiumph in the near future.

Cheers Sue (and Peg)

TSOA Christmas Dinner and Trophy Presentation

Thursday, November 19th, 2015


TSOA Christmas Dinner & Trophy Presentation

Saturday 12th December

 Club sponsored pre dinner drinks

From 6.30pm

Dinner 7.00pm

Royal Adelaide Golf Club

Tapleys Hill Road, Seaton

Cost – $55.00 Members

           $70.00 Non Members

For further information please contact

Sue 8449 7814

Bookings with full payment by 29th November

2015 Day of triumph

Monday, October 26th, 2015

Just a quick report before I head off for the Nationals in Bathurst.

What a day at the Bay for our 50th year. We had a 48 count for the day but with the 2 late arrivals we got 50 cars for 50 years.
After a very early start for Arrand Ellery and myself we had a bit of a worry with the sprinklers still running happily, but thankfully they dropped out and the cars rolled in and we were up and running.
A VERY big thank-you to all the helpers on the day. The Team of Bill and Marg always are a great support for the club and again reliable in bringing the club tents etc. for us.
The ladies Sue, Marg and Natalie took over for me on the gate.
There was lots going on as we laid out the field. Coffee and Cream were in place and he was very happy to be part of the day and it turned out to be worth his time.
He asked if we were planning more events and I told him of the Nationals next year and he has already expressed interest in supporting us on that day also.
(I will put that to the National Committee to discuss.)

A blow on the horn had the judges front for action and with not much persuasion they were into it.
Thank you to Neil, John, Roger, Richard, Alex, Peter, Duane, Chuck, and Dean great work team.

I must say as I turned around and looked at the line-up of cars and a stream of locals with dogs, bikes, kids and strollers it was impressive. I’m very happy with the outcome for the event.

We also had the very supportive inspectors looking over the cars for a number of people catching up on the Historic part of owning and running these cars.
It’s a great help to them to catch as many as we can in one spot and helps keep their records up to date.

I also had an interesting conversation with a lady from South Africa.
She told me that she (and her husband) were members of the triumph fraternity over there and she told me she was sending pictures of the cars back to her husband so he could see what we have here.
I believe we had an Iconic Bathurst driver turn up and was seen looking over the cars with interest. (Name not in print)
I also had several cars enter late and one that looked a great barn find turn up and take up a membership on the day.

I’m sure that there was a lot that I missed out on and there is a lot more I could put here but the day has burnt me out and I needed to get this to our Editors so that they can get it to print before the day ended.
The results were announced on the day and are as follows:
I had a great team supporting me doing the tally ups and score sheet checks.
Again I could not have done this without their help so Thankyou to Rory Gibson and Mike Temby. They kept me on my toes and the judges honest.

1. TR2/3/3A/3B Winner: Chuck and Dianne Falzon (TR3a)
2. TR4/4A/TR5/250 Winner: 1St place: Johnny Fricke (TR4) 2Nd place John Tuohy (TR5)
3. TR6: Winner: Peter Davidge (TR6)
4. TR 7/8 Winner: Roger Lange (Silver TR8)
5. Spitfire/GT6 Winner: Volker Stroeher (Spitfire)
6. Stag Winner: Andy Hill
7. Saloon: Winner: Bob Cini
8. Herald / Vitesse Winner: Carolyn Byrne (Herald)
9. Pre 54 Winner: Chuck Falzon (TR 1949)

Michelotty Trophy:          Johnny Fricke
Register Trophy: Chuck Falzon
Harris Mann Trophy: Roger Lange

1st place outright for the day: Johnny Fricke

2015 TSOA 50th year Display Day Outright Winner Johnny Fricke (2)

2nd place for the day: John Tuohy










3rd place for the day: Roger Lange









For Pride Of Ownership:

10. TR2/3/3A/3B Winner: Ivan Powell (TR3)
11. TR4/4A/TR5/250 Winner: Tony Rutter (TR4)
12. TR6: Winner: Ian Burman
13. TR 7/8 Winner: Bob Farrell (TR8)
14. Spitfire/GT6 Winner: John Wood (Gt6)
15. Stag Winner: Mike Temby
16. Saloon: Winner: Trevor Lindsay (Pi Estate)
17. Dolomite: Winner: Bob Cini
18. Competition: Winner: Neil Martin (TR7 V8)

I have a camera full of pictures and on return from Bathurst I will get them to the right people so we can get them in the Mag and also on the web.

Thank you to all those that took the time to fill in the short Questionnaire regarding the event and I have passed on the results to the committee for review and discussion.

Kind Regards and thanks to all for coming out and making the day what it was.
Ian Rigby.

Ian at Bathurst 2013

Social Snapshot – October 2015

Sunday, October 25th, 2015

Daylight saving has now arrived, so the theory is we have more time to be out and about in our TRiumph. (or Sunbeam)  Personally I think October should have eight weeks in it so we can catch up on all the jobs around the house,  and in garden, and I am sure there would be things to do to get your TRiumph ready for the summer runs.

September 20th we had a fantastic run to Willunga and once again some roads that we have not been on before, and the lunch was really good too, thank  you  Mike  and Trina .

We were in the Sunbeam Alpine on the Bay to Birdwood Run, and waved to the very few who were there on Dequetteville Tce as we drove by in perfect sunshine .I believe they had a record number of vehicles this year with around 1700.

The Day of triumph OCTOBER 25th will be done and dusted by the time this newsletter arrives  so I hope you all managed with the change of Venue.

The Mid week run on Wednesday 14th was poorly attended, a lot of work goes in to organising a run and it is very disappointing to not have the attendance.

Then October 30th to November 7th it will be off to the Nationals for many of you, we wish you a safe and trouble free Trip.

Sharpen the pencil for the Annual Observation Run 29th November, and once again this will be a BBQ lunch sponsored by the club. Do BYO, drinks and chairs.

If you have not yet booked if for the Christmas dinner, you had best be giving Sue a call, we don’t want her to start stressing about number, lets surprise her this year and get in first.

After Christmas Monday 28th December,  we are off to Lady Bay for lunch. This year we have invited the Sunbeam Owners to join us. You will need to book with Sue or myself for that run

There will be a mystery run on January 23rd,  for ice cream and coffee, full details in the December TRak.

ALL BRITISH DAY February 14th

Easter is very early next year March 25th -28th 2016.

Today is the 20th October and there are now just 65 days till Christmas, I was just wondering, with mentioning Easter already!!!!

If you would like to organise a run, please contact Sue or myself as we have not been inundated will calls yet and my inbox is empty.

Sue’s contact details are 0428 735 960

Peg’s contact details are 0409 090 369

Cheers for now  Peg

2015 Day of Triumph Update

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015




Final update for our 50th year “TSOA Display day”

When: 25th October.  Where: Wrigley Reserve Glenelg.

Entry is via the roundabout at the end of Anzac Highway.

Times: I will be there around 7.30 ish for set up. Cars to position can be from 8 a.m. but need to be in place preferably by 9.30 so we can do a call to arms and start judging at 10 a.m.

Cars on trailers are no problem but we may need to put the towing cars on the paved area. I have permits for these cars. Cars on display do not need permits.

The club tent will be in place but to a limited area, so please, as this is a requirement by council see me if you do bring one as I need to control the placement and we may need to restrict to the size stated on the acceptance to the reserve.

We will have our Regalia for sale on the day so bring money.

We also have David from “Coffee N Cookies” Selling –

Cappuccinos, etc

Cookies / slices hot dogs

Toasted sandwiches


Flavoured waters

Soft drinks


HISTORIC INSPECTIONS:  These will be available on the day.

Both Kevin Foster and Colin White will be there to help you get this requirement done.

You will receive a sheet to keep on your car window so that the guys have clear vision who wants this done.  Keep an eye on your car so when they get to it meet them and you can show them the documentation they need. (Log book and Rego Papers)


I also have a very short questionnaire regarding this event for next year and need your input so I can present the outcome to the committee.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on the day.


Ian Rigby
