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Triumphs in Winter

Friday, July 22nd, 2016


Given our wintry conditions lately, this is a shot of Life Member Geoff Bills’ TR3A totally chilled!



Social Snapshot – July 2016

Monday, July 4th, 2016

For those who have attended National Meetings and would have met Graham Crane it is with sadness that we impart the news that Graham passed away earlier in June.  Graham had been ill for a number of months and was sadly not responding to his third round of Chemotherapy.   Graham was a very active member of the NSW Club.   We send our condolences to Lucy and the family.

The mid week run in June was well attended despite the atrocious weather.   No-one brought their Triumph but everyone enjoyed the get together for coffee at the Bakehouse on Magill and lunch at The Old Spot.  This run was organised by David & Yvonne Armstrong and our thanks go to them for their time and effort put into the organisation.

There will be another mid week run on Wednesday 10th August being organised by Lyle Taylor details in the magazine.

Twenty people plus enjoyed the pasta night at the Marche Club on 24th June.   Thanks to Bill & Margie for organising the event.

Sixteen people came on the run to Bracegirdles in McLaren Vale for coffee & cake.   The run started off in the rain but the sun soon came out and it turned into a reasonable day albeit quite cold.   Everyone enjoyed hot chocolate/coffee and cake/muffins/waffles and even wedges (I wonder who)!    Being just a morning run people could have been home before lunch time which, on a winter’s day, is good.   Thank you to all those who came along.

The next Sunday run is on 24th July and being organised by Mike & Trina Temby see details in magazine.




Calendar – Short Form (to December 2016)

Monday, July 4th, 2016


Tues 19th                General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 24th                 Club Run – meet Victoria Hotel Top of Taps 10.00am for 10.30am departure


Wed 10th                     Mid Week Run – meet Feathers Pavillion (was Place Next Door) 11.00am for 11.30am departure

Tues 16th                AGM – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 21st                  Club Run –  meet Victoria Hotel Top of Taps 10.00am for 10.15am departure

Tues 23rd                Informal Lunch – Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon

Sun 28th                  MSCA Super Sprint


Sun 18th                  Club Run – Lunch Run meet Burnside Townhall 10.00am

Tues 20th               General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm


Sun 9th                   Day of Triumph – Wigley Reserve Glenelg from 9.00am

Tues 18th                    General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Fri 21st-Fri 28th    National Meeting – Clare Valley SA

Sun 23rd                MSCA Super Sprint


Tues 15th               General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 20th                Annual Observation Run – details TBA

Tues 22nd              Informal Lunch Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon


Sat 10th                  Christmas Dinner – Royal Adelaide Golf Club

Wed 28th               After Christmas Run – details TBA


Girl Torque June 2016

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Girl Torque

Wow the winter months are here, and for many of is it means it’s soup weather.  I have had lots of fun making soup from pumpkin, to vegetable to minestrone. Today I am making chicken and vegetable to see how the family enjoys the change.

Thanks to everyone who came to the Pasta Night on June 24th. We had a great time, the food was good, and the entertainment was ok.  See you all next year!

Peggy is gearing up for the Orange Tree Quilters, Quilt exhibition on the first weekend of July – I know many of us will be supporting her, and from all of Peg, we hope the weekend goes well.

Thanks to everyone who has supported the club with the suppers –  I know everyone enjoys the social interaction at the end of the meeting…however there are still of couple of vacancies, so if you can help out, please let either Sue Gibson or myself know.

Try to keep warm, and I look forward to catching you all soon.


Margie Berlemon AM

McLaren Vale Run

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Sunday Run to McLaren Vale

Well sixteen dedicated TSOA Members met at Burnside Town Hall for a Morning Tea run to McLaren Vale, set by Rory and Sue.

It was a cold start to the day, however as we drove through the hills, the sun started to appear and the day became a little warmer (thanks to the British Cars for having such good heaters).

The run went up Greenhill Road, to Balhannah, Hahndorf, Meadows, Kangarilla, Blewitt Springs and into McLaren Vale to Bracegirdle’s for hot chocolate and cake….a very picturesque drive, and the temperature climbed from 8 degrees to 11 degrees during the morning.

Thanks to Rory and Sue, the drive was great, as was the hot chocolate!

Margie and Bill Berlemon.

TSOA SA Nationals 2016

Monday, May 30th, 2016


2016 Triumph Nationals Show and Shine Clare Valley

If you have never been on a National tour this is your opportunity to give it a go and join in for the day/weekend.

You are welcome to join us on Saturday 22nd October 2016 for the Display Day Event, Centenary Park in Auburn.

Come to Auburn and look over more than 50 superb Triumph cars many of which have traveled from interstate. The display day is open to all, but only those entered into the Nationals can be in the park for the display and judging. Cars will be to position by 10am and the event concludes at 2pm

The Afternoon activity is still in the planning stage but will be a leisurely afternoon around the Clare area.

We will then move back to the Clare Sports Club for the evening Meal and you are welcome to join us there too. The meal at the club will be $40 per person with a choice of 2 main meals (Alternate Drop) and 2 deserts.

Perhaps you can make a night of it and stay in Clare. Your choice to make that arrangement but we can help with details.

This will then give you another opportunity to head back home through Mallala where we will be running the Race day event. Roger has secured this day for the National participants who are licensed to join in the race event being held on Sunday the 23rd. This will not only give you a chance to watch our club and interstate members compete against a greater field but the chance to feel part of our clubs organization and hosting this yearly event in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

We would love as many of the SA members as possible join us on the weekend and look forward to a great display and race event.

See you there.


Ian Rigby: & the 2016 National Committee.


TSOA Library

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

Note to all members – several new additions have been made to the Club library that may be of interest to you.

Greg Page does a marvelous job in maintaining and managing the library for the Club, which is usually open for business at every monthly club meeting.

Give Greg a call if there is a special interest item that you would like to reserve for collection – 8387 0619 or 0478 896 222

TSOA 2016 weekender

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

TSOA Annual Weekender
After a long 10 years hosting this event Bill and Margie Berlemon have done it again. Not only did they turn on great weather they also provided a value packed itinerary.
The day started at Burnside Town Hall where 36 adults, 5 children and Quinlan the dog arrived in a variety of cars with a good mix of Triumphs. Progressing up the freeway we arrived a “Melbas Chocolate Factory” for Coffee and chocolate cake and the start of the traveling food fest.
It wasn’t long before a local turned up with what can be described as a very worn out, tired TR7 on a trailer and the owner then attempting to sell it off.
Several of our senior members gave it the look over and thought better of it.
We were told that it did run, REALLY!!
We were then back on the road through Woodside, Nairne, Littlehampton and onto Murray Bridge where we stopped for lunch at “Sanctuary Café.
The service was very friendly and the meals came out quickly.
On leaving the café we were on the road to Mannum to “Serenity Nursery”. Well worth a look if you’re interested in anything for the garden even an Elephant or 2.
Just before we stopped for the day, some of us took a short break to look over some Vintage Speed Cars displayed in a very interesting shed full of other memorabilia. Not only did he have an impressive collection of cars he wasn’t short of a cap or two either. There were several rows hanging from the roof and apparently you can never have enough.
We all arrived to our destination for the night at the Mannum Motel opposite the caravan park.
Before the evening meal and after a few wanderers came back from the main street, we gathered outside Sue and Rory’s cabin to have a few wines and tastings while Rory and Sue gave an importuned quiz night. Let’s say we would never win on “the chase” but all involved gave it a good go.
The evening meal was at the community Club in the main street and as usual we did not go hungry.
Early morning on Sunday had us down by the river at the local rowing club, where we were met by locals who served us up coffee, bacon & Eggs for Breakfast.
It was then onto the river cruise aboard “MV Jester” for a very relaxed cruise up and down the river. They entertained with a very comprehensive discussion about the history of Mannum, the floods and wildlife.
Departing the boat we then headed up to the Information Center where we all took in a tour of the museum. Never guessed it had all that inside and we have been driving past this building for years. Goes to show you need to stop and check things out more often.
Back down to the river for a BBQ lunch, held by the local Lions Club.
A few of us then ventured to the lookout. Another spot we have never bothered to look at before now and it really does give another perspective of the river and I must say it’s looking a lot healthier than the last time we were there at a family members shack.

Oh and one local who has more time than most and apparently an endless supply of corrugated iron, filling his front garden with all sorts of artworks.
Fast trip down the hill back to Auchendarroch house for, you guessed it, coffee and cake. Just in case we hadn’t filled up enough over the weekend.
That’s it until next year and I’m sure if we are lucky we will have another one to look forward to.
A big thank you must go to Bill and Margie, from all who attended, and for all their efforts in putting together another wonderful weekend.
Ian, Raelene and the weekender group.

Members and their TRiumphs

Tuesday, April 12th, 2016


Bryan Young doing what he likes best – pushing his Vitesse to the limit.

Bryan and Vitesse have been every where Man . . . sing along now . . .

Annual Weekender 2016

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

Annual Weekender

Saturday May 14th and Sunday May 15th 2016

Come along and enjoy the Murray River.

Meet: Saturday 14th 9.00am Burnside Town Hall

Saturday run will travel through the Adelaide Hills and will include

  • a visit to the Serenity Nursery at Murray Bridge,
  • visit to a Vintage Speedcar member Bob Holland collection of Speedcars and memorabilia, (or shopping in the main street of Mannum),
  • Dinner at the Mannum Community Club
  • Accommodation at the Mannum Motel

Sunday will include

  • Breakfast at the Rowing club
  • River Cruise
  • Visit to the Museum
  • Lunch in the park provided by the Lions Club

Cost:  $125.00 per person Twin Share (costs includes accommodation, main meals and activities)

Cost: $180 single

Children by negotiation with Bill

Non members plus $25.00 per person

Payment due April meeting -19th April

Bookings with Bill/Margie 0438836837