Day of Triumph 2016
Friday, October 14th, 2016Day of Triumph.
Another year is almost over and after a few nervous weeks leading up to “The Day of Triumph” we were able to successfully hold the event on the planned day. As you can imagine this is not one of those events that can be moved around as easily as the month by month runs, due to hire the facility and also have everyone wash and polish their cars to the standard needed.
With only 39 cars on the day it was a bit down on predicted numbers and I guess this was partly due to the unpredictable weather and the fact that there were a few cars racing around the track at Bathurst. Sorry neither was in my plan but I’m sure some of you made it back to watch the ending and an interesting one it was.
The week’s leading to this weekend saw torrential rain, flooding and agents pulling out on us. Not to be deterred by this I held several talks with the council regarding a change of vendor support and also the condition of the grounds. For some reason, this year they were a bit more difficult to deal with.
This last week’s task was watching the weather, just in case we needed to do a plan B at the last minute. Thankfully we had a few good days drying everything out, however it changed again on us and was a bit blowy in the morning and threatened showering us during the course of the day. By the time the rain did come we were all packed up and gone.
A big Thank you must also go to the following people.
Sue Gibson and Marg Berlemon, the ladies on the gate:
Aaron Ellery and Bill Berlemon for their on ground support.
Our very supportive inspector: Colin White
And to the inspection team: Roger lange, Richard Sutherland, Dean Bogisch, Neil Martin, Steve Moule, Alex Smithson, Brian Argent, Peter Davidge, Alan Gold.
I would also like to thank those that asked if I need any help during the day; it’s always this support that we rely on.
Without your help the day would not have been the same so thanks again.
With the scrutinizing all done and with the wonderful assistance of our score keepers Rory Gibson and Mike Temby,
we have the list of winners.
Outright winners:
First place: Richard Sutherland: TR4a
Second place: John Tuohy: TR5
Third place: Chuck Falzon: TR3a
Concour: Not all categories were supported.
TR 2, 3 3a / 3b: Chuck Falzon with his green TR3a
TR4 / 5: Richard Sutherland with his TR4a
TR6: Ian Burnett
Spitfire / GT6: First Place: Volker Stroeher Spitfire Mk3
Second Place: Neil Haywood. GT6
Third Place: Graham Jones. GT6
Stag: Andy Hill
TR 7 / 8 Peter Davidge
Saloon: John Tuohy
Pre 54: Chuck Falzon
Pride of Ownership: Not all categories were supported.
TR6: Alex Smithson
TR7 / 8: Dean Bogisch
Spitfire: Mark Halloran
Stag: Mike Temby
Saloon: Duane kaak
Dolomite: Bob Cini
Competition: Duane kaak
Michelotty Trophy: Richard Sutherland
Register Trophy: Chuck Falzon
Harris Mann Trophy: Peter Davidge
Below the The winners circle (Those that I was able to catch so sorry if i missed you.)
After everything was squared away and just as the last cars were pulling out, I had 2 people approach me regarding their times with Triumphs.
Len Burton kindly donated books to add to our library and Richard Dew talked about badging for Stags. He gave us a point of contact that apparently has moulds to produce these if you are in the need for them the contact is
So that’s it for 2016. I hope that everyone got the best out of the day that we could hope for and we would like to see more out next year.
As announced on the day, I’m already looking at alternatives for next year with more lessons gained form this year.
PS: For those that have won trophies these will be presented at this year’s end of year dinner. The info can be found on the web or in Trak.
Hope to see you there.
Best regards
Ian Rigby