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Day of Triumph 2016

Friday, October 14th, 2016

Day of Triumph.
Another year is almost over and after a few nervous weeks leading up to “The Day of Triumph” we were able to successfully hold the event on the planned day. As you can imagine this is not one of those events that can be moved around as easily as the month by month runs, due to hire the facility and also have everyone wash and polish their cars to the standard needed.
With only 39 cars on the day it was a bit down on predicted numbers and I guess this was partly due to the unpredictable weather and the fact that there were a few cars racing around the track at Bathurst. Sorry neither was in my plan but I’m sure some of you made it back to watch the ending and an interesting one it was.
The week’s leading to this weekend saw torrential rain, flooding and agents pulling out on us. Not to be deterred by this I held several talks with the council regarding a change of vendor support and also the condition of the grounds. For some reason, this year they were a bit more difficult to deal with.
This last week’s task was watching the weather, just in case we needed to do a plan B at the last minute. Thankfully we had a few good days drying everything out, however it changed again on us and was a bit blowy in the morning and threatened showering us during the course of the day. By the time the rain did come we were all packed up and gone.

A big Thank you must also go to the following people.
Sue Gibson and Marg Berlemon, the ladies on the gate:
Aaron Ellery and Bill Berlemon for their on ground support.
Our very supportive inspector: Colin White
And to the inspection team: Roger lange, Richard Sutherland, Dean Bogisch, Neil Martin, Steve Moule, Alex Smithson, Brian Argent, Peter Davidge, Alan Gold.
I would also like to thank those that asked if I need any help during the day; it’s always this support that we rely on.
Without your help the day would not have been the same so thanks again.
With the scrutinizing all done and with the wonderful assistance of our score keepers Rory Gibson and Mike Temby,
we have the list of winners.keeping-score

Outright winners:
richard-sutherlands-tr4aFirst place: Richard Sutherland: TR4a

Second place: John Tuohy: TR5 john-tuohy-tr5

chuck-and-dianne-falzon-tr3aThird place: Chuck Falzon: TR3a

Concour: Not all categories were supported.
TR 2, 3 3a / 3b: Chuck Falzon with his green TR3a
TR4 / 5: Richard Sutherland with his TR4a
TR6: Ian Burnett
Spitfire / GT6: First Place: Volker Stroeher Spitfire Mk3
Second Place: Neil Haywood. GT6
Third Place: Graham Jones. GT6
Stag: Andy Hill
TR 7 / 8 Peter Davidge
Saloon: John Tuohy
Pre 54: Chuck Falzon
Pride of Ownership: Not all categories were supported.
TR6: Alex Smithson
TR7 / 8: Dean Bogisch
Spitfire: Mark Halloran
Stag: Mike Temby
Saloon: Duane kaak
Dolomite: Bob Cini
Competition: Duane kaak

Michelotty Trophy: Richard Sutherland
Register Trophy: Chuck Falzon
Harris Mann Trophy: Peter Davidge

Below the The winners circle (Those that I was able to catch so sorry if i missed you.)
After everything was squared away and just as the last cars were pulling out, I had 2 people approach me regarding their times with Triumphs.
Len Burton kindly donated books to add to our library and Richard Dew talked about badging for Stags. He gave us a point of contact that apparently has moulds to produce these if you are in the need for them the contact is
So that’s it for 2016. I hope that everyone got the best out of the day that we could hope for and we would like to see more out next year.
As announced on the day, I’m already looking at alternatives for next year with more lessons gained form this year.
PS: For those that have won trophies these will be presented at this year’s end of year dinner. The info can be found on the web or in Trak.
Hope to see you there.
Best regards
Ian Rigby

President’s Report

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Sunday 25th September (3 months to Christmas!) – this morning Margie and I parked along Lower North East Road next to Mercato Continental Deli (for coffee and breakfast) and watched about 1,000 Vintage cars, trucks, and motorcycles go past in the Bay to Birdwood. What a sight to behold – their enthusiastic owners, lots in period costume, the smell of exhaust fumes particularly from the two stokes, the various states of repair from the definite ‘barn’ finds to the pristine Concours entrants all making this a wonderful event. Saw only three Triumphs – one Mayflower and two TR3’s – one belonging to Vic Neeve – sorry if I missed any!

We are just so lucky to be able to participate in these motoring events at all levels from Club runs, State Events, Major Display days, Track events and Hillclimbs.

Oh for the love of Vintage motoring!

Bill Berlemon

TSOA Day of Triumph

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Just a quick note to let everyone know that after discussion with the council and our president that the display day has been given the green light. I was concerned with all the rain that they would prevent the cars entering the field but after my checks done on the weekend and the council green keepers today, that there are no issues that we can see that would prevent the event.
see you all on Sunday with those Triumphs and remember that we have inspections available on the day.
Ian Rigby

Annual All TRIUMPH Rally

Saturday, September 24th, 2016



Meet Coles Blackwood Carpark

8.45am for 9.00am departure

To be eligible to win the trophy you must be driving a TRIUMPH

Club sponsored BBQ lunch at destination

Bring Clipboard & Pen; Chairs; Table; Drinks

Details Alex 0412 823 789

Upcoming Events Calendar

Saturday, September 24th, 2016


Sun 18th                  Club Run – Lunch Run meet Burnside Townhall 10.00am

Tues 20th                General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 25th                       Bay to Birdwood Parade – Dequetteville Terrace Adelaide from 9.00am



Sun 9th                    Day of Triumph – Wigley Reserve Glenelg from 9.00am

Tues 18th                     General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Fri 21st-Fri 28th      National Meeting – Clare Valley SA

Sun 23rd                  MSCA Super Sprint




Wed 9th                        Mid Week Run – meet Carpark Cnr Devereux & Greenhill Rds 10.00am

Tues 15th                 General Meeting – Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 20th                  Annual Observation Run – meet Coles Blackwood Carpark 8.45am for 9.00am start

Tues 22nd                Informal Lunch Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon



Sat 10th                   Christmas Dinner – Royal Adelaide Golf Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Wed 28th                After Christmas Run – meet Victoria Hotel Top of Taps 10.00am


President’s Report – Sept 2016

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

Well it’s been a long time since I wrote my last President’s report for this newsletter. So here we go again.

Firstly, Congratulations to this club and its members for finally coming of age and accepting a new Constitution. What a tremendous job Mike Temby and the committee have done to give us and up to date, workable Constitution which allows up to proceed us to proceed forward without the divisive membership criteria of the past and the ability to review the document on a regular basis and make changes as required fairly simply. Our past (91) Constitution I must say served us well for a long time but as with all such documents became outdated.

As Vice President for the membership year, it was my privilege to be able to nominate Ian Rigby for the Vice President’s Award. As I said at the AGM, Ian over the last year was the convenor of our Day of Triumph Event, organised a Club visit to the Sub Marine Corporation (which would not have been easy) has organised several club runs and contributed to our club magazine, has supplied some fabulous photos for our club calendar, is a member of our National Rally Committee and is an all-round good guy!

I look forward to working with our (new) committee for the next 12 months and continue to work for the greater good of our club.

I feel privileged to be awarded Life membership of this Club for Margie and myself and thank you all for this acknowledgement.

Until we meet again

Bill Berlemon

Mallala Sprint August

Sunday, August 28th, 2016

Man on a mission
Neil under Brakes impressive.
Neil past the post

Powers away
Another great day at the track.

Mallala sprints
Roger has more than a golden touch with Triumphs.
Lots of noise, spills and apart from the wind great weather. Come and join us on the Nationals in October and you will see lots more and other Triumphs from around Australia.
Ian at Bathurst 2013

2016 Day of Triumph

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

It’s on again!  The TSOA annual DAY OF TRIUMPH.

This year’s event will once again be at Wigley Reserve GLENELG on SUNDAY 9th of October

Cars need to be in place early preferably by 9.30am and can’t be removed until the end of the event for safety reasons. Gates open around 8.30 am Judging will start at 10am. Miss the start and you miss being judged.

Last year was a great success and the majority of entrants expressed that they would like to return to Glenelg so the day has been set.
Entry is via the roundabout at the end of Anzac Highway.

The rules and scoring are the same as prior years and it will be the point score that wins you the trophy. The car needs to support the class and score ranking it has been entered into.

I will need a lot of help from several people that have an eye for detail on the day, especially Concours. Over the years there have been willing helpers and without their help it would be a difficult task so thank you and I look forward to the continued support.

In the event of a tie, for any category, I will ask several of the more knowledgeable in the group to cast their eye over the cars to come up with the ultimate winner. The decision will be based on an agreed approach that would be generally around overall presentation and as close to original as possible for Concours.

Good news at the August meeting for those that could not attend! The Club Inspectors for Historic Registration WILL be there on the day so bring your log book and documentation – as per last year there will be an identifier on your screen for them to look for. Please make yourself available when they get to your car.

Unfortunately “The Coffee Run” have pulled out at the last minute as he did not want to renew his license for the area. Luckily the vendor from last year “Coffee and Creams” contacted me again recently after seeing the advert on the council page but i had already accepted The coffee run. I had tried to alternate to a different supplier this year for a different range of food but sadly this has not worked for us. On Short notice I’m happy to report that Coffee and Creams will be renewing his license and he was able to help again. So we have coffee and the similar range of food from last years event. Lets hope that the weather is kind to us and we have another good year. Im working on a different solution for next year so lets see how THAT GOES.

Please join me on the day.
Ian Rigby: 0417085083

Emissions from the Crankcase

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

TSOA has been around since 1965 so we can’t ignore Case history. A great club.

So don’t fall asleep and out of your mag wheelchair.  Get set for a master blast from a past master.

Now as a reminder, there are some that have been, and some that have not been, and not all that could have been, indeed would have been, had  they not made a scene.

Some would have been if they could have been a little more keen but we definitely know that one HAS been, and what’s more that we’re sure always WILL be. That just happens to be the Case.

Some sleeping dogs lie, but I reckon it’s better they come clean and tell the truth, especially if they are barking up the wrong TRee. You know I won’t give up on you, so don’t give up on me you soothsayers and TSOAers and continue to follow me on Casebook: for my latest offering titled “The Adventures of Siddowne and Shuddarp”.

These were two fellows belonging to an historic car club, with Shuddarp being a person who apparently did not believe in Siddowne’s right to freedom of speech, which is odd really, as they had never met.

As ancient history reveals, Siddowne had been fast asleep for 28 years before he was woken up and awarded Life Membership, so Shuddarp thought, without thought, that Siddowne had gone back to sleep for the next 23 years and therefore mistakenly concluded was a ‘has been’ whereas Siddowne had proof that Shuddarp was a ‘never been’ so they begged to differ. Get it. Woof.

If after Siddowne had sat down and shut up, and Shuddarp had not stood up and shouted down Siddowne, then the differences in between would never have been.

The motto of this story is this. If you’re out of order then you’re not in place and you should have been and could have been if you had taken the time not to be seen as a has been, or actually should he mean evergreen?

If Shuddarp had been keen not to make a scene and come clean and was stood down, then in the history of the Club he would be the ONLY one as a has been, and most likely would again be never seen, and remain as a Life Member Could’ve  Been.

If Shuddarp only knew how lucky he was not to be known as Mister Been, and gone.

He may well too have been a has been if the Committee had been brought in to convene on the scene to intervene.

But Siddowne wasn’t keen to be mean. So, until next time I’m seen, kindly be seated and be quiet.


President’s Report – June 2016

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

Now that the federal elections are out of the way, it’s time to turn our attention to the TSOA elections coming up in August. As usual, all committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and nominations will be called for. If you are thinking about how you might be able to become more involved in the TSOA, I would like to encourage you to talk to one of the committee members and think about a position that might suit you. It’s always great to have more people involved in the running of the club.

We are now finalising the constitution based on feedback received from members, and will be publishing an update before the August AGM where we will be voting on it. Please mark the date (Tuesday August 16) in your calendar now, as we would like to see as many members attend the meeting as possible to ensure we have a quorum for the voting process.

There are now some opportunities for TSOA SA members to come along to some of the Nationals events over the weekend. This is for members who want to join in the Nationals but aren’t able to make it to the full event. If you would like to register your interest for this option, please contact either Alex Smithson or myself so that we can get an idea of numbers for accommodation.

I would like to thank Ian Rigby for stepping in and taking the Minutes at the June meeting while Dwayne was away.

Mike Temby