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Ice Cream Run

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

TSOA Annual Ice Cream Run

Saturday 28th January 2017

Meet 7.00pm

K-Mart at Kurralta Park (rear carpark)

Destination – Noonies at the Beach Semaphore Park

Plenty of off street parking adjacent to the kiosk

Extensive range of ice creams

Milk Shakes

Soft drinks

Hot fresh Donuts

Great Coffee

Hot Dogs, Burgers, Fish ‘n Chips etc

Bring a jumper as it can get cold after dark – even in January!

Details – Sue 0428 735 960 or 8449 7814


Social Snapshot – December 2016

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016


Thank you to Steven Wade for organising the “Nice Nosh in November Run”.   I had forgotten to mention this run last meeting – that must have been due to Roger encouraging me up on the stage to use the microphone.

I was disappointed to hear that only 7 or 8 people attended this run, and as Steven had asked both venues to open up especially for him, Steven would have been very disappointed with the numbers. We all know that a lot of work goes into organising a run and to have little response is not good. Let’s hope Steven will be willing to organise a run in the future.

Thanks to Alex & Sue Smithson for setting the All Triumph Observation Run on 20th November.  A good drive through the hills to the destination of Lobethal where all partook of a club sponsored BBQ lunch.     There was a coffee stop at Mylor where the first set of questions were, then on to Lobethal for the second set.  It was certainly hot walking up and down the street looking for answers.

The winners this year were Bill & Chris Galler in their Blue Spitfire.  This was their first Observation Run and they are very competitive.    Bill & Chris now have the honour of setting next years run.   Second place was Tony & Phyllis Rutter and third place Rory & Sue Gibson.   Altogether there were 8 TRiumphs and you had to be driving a TRiumph to be a place getter.   Thanks to all those who attended in the heat and to those members who joined us for lunch.   We hope you all had a good day and survived getting home in the heat.

The Christmas Dinner on 10th December is again at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club at Seaton and we hope everyone has an enjoyable evening.   Congratulations to those people who are Trophy winners.

The after Christmas Run on Wednesday 28th December is meeting at the Victoria Hotel Top of Taps and ending up at the Rezz Hotel at Newton.   Hope to see you there.

Don’t forget there is NO meeting in DECEMBER – the next one being the informal meeting on Tuesday 17th January.  If you have any “big boy’s toys” please bring them along and show them off.   There will also be an auction/sale of library books.

The ladies as usual will head off somewhere for a gelato/coffee etc.

The Ice Cream Run on Saturday 28th January will end up at the usual spot – Noonies – at Semaphore for fish & chips, ice cream, coffee or whatever takes your fancy on the night.  Hopefully the weather will be nice and warm and we will get to see a decent sunset.  We will meet at 7.00pm at K-Mart on Anzac Highway, Kurralta Park (rear carpark).

All British Day is on Sunday 12th February at Echunga Oval with gates opening from 10.00am.   All entries should have been in by 15th November so if you have not entered perhaps just go along for a look on the day.

We take this opportunity of wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year and hope to see you out and about in your TRiumph in 2017.


Peggy & Sue

Quick Calendar to March 2017

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016



Sat 10th                       Christmas Dinner – Royal Adelaide Golf Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Wed 28th              After Christmas Run – meet Victoria Hotel Top of Taps from 10.00am depart 10.30am

Destination – Rezz Hotel Hamilton Terrace Newton




Tues 17th                Informal Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Ladies go for gelato

Sat 28th                  Ice Cream/Fish & Chip Run – meet 7.00pm K-Mart Kurralta Park (rear carpark)



Sun 12th                 All British Day – Echunga from 10.00am

Tues 21st                General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm



Sun 19th                 Club Run – details TBA

Tues 21st                General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm


2016 TSOA Observation run

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Just a quick report on this years observation run. As most will know, this years run was presented by last years winners, Sue and Alex Smithson. What a great day and run through the hills from Blackwood to Mylor where we enjoyed Coffee, cake and the first round of questions. The weather was especially nice for us and although the numbers were a bit down on past years we all enjoyed the day. After a short time in Mylor we were back on the road and onto the next town of Lobethal. Interesting questions here around the past racing events in the area. After a bit of time walking up and down the main street we all met just around the corner at the local recreational ground, where we set up camp and bill flashed up the club BBQ. observation-run-groupAfter a nice lunch Alex called the group to attention to go over the hotly contested answers. First place went to a new entry Bill and Christine Galler and as they soon found out the team to do next years run. Second place went to Tony and Phyllis Rutter and Third place went to Sue and Rory Gibson. first-place-and-the-car second-place 3rd-place-sue-and-rory

Best Regards and we hope to see lots more out next year.
We have been promised a beauty.
Ian Rigby

Ian at Bathurst 2013

2016 Nationals Clare SA

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

After a bit over 2 years of planning, meetings every month, lots of red wine and cheese, several committee members spending hours on the road working out the fine details and getting a plan that we considered the best value for money, the 2016 Nationals have been held and gone.
The Mantra of “Remember, Attention to Detail” (thanks to Roger Lange) stuck with us all the way.
There is far too much to document for the short time I have to get something down to share. The following is a brief report on the week’s events.
Day 1
We were up early getting the first days plan up and running. Alex had brought a truck load of gear up the weekend prior and had stored it at a friend’s place in preparation. Alex, Rory, Peter and I went on the morning’s quest speaking with the local Coffee shop in Auburn, loading the FWD and looking over the park under a dusting rain that would be covered in Triumphs the next day.
On our return I set up camp on the road leading to the Country Club in readiness for the first arrivals so that parking and room allocations ran smoothly.
This was done while the others prepped the rally bags and put the tea and coffee on and Alex waited at reception to guide our guests.
During the afternoon I was kept company by the local ducks that thought every time I bent down to talk to someone I had food for them. Once all entrants were parked, unpacked and primed for the week, we all met for the first pre dinner drinks at the golf club.
With over 100 people getting to know one another again it wasn’t too long before the first up meal was on us.
This was a fantastic evening with Duane, our anointed MC for the week, opening the night with a brief of the upcoming events and we were then lucky enough, thanks to Peter and Julie Davidge, to have Mayor Aughey (pronounced Or-gee with a soft g) guide us through a colourful conversation of the area and some local history in his very flamboyant way.
He also spoke of his interest in collectable and classic cars.mayor-orgee-with-peter

Day 2.
The “Nationals Display day” was held in the main street of Auburn and thankfully the bad weather held off (although a little cold). Rory, Aaron & Peter lined the cars throughout the park after being presented with more goodies supplied by Penrite by the ladies on the gate, Sue Gibson and Sue Smithson. All this was going on as I stood on the corner flagging the cars in and the start of the Picture parade that was one of my duties for the week. We even had several Adelaide members turn up to the event. Thanks for coming.
This was a great venue with plenty of shade and parking space. We also had the local Primary school with us who provided a BBQ lunch with local produce. We even made a full page in the local Northern Argus paper. Turns out Alex Smithson apparently has a V6 TR6 and Lorraine Mooring with her “Humming V8” There goes the historic Reg 😉
The afternoon was a free time and many took up the opportunity to visit several of the many wineries in the area.

Before the evening meal it was time for the first traditional “Iron Man” challenge. These events are to get each state represented for a bit of fun and test of skill in some instances with the winner taking home the coveted trophy. This was held on the tennis court of the Country Club and I don’t mind saying it was freezing cold.
We held an Autocana of a difference.
During the year I purchased a remote control car “Efigy” (Holden concept car) on e-bay for the event. I had male and female drivers from each state take on the challenge and it was our own member Duane Kaak that had the fastest time around several car components and back to the finish line. The woman just needed to do a dash to the end and back to the finish but had to cross the line backwards.
This proved to be no easy feat for them with several doing circle work first. The poor little car had several mishaps with a touch of paint now missing from the front bumper as it went under the fence.
The evening meal was at the Sports Club and it was here that we found out that Alex, Neil and several others could get into women’s clothes pretty quick but all in good fun. (one of Duane’s challenges)

Day 3
This was a 2 group day.
Some of us headed to Mallala with 11 drivers and 50 spectators for a full days racing organised by Roger Lange. The day was superb and there was plenty to see, not just the Triumphs, who incidentally had the track to themselves for each of the Triumph races.
We were also lucky enough to have all Triumphs doing a display lap during the break for lunch. Duane being breathe tested was kind of fun too.
mallala-grid-for-trak-report triumphs-on-the-grid duane-behind-humphrey
The second group had an organised bus tour arranged by Peter and Julie Davidge that had them travel through to the “Heritage gardens” for an arranged tour and morning tea then Lunch at Paulette’s winery.
The evening was topped off with a meal at the Taminga hotel. Taxies were provided for everyone and that took a little doing with the limited service in Clare and everyone wanting the free ride.

Day 4
We split into 4 groups on this day with team leaders coordinating the day as we needed to rotate through several arranged tours at different locations throughout the day. This also had us leaving at different times in different directions with our designated number of entrants. The event was widely discussed leading up to the week and at many National meetings during the year. The day took some working out due to the timing needed of each group but thanks to the “Attention to Details” by the group it went off without a hitch.

We covered several areas of the valley starting with Burra Mines,burra-mines-for-trak then onto Knappstein Brewery
And finally to Bungaree Station where one of the family members, Mark, gave us a very detailed history lesson covering how the station started and what changes had occurred over many years.

The evening meal was provided at the Golf Club by the local Clare Butcher “Days Quality Meats” who cooked us a gourmet BBQ shortly after one of our sponsors “Kilikanoon Wines” held a wine tasting. We also had our first of 3 Theme nights and tonight’s was “Red and White night” and a colourful night it was.

Day 5
The Café Primo Observation Run”
Challenge was set by Sue, Rory, Peter and Julie.
This was a great run through much of the country side around Clare with a few easy questions and some not so simple. Lots of photo opportunities and it was difficult staying ahead of the group and trying not to let them see what I was catching.

Lunch was arranged at Seven Hotel then from here we were onto Sevenhill Winery for a guided tour.
We spent time in the church and then split into groups again for a yard walk through the vines, through the crypt and also another informative wine tasting. No problem there. 😉

Tonight was a self-catered evening and several of us caught up in Johnny Fricke and Shan’s room with takeout, cheeses and wine watching some of the pictures that had been taken during the day.

Day 6
Today we took a run through Jamestown, taking in the local area and history then onto
Peterborough where we enjoyed a light lunch at the “Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre” before our organised tours started.
It was an interesting place with plenty to see looking over the historical exhibitions as well as finding a Morris 25 on rails fitted with a Holden straight six for reliability.

We then went back to Clare before we left for the evening meal at the Bowling club and for our second theme night “Club Regalia” We also held another “Iron man challenge” and the task was to open and fold a sun screen that we provided as part of the rally bag. Sounds easy don’t it, but it turned out to be a great laugh. It was interesting to see how many variants that the screen could be bent into.

Day 7
Our final day and the morning started with the usual early morning walk for some.
Another traditional start to each day known as “Amble with Alex”

Today was a brunch at “Gallys Meeting House” I think the wind this morning came from Antarctica. As they were not open when we arrived some people chose to sit in their cars while others either sat under the veranda or roamed the streets until we were able to move into the warmth for a well laid on breakfast / brunch of mixed sausages rolls and pancakes.

The afternoon was free time where some chose to do a last minute wine tour or just laze about the club.
Not me!!
I took a side trip with Johnny Fricke to take a look at a Saloon that someone had told us was for sale for a small amount of cash. We thought “possible barn find” or possible “track car”. So off we went back to Burra. What an adventure. It turns out that my TR6 can now make it with the FWD club. The road that the Johnny’s Phone led us to was a rolling hillside with what can only be described as a goat track with ruts.
After doing a double check of the address it turned out that we had travelled across the country side for a few kilometres heading away from the car. Our concern now turned to starting a fire from the hot exhaust and being cooked in the middle of nowhere. Once we eventually turned around and found the right place it was less of an excitement as the car was well past its use by date and would only be a parts car. Good if you want running gear and a few body parts or glass. A 1976 white 2500 TC Saloon automatic. If you’re interested call me for the number but get ready for an adventure.

The Car. Rego papers He was not sure!!saloon-drive-way
Once we returned back to Clare I ran an Ambrose Golf event that had 4 groups walking the very well maintained back 9 holes at the golf club. The sun had turned up by then so it was a very pleasant afternoon.

The final meal tonight was back at the Country club and also our final “Iron Man event” This was a chip and put competition and each state was represented by a male and female.
Males led the charge with the chip and the women did the put. Just to help with the scoring the men had a go at putting from distance. The rest of the group watched from the club balcony during the last pre dinner drink session.

We then moved to the dining room of the country club for the last meal. “Dress to Impress theme”
With the trophies delivered by Raelene Rigby and laid out ready, the presentations began.
First up we handed out small token prizes for the Ambrose winning group, several other prizes for Smokiest car and several to entrants that had a few sessions of bad luck during the week. It was then time to announce the winner of the “Iron Man trophy” and this year it went to NSW.

The three Observation run winners were then announced by Peter Davidge who confessed to a re take on some questions that several people put into dispute. Prizes for First, Second and third were a mix of Penrite Oil with Bottles of mixed wine.

Rory then handed out the winners for the Show and Shine.
First place went to SA’s Dino and Lisa Vettese for their Red TR6. Second place winners from Victoria Ron and Josie Farrugia with their Blue TR5. Third place also went to Victoria to Trevor and Lee Norris for their Red TR7. Geoff and Rhonda Byrne from NSW scored 4th place with their Red TR6. Our own Peter and Julie Davidge for their newly acquired Green TR8 and the final sixth place winners also from SA with their Blue TR4 were Tony and Phyllis Rutter.

The more formal presentations were handed out by Roger for the Mallala day events and Neil Martin took the top prize for the day. Humphrey Hale form WA came second after giving Neil a full afternoon of challenges on the track sitting just off his bumper for most of the race. Third place went to Duane Kaak.

The Regularity Trophy went to Andy Thompson also from WA.
The National Challenge cup went to SA’s Neil Martin and Duane Kaak for their team racing efforts.

Here we see Neil out front with Humphrey car 14 hot on his tail.

After what was a tiring week there was no end of interstate people approaching all of us during the week and on the final days thanking SA for the National event held this year. All were impressed with the “Level of Detail” and the events that we presented on a daily basis and they all stated that they had a very enjoyable time.
It all came together in the end with a very comprehensive guide provided by Sue and Rory Gibson, several sponsors of wine from Kilikanoon, Claymore, Knappstein Brewery, St John, Alber Whisky, money donations, Neutrog Fertilisers, Café Primo, Sa Life, Penrite, NHP, RM Williams, Jurlique skin care, Bellis Fruit Bars and lots of effort by the committee to get what we could to each entrant in a full rally bag. Thank you to anyone else I may have missed that supported us on the way.
We also rose over $1600 for Prostate cancer through several auctions and a large amount of club regalia was sold during the week. The cold start worked well for us.

Several donations were made in good faith one in particular suggested by Graham Goode. He allowed the group a tour of his restoration business (restores old timber framed vehicles and more)
And would like our club to donate to “Epilepsy Association” rather than pay him for his time.
All the committee wanted during this week was to have good weather and each planned day to run a smoothly as it could. All involved from the local suppliers, the country club staff, traders in the area and the commitment by all entrants made this a very enjoyable week.
There are always things that you notice that could possibly be tweaked a bit but all in all a very successful 2016 Nationals considering we were responsible for over 100 people each day and keeping them interested as others have done in the past.
There are many more photos of the week that were taken, far too many to add here and I will be getting some sent from others prior to us loading a few sticks to send out to each state coordinator for that club to enjoy. In time I will upload some more of the interesting ones to our photo files on the web.
That’s it from all of us on the committee and hope that in the future, we as a club can provide the same level of effort in 5 years’ time where??? Who knows where and who wants a rewarding challenge??

Next year’s Nationals were presented by the Victorian group during the last nights meal and details can be seen on their web site but in brief they will be holding their event next year in Wangaratta. They will be taking in tours around Ovens, Happy and Kiewa Valley. The Competition racing will be held at Barnawartha race track. There is a boat trip on Lake Mulwala. Observation run will be through Eldorado, Yackandandah, Bonegilla and Hume Weir. Towards the end of the week there will be a walking tour and lunch at Bridge Road Brewery and lots more I’m sure. The cost will be $1100.00

Best Regards from the 2016 Nationals Committee.
Ian Rigby, Sue and Rory Gibson, Peter & Julie Davidge, Sue & Alex Smithson, Johnny Fricke, Roger Lange, Mike Temby and our MC Duane Kaak.

Also like to thank Shan for her chocolate cakes and use of their home during the early stages.

Regards: Ian Rigby.

After Christmas Run

Sunday, November 20th, 2016



Meet from 10.00am Departing 10.30am

Victoria Hotel

Top of Taps

Destination – Rezz Hotel

Hamilton Terrace Newton

(foccacias, pizzas, light meals or main meals)

Details – Sue 8449 7814 or

0428 735 960

Social Snapshot : November 2016

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Well the National Meeting is done and dusted and we hope everyone had an enjoyable time.  The countryside was looking splendid with the green fields and some Salvation Jane still in flower    The weather improved as the week went on and was fine for all activities.   The Show & Shine in Auburn attracted a good number of locals and many members came up for the day from Adelaide.    The Clare Country Club provided good accommodation and it was nice to be in the one place for the week.    The programme for the week was well accepted and very diverse from Competition, Gardens, Wineries, Bungaree, Burra and the Railway Heritage Museum in Peterborough.  Something for everyone with good quiet roads.

Congratulations to those who won trophies at the Day of Triumph on 9th October.   Despite the wind and the forecast of rain there were around 40 cars in attendance and all the judging was completed and everyone managed to get home before the rain started.

The Christmas Dinner is now fast approaching and it would be great to see all the Day of Triumph Winners in attendance to receive their trophy.    The Royal Adelaide Golf Club is a great venue with secure parking and the service and food is always excellent, which is why we keep returning.    Last payments are due by the November meeting please, so we can confirm numbers with the venue.

The mid week run on 9th November is a mystery to us, but Stephen is organising it and the advert is in the magazine.

Also the All Triumph Rally, which this year is being organised by Alex & Sue (last year’s winners), is on 20th November – let’s hope for some decent weather.    The destination is also a mystery but there is a Club Sponsored BBQ for lunch.

Next year’s social calendar has been drafted  but if anyone has any suggestions of places to go, things to see, please let Peggy or myself know.


Girl Torque October 2016

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

It was fantastic to be able to visit the nationals for the show and shine event at Auburn.  Wow there are really lovely Triumph’s out there, and I trust everyone had a great week.  Congratulations to Sue Gibson who did a fantastic job of the rally guide…wow so much information…no one should have been lost or needed anything as it was all in the book!

In regards to supper at the monthly meetings – firstly it has been noted this year that not everyone pays their $2.00 entry…even if there are two of you coming you should both pay $2.00 (after all everyone eats supper, and we haven’t put the cost up since we started having supper!) so funds can get quite tight paying everyone for their expenses!

Secondly we have also noted that the sweet food is not being eaten, so we ae wondering if we need it all?  Please advise me so we can adjust the requirements for 2017….if you want to have a say let me know…we will make the decision following the November meeting!

Don’t forget to book into the Christmas Dinner – it is always a great night.

Margie Berlemon AM

President’s Report – October 2016

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

As I recommenced my semi-retirement work with Pete for the summer season from 1st October, and Margie had Children’s Week from October 21st – 30th, we were unable to participate in the Nationals this year. However, we did manage to go to Auburn for the show and shine day – wow what a great day with so many great cars. Good turnout from our club members visiting the day as well.  Thanks to the Nationals committee for an excellent day, and getting the local school involved to cook the BBQ lunch!

The day of Triumph was well run and despite the floods the week beforehand, we managed to get through the day and hoe just in time for more rain. Thanks to Ian Rigby and team for organising another great day – lots of spectators enjoyed our display as well!

Coming up is the Observation run and the Christmas Dinner – look out for more info in Trak.

Until we meet again

Bill Berlemon


Wednesday, October 19th, 2016


I expect by now, those who have previously been involved in the All British Day event will have received communication from the President of the event, either by email or post, providing an update with regard to registration for the February, 2017 event.

Unfortunately our best attempts to make registration available electronically were thwarted by various issues.  Consequently it will be necessary for each entrant to lodge their Entry Form manually.

To lodge your Entry, whether you are a repeat attendee or new attendee, download the Entry Form from the website, complete and return it to the postal address shown on the Form.  There are several alternatives for payment of fees for your entry but please ensure you clearly provide the requested information, particularly if you are paying electronically.

This year there is a strict close off date for Entries as printed on the Entry Form.  Please ensure you get your entry and payment in before 15th November, 2016 otherwise you could miss out!

This event like many similar events relies heavily on volunteers not only on the day of the event but also on the Saturday prior to the event to assist with setting up the grounds and immediately after the event on Sunday to assist with clearing the site.  If you can help in any way for any period of time your services would be most welcome.

Should you have any questions or are unable to download the Entry Form please contact me.

Geoff Ellis

All British Day Committee Member

0408 829 195