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Girl Torque March 2017

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

Girl Torque

Wow what crazy weather we are having….hot, cold, wet and who knows what’s coming next!

Thanks to everyone who has put their name on the supper roster…we still have some vacancies…if you can help out please let Sue or myself know.  Thanks to Phyllis Rutter who did supper last meeting. Great to have you on board!  We have cut the sweet money down, as the members don’t seem to be eating the sweets as much, so we can reassess this in winter.

Bill and I have been working on the Weekender, and it has all come to plan, including sailing on Lake Albert for those who want to take up the challenge! The Coorong is a fascinating place to visit, but there are a lot of miles to travel, so I hope the petrol is not a ridiculous price that weekend.

Condolences to Kevin Foster on the loss of his mother.

Kind regards

Margie Berlemon AM

Annual Weekender 2017

Monday, February 27th, 2017


Explore the Coorong Friday May 19th – Sunday May 21st

Meet Friday 19th May at Zeea’s Eatery 553 Portrush Road, Glenunga (behind Dan Murphy’s)

at 9.0am for Breakfast/9.30am Coffee/10.00am departure

Cost:  $180.00 pp to be confirmed

Possibility for members to join in Friday night at a reduced rate – Children’s Rates –by negotiation.

Weekend includes . . .

2 Ferry Trips – Wellington and Narrung

Cross the waters where Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert meet

Travel the Narrung and Lake Albert Loop to Meningie

Go sailing on Lake Albert

Visit the Lighthouse and Museum at Kingston

Visit the Cheese Factory Museum at Meningie

Visit the Coorong Mechanical Restoration Car Club including Lunch at Meningie

Meals at Wellington Hotel,  Meningie Golf and Sailing Clubs,  RSL Hall,  Kingston Bowling Club and accommodation at Lake Albert Motel,  Meningie directly across the road from Lake Albert

Are you interested in going sailing on Saturday morning for an hour?  – One on one sailing on small boats – you only need shorts, shirt, beanie and runners…. Please advise when booking

Bookings essential: Margie 0438836837or email


President’s Report – March 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

All British Day was again a very successful day for the organising committee. Our thanks to member Geoff Ellis for being part of the crew.  22 Triumphs were on the TSOA site with a ‘couple of guests’. Down on previous years, hope we improve next year. Our two club marquees make a difference to our set up and comfort and in the absence of Arrand Ellery, our thanks to Ian Rigby and Kate Berlemon for looking after the parking. Kate also did a marshal training course to qualify. Also thanks to Margie for producing and organising an information flyer able to be handed out on the day to interested public.

Coming events are mentioned in my January report and hope to see lots of members enjoying our summer events.

Margie and I (more Margie than I) have been working hard on our next weekender and its looking like a great three-day event.  We will be covering quite a few k’s so check your car thoroughly before the event. The committee has approved double subsidy for the three-day event ($50.00 per person, max $2,000) so it will again be extremely good value.  Book early to avoid disappointment.

Chicken and salad in the park . . . what’s this all about??

‘til we meet again

Bill Berlemon

Quick Calendar – March to end of May 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017


Thurs-Sun 2nd-5th              Clipsal

Sun 12th                           MSCA Super Sprint

Sun 19th                           Afternoon Run meet 4.30pm Haywood Park Unley Park

Tues 21st                          General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Tues 28th                         Informal Lunch – Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon


Sun 9th                            Modern Regularity Mallala

Tues 18th                         General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sat/Sun 22nd/23rd             Historic Race meeting Mallala

Sun 23rd                           Brunch Run meet Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza 8.30am


Sun 7th                            MSCA  6hr Regularity Relay Mallala

Tues 16th                         General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Fri-Sun 19th-21st               Annual Weekender – meet from 9.00am Zeea’s Eatery Glenunga

Tues 23rd                         Informal Lunch – Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon

Sun 28th                           Modern Regularity  Mallala


Social Snapshot – Feb / Mar 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Christmas and New Year celebrations are now well behind us and we are almost a quarter of the way through 2017.

The Ice Cream run to Noonies was well attended, as usual, with many people enjoying fish & chips, coffee, donuts and of course Ice Cream.   The night was very pleasant with no wind and a lovely sunset.    Noonies love having the Club each year.

All British Day on 12th February was apparently not very well attended and despite there being over 30 cars entered far less than that turned up on the day.    The weather was ideal for a day in the hills, not too hot nor too cold, no rain just pleasant.   Maybe the Day has become too much the same.   I heard a member say at the meeting that maybe the event should be held bi-annually rather than annually – food for thought maybe?

The run this month (Sunday 19th March) is an afternoon meet with an early chicken & salad dinner provided by the Club.   Peggy is the main organiser and we would like an indication of those who will be attending for catering purposes.    We anticipate you being home before it is dark, so not having to rely on the poor, by today’s standards, TRiumph lights!!

In April Ian is organising the annual breakfast/brunch run ending up in Lyndoch, so after you have devoured a cooked brunch you could visit some wineries in the area before heading home.

The annual weekender is also well into the planning stages and once again Margie & Bill have organised an amazingly good value weekend, this year being 2 nights down at Meningie on the Coorong.   The details are in the magazine so we would suggest you get in early and “bag” your place as numbers are limited due to the accommodation available.

If anyone is interested in organising a mid week run please go ahead and do so as we have not included them in the calendar this year due to the lack of interest last year.

There are a number of months where we need someone to do either savoury or sweet supper.  Please, if you can help out, put your name forward so it does not fall back on the same people each month.

Hope to see you out and about in your TRusty TRiumph soon!!



An Evening in Haywood Park

Sunday, February 26th, 2017


An Evening in Haywood Park


Meet Haywood Park – Unley Park at 4.30pm

Park in Addiscombe Place off Grove St

(Same place as last year.)

Bring chairs, table, drinks and leave them with Sue and Me

Enjoy a run through the hills for about 3/4 hour

Returning  to the park at around 5.45pm.

Your chairs will be set up ready for you.

The Triumph Club will provide you with dinner of

Chicken and fresh salads

You can be home before dark

Any questions ring

Peg  0409 090 369 or Sue 0428 735 960

All British day 2017

Sunday, February 19th, 2017

All British day 2017.
The years just seem to get shorter. We enjoyed another successful day in the hills with lots of fine historic examples on display at this year’s All British day. We had 22 Triumphs on display this year and again a bit down on other years.
Although the weather did turn out a bit cool I was thankful it didn’t reach the temperatures experienced during the week.
After setting up the tents, getting the cars to position with the help of Kate Berlemon, and getting settled in, I did the rounds of the displays. It seemed like some other clubs were missing a few entrants also, as there was a fair bit of vacant land around, but after talking with a few officials it was said to have had around 750 cars and bikes across both fields.

There was a great take up of food and drink support as usual and old Merlin was there drowning out everyone when she fired up.
Tony Rutter volunteered his car for a display from D-Carb. The idea basically is to de-carb the engine using a mix of Hydrogen and Oxygen (A mix produced running through water charged in an intricate little box full of wires and voltage plate charged Via a host car) The suggestion was that it increases power; engine runs smoother, lower emissions and better fuel efficiency.
Several people discussed this at length with the team running the show, while Tony’s car took in the mix over a one hour period. There was a notable difference during the time it was being treated and both Tony and I discussed a follow up to see how it went on the way home. The team then offered to do another car so I presented mine allowing me to get a feel if this was a practical solution to an issue I have been dealing with over the past few months.
Without getting too involved in the run up to getting this done, I did notice that my car performed better the longer I drove it. I had no noticeable hunting at the lights, a condition that has been bugging me. Coasting down and leaving it in a higher gear than you would normally pull away in, I did feel that the car pulled away nicely with no lag. The Idle was smoother also. I pulled the plugs when I got home and there was still a carbon coating so I will be leaning the mix off a bit and looking at this again after the next run.
I received a follow up call from the company today and they were interested in how the car performed. They also told me that Tony was going back for another FREE clean as he still had issues. They also offered that to me and suggested that they would use a scope to look into the engine. I may do this when we get back from holidays in a few weeks.
The company have recently come over from the states and set up in the old Mitsubishi site to promote this process and equipment. They are well presented and have a very strong belief in this system.

If you are interested the web page is or on 0883113767.
They were also willing to come to the club one evening to talk with us some more.

Towards the end of the day the sun finally came out allowing for a very pleasant drive home.
I’m looking forward now to the next planned weekender, so watch out for details in Trak and at the next meeting.
Happy Triumphing
Ian Rigby

Quick Calendar to end of May 2017

Saturday, January 28th, 2017



Sun 12th                           All British Day – Echunga 10.00am onwards

Tues 21st                          General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 26th                           MSCA Picnic Virgara Winery 11.00am onwards



Thurs-Sun 2nd-5th              Clipsal

Sun 12th                           MSCA Super Sprint

Sun 19th                           Afternoon Run meet 4.30pm Haywood Park Unley Park

Tues 21st                          General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Tues 28th                         Informal Lunch – Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon



Tues 18th                         General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sun 23rd                           Brunch Run meet Civic Park opp Tea Tree Plaza 8.30am



Sun 7th                            Peter Hall 6hr Regularity

Tues 16th                         General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Fri-Sun 19th-21st           Annual Weekender – details TBA

Tues 23rd                         Informal Lunch – Cafe Buongiorno Mitcham 12.00 noon


President’s Report – February 2017

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

With Christmas and New Year Celebrations behind us we look forward to another TSOA calendar year. Our first meeting for the year on the 17th Jan was our informal meeting and thanks to Kevin McEnroe for bringing his Norton motor bike and Roger Lange for his ultra-modern slot car set.  My little TQ Speedcar also created good interest. Would have liked to have seen more boys toys on the stage though…. maybe next year.

First run for the year is the Annual Ice Cream Run on 28th January followed by the All British Day at Echunga on 12th February -if you have not entered your car, spectators are most welcome.  26th February is the Annual MSCA Picnic presentation day at Virgara Winery, Angle Vale. This is generally a very pleasant day and hoping for a good turn out to support our racing fraternity.  MSCA super sprint start on the 12th March.

Don’t forget to put March 19th in your social calendar for ‘An Evening in Heywood Park’ starting at 4.30pm for a scenic run followed by a chicken and salad dinner provided by the club.

Again your committee is working hard to provide a great mix of events but we need you to participate to make these events a success.

News Flash – date for our annual Weekender is 19th-21st May yes three days two nights….

Till we meet again

Bill Berlemon.

President’s Report – December 2016

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Presidents Report for December

It was nice to see some new members at our last general meeting for the year, and it is encouraging that the interest of Triumph’s and our club still remains strong. The future of our Club remains with its ability to attract new members and retain existing ones – hence our club display days like the day of Triumph and all British Day remain very relevant to the strength of our club.  We need to continue to promote ourselves to remain the successful club that it is. Making new members welcome remains paramount.

Talking of new members Bill Galler and his wife Chris took out the Annual Observation run on Sunday 20th November set by Alex and Sue Smithson. Bill’s Mk II Spitfire has come up a treat and the day was enjoyed in splendid weather with a BBQ Lunch at Lobethal.

Our next club function is the Christmas Dinner where Margie and I will receive our Life Membership Badges. We are looking forward to this great honour. Nearly 70 people have booked in so will as usual be a great night!

First meeting for 2017 will January 17th which is our informal night. I want to theme this night as a ‘big boys’ toys night’ – I will be bringing along my Vintage TQ Speedcar, Kevin McEnroe will be bringing a vintage motor bike, and two Soap Box cars have been entered.  Looking for more additions to make this a truly fun night …let me know if you have any special toys eg speedboat, quad bike, jet ski’s etc to bring along.  Greg will be holding an auction of surplus club books.

Margie and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Till we meet again

Bill Berlemon.