Christmas and New Year celebrations are now well behind us and we are almost a quarter of the way through 2017.
The Ice Cream run to Noonies was well attended, as usual, with many people enjoying fish & chips, coffee, donuts and of course Ice Cream. The night was very pleasant with no wind and a lovely sunset. Noonies love having the Club each year.
All British Day on 12th February was apparently not very well attended and despite there being over 30 cars entered far less than that turned up on the day. The weather was ideal for a day in the hills, not too hot nor too cold, no rain just pleasant. Maybe the Day has become too much the same. I heard a member say at the meeting that maybe the event should be held bi-annually rather than annually – food for thought maybe?
The run this month (Sunday 19th March) is an afternoon meet with an early chicken & salad dinner provided by the Club. Peggy is the main organiser and we would like an indication of those who will be attending for catering purposes. We anticipate you being home before it is dark, so not having to rely on the poor, by today’s standards, TRiumph lights!!
In April Ian is organising the annual breakfast/brunch run ending up in Lyndoch, so after you have devoured a cooked brunch you could visit some wineries in the area before heading home.
The annual weekender is also well into the planning stages and once again Margie & Bill have organised an amazingly good value weekend, this year being 2 nights down at Meningie on the Coorong. The details are in the magazine so we would suggest you get in early and “bag” your place as numbers are limited due to the accommodation available.
If anyone is interested in organising a mid week run please go ahead and do so as we have not included them in the calendar this year due to the lack of interest last year.
There are a number of months where we need someone to do either savoury or sweet supper. Please, if you can help out, put your name forward so it does not fall back on the same people each month.
Hope to see you out and about in your TRusty TRiumph soon!!