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Minutes of General Meeting held 20/11/18

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

Minutes of TSOA GENERAL MEETING held 20/11/18


Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     


  1. Welcome:
    • Apologies: John Wood; David Stephens, Colin White, Ivan Powell, Pete McIntyre, D & M Bogisch, Dominic Rechichi, Andy Hill, P & J Davidge
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Nil
    • Previous Minutes: Accepted without alteration Proposed by Geoff Ellis, seconded by Neil Martin.


  1. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
    • Ian arrived back from the Nationals on Saturday. Covered over 5000km in 2 weeks in his TR6 without any major issues. Ian reported the event was very well organised by the committee who were all first timers at planning such an event. 64 people attended and over 40 Triumphs were displayed on judging day. Ian has a USB device with photos of the week that will be displayed at an upcoming meeting.
    • WA Nationals itinerary is now on their club website.
    • Ian is seeking expressions of interest for a 2021 SA Nationals Sub Committee to start planning where etc. Any ideas are welcomed.


  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
    • FHMC Minutes of meeting were received. Duane highlighted that there are now reportedly over 25,000 cars on club registration, was 15,000 prior to July 1st 2017 changes.
    • FHMC also requested log book audit which has since been provided to them by Kevin Foster.
    • Duane has booked in a showroom tour of Richmond’s car dealer for January informal meeting at 7pm, 15/01/2019.
    • The State Library requested copy of July/Aug Trak magazine, correspondence was sent back to advise the publication is no longer being produced.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
    • Funds in bank are $49,489. Funds received for subscriptions, Christmas Dinner and regalia sales, funds out included purchase of regalia, general meeting costs, Day of Triumph expenses, Club Registration scheme expenses, Insurance and Trophies.
    • Alex has begun a trial of a new database system, “Our Car Club” to assist and synchronise the efforts of Membership and Club Registration officers. All members with emails will be sent an email via the new system to confirm their details. After a 2 month free trial, cost to club is $250 per annum. Members without email, or those who prefer paper, will be mailed renewals or notices.


  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent/Sue Gibson
    • The Early Morning run had 13 members attend, concluding at Café 1923 at Blackwood for morning tea.
    • 45 people are registered to attend the Christmas Dinner
    • Annual Ice Cream run is to be held on Saturday 19th Jan 2019 (one week earlier) to avoid car parking congestion issues. Meet Kmart Kurralta Park rear carpark at 7:30pm.
    • All British Day is on 10th February 2019.
    • Peggy will be approaching the executive committee to seek subsidies for several events next year to give more back to members who attend events.
    • Tony Harvie will be arranging mid-week runs next year, commencing 13th Feb at Zeeas eatery on Portrush road.


  1. Competition Report – Neil Martin
    • Trevor Lindsay competed at Winton Festival of Speed finishing 6th in one heat and 3rd in 2 other heats. Trevor also competed at Sandown and achieved three 2nd placings behind a Lotus.
    • Rod Carey also competed at Sandown finishing 7th in two events and 8th in another. Roger Lange commented that although the MG Car club had invited all other British Marques, Triumphs were the only other marque represented. Roger mentioned the commentators spoke favourably of the history of Rod Carey’s Spitfire.
    • Trevor Lindsay is competing at the Victoria Park Sprints as part of the Adelaide Motorsport Festival Dec 1st and 2nd.
    • Duane Kaak achieved a new Personal Best time at MSCA Superspint of 1:29.7. At a recent Regularity event Duane also participated but didn’t achieve any great results due to 2 separate spins on spillages on the track.
    • Andy Ansell and Neil Martin have both competed recently at Winton twice, one being the All Triumph Challenge. Andy received a trophy for Driver of the Day.
    • Andy Ansell & Neil Martin also competed at Wilby where Neil was sent out after a short delay in attempt to catch Andy on the track. They also competed at Legends of the Lake in Mt. Gambier where Neil achieved a new Personal Best time.
    • Last weekend Andy & Neil also competed at an Ararat Hillclimb event, helping SA to win a perpetual Peter Hall Memorial trophy against VIC. Victoria TSOA members Max Hayes and Ed Ferguson also participated.
    • Neil is registered to participate in a Phillip Island event in March 2019.


  1. Library ReportBill Berlemon
    • Bill advised library was open for business
    • Neil Martin is purchasing a copy of a Spitfire DVD to donate to the library that contains information and articles about Rod Carey and Andy Ansell’s Spitfires.


  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
    • Sue reported that the Day Of Triumph resulted in $100 of regalia sales.
    • A full range of sizes is now in stock for most shirts including black/chequered polo shirts and chambray/denim type.
    • Due to Beanies selling out, more were ordered and are now in stock.
    • Tonight is the last chance to buy regalia until next formal meeting in February 2019.


  1. Magazine Editor’s Report Ian Rigby on Behalf of M & D Bogisch

9.1  The E-Tread magazine received from interstate TSOA was passed on to SA members in addition to a FasTRak. Although quite comprehensive it is also potentially no longer to be produced due to position vacant.


  1. Website Report – Roger Lange
    • Roger sought show of hands of members present to see who had attempted to access the website today. Approx 5 members indicated.
    • Roger is happy to load any content or material on the Club Website if it is submitted to him.


  1. Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

Nil Report


  1. General Business
    • Kevin McEnroe thanked TSOA for the combined effort at their display day and read out favourable comments from TR Register attendees that have been published in the National TR Register magazine.
    • This weekend Ian Rigby and Duane Kaak are using & displaying their Triumphs in a Wedding at Willunga. Any other members are also able to attend to make it a fun social day and show off the marque.


  1. Cars or Parts For Sale or Wanted.
    • Graham Dean approached an owner of a Stag as a potential new member. Owner is wanting to sell Stag and provided 3 pages of details re modifications to Graham. Has a Holden 253ci Motor fitted. Details contact Graham.
    • Tony Rutter advised he is going to sell his TR4. Contact him for further details.
    • A member donated a Dolomite Distributor cap; Duane Kaak accepted it.


  1. Raffle

Won by Gary Buckton and Natalie Farrell.


  1. Cars on Stage – Nil


  1. Supper.


Thanks to Dianne Falzon & Fay Esau


17         Meeting Closed:           9:15pm.           

President’s Report – October 2018

Friday, November 2nd, 2018


President’s report October 2018

What a month!

After watching the weather do whatever it wanted on the lead up to the Annual All Triumph Display day, we thankfully bagged a good one.

Firstly I would like to thank all those that helped in the days prior to and on the day. It is certainly one of the events that need’s that kind of support to make everything run to plan.

My support crew (judging and scoring) did a great job and we, the club and I, appreciate the time that you took from the day to glance over our cars.

I was amazed at the number of TR5s that we had, along with all of the other designs that turned up, especially seeing that we move the day to Saturday and not the usual Sunday.

I also enjoyed seeing the range of TR6’s, Stags and also Carolyn Byrne’s  little Triumph Herald Coupe.

This year, like most know, we combined the day with the TR Register who were running their National event and I think all would agree with those cars added to ours and a scattering of several others it made quite a display.

105 cars turned up on the day and significantly took over Wigley Reserve.

Special thanks also go to Richmond’s, who brought one a red TR3 along to the show.

The TR Register put on a great show with I think 65 cars on display. Some of these included the Swallow Doretti, a low volume special that is comprised of mainly Triumph mechanicals. Not something that I have seen before and there were seven on display. Just fantastic!

At the end of a very long day, for some of us, I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Register dinner that night.

It was one of those days that I seemed to have several new experiences. I actually caught the train and the tram to the event. VERY educational indeed.

It was also here that I found that some in the Triumph community keep their after dark secrets hidden. I found these 2 cruising around the place. Pity they didn’t dress up like the rest did. Great job Noel and Cindy. 

I also found out that some of our members have unique talents. Harmonica sound mixed in with the very talented band on the evening. The person blowing all the wind was our very own David Stephens. (Or should I say Uncle Fester)

I think that on the day there were a few enquiries to join the club and several people who were very interested in talking more about taking part with the club runs.

Not sure what our club made on the day with clothing sales but the TR register had a great response to their sale of club apparel and took in a substantial amount on the day. Thanks to Sue Smithson for supporting us on her busy day.

I have also had several people ring and message me with parts for sale for Triumph and Vanguard  parts and a full TR6 (Left hand drive) that would make a good project I think.

Both will be up on the net in our parts for sale or wanted very soon.

I’ll be away for the next 2 weeks leaving on the 2nd to the Queensland Nationals.

After sorting the saloon out ready for the display day and doing the usual checks and service I finally got around to getting the TR 6 ready for the run.

I should be back for the next meeting where I can report on that event and hopefully catch up with our social ladies who will be super excited with the numbers that are coming to the dinner and trophy presentations.

So that all being said now to the results from the day.

Outright winner on the day: Noel & Cindy Schmidt

2nd outright: David Stephens

3rd Outright: Robert Schaefer.                       The margins between these 3 were VERY close!


Tr2/3/3A3B:              Noel & Cindy Schmidt             TR3A

TR4/4A/5 : 3 place getters.

  • 1st             Robert Schaefer  TR5
  • 2nd             Ian Burman     TR5
  • 3rd:             John Tuohy      TR5

TR6 : 3 place getters

  • 1St             Dino Vettese
  • 2nd             Robert Schaefer
  • 3rd             Ian Burnett

TR 7/8:                        Richard Sutherland     TR8

Saloon:                      John Tuohy      3 years in a row now progressed to Master Class.

Dolomite:                   Steve McCready

Herald Vitesse:           Carolyn Byrne             Herald Coupe

Michelotti Trophy :    Robert Schaefer

TR Register Trophy :  Noel & Cindy Schmidt

Harris Mann Trophy : Richard Sutherland


Pride of Ownership.

Tr2/3/3A3B:               Robert Powell             TR2

TR4/4A/5:                   Keith Williams             TR5

TR6:                             Alex Smithson

TR 7/8:                        Dean Bogisch              TR7

Spitfire / GT6:             Graham Jones             GT6

Stag:                            Duane Kaak

Saloon:                       Bill Berlemon

So now what:

With the Xmas dinner almost on us and the trophies are all sorted how about take the time to send in the form and make payment that way we all get to congratulate the winners when the trophies are handed over.

Next year get inspired and you have 12 months to polish everything shiny, clean under the hood, tidy up the inside and come out to challenge the winners from this year.

It’s a great day to be involved AND have a great time mixing with fellow club members.

On closing I put out a special thankyou to both David Stephens and Ivan Powell who were both fantastic to deal with in getting the display day up and running with both of our clubs and I think we should do more of this in the future.

Best regards and see you all again soon.

Ian Rigby

TSOA President.

Minutes of General Meeting 16/10/18

Monday, October 22nd, 2018


 Meeting Opened at 8:03pm     


    • Apologies: Neil Martin, Dean & Marg Bogisch, David Stephens, Roger Lange, Fay Esau, Peter & Julie Davidge, Andy Hill.
    • Guests/Visitors/New Members: Mark Newman (Spitfire MK1)
    • Previous Minutes: Proposed accepted without alteration by John Wood, seconded by Peggy Argent.

 2.Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

2.1 Last month was busier than usual with phone calls and contact, mostly due to upcoming Day Of Triumph.

2.2 Website has some new content, a blog of owning and restoring a Saloon by member Russell Ayers, along with Roger Lange’s Dolomite restoration progress.

2.3 No new volunteer as yet for Trak Magazine editor.

2.4 Only a low number of people have RSVP for Christmas Dinner, please register tonight even if need to pay later.

  1. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

3.1 Invitation received to join Sprite Club for an evening cruise on Saturday October 20th.

3.2 Richmond’s Car Sales have also invited our club for a tour of their facilities and cars on show after hours. Duane to arrange due to good level of interest.

3.3 Stag Owners Club has been invited to display their cars at Day of Triumph to help us reach a goal of 100 Triumphs.

3.4 Some other club magazines received and available to take home and borrow.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

4.1 Just over $50,900 in bank.

4.2 Income received for advertising and Christmas Dinner payments.

4.3 Main expenses out were Meeting Costs, Administration costs and Observation Run costs.

  1. Social Report – Peggy Argent

5.1 Reminder of Christmas Dinner on December 1st.

5.2 Congratulations expressed to Alex Smithson as the winner of the Observation Run.

5.3 Day of Triumph this Saturday, arrive from 8:30am.

5.4 TSOA National Meeting is on 5 – 11 November.

5.5 Sunday 18th November is an early morning run leaving 939 Marion Road (Officeworks Carpark) and ending for Brunch and or Coffee near Blackwood.

5.6 Volunteers needed for runs next year. 

  1. Competition Report – Duane Kaak

6.1 This coming weekend Neil Martin & Andy Ansell will be competing in a Hillclimb at Mt Tarrengower, near Bendigo in Victoria.

6.2 October 28th is the final MSCA Supersprint of the year, Duane will be competing. Spectators welcome.

6.3 Neil and Andy will also be competing at Legends of the Lake in Mt Gambier in November.

  1. Library ReportGreg Page

7.1 Nothing new added – open for business 

  1. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

8.1 Sue will have Regalia for Sale at the Day of Triumph this weekend, buy tonight to avoid disappointment.

8.2 Some new items have been ordered and due to be at next month’s meeting for sale.

8.3 Beanies sold quickly and there are only 3 remaining.

  1. Magazine Editor’s Report Vacant

9.1 Ian advised that the Club will continue to distribute communication via email, through the previous editors. Any suggestions on what you want to receive via email are welcome to be passed to Ian.

  1. Website Report – Roger Lange

No Report

  Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

11.1 Overall fairly quiet a few new cars have been added, but also a few have been sold.

 General Business

12.1 Geoff Ellis advised All British Day (ABD) entries are now open, all previous entrants should have received an invite – contact ABD if you didn’t receive yours. Entries close early to mid November, or if capacity is reached earlier. Oval 2 has had new irrigation installed and will be just as green as oval 1 this year. Theme is British Racing Heritage and some Triumph Competition cars will be on display in the spirit of the theme.

12.2 Day of Triumph – any TSOA members who are also a part of the TR Register Nationals are still eligible to enter their cars into the TSOA Concours and Pride of Ownership competition. 65 TR Register cars will be on display and our aim is for 100 Triumphs in total. Any member with a Drone was sought to take an aerial shot.

 Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted

13.1 TSOA Member Russell Ayers whose blog is on our Website, is seeking a red front seat for a saloon.

  1. Raffle – Waterless Car Wash kit won by Bill Berlemon

 Cars on Stage – Nil

  1. Supper – Thanks to Sue Gibson & Peggy Argent

17    Meeting Closed: 8:50pm                       

In Memory of Ron Fergusson

Monday, October 15th, 2018

October 13, 2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of TSOA of SA co-founder Ronald John  Fergusson, when aged only 66.

Ron was the driving force behind the formation of the club when, in April of 1965, after purchasing a TR3, he convinced Tony Case, who owned a TR2, that he should join him as joint co-founder of the Triumph Sports Owners Association SA Branch Inc.

In October of that year when a constitution was put in place, the revolutions were no longer idle, and the Club was official.

Day of Triumph 2018

Monday, October 15th, 2018



Saturday OCTOBER 20th 2018

Wigley Reserve, Glenelg

In conjunction with the TR Register Nationals Show and Shine / Concours

This promises to be a big day for the Triumph marque . . . make it even bigger by being there yourself with your Triumph!

note the date/day – it is a Saturday this year

Information regarding Judging for Concours and Pride of Ownership

Concours Section
All cars must be driven onto the judging site (except competition vehicles which may be trailered).
Entrants must score a minimum of 70% of the total points available in presentation section to be eligible for a Class or Outright trophy.
Standard classes will be – TR2/3/3A/3B, TR4/4A/5, TR6, TR7/8, Stag, Saloon, Dolomite, Spitfire/GT6, Herald/Vitesse, Pre 54 and Competition Classes may be split/combined depending on the number of entrants in each Class. This will be determined by DOT Officials on the day.
Judges will award points for each car up to a maximum of 750 possible points in 5 judging sections as follows –
. Exterior (170 points) – if convertible, the soft top must be erected and any tonneau/s displayed
. Engine bay (140 points)
. Underside (100 points)
. Wheels & tyres/boot (170 points) – boot must be left open or at least unlocked, with spare wheel, tools etc available for judging
. Interior (170 points)
Cars will NOT be judged on originality except in the event of a tie when the cars will be marked out of 250 points in accordance with the Concours table.
In the event of a tie “originality” for each model shall be broadly determined as any equipment or manufacturing (i.e. official works modifications) produced by the original car manufacturer or an approved option available for that model.

Masters Class
Cars that win their Class for 3 years running, or win outright for 2 years running, will be placed in a Masters Class and are ineligible to enter the standard Concours Classes for 2 years. Masters Class Awards will be given to all Masters Class cars in attendance.

Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Overall place getters on the day. The Register Trophy (TR2/3/3A and 3B), The Michelotti Trophy (TR4/4A/5) and The Harris Mann Trophy (TR7/8), will be awarded to the highest points achieved in that Class. Where the winner is also the winner of a Concours Class only one personal trophy will be awarded.
Trophies will be awarded to 1st place only if 3 or fewer cars are entered in a Class and 1st and 2nd place if 4 or more cars are entered.

Pride of Ownership Section
Entrants will be scored on presentation only (originality will not be considered)
Judging will follow the processes outlined in the Concours section, except the underside will not be considered. Standard classes will be – TR2/3/3A/3B, TR4/4A/5, TR6, TR7/8, Stag, Saloon, Dolomite, Spitfire/GT6, Herald/Vitesse, Pre-54, and competition.
Restoration projects may be considered depending on what is presented on the day.
Classes may be split/combined depending on the number of entrants in each Class – to be determined by DOT Officials on the day.
Masters Class cars are ineligible to enter POO section until 2 years after their Masters Class qualification.
Trophies will be awarded to Class winners only.

Calendar to 31/12/18

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Calendar – September to December 2018


Sun 14th – MSCA Super Sprint

Tues 16th – General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm

Sat 20th – Day of Triumph Wigley Reserve Glenelg 8.00am-3.00pm in conjunction with TR Register National Show & Shine


Mon 5th-Sun 11th – Queensland Nationals

Sun 18th – Early morning run, meet 8am Officeworks carpark 939 Marion Road Mitchell Park

Tues 20th – General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley 8.00pm


Sat 1st – Annual Christmas Dinner & Trophy Presentation Royal Adelaide Golf Club 6.30pm for 7.00pm.

President’s Report – September 2018

Monday, October 15th, 2018

President’s Report – September 2018

At this month’s General meeting I discussed a few tidy up issues and what we will do in the short term regarding club communication. For those who attend the meeting we normally formally accept the minutes reported in the hard copy magazine. My question to everyone was do we now do the same for electronic. In this instance, after a short what for, we did.

An extract from the Constitution supports the question and statement so will therefore be the norm from now on.

The TRak Magazine will continue to be electronically distributed for now, until we have someone willing to take on the Editor position, if at all, the hard copy ceases to exist.

The timing of messages will be subject to importance and TRak will be when we have enough detail for the membership to have a read. I suggested that if we do have someone willing to help that we look into doing 2 big editions rather than bi-monthly. Electronic will fill the gaps. We were also contacted from other states asking if we were happy to swap stories for inclusion and this is being looked into.

I was contacted by Graeme White TSOA Victoria who has given permission to present his supplied story to me after seeing a picture on our page that he wanted to use. The monthly minutes will be posted each month as we are required to do.

This month, one of the members put their case forward that we don’t need the TRak and also stated that in their opinion we don’t need the Nationals. I’m a little bit more optimistic and hope that we will continue to do both. Not everyone can make the meetings or like to read sitting at the computer. Interstate also like to receive news from us. I will be at the Queensland Nationals this year and will report on that when I return. It’s one event where all states can get together to have a good time and hopefully showcase their club and areas.

With the year slowly coming to a close we are getting ready for the last few big events. The last run held on the 23rd of this month was an event that we never know how many will turn up for. This year we eliminated the need for the winner to develop the next year’s run. Not sure if this had the effect but it was great to see several cars that don’t normally enjoy these days and it was a great turn out. Thanks to Rory and Sue for holding the event.

I didn’t do the full run as I needed to bring items that not even I can fit in a TR6. I’m sure that the rest who did venture deeper into the hills had a great run.
The end of run BBQ went off well and thanks again to Sue and Peggy for helping with the food prep prior to everyone turning up.

Congratulations to the winners

• 1st Place: Alex Smithson      • Second Place: Roger and Cherri Lange      • Third place: Noel and Cindy Schmidt

Now it’s time to get ready for this year’s Triumph Display day. As previously reported, this year we will be additional to the TR Register Nationals. We would love to see as many TSOA members out on October the 20th at Wigley Reserve Glenelg from 8.30 and join in with the 63 side screen cars that will be on display. Entry to the field is at the bottom end of Anzac Highway, go around the roundabout and enter the area on the left. It will be manned and signed.

I will also be needing help with our judging as we will be running our event as normal alongside their display. So please put it on your calendar and let’s make the display another one to remember.

The trophies will again be presented at the annual Christmas dinner that will be held on Saturday the 1st December. We have sent out the flyer but if you missed it, please contact Sue or Peggy (or me) and we will make sure you get the right details. The night commences with a Happy Hour, 3 course meal – $45 Members. Famous quote “Now that’s a bargain” $60 non Members.

See you all next time on the road or at the club.

Kind regards
Ian Rigby

Social Snapshot – September 2018

Monday, October 15th, 2018


Many thanks to Sue and Rory for organising a great Observation Run and the food on 23rd September, finishing at McLaren Vale for a club sponsored BBQ lunch, and to Ian, our BBQ head chef of the day. It was a great drive and the countryside is lovely and green at this time of year with many of the dams full. It was lovely to see many Triumphs with the tops off in the beautiful spring weather. Also good to see a few young ones with us for the run. The run had three stops for questions, the first being at Meadows where we had a coffee and answers to find around the Mawson Café. Then on to Prospect Hill for more answer searching time, and final stop at McLaren Flat, moving on to the Bocce Club grounds for our lunch. Alex was a clear winner with Roger & Cherri second and Noel and Cindy taking out third place. Well done to all. This year we did things a little differently with announcing at the meeting on 18th September, that the winner will not have to set the run next year – we already have an undisclosed person who is happy to set next year’s run.

We have just had our last informal lunch for the year, which indicates it is not long to Christmas, just 90 days.

The DAY OF TRIUMPH is the next big thing on the calendar, SATURDAY October 20th, we are holding our day in conjunction with the TR REGISTER’S National Rally Show & Shine at Wigley Reserve Glenelg. We have heard that there are around 63 TR’S attending their National Rally. So come along & bring your Triumph, can we outdo the Register TR’S? Your car doesn’t have to be judged if you don’t want it to be it’s all about showing your Triumph. Yes it is on SATURDAY 20th OCTOBER .

November 18th will be an EMR Early Morning Run, beach side finishing near Blackwood for Coffee or if you prefer, Brunch with moderate prices. Meeting at Officeworks, 939 Marion Road, Mitchell Park at 8am. For more information contact Peg 0409 090 369

Christmas Dinner and Trophy Presentation on 1st December. Please book early, $45. Members, $60 Non members for a three course dinner at the Royal Adelaide Golf Club.

Thanks to Dianne and Fay for offering to do supper at the November meeting.

If anyone would like to set a run in the new year please contact us as we are working on the 2019 calendar.

Cheers Peggy-Sue

Evening Run – After the Day of Triumph

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

I’m going to do this run whilst my Triumph is all shiny from the Day of Triumph and I have used a day in my logbook! All Triumphs are welcome.


The Sprite Club of South Australia will be cruising again for the first time this season on the evening of Oct 20th  . As usual this is a low key short sharp and hopefully shiny evening to display sports cars. Gathering in the Target shopping centre car park on the corner of Tapleys hill Rd and Valetta Rd Kidman Park at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 departure. As usual we would like to be joined by any interested  sports car, clubman, etc drivers. We are not too fussy about what constitutes a classic sports car. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration. Sun is scheduled to dip into the gulf of St Vincent at 7:33 on this day. The route will hopefully keep the glare behind us.

Depart the shopping centre car park in a southerly direction.

Follow Tapleys hill Rd to Sir Donald Bradman Rd and turn left.

Follow Sir Donald Bradman Rd to West Trc.  and turn left.

Drive along West Trc. Follow city ring route Park Trc. Hackney Rd. Dequetterville Trc.

Hard left turn at the Victoria round about onto Fullarton Rd.

Turn right onto the Parade. (We tend to attract a bit of attention here.)

Follow the Parade up to Glynburn Rd. and turn left.

Follow Glyburn Rd to K mart on your left hand side.

There will be a short presentation at K mart.

Route maps will be available at the departure point.

If the bureau predicts above 36 deg or more than a 20% chance of rain the Cruise will be postponed.

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email

2500S Project

Friday, September 28th, 2018

Hi all,

I’ve been writing a blog on my 2500 project(s) in case anyone fancies a look 🙂

I’m also on the lookout for some red vinyl interior parts – have placed an ad in the wanted section.

