Minutes of General Meeting held 20/11/18
Tuesday, November 27th, 2018Minutes of TSOA GENERAL MEETING held 20/11/18
Meeting Opened at 8:03pm
- Welcome:
- Apologies: John Wood; David Stephens, Colin White, Ivan Powell, Pete McIntyre, D & M Bogisch, Dominic Rechichi, Andy Hill, P & J Davidge
- Guests/Visitors/New Members: Nil
- Previous Minutes: Accepted without alteration Proposed by Geoff Ellis, seconded by Neil Martin.
- Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
- Ian arrived back from the Nationals on Saturday. Covered over 5000km in 2 weeks in his TR6 without any major issues. Ian reported the event was very well organised by the committee who were all first timers at planning such an event. 64 people attended and over 40 Triumphs were displayed on judging day. Ian has a USB device with photos of the week that will be displayed at an upcoming meeting.
- WA Nationals itinerary is now on their club website.
- Ian is seeking expressions of interest for a 2021 SA Nationals Sub Committee to start planning where etc. Any ideas are welcomed.
- Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
- FHMC Minutes of meeting were received. Duane highlighted that there are now reportedly over 25,000 cars on club registration, was 15,000 prior to July 1st 2017 changes.
- FHMC also requested log book audit which has since been provided to them by Kevin Foster.
- Duane has booked in a showroom tour of Richmond’s car dealer for January informal meeting at 7pm, 15/01/2019.
- The State Library requested copy of July/Aug Trak magazine, correspondence was sent back to advise the publication is no longer being produced.
- Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
- Funds in bank are $49,489. Funds received for subscriptions, Christmas Dinner and regalia sales, funds out included purchase of regalia, general meeting costs, Day of Triumph expenses, Club Registration scheme expenses, Insurance and Trophies.
- Alex has begun a trial of a new database system, “Our Car Club” to assist and synchronise the efforts of Membership and Club Registration officers. All members with emails will be sent an email via the new system to confirm their details. After a 2 month free trial, cost to club is $250 per annum. Members without email, or those who prefer paper, will be mailed renewals or notices.
- Social Report – Peggy Argent/Sue Gibson
- The Early Morning run had 13 members attend, concluding at Café 1923 at Blackwood for morning tea.
- 45 people are registered to attend the Christmas Dinner
- Annual Ice Cream run is to be held on Saturday 19th Jan 2019 (one week earlier) to avoid car parking congestion issues. Meet Kmart Kurralta Park rear carpark at 7:30pm.
- All British Day is on 10th February 2019.
- Peggy will be approaching the executive committee to seek subsidies for several events next year to give more back to members who attend events.
- Tony Harvie will be arranging mid-week runs next year, commencing 13th Feb at Zeeas eatery on Portrush road.
- Competition Report – Neil Martin
- Trevor Lindsay competed at Winton Festival of Speed finishing 6th in one heat and 3rd in 2 other heats. Trevor also competed at Sandown and achieved three 2nd placings behind a Lotus.
- Rod Carey also competed at Sandown finishing 7th in two events and 8th in another. Roger Lange commented that although the MG Car club had invited all other British Marques, Triumphs were the only other marque represented. Roger mentioned the commentators spoke favourably of the history of Rod Carey’s Spitfire.
- Trevor Lindsay is competing at the Victoria Park Sprints as part of the Adelaide Motorsport Festival Dec 1st and 2nd.
- Duane Kaak achieved a new Personal Best time at MSCA Superspint of 1:29.7. At a recent Regularity event Duane also participated but didn’t achieve any great results due to 2 separate spins on spillages on the track.
- Andy Ansell and Neil Martin have both competed recently at Winton twice, one being the All Triumph Challenge. Andy received a trophy for Driver of the Day.
- Andy Ansell & Neil Martin also competed at Wilby where Neil was sent out after a short delay in attempt to catch Andy on the track. They also competed at Legends of the Lake in Mt. Gambier where Neil achieved a new Personal Best time.
- Last weekend Andy & Neil also competed at an Ararat Hillclimb event, helping SA to win a perpetual Peter Hall Memorial trophy against VIC. Victoria TSOA members Max Hayes and Ed Ferguson also participated.
- Neil is registered to participate in a Phillip Island event in March 2019.
- Library Report – Bill Berlemon
- Bill advised library was open for business
- Neil Martin is purchasing a copy of a Spitfire DVD to donate to the library that contains information and articles about Rod Carey and Andy Ansell’s Spitfires.
- Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
- Sue reported that the Day Of Triumph resulted in $100 of regalia sales.
- A full range of sizes is now in stock for most shirts including black/chequered polo shirts and chambray/denim type.
- Due to Beanies selling out, more were ordered and are now in stock.
- Tonight is the last chance to buy regalia until next formal meeting in February 2019.
- Magazine Editor’s Report – Ian Rigby on Behalf of M & D Bogisch
9.1 The E-Tread magazine received from interstate TSOA was passed on to SA members in addition to a FasTRak. Although quite comprehensive it is also potentially no longer to be produced due to position vacant.
- Website Report – Roger Lange
- Roger sought show of hands of members present to see who had attempted to access the website today. Approx 5 members indicated.
- Roger is happy to load any content or material on the Club Website if it is submitted to him.
- Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster
Nil Report
- General Business
- Kevin McEnroe thanked TSOA for the combined effort at their display day and read out favourable comments from TR Register attendees that have been published in the National TR Register magazine.
- This weekend Ian Rigby and Duane Kaak are using & displaying their Triumphs in a Wedding at Willunga. Any other members are also able to attend to make it a fun social day and show off the marque.
- Cars or Parts For Sale or Wanted.
- Graham Dean approached an owner of a Stag as a potential new member. Owner is wanting to sell Stag and provided 3 pages of details re modifications to Graham. Has a Holden 253ci Motor fitted. Details contact Graham.
- Tony Rutter advised he is going to sell his TR4. Contact him for further details.
- A member donated a Dolomite Distributor cap; Duane Kaak accepted it.
- Raffle
Won by Gary Buckton and Natalie Farrell.
- Cars on Stage – Nil
- Supper.
Thanks to Dianne Falzon & Fay Esau
17 Meeting Closed: 9:15pm.