President report November 2018
A big Thankyou this month must go to Alex Smithson.
Alex has been working heavily on getting our club to a position with reporting and logging of club information on a new electronic system. This was discussed some months back and the main reason that subs increased this year to cover this move. We are now into a 2 month free trial but initial view is that it looks very promising.
As the year comes to a close we will have our end of year dinner and Trophy presentations.
This looks to be at risk next year as the numbers have been getting less and less. We need a reasonable number to secure this event. I will be having a conversation with the rest of the committee in the new year to work out a solution for us but if you have an idea that would help promote this please contact any of the committee or our ever pleasant social ladies who would be more than happy to listen.
My Nationals story:
Most may know that I have recently been motoring around in Queensland on what was a fantastic Nationals week, amongst other TSOA members. The Queensland team did an outstanding job keeping everyone entertained, fed, looked after and made to feel very welcome. Knowing the difficulties that a Nationals can present I think it went off very smoothly especially knowing that the team had never been involved in organizing this kind of event before.
Hats off to Queensland for a job well done.
I left Adelaide for the Queensland Nationals on the 2nd November and I’m happy that I took the journey.
I spent the first 3 days travelling across the bottom end of SA, Victoria and into NSW up to Coolangatta to meet up with wife Raelene. She had taken the easy option to fly and spend time with our daughter and grandchildren before I arrived.
Day 1
After spending Sunday night with them we left for Peppers resort at Salt, Kingscliff for the first day and welcome dinner. We were met in the main lobby by the Nationals team, who handed us our information for the week a Nationals gift of Cooler bag, bottle of wine regalia scarfs and sponsorship info.
We had a few initial sorting out details with the room before we met the rest for the first of many well-presented meals and missed the first Iron Man on the beach, but another state kindly represented us in that event. The dinner was a casual beach theme.
There was no shortage of food or drink on any day and the resort also knew how to throw on a great breakfast.
Day 2
This was the show and shine event held on the lawns next to the resort and in walking distance for the days function in support of the Melbourne Cup. We had 40 Triumphs on display and mostly covered all styles. There was a Concours event with a handful of cars presented for this but the black TR5 took out the honors. (Front left in the picture)

I was fortunate enough to win a challenge that ran during the course of the dinner and up to the main horse race. After an intense ending that had 3 of us remaining from a field of 50, 2 of us were left standing after much banter on who would win. The final prize was shared and we both walked away a little richer. (Just for interest: turns out my number was the last but we agreed to go 50/50 before the final draw)
Day 3
This for some was Race day at Norwell and an alternate event to Byron Bay by Bus (or car) for the other group. I can’t report too much on the race event but listening to those that ventured that way had a day of fun racing around the track.
Raelene and I chose to take the car on the alternate run and after arriving at Byron Bay we took a tour around the back streets and found a few places of interest to us. Interesting that each time I pulled up someone approached me to either talk about the Triumph or tell me of their own. A really nice couple approached me while Raelene was in a baby shop and he invited me back to his place to have a look at his TR5. Unfortunately, time didn’t allow for this, but I have his card and will call past one day in the future I hope. We then went to meet the rest at the light house for morning tea but with the difficulty finding a park we ventured back down the hill and did a bit of a walk around the main streets. I was told that the morning tea put on was fantastic with again more food that no one could finish. We caught up with everyone at the next stop in Bungalow and spent a few hours for lunch and also tramping through the boutique shops.
Day 4
After another big breakfast the groups were divided into 2. Team one went in one direction and Team 2 driving in the opposite direction. Some roads were, at times, bumpy but the scenery and meeting places made it well worth the drive. I quickly worked out that the little TR4 I was following was not standard as it kept disappearing around the bends. However, the driver and owner Graeme Spender, one of the Nationals committee, did well by always waiting for the rest of the field and we mostly travelled in a line of Triumphs that were welcomed in all the little towns as we drove through. This level of effort to keep the group together worked really well and made for maximum impact throughout the day.
The evening was an Ironman barefoot bowls event with a well-organized BBQ at Kingscliff bowls club.

Day 5
Today was a relaxed drive / Observation run to Murwillumbah and some took in the planned movie while others looked around the town. The evening meal was a really special one held close by at the Margaret Olley Gallery where we were met with platters of food (on top of the planned meal) while we enjoyed the happy hour and amazing sunset looking out over the hill view.

Day 6
This was the second day run and alternated across the groups through another well thought out drive across a great variety of roads that eventually took us to a little pub in a place called Uki (for our group) then back to the resort for the final dinner and presentations for the racing and also for others that were caught out for different reasons but winning them a bottle of wine. There were several auctions also held during the evening for items supplied with the main event for a dinner and accommodation that was given to the group from the owner of the restaurant at Margaret Olley. Proceeds went to Charity.
WA then made their pitch for next year at Margaret River and pretty much straight away Raelene nominated that we would be going.
The info can be found on their web page with all the current details
Note: Next year is the 40th anniversary of the Nationals and the 50th anniversary of the TR6. Not one to be missed I think.
Day 7
This was our final Nationals morning. After another great breakfast and catching up with the groups for the final time Raelene and I headed back to our daughter’s place to spend some more time with them before I hit the road home. Looking at what my little TR needed to fit in it for the drive my boot rack had its first ever use.
Yes it all did fit!

The road home
I left Queensland on Thursday 22nd late afternoon having spent some time with the granddaughter at her school. It was only a short drive the first day as I didn’t want to challenge the Roos at night.
The next day I called into the Parks Observatory then onto Forbes motor museum. I was fortunate to spend a bit of time with the owner again looking over several newly placed cars amongst the older ones he has.
My final day on the road was a long one and I arrived home after covering 5,436 Kilometers in total and burning 508 liters of fuel with a final average around 30Mpg. 800 Kilometers of the trip was done during the week of the Nationals so a fair bit of ground covered with them and no hint of any trouble with the TR6.
The Next experience.
This last weekend Duane, my son Adrian and I helped out a lady named Georgia with her wedding. She contacted me after talking with Power tune and asked if we had cars that she could have for her wedding. After an initial contact with her she was going to speak with me at the display day but had dental surgery so could not make it.

So, what have you been doing with your Triumph? Tell us your story.
On another note.
You never kow when a classic is going to turn up or where. I have seen stories of old bikes being removed from between walls when renovations being done have exposed it. Or a classic Ferrari being uncovered from an underground grave but never one 200 feet below the surface in a lake.

This 1927 Chev coupe was found on the shipwreck Mansoo that went down in 1928, Found 200 feet down in Lake Huron Georgian bay.
They won’t raise the ship but are considering bringing up the car.
Regards Ian Rigby