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Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019


Sun 29th        Club Run to Birdwood Motor Museum – CANCELLED


Sun 19th         Club run to Mt Compass Tavern – CANCELLED

Tues 21st        General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley – CANCELLED


Sun 3rd          MSCA 6-Hour Regularity Relay – Mallala – CANCELLED

Wed 13th       Mid-Week Run – meet The Pavillion, Greenhill Rd Burnside – CANCELLED

Tues 19th        General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road Unley – CANCELLED

Fri 22nd – Sun 24th     Annual Weekender – DATE CHANGE TO FRI 31/7 TO SUN 2/8


General Meeting Minutes 19 February 2019

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019


 Meeting Opened at 8:04pm     


  • Apologies: Geoff Ellis, Richard Sutherland, Kate Tuohy & Shane Dix, Andy Hill, P & J Davidge
  • Guests/Visitors/New Members: New Member – Jim Scott 1971 TR6
  • Previous Minutes: Accepted without alteration Proposed by David Stephens, seconded by Neil Martin.

 Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

  • The informal meeting in January at Richmonds’ Car Sales was well attended despite being hot weather. Great cars on display.
  • Ice Cream run had a terrific turnout and was an excellent event.
  • All British Day was a tight squeeze to fit every vehicle in. 58 vehicles entered to display with us and a few other Triumphs were also on display in other club areas. Thanks expressed to Bill for bringing the extra marquees and also to Geoff Ellis for representing us at the Committee level.
  • The Executive Committee met earlier tonight and discussed social events. A tick sheet is on tables at tonights meeting to gain feedback about types of events that members would be interested in attending. The idea of having a Presentation night in lieu of a Christmas Dinner was also discussed and feedback is welcomed.

Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

  • We received some applications for membership; usual other club magazines; FHMC minutes which have been passed on to Historic Registration officers for review.
  • Stag Owners Club has invited all TSOA members to participate or spectate at their Annual “Herding of the Stags” on March 31st.
  • A gentleman has contacted us to offer a free 2500TC Saloon that has been garaged for 19 years. Dean Berlemon inspected and reported the items needing attention. See Duane for details.
  • The Sprite Owners Club held a ‘Sports car run’ on Saturday evening from Port Adelaide to Windy Point. 6 Triumphs attended.
  • Thanks to Ivan Powell for displaying his Lotus Esprit tonight, a boyhead dream car of Duanes.

 Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

  • Funds in bank down by $3,713 from last report 3 months ago. Main Expense was Christmas Dinner, Meeting Room hire fees and a refund of Weekender payment.
  • Budget for next financial year will be presented to a future committee meeting once drafted. Without printed Trak costs there is likely to be a saving which could result in subscriptions being reduced.

Social Report – Peggy Argent

  • The Mid Week run organised by Tony Harvie had 15 people attend.
  • 17th March is a visit to the Green Man, attendees encouraged to wear green that day.
  • 10th April is a mid week run after coffee, leaving 11am from the Pavilion on corner Greenhill and Glynburn roads.
  • 14th April is a run in the McLaren vale area, meeting at the McLaren Vale visitor centre at 10am.
  • Some members may have entered the Victor Harbor Classic Day on 5th May.
  • 25th & 26th May is set as the annual club weekender event. Bill Berlemon advised accommodation is booked at Strathalbyn Motel and the itinerary will include Hills Motor Restorers Club, Collectable Classics and Horseradish, Olive and Strawberry farms.

Competition Report – Neil Martin

  • The 2019 local events begin this Sunday with Duane Kaak and Neil entered into Modern Regularity at Mallala. The MSCA annual picnic & presentation day is also on this Sunday.
  • Trevor Lindsay competed in the Victoria Park sprints at Adelaide Motorsport Festival and came a close 2nd behind Tim Piper in his Datsun 240z.
  • Rod Carey and Trevor Lindsay displayed their racing Triumphs at the All British Day as part of the feature display.
  • Neil is participating in a Phillip Island event on March 8, 9 and 10th.
  • MSCA Supersprints start on March 17th. Duane and Neil likely to enter.
  • Trevor Lindsay has plans to remove the engine from his GT6 to fit into a TR6. Duane has recently fitted bigger tyres and fixed a vibration and Neil has recently fitted a new engine management system.
  • Helpers are needed for the Annual MSCA 6 Hour Relay on 5th May at Mallala.
  • Flag Marshal volunteers are also needed for the MSCA Supersprint at The Bend on June 16th.

Library ReportGreg Page

  • Nothing new added, but plenty to borrow.
  • Ian Rigby has a huge history of the Trak magazines and club records and is open to ideas on where and how to best store them for all to be able to access.

Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

  • Lots of stock available for purchase.
  • A jacket produced by WA National committee previously was displayed as an example that could be ordered if there was sufficient interest.
  • There is one only long sleeve navy coloured TRIUMPH polo in size XXL for sale.
  • Keyrings are offered tonight at a discounted price of $5. Normally $8.

Newsletter Report – Position Vacant

  • Email has been used to send out minutes and important communication and will continue.
  • Any stories or articles of interest can be sent to Roger Lange to add to the Club website.

Website Report – Roger Lange

  • Some content of interest has been sourced from external sources to add to the website
  • The classifieds continue to work effectively.
  • Photos and any stories about Triumphs are welcomed to be added by registered members or via Roger.

Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

  • Quiet recently in this area.
  • The most abundant car on our club records is the TR6. There are 45 of them recorded.

General Business

  • Duane read an email from Geoff Ellis of an All British Day interim report. More to come once the All British Day committee has had a formal debrief meeting. 875 cars were entered and it was estimated that the number displayed was close. The aerobatic display by Chris Sperou was a highlight also.
  • WA Nationals – John Tuohy is seeking a ride as a passenger to the event, likely his last interstate National event.
  • The feedback requested on the tick sheet as distributed tonight for feedback, is also to be similarly sought from members not in attendance via email.

Cars or Parts For Sale or Wanted.

  • Some members cars for sale were discussed, a red TR7 in Riverton for $7,000 and a TR6 partially restored, partially reassembled $24,000.
  • A GT6 in reasonable or better condition is sought by ‘David Allington’ See Ian Rigby for details.
  • Lyle Taylor’s TR7 with Sprint engine is also for sale at $11,000


  • Won by Fay Esau.

Cars on Stage

  • Ivan Powell displayed a 1996 Lotus Esprit. Fitted with 3.0 litre V8 twin turbo engine. Approx 1200 were built, 600 remaining.
  • The LOTUS acronym was explained as Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious.
  • The Esprit was described as being the most comfortable car Ivan has ever had, despite a long list of cars driven.


  • Thanks to Sue Gibson & Margie Berlemon.
  • Volunteers needed for the Supper Roster for the coming year, all members encouraged to help.

 Meeting Closed: 9:25pm.                       

President’s Report January 2019

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

President’s Report – January 2019

I’m hoping that this finds every one well, rested and ready for another busy year. Seems we are now moving to Easter according to the retail Giants.  Who folded and bought Easter buns the day after Xmas???

Now that the mad month is over and things start to settle down again, I thought that I would open the year with a short report on what has been and gone and what is planned over the next few months / year.

For those that attended this month’s meeting I think you would agree that it was an interesting start. Richmond’s is certainly every car enthusiasts dream.  Thanks to Duane Kaak for arranging the event with a very healthy turn out despite the temperature on the day.

On the weekend several of us got together to enjoy a slightly cooler day and catch up on adventures since the close last year. We talked about several things and covered events that are planned with the club and interstate.

The Ice cream run for this year is always a good start and was well represented by our club and this year we had the stag club joined in and it seemed that the colour of choice this year was yellow.


The upcoming “All British Day” is well under way and communication has been great from Geoff Ellis our club representative on the committee. I will be one of the marshals but have been designated a specific area so for those that will be coming please look out for Aaron Ellery and possibly Kate Berlemon who will be placing you in our designated space. We have a good number of cars and as long as we adhere to the required spacing, all will get a position.

The Perth Nationals are well advanced and several members from interstate have already planned the trip. I hope that all received the message from Duane regards this just in case you are planning to go and drive to the event and possibly join in their convoy.

This year’s display day is locked in and I will be advertising this during the year once the council sends final confirmation to us with the submission of documents.

The new club reporting tool seems to be working well and by now you should have received several messages via this new method. It would be interesting to get some feedback from members on how they are feeling about messages and the current method of communicating so we can manage this in the future. We are still in the trial period so now would be a good time to ask.

The committee is also seeking feedback on the Xmas dinner. There have been talks about the future of this event regards location, timing and content and thanks to those that have taken the time to send me their thoughts on this. I will certainly be discussing this with the committee.

As the sun goes down on this month thanks again to those that have started the year off for the club and hope to see all out in the Triumphs soon. Really looking forward to seeing the new members and their cars that have joined recently.

Best regards

 Ian Rigby


Classic Sports Car Cruise

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

The first Sprite Club of South Australia classic sports car cruise for 2019 will be run on the evening of Saturday February 16th. As usual this is a low key informal short sharp and hopefully not too hot opportunity to display our  cars.

Gathering point this time will be the car park area next to the Adelaide historic ship in Port Adelaide. Entry off  McLaren parade. Arrive at 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm departure. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration. Sun is scheduled to dip into the gulf of St Vincent at 8:09 on this day. The route should minimize sun glare and be reasonably user friendly on older cooling systems.

One of the purposes of these cruising events is to promote interest in our cars. A special feature of this event is that if possible drivers recruit a junior person to accompany them ie. children grand children nieces nephews etc. We will be asking the kids for their vote of favorite participating car with a  trophy going to the  car with the most votes.

Contact Duane Kaak 0449 200 726 with any queries.

Triumph 2500S blog

Friday, January 4th, 2019

I’ve added another couple of updates to the 2500S blog for anyone that’s interested 🙂

TR4 Chassis needed

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

Looking for a good TR4 Chassis. OR a front clip. Please contact Regards Bill

35th All British Day 2019

Monday, December 17th, 2018

Planning for the 2019 event to be held at Echunga Recreation Grounds on 10th February is well underway following closure of entries.

In all, 875 entries have been received; 820 cars and 55 motorcycles.  This is only a handful of entries less than the record highest number for any one event since its inception.  Needless to say, at least on paper, if all entrants participate, ground space will be at a premium.

TSOA(SA) is once again well represented with 58 entrants nominating to display their pride and joy. This is the equal third highest number of entrants of all clubs.  We will once again be on the main Oval parking back to back and should have ample room for our marquees and display of vehicles.

A number of vehicles and motorcycles with racing heritage will be featured in the centre display of the main Oval and the Sporting Car Club of South Australia will be featured on Oval 2 in recognition of their 85th anniversary.  Major sponsors will also be in the centre of the main Oval and I would encourage you to visit these sponsors who assist in making this day a success.

Other features on the day will be the old faithful Rolls Royce Merlin engine courtesy of the South Australian Aviation Museum, an Aerobatic Display at 1.00pm by 13 times Australian Aerobatic  Champion Chris Sperou and a climbing wall courtesy of Scouts SA for the young and young at heart to test their skills.

I would also encourage members to visit the various Traders on the eastern side of the grounds and Traders Hall to see what’s new.  If you haven’t visited this area recently you may be surprised what is actually there.

Finally due to the number of entries for 2019 we are seeking the services of 5 or 6 qualified marshals to assist with the 9.00am to 10.30am admission of vehicles.  If you are not qualified but would like to assist, ABD offers marshal training to be conducted at the Sporting Car Club clubrooms at 7.30pm on Friday 1st February, 2019.  If you are able to assist on the day please contact me as soon as possible.

Wishing all members and your families a blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

I look forward to seeing you at All British Day 2019 if not before.

Geoff Ellis – ABD Representative

mob : 0408 829 195   email :


Triumph 2500S blog

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

Another update for those who are interested 🙂

President’s Report including 2018 Qld Nationals

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

President report November 2018

A big Thankyou this month must go to Alex Smithson.

Alex has been working heavily on getting our club to a position with reporting and logging of club information on a new electronic system. This was discussed some months back and the main reason that subs increased this year to cover this move. We are now into a 2 month free trial but initial view is that it looks very promising.

As the year comes to a close we will have our end of year dinner and Trophy presentations.

This looks to be at risk next year as the numbers have been getting less and less. We need a reasonable number to secure this event. I will be having a conversation with the rest of the committee in the new year to work out a solution for us but if you have an idea that would help promote this please contact any of the committee or our ever pleasant social ladies who would be more than happy to listen.


My Nationals story:

Most may know that I have recently been motoring around in Queensland on what was a fantastic Nationals week, amongst other TSOA members. The Queensland team did an outstanding job keeping everyone entertained, fed, looked after and made to feel very welcome. Knowing the difficulties that a Nationals can present I think it went off very smoothly especially knowing that the team had never been involved in organizing this kind of event before.

Hats off to Queensland for a job well done.


I left Adelaide for the Queensland Nationals on the 2nd November and I’m happy that I took the journey.

I spent the first 3 days travelling across the bottom end of SA, Victoria and into NSW up to Coolangatta to meet up with wife Raelene. She had taken the easy option to fly and spend time with our daughter and grandchildren before I arrived.

Day 1

After spending Sunday night with them we left for Peppers resort at Salt, Kingscliff for the first day and welcome dinner. We were met in the main lobby by the Nationals team, who handed us our information for the week a Nationals gift of Cooler bag, bottle of wine regalia scarfs and sponsorship info.

We had a few initial sorting out details with the room before we met the rest for the first of many well-presented meals and missed the first Iron Man on the beach, but another state kindly represented us in that event. The dinner was a casual beach theme.

There was no shortage of food or drink on any day and the resort also knew how to throw on a great breakfast.

Day 2

This was the show and shine event held on the lawns next to the resort and in walking distance for the days function in support of the Melbourne Cup. We had 40 Triumphs on display and mostly covered all styles. There was a Concours event with a handful of cars presented for this but the black TR5 took out the honors. (Front left in the picture)

I was fortunate enough to win a challenge that ran during the course of the dinner and up to the main horse race. After an intense ending that had 3 of us remaining from a field of 50, 2 of us were left standing after much banter on who would win.  The final prize was shared and we both walked away a little richer. (Just for interest:  turns out my number was the last but we agreed to go 50/50 before the final draw)

Day 3

This for some was Race day at Norwell and an alternate event to Byron Bay by Bus (or car) for the other group. I can’t report too much on the race event but listening to those that ventured that way had a day of fun racing around the track.

Raelene and I chose to take the car on the alternate run and after arriving at Byron Bay we took a tour around the back streets and found a few places of interest to us. Interesting that each time I pulled up someone approached me to either talk about the Triumph or tell me of their own. A really nice couple approached me while Raelene was in a baby shop and he invited me back to his place to have a look at his TR5. Unfortunately, time didn’t allow for this, but I have his card and will call past one day in the future I hope. We then went to meet the rest at the light house for morning tea but with the difficulty finding a park we ventured back down the hill and did a bit of a walk around the main streets. I was told that the morning tea put on was fantastic with again more food that no one could finish. We caught up with everyone at the next stop in Bungalow and spent a few hours for lunch and also tramping through the boutique shops.

 Day 4

After another big breakfast the groups were divided into 2. Team one went in one direction and Team 2 driving in the opposite direction. Some roads were, at times, bumpy but the scenery and meeting places made it well worth the drive. I quickly worked out that the little TR4 I was following was not standard as it kept disappearing around the bends. However, the driver and owner Graeme Spender, one of the Nationals committee, did well by always waiting for the rest of the field and we mostly travelled in a line of Triumphs that were welcomed in all the little towns as we drove through. This level of effort to keep the group together worked really well and made for maximum impact throughout the day.

The evening was an Ironman barefoot bowls event with a well-organized BBQ at Kingscliff bowls club.


Day 5

Today was a relaxed drive / Observation run to Murwillumbah and some took in the planned movie while others looked around the town. The evening meal was a really special one held close by at the Margaret Olley Gallery where we were met with platters of food (on top of the planned meal) while we enjoyed the happy hour and amazing sunset looking out over the hill view.

Day 6

This was the second day run and alternated across the groups through another well thought out drive across a great variety of roads that eventually took us to a little pub in a place called Uki (for our group) then back to the resort for the final dinner and presentations for the racing and also for others that were caught out for different reasons but winning them a bottle of wine. There were several auctions also held during the evening for items supplied with the main event for a dinner and accommodation that was given to the group from the owner of the restaurant at Margaret Olley. Proceeds went to Charity.

WA then made their pitch for next year at Margaret River and pretty much straight away Raelene nominated that we would be going.

The info can be found on their web page with all the current details

Note: Next year is the 40th anniversary of the Nationals and the 50th anniversary of the TR6. Not one to be missed I think.


Day 7

This was our final Nationals morning. After another great breakfast and catching up with the groups for the final time Raelene and I headed back to our daughter’s place to spend some more time with them before I hit the road home. Looking at what my little TR needed to fit in it for the drive my boot rack had its first ever use.

Yes it all did fit!

The road home

I left Queensland on Thursday 22nd late afternoon having spent some time with the granddaughter at her school. It was only a short drive the first day as I didn’t want to challenge the Roos at night.

The next day I called into the Parks Observatory then onto Forbes motor museum. I was fortunate to spend a bit of time with the owner again looking over several newly placed cars amongst the older ones he has.

My final day on the road was a long one and I arrived home after covering 5,436 Kilometers in total and burning 508 liters of fuel with a final average around 30Mpg. 800 Kilometers of the trip was done during the week of the Nationals so a fair bit of ground covered with them and no hint of any trouble with the TR6.


 The Next experience.

This last weekend Duane, my son Adrian and I helped out a lady named Georgia with her wedding. She contacted me after talking with Power tune and asked if we had cars that she could have for her wedding. After an initial contact with her she was going to speak with me at the display day but had dental surgery so could not make it.

                       So, what have you been doing with your Triumph? Tell us your story.

On another note.

You never kow when a classic is going to turn up or where. I have seen stories of old bikes being removed from between walls when renovations being done have exposed it. Or a classic Ferrari being uncovered from an underground grave but never one 200 feet below the surface in a lake.

This 1927 Chev coupe was found on the shipwreck Mansoo that went down in 1928, Found 200 feet down in Lake Huron Georgian bay.

They won’t raise the ship but are considering bringing up the car.


Regards Ian Rigby


Important Dates for coming TSOA events

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018


Sun 10th    : All British Day – Echunga gates open from 9.00 am

Wed 13th   : Mid Week Run – meet Zeea’s Eatery 553 Portrush Rd Glenunga 10.30am depart 11.15am

Tues 19th   : General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road, Unley 8.00 pm

Sun 24th    : MSCA Picnic / Presentation Day – Virgara Winery Angle Vale, from 11.00 am


Sun 17th     : St Patrick’s Day Run – meet at The Feathers Hotel Carpark, Burnside 11.00 am departing 11.15 am

Sun 17th     : Round 1 of the MSCA Super Sprint series at Mallala, including a Come and Try component

Tues 19th    : General Meeting, Sporting Car Club, King William Road, Unley 8.00,pm


Sun 14th     : Monthly Run – details t.b.a.

Tues 16th   : General Meeting Sporting Car Club King William Road, Unley 8.00 pm