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Dolomite Sprint Resto Update

Friday, May 31st, 2019

Restored / refurbished dash and instruments now installed . . .


Minutes of General Meeting held 16th April 2019

Monday, May 20th, 2019


Meeting Opened at 8:00pm

1. Welcome: 1.1 Apologies: John Wood; Richard Sutherland; Bill & Margie Berlemon; Peter Branson; Bill Galer; Garry Buckton; Fay Esau; Andy Hill; Peter Spalding. 1.2 Guests/Visitors/New Members: Brian – 2000 Saloon, Steve Noolan – TR7 convertible. 1.3 Previous Minutes: as published in email / electronic FastTrak, Proposed accepted as a true record without alteration by Neil Martin to be accepted, seconded by Peter Davidge.

2. Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
2.1 Executive Committee had a meeting earlier tonight, discussed Christmas/Presentation Dinner, date set as November 30th. 2.2 Ian will be away next month, wishes the weekender all success in his absence. David Stephens will chair the meeting. 2.3 The Executive Committee discussed WA Nationals and agreed to a subsidy for shirts for participants. 2.4 With Kevin Foster stepping down from his Club Registration Co-ordinator position, the position description was advertised in FasTRak. A bottle of wine to say thanks was presented to Kevin by Ian.

3. Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
3.1 Duane had printed the electronic newsletter of TSOA QLD and Triumph Car Club Victoria to add to the other club magazines. 3.2 Two new membership applications were received during the month.

4. Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
4.1 Funds in bank of $45,780 4.2 Weekender payments have been received, main expenses paid were meeting costs, and MYOB. 4.3 Alex will be going overseas also, absent for next 2 meetings. Duane to fill in during his absence. 4.4 Subscription renewal notices are to be sent soon along with an SMS reminder. $65 fee for coming year and a $5 discount applies if paid by June 30th. An emailed receipt will be sent in lieu of membership cards. A member’s receipt of payment by EFT will be satisfactory for Club Registration renewal.

5. Social Report – Peggy Argent
5.1 The McLaren Vale run on Sunday was attended by 20 members. Thanks to Tony & Phyllis Rutter for arranging the run, scones with jam & cream, plus a quiz. 5.2 The mid week run arranged by Stephen Wade was attended by 13 members. 5.3 Graham Jones is arranging the next mid week run on June 12th. 5.4 Entertainment Books are available for purchase for $70 with profit to the club. 5.5 Duane is arranging a run on Sunday June 16th to The Bend Motorsport Park.

6. Competition Report – Neil Martin
6.1 Neil competed in a Regularity event on the weekend, though his car didn’t perform as well as it could. 6.2 Andy Ansell has recently fitted a new engine, brakes and wheels. He participated in Eddington Sprints on Saturday – all went well. He participated in a Corporate Day at Winton on Monday and his TR7 was badly accident damaged by another TR7. A donor TR7 with a 6 cylinder engine to be used for spares. 6.3 Neil will be the only Triumph competing at the Anzac Historics event at Mallala on 27th & 28th April. 6.4 The MSCA 6 Hour event is on 5th May at Mallala. Volunteers needed for timing, pit crew etc. Some Victorian TR7’s are joining the team.

7. Library Report – Greg Page
7.1 Nothing new has been added but there is plenty to borrow and several members have borrowed some items tonight.

8. Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
8.1 People going to the WA Nationals are asked to see Sue with their size requirements (& Partners size if applicable) 8.2 Alex Smithson modelled a TR6 T-shirt, available in black or white. 8.3 Other regalia specials also available tonight.

9. Communication report – Ian
9.1 Any stories or articles for FasTR ak or the website can be sent to Ian.

10. Website Report – Roger Lange
10.1 The list of regalia is now on the website for perusal 10.2 TSOA Victoria member has produced a 50 years of TR6 poster for only $10 with $5 of this going to TSOA SA. Postage is $11, possible bulk order to save on postage cost. See Roger if interested.

11. Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster
11.1 No updates received from the FHMC. 11.2 Kevin will still be a conditional registration officer, but is seeking someone to take over the club administration of the scheme.

12. General Business
12.1 A reminder that at the AGM all committee positions are declared vacant, new volunteers are needed.

13. Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
13.1 Steve Noolan is looking to sell his red TR7 convertible. Bought 20 years ago from Powertune, less than 1,000km on reconditioned engine. $10,000.

14. Raffle
Won by Arrand Ellery

15. Cars in Carpark
New member Brian advised his 1969 MK1 Saloon has had a closed door respray, new bottom end, new upholstery.

16. Supper.
Thanks to Marg Bogisch & Phyllis Rutter for tonight’s supper. Volunteers are needed to fill vacancies over coming months.

17 Meeting Closed: 8:50pm Duane Kaak Duane Kaak Duane Kaak Duane Kaak Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary

President’s Report – April 2019

Saturday, April 20th, 2019

President report April 2019

Like to remind everyone again that the date for club membership is fast approaching and you need to get your log books up dated. If you can’t get to the next 2 club meetings then please contact either of the club registration delegates. Their contact details are on the web in the committee section. Remember this year’s membership is $60 if you get in by the due date.

We are looking for someone to take on Kevin’s role. If you are interested we are happy to have names put forward and I’m sure Kevin, Colin or Stuart will assist settling in. Have a chat when you are getting the paper work signed this year.

Socially Speaking:

With the MSCA 6 hour event upon us on 5th May, any help at the track is always welcome and I’m sure that Duane, Neil and Roger would be happy to have you get involved. Lunch and morning tea is provided along with a great days racing. I’ll miss it this year so putting it out for others to help out.

We also had a few spots left for the Weekender on 25th and 26th of May but as this goes to print that might no longer be the case. If you are interested give Bill or Margie a call ASAP and if you don’t have their contact details give me a call.

We have been actively looking into a new location for this year’s Xmas / presentation dinner. As discussed prior, we have now selected on what we consider a great substitution. Costings will be presented soon but for your consideration between now and the 30th November check out “The Edinburgh Hotel.” The date is now set and the format is similar with club sponsored pre dinner drinks prior. We have pulled the date back a little as we know December is quite busy for some and 2 weeks after the display day it gives me time to arrange the trophies. Also for those that are travelling to this year’s Nationals in Perth they should be settled back in to S.A by then.

I will be away for the May meeting, sorry no report from me but im sure that those holding the fort can get everyone up to date. I will however catch up with everyone on the next run to “The Bend” on the 16th June for the MSCA super sprint and the June meeting.

This year’s AGM will again have all positions open so have a think about getting involved and support the club from a different perspective.

Best regards for now

Ian Rigby


Regalia – In Stock NOW!

Sunday, March 31st, 2019
Item Description Size Retail  
T Shirt Navy long sleeve XXL $20.00 *
Polo Top Plain red short sleeve L $30.00  
    XL $30.00  
    XXL $30.00  
  Plain black short sleeve M $30.00  
    L $30.00  
    XL $30.00  
    XXL $30.00  
  Black long sleeve M $33.00  
    L $33.00  
    XL $33.00  
    XXL $33.00  
  Red long sleeve L $33.00  
    XL $33.00  
    XXL $33.00  
NEW Biz Edge polo L $38.00  
    XL $38.00  
    XXL $38.00  
Collared Shirt Indigo short sleeve L $43.00  
    XL $43.00  
    XXL $43.00  
  Indigo long sleeve M $45.00  
  L $45.00  
    XL $45.00  
    XXL $45.00  
NEW Deep red female short sleeve 16 $40.00  
NEW Deep red female long sleeve   $42.00  
NEW Navy male short sleeve   $41.00  
NEW Navy male long sleeve   $43.00  
Windscreen Shades “Triumph” wreath logo   $8.00  
Hats Navy baseball cap   $20.00  
NEW TSOA Beanie Gray or Navy   $20.00  
Key rings TSOA logo   $8.00  
* – Reduced 2019

Historic / Club Registration Administrator’s Duties – March 2019

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Club Registration Administrator’s Duties

  1. Maintain records of LHD Club Vehicles and retain copies of all LHD Club Vehicle exemptions.
  2. Maintain and store all Club Registration records including previous Code of Practice Statutory Declarations, Inspection Reports and DPTI letters of notification for 5 years.
  3. Maintain records of all logbooks issued and annually submit copy to the FHMC.
  4. Maintain records of all log books cancelled.
  5. Maintain records of “declared lost” logbooks and Statutory Declarations required for Logbook replacement. This Statutory Declaration is still a requirement of the 2017 Code of Practice.
  6. Maintain Records of correspondence with each member on Club Registration.
  7. Monitor Logbooks required to ensure sufficient numbers are on hand for TSOA end of Financial year Logbook update to take place.@
  8. Arrange purchase of logbooks and distribute to Authorised Persons as needed.
  9. Securely store all new unissued Logbooks.
  10. Prepare application request for the issue of a pad of new MR334 forms from DPTI for Authorised Persons when required.
  11. Notify DPTI on behalf of Authorised Persons the number of any incorrectly filled out or cancelled MR334 forms.
  12. Monitor FHMC meeting minutes and DPTI communications of any information that could affect the Club Registration Scheme and communicate this information to Authorised Persons and members.
  13. Prepare annual Logbook Update Information for circulation with TSOA subscription Renewals.
  14. Ensure all new members to the Club Registration Scheme receive an electronic copy of the 2017 Code of Practice and Logbook Tips.
  15. Monitor Club Vehicles sold and ensure Logbook is returned for cancellation. This usually takes several attempts if or before Logbook Is returned.
  16. Monitor Logbooks not Updated by 30 June and notify owners that if the drive the consequences for non Compliance of the Code of Practice.
  17. Co-ordinate Authorised Persons to ensure sufficient numbers are available to attend end of financial year TSOA meetings for Logbook Updating.
  18. Co-ordinate postal logbook updates to ensure Logbooks are updated and returned and TSOA records have been updated/amended.
  19. Liaise with Membership Secretary and notify the Registrar of Motor Vehicles within 2 months of the end of the Club Financial year of any non financial members with Vehicles on Club Registration.
  20. Follow up on new vehicles to the Scheme which do not at that point in time have a Registration Number, to ensure TSOA is supplied with one, when registered.
  21. Monitor any registration number discrepancies as members change to a personalised type and do not notify TSOA.
  22. Liaise with TSOA Web Site manager to include any new Club Registration information.
  23. Develop and produce “hand out” information sheets on particular aspects of the Club Registration Scheme.

President’s Report – March 2019

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

President Report March 2019

Happy March everyone.

I mentioned at this month’s meeting that we are currently working on several things for the year and the major one being in search of different venues for the end of year dinner and all of the committee are hopeful that we can encourage many of you to attend. More to come, along with initial pricing so you can plan it in.

With the club in a good financial position Alex laid out the budget for next year and we have reduced the membership down to $65 but you can save a further $5 and only pay $60 if you pay by the 30th June. Social membership stays the same at $25

The AGM this year will see all positions open once again and volunteers are sought. Fresh ideas and people are always welcome and supported, so think of something you would like to give a go and put your name forward. I’m sure that committee members currently running would be more than willing to discuss in the background before you nominate. Names can be given prior to or on the night.

With this in mind, Kevin Foster has advised that he will no longer continue in his position as Administrator of the Club Registration Scheme.

I would like to express on mine and the clubs behalf, our thanks to him for his dedication over the years. He has helped a lot of us with the historical component of owning a vintage vehicle. Kevin has indicated that he will still support us in the background and it would be good if someone Northern would like to take up the position. At the moment, we currently have the other areas covered with Kevin, Colin White and Stuart Ghent. The new electronic membership registration along with the revised code has seen the pressure off in this area too.

Kevin has given a detailed list of what the new Administrator is to manage and forms part of this month’s Trak.

Socially speaking:

We had a good turn out to this month’s run to Ashbourne for St Patrick’s Day with lots of green and lots of Triumphs with several new members joining us. The weather turned out to be great for those that went topless and Geoff Ellis and wife did a great run sheet for us. I hinted at a prize on my last report but it was all level on the day until John Tuohy waltzed in dressed in a brightly coloured jacket and hat. Hope to see it at the next club meeting for those that missed it:

Sunday April 14th is a club run, BYO picnic to McLaren Vale see the advert on the web calendar. (Meet at the McLaren Vale visitor centre at 10am)

 Sunday 28th is an invite to display the Triumphs in North Adelaide for the North Adelaide Car Display. It will be a great way to show the Triumph Marque. The proceeds will go to “Little Hero’s Charity” Via a $10 entry fee.

The upcoming May 25th & 26th Weekender looks to be a great way to spend a weekend. See the advert for more details or contact Bill and Margie Berlemon.

Duane has sent details for the Track day at the Bend on June 16th and we are planning this as the June run. See the Advert for this with more details to come. Let’s support our Triumph racers at the Track. We also need to support the event by providing Flaggies.

I’m always in contact with others who are either on the lookout for a specific Triumph or wanting to sell one or parts. I recently had a look over a nice red TR6 that will soon come on the market so if you’re looking to buy a very nice TR6 fuel injected give me a call and I’ll put you onto the owner. It’s not ready yet but no harm in looking it over.

Best regards,

Ian Rigby, President

Minutes from General Meeting held 19th March 2019

Sunday, March 24th, 2019


 Meeting Opened at 8:02pm     


  • Apologies: Geoff Ellis, Andy Hill, P & J Davidge, Neil Martin, John Wood, Bill Galer, D & M Bogisch, Bob Cini, Fay Esau, Peter Myhill, Greg Page, David Stephens.
  • Guests/Visitors/New Members: New Member – Peter Spalding – Spitfire
  • Previous Minutes: Accepted without alteration Proposed by Alex Smithson, seconded by John Tuohy.

 Presidents Report – Ian Rigby

  • David Stephens (Vice president) is due to stand in next month due to Ian being away.
  • Committee discussed the coming years budget tonight, Treasurer will talk more on that later in the meeting.
  • It is our turn to host the TSOA Nationals in 2021 and people are sought to join a sub committee.See Ian or secretary if interested.
  • Ashbourne Run on the weekend was well attended, great run and lots of Triumph cars joined the run.
  • The upcoming weekender and social events have been granted some additional funding and subsidies.

Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak

  • We received 2 new applications for membership, 1 new member has a GT6, the other a TR6.
  • A small volume of other club magazines also received and FHMC minutes received which have been passed on to Historic Registration officers for review.
  • Stag Owners Club has invited all TSOA members to participate or spectate at their Annual “Herding of the Stags” on March 31st.
  • The Nationals in WA this year is now fully booked, names being taken for a stand by list.

 Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson

  • Balance in bank is $44,606 with very few transactions occurring since last month.
  • The 2019/2020 Budget was presented to committee and approved. Due to no printed Trak costs, a surplus is likely for this current financial year.
  • Full member subscriptions for the coming financial year will be reduced to $65, with a $5 discount if paid by June 30, 2019. All other member fees unchanged. Renewals will be sent via email with an SMS message to mobile phones to alert members to look out for it.

Social Report – Peggy Argent

  • 32 people attended the run on Sunday 17th to Ashbourne and most dressed in green theme. John Tuohy was awarded best dressed prize.
  • 10th April is a mid week run to Langhorne Creek, leaving 11am from the Pavilion on corner Greenhill and Glynburn roads.
  • 14th April is a BYO Picnic lunch run in the McLaren Vale area, meeting at the McLaren Vale visitor centre at 10am for coffee. Centre is not open until 10am so don’t arrive too early.
  • Volunteers are needed to fill the supper roster this year. See Margie Berlemon, Peggy Argent or Sue Gibson if you can help.
  • Entertainment books are again for sale. See Margie Berlemon to order a physical book, or the app can be purchased online.
  • The annual weekender has 22 people registered but can accommodate up to 40. $115 per person with great value to be had due to club subsidy.

 Competition Report – Duane Kaak

  • Neil has submitted report via email to Duane due to him working interstate.
  • Duane and Neil competed in a Modern Regularity event on 24th Feb but didn’t achieve great results due to extreme hot temperature. Duane reported he achieved 10th in 2 events, ahead of Neil each time.
  • Neil walked the Superloop 500 track at a brisk pace of 30 minutes.
  • Bruce Pollock from WA joined Neil at the Phillip Island Classic Festival of Motorsport. Neil achieved a new personal best time of 2min 4 sec and a top speed of 203 km/h.
  • MSCA Supersprint on March 17th had no Triumphs entered but Roger Lange and Richard Sutherland attended.
  • Next regularity event is 31st March and also has a “come and try” component, see Duane if interested.
  • The annual Anzac historic event at Mallala will see some Victorian Triumphs participate alongside Neil and Andy Ansell. These cars and owners are likely to stay in SA for the 6 Hour regularity event the following weekend.
  • Helpers are needed for the Annual MSCA 6 Hour Relay on 5th May at Mallala.

Library ReportBill Berlemon

  • Open for business tonight.

 Regalia Report – Sue Smithson

  • Polo shirts were offered to members at a special price of $25 tonight.
  • All the other items are on display and there is a large range to choose from.
  • Sue suggested people attending the WA Nationals might like to purchase a new shirt to wear to that event.

Newsletter Report – Position Vacant

  • If you have anything to include please submit it to Ian Rigby or Marg & Dean Bogisch

Website Report – Roger Lange

  • A Classified enquiry was received via the website for Tony Rutters TR4.
  • Photos on the website are easily able to be downloaded and printed by members if desired.

Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster

  • Nothing to report

 General Business

  • Bill Berlemon advised he is arranging a Rowley Park Speedway reunion on 14th April at 10am, see Bill for details.
  • John Tuohy asked why the Day Of Triumph was being held at Modbury Civic Park again. Ian Rigby advised due to lower cost, ease of dealing with the council, better eating and shopping nearby and better toilet facilities. Ian is open to any feedback or suggestions on future locations for this event.
  • The feedback sheet completed at last month’s meeting has given the Social Secretaries and Committee good insight for planning future events. Peggy Argent will look to circulate the results.

Cars or Parts For Sale or Wanted.

  • A GT6 in reasonable or better condition is sought by ‘David Allington’ See Ian Rigby for details.
  • A 2500TC in Blanchetown is for sale at $2,500, Silver with red interior. See Roger Lange for details.


Won by Kym Millard.

 Cars on Stage

  • Andrew Pickles displayed his Stag. He has owned it for approximately 2 years and had local businesses Rowell & Searle, AAA Exhaust and Don Eldred work on the vehicle. A Weber carby has been fitted.


  • Thanks to Peggy Argent/Sue Gibson & Natalie Farrell.


Meeting Closed:           8:57pm

Annual Weekender 2019

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019


Come along and explore the Adelaide Hills including Strathalbyn and Langhorne Creek

Meet Sat 25th May

Burnside Town Hall

8.45am for a 9.00am Departure

Cost:  $115 pp twin share (including a subsidy from the club of $40pp)

Individual and Children’s Rates –by negotiation.

Payment by the April meeting, or EFT to Treasurer.

Weekend Includes

Travel through the beautiful Adelaide Hills

Visit to Berenberg Farm

Visit the Hills Restoration Machinery Clubrooms

Visit Talinga Olive Farm

Discover shopping in High Street Strathalbyn

Accommodation at Strath Motel

Visit Collectable Classics

Visit the Heritage Centre

Visit Newsman’s Horseradish Farm

Visit the Strawberry Farm in Wistow


Morning Tea Otto’s Hahndorf

Lunch: Hills Restoration Club

Dinner: Terminus Hotel

Breakfast: Motel

Lunch: Langhorne Creek Bowling Club

Finish at: Auchendarroch House for Coffee

Bookings essential: Margie 0438836837or email

President’s Report – February 2019

Saturday, March 9th, 2019

President’s Report                                                                                                                              Feb 2019

Firstly, my apologies for the late report. I have been off line for a few weeks sorting out behind the scenes issues and work commitments.

Thankfully, we have a dedicated team prompting me along so while I’m recovering from a day at the track with 90,000 other petrol heads thought I should put my mind to the February report.

All British day was a great day with lots of help getting all the cars into position. Thanks once again to all involved. We had almost a full field of the nominated 58 Triumphs on display. The club now has another two new members signing up and lots of interest from the public.

The future:

All out GREEN for St Patrick’s Day on the 17th March. Meet at Pavilion Car Park corner Glynburn and Greenhill road (Formally the “Feathers hotel”) at 11am for a run to “The Greenman Inn” (Appropriate pub for the day.)  We may even be able to get our treasurer to consider a prize for the best effort on the day. Why not!!

I have also been asked to mention the Entertainment books will be up for sale again in April. See the flyer. It helps with our clubs fund raising so get a book or the app and start enjoying the savings.

This year’s Weekender is on again. Bill and Margie have spent a lot of time again for us, going over locations things to do, the best places to eat and generally having a weekend for the club to enjoy. This is always a great event but unfortunately, I will miss it this year so I’ll look forward to reading all about it when I return from O/S. see the flyer this month.

Another significant event at Mallala on the 6th May for our team racing drivers (other than the normal fast weekends) is the 6 hour for the Peter Hall Memorial Trophy. This is a great day and again I’m unfortunately going to miss this one also so have a think about helping out waving a flag or 2 or just come and support the drivers and crew on the day.

From the Web:

A great day for the TSOA – not only do we need drivers and cars to compete on the track, we also need a band of willing helpers in the pits, on the pit wall doing timing, sash changeovers, catering etc. A true TSOA Team effort. Contact Roger Lange if you would like to be involved.

After May we will be looking to support our drivers again but this time at the Bend on the 16th June. We are looking to make the day our monthly run so stay tuned for that one.

The Display day for us is now locked in and paid for, so mark your calendars for the 17th November Civic Park Modbury. This is in between the 2 racing weekends in the month so a busy time ahead.

We have also been working on possibly moving to a new place for the annual Presentation day / Xmas dinner and look forward to testing out one or two places with the committee to see if a change of venue will encourage more to come along and close out the year together. The final date is yet to be locked in.

And lastly for now, but certainly more to come, the WA Nationals are also fast on the approach with several of the SA crowd making plans and you may have seen a mail out from Duane with the Eastern state planning their drive.  Check out the WA web site for more details.

Regards for now, Ian Rigby


Mk 1 PI Saloon in full flight!

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

I just love this shot of Jon William’s Tarmac Rally car . . .