Minutes of General Meeting held 16/7/19
Wednesday, July 24th, 2019MINUTES – TSOA GENERAL MEETING 16th JULY 2019
Meeting Opened at 8: 04
- Apologies: B & M Berlemon, Andy Hill, S & R Gibson, Gary Buckton, P & J Davidge, Kate Tuohy, Shane Dix. Geoff Ellis advised he will be an apology for August and September.
- Guests/Visitors/New Members: Peter McIntyre – TR8, Mark Russell – TR8
- Previous Minutes: Proposed by Bill Galer to be accepted, seconded by Dean Bogisch
Presidents Report – Ian Rigby
2.1 Notice of AGM to be held after the next monthly meeting.
2.2 Ian is now an authorised Club Registration officer and is learning the administration role from Kevin Foster.
2.3 Volunteers and ideas are needed for planning a successful National Meeting in SA in 2021.If you can help, suggest sponsors or join a sub committee please see Ian.
2.4 The Club is required to write to DPTI of any non financial members within 2 months from June 30, currently 35 still to renew but only a small number of these have cars on the scheme.
- Ian will talk to Roger to discuss a Website clean up of old classifieds and other old material.
- Secretary’s Report – Duane Kaak
3.1 Official correspondence sent to DPTI to request Ian Rigby be made an authorised Club Registration officer. DPTI has actioned this already.
3.2 Some usual magazines are in and Shannons catalogue for an auction held yesterday.
Treasurer’s Report – Alex Smithson
4.1 Alex thanked Duane for undertaking the role in his absence.
4.2 Funds in bank of approx. $53K in total. Due to funds held for subsidy for 2021 National Meeting, around $41,700 is available for general club use.
4.3 Weekender expenses came in under budget, balance at hand has increased due to subscription renewals.
4.4 So far we have received 95% of the budget of renewals.
- Social Report – Peggy Argent
5.1 Breakfast Run this Sunday leaving Burnside Town Hall at 8:30am.
5.2 MSCA Supersprint at Mallala on 28th July.
5.3 August 18th is a club subsidised event at Paech Farm. Meet Top of Taps at 9am.
5.4 Sunday 22nd September is the Observation Run being arranged by Alex & Sue Smithson.
5.5 WA National Meeting is on in October so no club run is arranged.
5.6 Day of Triumph is to be held November 17th at Civic Park.
5.7 Presentation Dinner (Christmas) is to be held November at Edinburgh Hotel – Mitcham.
- Competition Report – Neil Martin
6.1 Duane and Neil are entered for the MSCA Supersprint on July 28th. No members are entered for Regularity on 21st July.
6.2 Not much competition action since last meeting, Neil participated in a Regularity event but didn’t perform too well.
6.3 Andy Ansell completed 2 laps at Winton in his accident repaired TR7 before the clutch broke.
- Library Report – Greg Page – No Report
Regalia Report – Sue Smithson
8.1 Red Polo shirts with special National Meeting identification are being arranged for TSOA SA members attending the WA Nationals.
8.2 Beanies are available at $20, along with a TR6 T-Shirt at $30.
8.3 Indigo shirts are on special tonight only saving $5.
8.4 EFTPOS is available at club meetings for regalia purchases.
9.0 Fastrack Report – Marg & Dean Bogisch – No Report
- Website Report – Roger Lange
10.1 A clean up of old classifieds is planned.
10.2 Frequent infiltrated posts are received and deleted as soon as spotted, usually from members usernames and passwords being hacked.
11.0 Conditional Registration Report – Kevin Foster
11.1 Kevin advised this will be his last official report, thanked everyone for their support over past 9 years.
11.2 Reminder that Logbook needs to be updated before driving your car, even if members have paid their subscriptions.
11.3 Please inform a Club Registration officer if your car is sold and return logbook to them for recording.
12.0 General Business
12.1 Ian was contacted by a lady looking for a TR4 or TR6, he assisted her with a TR6 for sale in QLD, she is now a TSOA SA member.
12.2 Geoff Ellis advised the All British Day will be held on 9th February 2020, with a feature club on both ovals. The ABD committee is considering limiting number of entrants and encouraging entrants to pass on their entry if unable to make the event at last minute to ensure the ovals are full. Jeremy Cordeaux has been appointed as Patron of ABD.
- Parts or Cars For Sale or Wanted
13.1 Colin White is updating his TR6 parts list, has sold majority of the parts.
- Raffle
Chocolates won by John Bell
- Cars on Stage
- Supper.
Thanks to Ian Rigby
17 Meeting Closed: 8:55pm